Chen Yang said lightly: "I'm not sure if Mr. mu can do it, but if we don't leave here, we'll be dead."

Ye Ming was slightly stunned. Then he was shocked and said, "you're right. Mr. Mu is always spreading rumors. Ding Qing will think that it is related to us, and will come to elder chamu's residence. Chen Yang, you are still smart. "

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said in secret: "smart, your sister, this is the minimum intelligence."

At present, Chen Yang, Ye Ming and Bi Yue quickly left the stone house in Muhua.

"Let's go to lingtianya and hide on Xiaobai's back. When people gather together, they will come down directly from the sky. " Chen Yang said to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming couldn't help praising: "good idea."

Chen Yang and Ye Ming take Biyue to lingtianya quickly. Along the way, although there are many villagers, no one can recognize them. At this moment, Ding Qing's people are still looking, but more, Ding Qing has received the rumors spread by Mu Hua.

Ding Qing there suddenly lose color, Ding Qing the fastest time to respond, and found Mu Hua.

Mu Hua is captured by Ding Qing's men, and Ding Qing orders no one to spread rumors. Moreover, Ding Qing immediately extorts a confession from Mu Hua, and Mu Hua is helpless to summon the truth.

Ding Qing quickly takes people to the stone house of Muhua. When we reached the stone house of Muhua, it was empty.

In this world, rumors spread most quickly. Although Ding Qing catches Mu Hua, the rumor still flies around like wings. The more Ding Qing sends people to arrest and block, the more people believe in it.

At this time, Ding Qing realized that things are very bad.

Ding Qing's subordinates are murongxing elder. Murongxing elder is the head of all the elders, and his accomplishments are not under Ding Qing. Murong Xing is most loyal to Ding Qing, and they are the same as father and son.

At this time, in Ding Qing side has been out of attention is Murong Xing elder.

Murongxing is the elder, and the second elder is Chen Qiao!

At this moment, Murong Xing and Chen Qiao stand behind Ding Qing. Ding Qing's face was dignified. He said to Murong Xing and Chen Qiao, "uncle, elder Chen, what do you think?"

Murongxing pondered and did not speak.

On the contrary, Chen Qiao, the second elder, said: "master, the rumor is spreading just for the old master's return. We can't stop it now. We might as well guard it near the gathering abyss of immortality. As soon as they appear, no matter how good or bad, we will capture them all first. What should be killed, what should be caught. "

Ding Qing looked at Murong Xing and said, "uncle, what do you think?"

Murongxing said: "now it seems that it can only be so."

Ding Qing said at the moment: "well, let's go to guard."

Near the immortal abyss is Ling Tianya.

Within half an hour, five thousand people of the undead tribe had gathered near the undead abyss, some old and some young, some male and some female.

For them, King Huang is a kind of faith!

In this situation, Ding Qing, as a representative of the patriarch, did not dare to disobey. He wants to meet the old patriarch's return with the clan people.

However, Ding Qing has agreed with Yigan's confidants. As long as the old master's gang came, Ding Qing's confidants immediately arrested and killed him. At that time, the matter will be covered up. After that, we will slowly eliminate the old patriarch. As long as the old master is dead, the undead clan is firmly controlled by Ding Qing.

Ding Qing again during this period, but also falsely blame his hands.

History has always been written by the victor, as long as Ding Qing solved the old patriarch, he can rewrite everything.

is the one who has the final say.

Near the abyss of immortality, there are lots of heads.

The sun is burning high!

Ding Qing and other people stood on the high platform.

At this time, the top White finally appeared.

Xiaobai hissed and circled in the sky. Ding Qing and others look up and know that the gang finally appears.

Seeing this, all the clansmen believed that the old patriarch had returned.

All of them knelt down and said, "long live the Phoenix King, for thousands of years

In this case, Ding Qing and his followers also knelt down.

Among them, Fu Ling was also included. Fu Ling with a group of necromancers also knelt down.

Fu Ling's arm was broken. He wanted to grow it again, so his recovery was slow. In addition, the magic zither is also damaged. Now his mana is not very strong. I'm afraid that if he meets Chen Yang's formula of fortune sword again, he will die.

Fu Ling naturally hated Chen Yang's little thief to the bone.

Eight elders, four Dharma protectors, sixteen palace envoys! These are the core strength of Ding Qing, and also the core combat strength of Huang Wang.

Among the clansmen, there are many old people who are good at it.

But over the years, Ding Qing has been able to manage. He deliberately promoted eight elders, four Dharma protectors, and sixteen palace administrators, while suppressing the rest. In this way, he is stable.Ethnic people have no backbone, so they are naturally controlled by Ding Qing.

At this moment, Ding Qing here is a gathering of experts.

But the clan people thought that it was king Huang, so they didn't have any plans to deal with it.

The little white slowly landed on the platform.

Before Xiaobai landed, Chen Yang and Ye Ming had the ability to shuttle through the void and hid under the high platform.

All the people are waiting for King Huang to come.

At this time, Xu Lai, a member of the Zhanggong envoy, made a direct move.

Xu Lai offered a piece of impermanent sword. The Wuchang sword flew out like the aurora, and instantly chopped Xiaobai's head off. The light of the sword flickered and blood splashed.

Xiaobai died on the spot, and the green moon on Xiaobai was killed by impermanence sword.

Ding Qing people's face suddenly changed, they already know bad.

Xu Lai, the leader of the palace, was too reckless. Although everyone had been angry before, as long as the other party came, he would fight immediately. But now it's obvious that the other side is hiding, so there's no need to do it.

But Xu Lai killed Xiaobai and Biyue recklessly.

The reason why Biyue sits on Xiaobai is also in Chen Yang's calculation.

At this time, both Ye Ming and Chen Yang have recovered their original appearance. They were smart and crowded in front of the people.

But they are still attached to the people.

According to Chen Yang's words, Ye Ming raised his voice and cheered: "against minister Ding Qing, you killed elder Mu Hua's granddaughter Biyue innocently, don't you just want King Huang to come back? You are killing people

Ding Qing's eyes are cold.

Many people immediately recognized that Biyue was the one who was killed.

"Too much!" Someone started yelling angrily.

"I must give you an account!"

"Death pays for death!"

All of a sudden, the feelings of the group rose.

In this case, Ding Qing's side is really wrong, and it's the kind of unreasonable.

The scene is noisy and chaotic!

This is exactly what Chen Yang and Ye Ming want. First of all, they need to occupy a commanding height in public opinion.

But at this time, Ding Qing suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice immediately suppressed all the noise.

Ding Qing cheered: "Ye Ming, you spread the rumor about the return of King Huang maliciously. You are disrespectful to King Huang. Come on, take him down

"Yes, Lord!" The generals should be!

Ye Ming immediately raised his fist and said, "I have the magic spirit of King Huang back in my hand. Don't be rude, Ding Qing."

Ding Qing looks at Ye Ming. He knows that if he forces his hand, Ye Ming will hide among the people.

What's more, the ethnic group is already angry now, and it will make things worse if they are forced again.

Ding Qing feels that his situation is already very bad.

Ding Qing also believes that Ye Ming does have the magic spirit of King Huang in his hand. Once the magic spirit is released, all his calculations are finished.

"Well, since you say you have the magic spirit of King Huang's return in your hand, come up and show it to us. If you have any empty words today, I will tear you to pieces! " Ding Qing said suddenly.

Ye Ming is ready to take the stage right now.

Chen Yang grabbed Ye Ming and said in a low voice, "you are stupid. After you go up, he will kill you immediately and rob your jade pendant."

Ye Ming was slightly stunned. He immediately stopped. But just then, the figure in front of Ye Ming flashed. However, Murong Xing and Chen Qiao, the second elder, suddenly make a move together. They shuttled through the void and came to Ye Ming in an instant.

Murong xingxiugong participated in the creation and directly took the jade from Ye Ming. When ye Mingzheng wanted to fight back, Murong Xing and Chen Qiao seized Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was completely caught off guard, and he was among the people, so it was inconvenient for him to perform.

Moreover, in such close combat, he had only one hand.

So at that moment, Murong Xing and Chen Qiao seized Ye Ming and brought him to the stage.

The moment Chen Yang appears in Murong Xing, he immediately goes to catch Murong Xing. With a wave of Murong Xing's hand, there was a huge force in his sleeve robe. Chen Yang had no way to exert his magic power, so he was shocked by this powerful force. He immediately fell into the crowd.

At that moment, the clansmen behind Chen Yang collapsed.

Chen Yang is OK, he will Murong Xing's strength all unloaded to the rear.

But at this time, Chen Yang's heart is cool.

Looking ahead, he saw that Ye Ming had been beaten and knelt by Murong Xing.

On that stage, Ye Ming's hair was in a mess.

"Let go of me, you bandits!" Ye Ming's eyes were red and he struggled and roared.

Murong Xing and Chen Qiao escort Ye Ming, and quickly control Ye Ming's acupoints, so that he can't even use his mana.

At this moment, they are not in a hurry to target Chen Yang.Murong Xing gives the green jade pendant to Ding Qing.

Ding Qing holds the green jade pendant in his hand, and an imperceptible cruel smile appears in his eyes. Chen Yang did not expect that Murong Xing and Chen Qiao were so powerful that they caught Ye Ming in a flash.

This is the end of it!

Chen Yang's heart is like falling into the ice cellar. He has already won the lottery. Seeing that the big plan has been achieved, he will bring down Ding Qing. However, I never expected that the situation would be reversed so quickly.

Moreover, the evidence of King Huang's return is also grasped by Ding Qing.

Chen Yang's heart turns. Even though he is extremely clever, he can't think of any way to break the game at the moment.

It's impossible to save Ye Ming. I can't save him.

It's impossible to get the evidence back.


What Chen Yang thinks in his heart is that small life matters. Although he has an agreement with blue and purple clothes, it's good, but it's not enough to know that he is dead and jump in.

The point is, there's no way to take risks! Whenever there is a chance, Chen Yang will try.

Ye Ming himself is not careful. I can't blame Chen Yang for his lack of loyalty.

But escape? How can you escape?

Xiaobai is dead. He can't escape!

At this time, Chen Yang had an idea and cried out: "Ding Qing, the beast, is going to kill people. He persecuted the old patriarch at the beginning, but today he wants to stop the old patriarch from coming back. Let's rush, we can't let his trick succeed!"

Chen Yang's voice is filled with righteous indignation!

The people under the stage have already talked about it, and this change is beyond their expectation. At this time, Chen Yang opened his mouth, and immediately someone began to shout, "master Ding, what are you doing? Do you really want to kill people? "

"Let go, let go!" A group of people yelled.

Chen Yang immediately took five people to the stage with his magic power.

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