Chen Tianya's brain is in an ethereal state!

He seems to understand something

Their own existence, the original is for this moment!

He does not have to struggle, to resist, can only accept all this calmly.

Chen Tianya suddenly remembered that year and heard a poem sung by an old man.

"Today I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow's earth race, the full moon of wealth is hard to last long, and the beauty is older than the candle! Even if it's romantic, the wind is bleak, and people are slim, in the end, fate is hard to escape... "

"Fate is inevitable!" Chen Tianya murmured and then laughed. At that moment, he was already in tears.

He thought of his youth.

I think of the happy time with my grandfather and sister in Dongjiang.

Think of Xiaoqing!

Think of and ye Qingcheng those love, think of that many people.

He remembered that he came out of the tomb of heaven. He was a devil. He designed to kill Xiaoqing and killed Shen chuchen himself. He desperately wanted to break away from fate and the shackles of fate.

And today, I know that four words, fate!

The incomparable solemn and stirring emotions spread

At this moment, even Suzhen in black, her eyes were moist.

No matter how bad Chen Tianya is, he has been redeemed now.

The blood slave has set up the teleportation array!

When Chen Yang sees all this, he can no longer feel Chen Tianya.

His eyes were red with blood.

"Dad..." He howled bitterly, "my son is unfilial, my son is unfilial, I should die, I should die!"

Chen Tianya smile, his voice finally came.

"Son, this is the first and last time I call you that. I'm sorry to be the devil for my father. If I can choose again, I hope I can treat you like you did to Nianci! Father, death without regret, you Take care of yourself

The sound is gone!

The explosion outside finally killed me

Black Su Zhen and Chen Yang enter the transmission array. At the same time, black Su Zhen also absorbs countless soul fragments with the jade in her hand.

All these soul fragments belong to Chen Tianya.

The blood slave also enters the transmission array!

The explosion was all over the place

Tianqingge and other experts are also disgraced.

They attack and kill the place of fire with all their strength, just like a group of bear children throwing gasoline bombs into the fire.

That kind of explosive energy seems to kill the sky.

The border they laid broke in an instant.

At this time, tianqingge and other experts did not dare to attack him lightly, so they all retreated to avoid him!

For a long time, for a long time, after a long time

The aftershocks of the explosion finally began to dissipate.

When all is gone, the universe is calm again in the void.

Very, very calm, without a ripple.

It's like nothing ever happened here!

"Are they all dead?" Looking at the calm void in front of him, the white robed man could not help saying.

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "Chen Tianya is dead, but Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have already escaped."

"What?" Elder Pai Xian was surprised.

The sky light Song Ha ha a smile, in his laughter some desolate. Later, he said, "it's nothing. After all, it's nothing! Ha ha ha ha... "

He felt bleak, then turned and left!

Two months later, Chen Yang and his party returned to earth.

Chen Yang has recovered from his injury.

Green silk, and many other magic weapons, pills, puppet body, all returned to him.

He seems to have lost nothing in this trip.

In these two months, Chen Yang was sad at first, but later, he recovered to peace.

Suzhen in black is very worried about him, but he let Suzhen in black not worry.

At the same time, Chen Yang is also very silent.

Most of the time, he seems to be wandering outside.

After returning to the earth, Xuan Zhenghao and others greet him.

Chen Yang didn't say hello to anyone and went directly to the world.

He was full of sadness, but he didn't know who to talk to.

What he wanted most was to be at his mother's grave

At this time, it was January.

Linjia village has just had a heavy snow, between heaven and earth, snow.

Chen Yang came to his mother's grave and knelt down.

Chen Yang gazed at the tombstone for a long time. Then he murmured, "mother, I always hate him. I thought that if he hadn't killed you, I would have grown up with you. All these powers, skills, and your words. Later, I knew that he was my father. He never looked good to me. I hate him so much that I gnash my teeth. I want to kill Chen Yihan, whom he loves so much, and then watch him suffer. But then I accepted Chen Yihan, but later, he died to save me! ""What on earth should I hate? What should I love? " Chen Yang asked.

"Why is it like this?"

Just as Chen Yang was immersed in the endless sadness, footsteps came from behind.

Chen Yang doesn't have to look back to know that Master Wang Qing is here.

Chen Yang didn't move. He was like a wood carving.

Wang Qing came slowly. He was very energetic. In this winter, he was still simply wearing a black Zhongshan suit.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Wang Qing sees something wrong with Chen Yang. He comes to Chen Yang, squats down and asks.

Chen Yang looks at Wang Qing. His mouth opens, but he doesn't say it.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "he's dead. To save me, he's dead!"

Wang Qing was shocked, and his face became very complicated. "You mean Chen Tianya is dead?"

Chen Yang nodded.

Wang Qing murmured: "how is this possible? Can anyone else in the world kill him? He has long been lawless. "

Chen Yang kept silent.

After Wang Qingping recovered his emotion, he said, "what's going on?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "master, I don't want to talk now. I just want to stay here quietly for a while, and you can leave me alone. Please, will you

Wang Qing sighed and said, "OK!"

After a pause, he said, "but now that you say he's dead, there's something I have to tell you."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He looked at Wang Qing and said, "what's the matter?"

Wang Qing said, "it has been 14 years since you set up the monument. About the third year after you set up the monument, Chen Tianya came here. "

" ever been here? " Chen Yang was stunned.

Wang Qing said in a deep voice: "yes! He not only came here, but also called me to come here, and kowtowed three times in front of your mother's grave. But he also told me that only when he died, I could say it. Otherwise, he will destroy the whole Lin village. I really dare not disobey his meaning. I also know that you can't always guard the Lin village. So, I never said it

Chen Yang was shocked.

"Too much?" Chen Yang's voice trembled.

At the moment, he seems to be crazy.

He had already given what he wanted.

He has already given it.

Chen Yang returned to Tianzhou.

Everyone is worried about Chen Yang.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao took out a letter.

"This is what Chen Tianya left for you."

Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang took the letter. He left the imperial city of Dakang and came to an unknown island on the sea.

In the sunshine, on the top of the cliff, he opened the letter!

"Chen yangwuer:

I told Xuan Zhenghao that if I die, I will give you this letter. If I get away with it, the letter will be destroyed. If you are reading this letter now, it means that I am dead.

My father knows that you have two things in mind in your life!

First thing, I killed your mother, Lin Qian!

Second, you think that my change is due to Nianci. Later, you think that my change is due to the fact that the cold is gone. So, I'll catch you as the last straw!

First thing, I killed your mother!

I killed your mother that day in my anger.

Now I think that I have made a big mistake. Unfortunately, I can't correct it.

The second thing is that my change is not due to my kindness or to my loss. Just because, one day, I woke up. I see you have never seen the mother so sentimentally, see you so difficult to survive. I was thinking, what have I done all these years? I don't like you, but every time we meet, there is no good atmosphere. I probably have some poor self-esteem left, so please forgive me, I always try to keep my poor self-esteem in front of you.

"I was the devil, but I used to Son, you know what? I used to be full of blood, just like you are now. I am also dedicated to the country, for righteousness, but God is teasing me, God let me have been lost. I lost Tang Jiayi's mother and son, the child I never met I lost Lin Lan. Ironically, later I lost myself. Lost everything, everything, but I don't know what I did wrong.

It's like a gambler at the end of the road. I'm red eyed. I lost my mind. I wanted to get everything back. So I became the devil, and also cold mother, is my beauty in the end. She comforted my heart, but in the end, she was gone

All this is a great irony!

Until later, I even lost my cold.

And you, only when I die, can I get your forgiveness!

This is your life!I don't know my fate. Is it useful?

In the end, I can only accept my fate!

Son, I didn't treat you before I was born, and I didn't even say a few words of warm words to you.

Now, I'm dead anyway. So it doesn't matter what you say. You laugh at me, I can't see it.

Son, I had a dream that you and Yihan were brothers and brothers.

I also dreamt that you took your wives and Nianci. It seems that Yihan also has a little granddaughter. Everyone around, you toast to me together.

That dream is so wonderful!

So that wake up in the middle of the night, startled is a dream, then lost!

That night, I thought that Yihan was no longer there. I thought of the estrangement between you and me that could never be eliminated

I think, my life, really boring, boring to the extreme!

Son, now, all the wrongs and mistakes have been corrected.

The gap between us can also be eliminated.

So, son, I love you.

Some words, I dare not say, even if said, you will not believe.

But now, I say, you and also cold, in my heart, as important, at this time, you should believe it?

All right, all right!

That's too much.

You don't have to feel guilty, let alone sad. I know you are a good child, you will be sad, but don't be sad for too long. Because, I've died in the right place. This is my best home

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