The fist seal seems to contain a boundless world, as if it has supreme wisdom, as if it is a witness to the birth of heaven and earth!

This is the only one left between heaven and earth.

Yan Qing takes a deep breath, and then his eyes burst out. He worships the seven Spirits flag. His head changes, and nine snake heads grow in an instant!

Every snake's head is huge and has a big mouth!

Yan Qing hasn't shown her true form for many years.

But at this moment, Chen Yang forced his original shape out with a single blow.

Nine snakeheads stimulate thunder, electricity, wind, cloud, ice, flame, gold, wood, earth and other elements!

Elements gather, mana roll, forming a small world!

The seven Spirits flag burst out endless black fog!

Majestic, heavy!

Many forces finally formed a punch!

This fist is the original seal of Diablo!

One punch coincides with the law of daze world, the profound meaning, the law!

Heaven and earth are shocked by it. Infinite poisonous gas and power are all in it.

Diablo's big fist seal and Chen Yang's random lightning strike are together.


The surrounding clouds burst apart, and all the clouds dissipated.

Chen Yang felt the strength of the opponent's fist.

The dark origin of the big fist seal is like a fierce dragon, which accumulates the power of the whole daze world and contains the endless killing of poison.

Every time we kill, the power is unimaginable!

And overlapping, straight to the heart!

Chen Yang was surprised and said: "if I had not gained the wisdom of Prajna, I would have suffered a great loss with this fist at the moment!"

However, Chen Yang doesn't care much.

He just gave a cold snort, his fist spinning slightly.

All of a sudden, the power of Prajna's wisdom in the boxing world, including all the changes of the other side.

Yan Qing felt that his strength was like a wild man, no matter how much strength and change he used up. But the other side is like a master of the Tao, light clouds and light wind!

Two people this contest, already high under stand to see!

Yan Qing is angry. How can he give up? He suddenly roars. The nine snake heads are entangled with the seven spirit banners, and the poisonous fog is completely inhaled by him.

Immediately, the poison of ice!

Thunder poison!

Electricity poison!

All the nine elements contain strong poison. They kill Chen Yang fiercely.

Chen Yang gave a cold Snort and flung his sleeves.

The sleeves rose and a hurricane came out.

Originally, the hurricane was still slight, but it suddenly broke out and suddenly turned into a cataclysm.

The storm contains infinite lightning particles, boom

With this wave, the nine elements were extremely poisonous. They were like an army, but in a flash, they were all crushed to ashes by thunder and hurricane.

With one punch and one palm, Yan Qing will use all his strength to attack and kill!

This is Chen Yang today.

Chen Yang is really tired, and then he claps his hand again, and he is going to seriously hurt Yan Qing.

Palm like thunder, lightning, into thousands of handprints!

Thousands of palms in a moment and a synthesis of palms, and finally kill to Yan Qing's chest and abdomen.

Yan Qing's nine snake heads quickly closed into human form. He quickly retreated, and at the same time, he took the seven Spirits flag as a guide and hit three times in a row.

These three palms are fiercer and fiercer than each other.

Like ten thousand Buddhas, like ten thousand swords!

Finally, the three palms turned into one and collided with Chen Yang's palms.


Chen Yang's palm power destroys the withered and decadent. In Prajna, there are all kinds of wisdom, including all phenomena. Seeing the rules and power of killing gods, Yan Qing's defense is broken in an instant.

Yan Qing's palm power turns into smash.

Chen Yang's palm power smoothly hits Yan Qing's chest and abdomen. Yan Qing's whole body flies upside down and spits out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Chen Yang, who is in charge of three, seven and twenty-one, will take Yan Qing back.

His big handprint is about to catch Yan Qing.

However, at this time, Yan Qing was still flying in the air, and a void door appeared behind Yan Qing.

A huge black handprint came out of the void door!

"Ah, master's wife, help me!" When Yan Qing saw the huge fingerprints, he was both surprised and pleased.

The huge fingerprints quickly and Chen Yang's palm force together.

Chen Yang immediately aware of the other side is not simple, he quickly launched the whole body mana, ruthlessly kill in the past.

The huge handprint and Chen Yang's palm force are killing together!


Two palm forces collide, and heaven and earth collapse!

the afterwave shocks thousands of miles.

Chen Yang felt the strength of his opponent's palm, and could not help but contain the wisdom of Prajna, and The power of Nirvana was born.The birth of the palm force cycle, like the cycle of yin and Yang, is terrible!

Chen Yang's palm force is directly resolved by the other party, and the spiral force crawls towards his body. Like a thousand machetes strangling his flesh

Chen Yang's body was shocked, and his Qi and blood mana was like a flash flood, which instantly dissolved the strangling power.

At the same time, Yan Qing is caught in the door of void.

Then the door of the void closes.

At the same time, a woman's voice came: "you dare to fight against the holy people. The holy people always have revenge. You are ready to meet the anger of the holy people!"

After that, the sound disappeared.

Peace was restored between heaven and earth, as if the other side had never appeared.

Chen Yang touched his nose. He was not afraid of the anger of the holy people.

Today, he is no longer afraid of the seven level master of creation.

In those days, an emperor made him helpless, but now, with the power of green silk, he can directly kill God.

Chen Yang just felt helpless and seemed to be involved in a big storm.

This seems to be far from my original intention. I just hope to find the trace of Saint Qilin here in Qingyun Pavilion.

Chen Yang is still in a daze, and the girl and two young people behind him salute and thank Chen Yang.

"Thank you for your help. Thank you very much." The girl's voice is sweet and clear.

The two youths also saluted together.

Chen Yang turned to face the three people, then said with a smile: "easy to say, easy to say!"

The girl said, "my dear, Zhou ya!"

Two young people also reported their names, one was Wu Xie, the other was Yun Zhen!

Chen Yang came straight to the point and said, "to tell you the truth, although I help each other, I have my own selfishness."

Wu Xie was the elder martial brother of the three. He said, "master, this is not the place to talk. Why don't we change our position and talk again?"

Chen Yang was also afraid that the master of the holy family would come to make trouble. He was not willing to pester him for no reason. He agreed and said, "good!"

The party left quickly.

The whole daze world is dark, foggy and swampy, which makes people very unhappy.

After that, the four came to a hidden mountain.

Wu Xie said at first, "we can't repay you for your kindness. I don't know what to call the elder? "

Chen Yang said: "I'm not from daze world. I come in from outside. I'm here to look for Saint Kirin... " He finally paused and said, "my name is Chen Yang!"

The world of rivers and lakes is always dangerous. When Chen Yang comes up, he makes his origin clear. It's really reckless.

However, it is not that Chen Yang has no experience in the world, but that he has enough strength now!

In the galaxy, Chen Yang can be regarded as an absolute master.

In this earth, there are not many people who can kill Chen Yang.

"Saint Kirin?" Wu Xie, Zhou Ya and Yun Zhen were greatly disgraced when they heard Chen Yang's words.

At the same time, the color of vigilance and vigilance appeared on their faces.

Chen Yang took all this in his eyes and said calmly, "what's wrong?"

The cloud really suddenly thought of something, said: "no one can enter our daze world."

Wu Xie and Zhou Ya also look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also glanced at them and said, "it's really not easy to come in, but I did come in. I don't think you look right. Does this Saint Kirin have any taboos? "

"Why do you want to find St. Qilin Girl Zhou Ya asked.

Chen Yang said: "there will be a great disaster on the earth today. It is said that Saint Qilin was the mount of the ancestor of Saint Hongjun. If you can get the recognition of Saint Kirin and go out together, you can convince the heroes in the world. So, that's what I'm here for! Originally, I thought daze was the habitat of Hydra in hell, but when I came in, I found another world. So right now, I'm not very familiar with this place I saw you fighting just now. Instinctively, I feel that Yan Qing has Yin evil Qi, so I help you. This is what happened. Believe it or not! "

Zhou Ya's three suddenly looked at each other.

They make eye contact, and they also make mental contact.

Chen Yang did not disturb him and stayed by.

After a while, the three men came up with a result. From that Zhou Ya came forward and said: "what you said is true?"

Chen Yang was a little displeased and said, "joke, do I have to lie to you?"

Zhou Yadun was flustered and said, "don't worry, senior. I just want to see you carefully."

Chen Yang said: "I've always been forced by others. I don't understand why you cover up. It seems that there are a lot of shady secrets. You don't want to disclose it. Just leave. I'll check it slowly. "

Wu Xie and Yun Zhen will come.Wu Xie said: "master, we have no malice. It's just that what you are looking for is too sensitive for us to make a decision easily. This matter needs to be reported to my cabinet leader before a decision can be made! "

Chen Yang said: "sensitive what?" He felt puzzled.

Zhou Ya said, "do you really know nothing?"

Chen Yang said: "if you know, do you want to ask?"

Zhou Ya smiles bitterly.

After that, Zhou Ya said, "well, master, please wait here for a while. Can you go back and report to the cabinet leader first?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "it's OK."

Zhou Ya and three people look at each other, then say goodbye to Chen Yang, and then leave with lightning.

Chen Yang only feels that everything is inexplicable.

He is not afraid of the other party's scheming. In short, if the other party treats it with courtesy, he will return it with courtesy.

If the other party is arrogant, it's even better. He can torture directly and force out what he wants.

Now, it's not too complicated.

At least from the reaction of Zhou Ya's three people's expressions, we can see that Sheng Qilin really exists.

Chen Yang suddenly thought of a strange thing.

That's Yan Qing's last call to help me!

Isn't the leader Bai Lan? Isn't Bai Lan a woman?

How come there's a godmother again? And listen to the voice. It's a woman.

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