The last signature of that letter is Chen Tianya's last!

Chen Yang finished reading the letter, he put it away, and then looked at the front.

There is an endless sea ahead. The sea is calm.

A seagull skimmed the sea in the distance

Only the sound of waves and wind, the world is so quiet.

Chen Yang suddenly thought of those who died in his life.

From Chen feirong to Luoning, then to Linghui

They never showed up in their own lives.

Father, it's true.

Since then, there will be no more Chen Tianya in the world!

it's impossible for me to hear him shout "rebellious son" again.

At this moment, Chen Yang has no father or mother.

Chen Yang never cried.

Ever since he knew that his father was dead, he has been very calm.

It's not that he is not sad, but that he can't accept the fact.

He didn't want to think, and he didn't dare to think.

But at this point, he can't help thinking.

He thought of the dream mentioned in his father's letter. After his father walked out of the tomb of heaven, he never had any joy.

His happiest time was that dream.

He could imagine his father's loneliness.

Also suddenly can imagine the father lost his brother Chen Yihan after the pain.

But he did not comfort him half a sentence, but also add fuel to his fire.

Chen Yang thinks of the deep

He knew that he would never see his father again.

This loss is eternity!

It will disappear forever!

All of a sudden, Chen Yang couldn't help it any more. His emotions for many days burst out at this moment.

He hugged his head and buried his knees, and wept silently.

The tears, like the breakwater in general.

The cry of an adult is never silent.

After nightfall, Chen Yang returned to the imperial city of Dakang.

He went to the Marquis's house.

In the house of marquis, the lights are bright.

When he came back to the palace, he saw Shen monong, Chen Nianci, Mo Yu, Qin Lin, bao'er, Xiao'ai, Fu Qingzhu and Suzhen in black at the gate of the palace.

They are all waiting for Chen Yang to come back!

That's home!

It's a warm place!

Chen Yang's tears almost came out again.

Before he had time to speak, Chen Nianci was the first to rush over.

He came to Chen Yang and knelt down directly. He slapped himself with red eyes and said, "Dad, I'm wrong. I killed my grandfather. You beat me, you scold me

Chen Yang is slightly stunned, and the tenderness in his heart suddenly rises. He quickly squats down, grabs Nianci's hand and pulls him up. He looked at Nianci, who also looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Silly boy, what does that have to do with you. No matter whether you make trouble with me or not, the poisonous insects have been put into your mind. " "So, you didn't do anything wrong," Chen said

"Can't grandfather come back again?" Chen Nianci said.

Chen Yang was so sad that he forced back his tears.

"Let's go in and talk!" Shen said.

They went into the house.

Suzhen in black simply asked Chen Yang, "are you ok?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm ok!"

"If you have a good rest, come to Shennong world tomorrow," she said. Your life is not long, I want to help you break through the realm quickly and extend your life

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

Then Suzhen in Black said, "I'll go!"

Her words have never been much, and her concern will never be beyond words.

After Suzhen in black left, Chen Yang also told Shen Moneng and others that he was OK.

"I just need to be quiet for a while. Don't worry about me." Chen Yang gave a final smile and said, "can I do anything stupid?"

That night, Shen Molong and Chen Nianci accompanied Chen Yang all the time.

The next day, Chen Yang went to find Suzhen in black!

In the attic of the Galan palace, it snowed heavily outside.

In the attic, Suzhen in black, a long black skirt, floats out of the dust.

Chen Yang sat down cross legged in front of her.

Black dress Su Zhen is silent for a moment, say: "I don't know how to comfort a person, but also hope you can come out early."

Chen Yang light smile, said: "I will."

"Can you tell me what you're thinking?" she said

Chen Yang looks out of the window, where snowflakes are flying.

He said with a smile, "I'm thinking, is it up to us to be a devil? Why did my father die? Is it because he is waiting for this day? This is a plot written for him by fate. No matter how he jumps, how he struggles, he can't jump out of the end. I'm still alive because I have an important mission to fulfill. And one day, when my mission is completed, I'm afraid that nothing can protect me. My father's life was a tragedy. I now know that he has been very bitter, very bitter, very bitter. I can't even make it up to him. What? When he was alive, I did not dare to be good to him, I did not dare to be filial to his father, because I would think of my mother. And my mother, did he really kill her? I think it's the emperor of the universe behind it. Heaven killed it! It's only under the guise of my father! "Stay in heizhen.

She did not expect Chen Yang to say such a thing.

"After that, what do you want to do?" Asked Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang said: "in fact, I have always thought about staying away from the earth. Now I understand more and more why big brother left. Because he is also a hard-working man, he has been extremely disappointed with the earth and the universe. The emperor of the universe still keeps my family. Doesn't that make my heart too cold? I want to go, too! "

"If you want to go, I can go with you," she said

Chen Yang said, "is it that simple? I'll go, Nianci. Will they? And ling'er, you can't leave the boat of one yuan. Big brother can go, because he is alone, but I can't. How could the emperor of the universe give me a chance to go

"That's true," she said

Chen Yang said: "my father can't jump, so I can't jump now. Besides, I can't bear to see the Earth destroyed. In addition, I also have the grain country tree. Once I really leave the earth, I'm afraid that even if you and I join hands, I can't resist the external threat. So, I have no way to go. My only way is on the earth. There will be some mistakes in the layout of heaven

She said, "yes! No mistake at all

After a pause, she turned to the subject and said, "are you ready now? I'm going to help you impact the six realms of Prajna! Your time is running out. "

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm not in any mood."

Suzhen in black was pale and said, "that's not good. If you're not ready, we'll force you to go crazy. But now you only have more than three months left? "

Chen Yang said, "yes!"

He followed with a smile and said, "but I'm not worried because I know I can't die!"

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