Among the information Chen Yang ingested, he found that there were human beings in daze.

Chen Yang can not help but wonder, what human beings can actually survive here?

At the same time, in this daze, there are more than hell Hydra.

There are other monsters, Warcraft, dragon, snake and so on!

But hell hydra is the most powerful being in this.

Hell Hydra in the leader is actually a beauty, called Bai Lan!

The hell Hydra headed by Bai Lan has established a holy family!

Bai Lan is the leader of the holy family.

Chen Yang's information is very messy, because what he ingests are all creatures with low accomplishments.

Some of them are not perfect!

Although we got some information, there was no news about St. Kirin.

Chen Yang knew nothing about the whole cultivation of the holy people.

But Chen Yang didn't dare to take it lightly. Because this hell Hydra actually wants Saint Kirin to suppress, it must not be a simple existence.

Chen Yang decided to check carefully, step by step, not too anxious.

He has plenty of time now.

First of all, we need to find out what is the human condition here.

He walked slowly through the clouds.

At the moment, he was dressed in white, walking in the clouds in the air, although it seemed slow, but there was a hundred miles between the steps.

Walking at the same time, the idea of strafing, between the void, lightning!

At this time, Chen Yang finally found a change.

When he walked, he had preliminarily judged the size of the dazawa world.

The whole dazawa world is about the size of the earth, and the space here has been folded.

There are also countless oceans!

Chen Yang walked in the clouds and saw the fluctuation of mana in the clouds hundreds of miles ahead.

The fluctuation is quite fierce!

It seems that there are experts fighting!

Chen Yang's mind swept past, and immediately saw the scene clearly.

In that scene, a girl and two young men were fighting together to kill an old man in black!

Chen Yang saw that the old man in black was a hell Hydra!

But the old man has become a man.

The old man's face is cold, and his cultivation is the quintessence of creation!

The two young men's accomplishments were about three levels of creation, while the girl's accomplishments were about two levels of creation.

Chen Yang couldn't help but be surprised. He said in secret: "good boy, before the earth even couldn't find several creation masters in Yuqing gate. When I first entered the chalky world, a dead wood king with a heavy creation was like the best in the world. How come there are so many masters in daze

Chen Yang feels strange and wonderful.

"I thought I knew enough about the earth," he said in secret. "Now, it's not at all!"

Chen Yang observes in the dark that his accomplishments surpass those of the experts present.

So no one found him prying.

The old man in black's face was gloomy and his movements were closed. His nine heads sometimes turned into illusions, exerting countless vitality and magic power. His magic weapon was a black flag, which aroused a lot of attention.

The girl is very beautiful. She looks only seventeen or eighteen.

The two young people are also dignified.

The three of them are far from the rivals of the old man in black, but fortunately they have a treasure.

The baby is a golden gourd, repeatedly absorbing the black fog from the black flag.

The two sides fought fiercely.

The old man in black attacked again and again. He was full of evil spirit and ghost spirit.

The young man and the young girl were healthy.

Seeing this, the girl's side will be unable to support.

The old man in black displayed the black flag to completely cover the heaven and earth. The black fog turned into a poisonous dragon and surrounded the three people.

Even the golden gourd was helpless.

The girl and two young people used the sword formula continuously, and killed them with the power of golden gourd!

But the old man had already understood the power of all things.

There are all kinds of changes, including all kinds of things.

At this time, the girl said, "Yan Qing, don't push people too hard. My cabinet leader will come at any time. If she comes, you can't leave. "

Yan Qing, the old man in black, sneered and said, "I'm looking for your Pavilion leader. If you have the courage, let him come."

Hearing this, one of the youths immediately laughed and said, "it's ridiculous. Since you want to find our cabinet leader, why do you want to cover us in your field and not let us send out signals?"

Yan Qing was a little annoyed. He snorted coldly and said, "don't be so wordy. I'll catch you in the Hui people and wait for the leader."Yan Qing's magic power is boundless, general, vast, continuous suppression!

The girl could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The two youths also had golden faces and vomited blood.

Chen Yang's heart moved, and he couldn't tell the difference between them. It's all from the other side's breath. Now it's obvious that he wants to win the trust of these human beings, so as to find out the whereabouts of Saint Kirin.

Seeing that Yan Qing, the old man, was about to succeed, Chen Yang made a direct move.

The black fog is majestic, suppressing heaven and earth!

At this time, the young man's name came down from the white fog.

Chen Yang picked up the green silk, and then stood in front of the girl and two young people.

The girl and two young people were already in despair. At this time, they were overjoyed to see someone come to rescue them.

After they saw Chen Yang clearly, they were puzzled again.

Because of the cultivation of the youth in front of them, they can't see it at all. But look at this young man, his breath is pure, and he broke Yan Qing's seven Spirits banner with no effort Obviously, this young man's cultivation has already transcended and become holy.

Such a person is by no means unknown in daze!

But they didn't know each other.

Yan Qing looks at Chen Yang with fear, and then he feels strange. He says in a cold voice, "who are you? Why obstruct the saints from acting? "

Chen Yang takes a look at Yan Qing, then smiles and says, "you don't care who I am. I just can't stand you bullying the weak."

Yan Qing said, "this is the enmity between our holy family and Qingyun Pavilion. Do you really want to meddle in this business?"

Chen Yang said: "you talk a lot of nonsense. Now that I've done it, I'm in charge. And by the way, I don't think you should go either. If you like catching people so much, I'll catch you too, so that I can offer you to Qingyun Pavilion. "

"Arrogance Yan Qing is furious.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "this is not arrogance!"

When he had finished speaking, he gave his hand immediately.

Yan Qing was ready. He really couldn't understand how such a powerful young man suddenly appeared. What's the origin? What's the origin?

It's all in the dark!

Chen Yang's palm turned, and then he squeezed it into a fist.

The fist contains infinite vitality, magic power, profound meaning and rules!

This punch is just a random one!

One punch, just like holding the sky!

Chen Yang hit Yan Qing in the air!

All of a sudden, the huge golden fist seal came fiercely.

Before Yan Qing had time to respond, he saw the magnificent golden fist seal coming.

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