The cold light blooms in Ding Qing's eyes.

"Drive them all down!" Ding Qingli drinks.

The envoys of the sixteen palms were immediately shocked. They quickly launched their mana. Chen Yang suddenly felt a huge mana coming to him.

The people in the rear were trying to follow up, but they were all shocked immediately by the powerful force.

Sixteen palace envoys and four Dharma protectors surround the high platform!

"No one dares to break in, there is no amnesty for killing!" Murongxing first stood up and came forward to drink. He was dignified with his hair and beard.

This is a crucial moment of life and death. For Ding Qing's sake, Murong Xing is no longer afraid.

The people below were immediately stunned.

After all, it is very difficult for these ethnic groups to exert their mass strength without leaders' organization or smooth charge.

Chen Yang secretly complained, he felt that at this time his wisest should be to fish in troubled waters and run away.

There is really no way!

But Chen Yang was not willing to go like this. He secretly retreated to the masses and sheltered himself among them.

Ding Qing has to work hard to stabilize the overall situation. Naturally, he has no time to deal with Chen Yang. That's a big loss for a small one!

It was also at this time that Ding Qing on that stage flashed a fierce color in his eyes, pointed to the green jade pendant and said, "what is the magic yuan God of King Huang's return? It is clear that it is the yuan God's evil song that starts the iron soldier. Ye Ming, you are a heavy burden and a cruel heart. You deliberately lead us to the abyss of immortality, which is to arouse the iron soldiers, so that the whole undead people will be doomed. Fortunately, my uncle and elder Chen caught you in time! Otherwise, the whole undead will be destroyed in your hands

When Chen Yang sees this, he can't help admiring Ding Qing. This guy is really smart. His intelligence quotient is obviously higher than that of Ye Ming. He is an iron soldier in the immortal abyss. At that time, I thought it was a good place to gather, but now when Jing Ding Qing said that, it immediately seemed that he and Ye Ming had ulterior motives.

This is really yellow mud falling into the crotch. It's not excrement, it's excrement.

Murong Xing immediately knelt down to Ding Qing and said, "the patriarch is wise and powerful. He finds out the treachery and cunning in time. Long live the patriarch!"

Those palace envoys, Dharma protectors and necromancers all knelt down at once. Their magic power was deep, and they cried out one by one. They immediately created the posture of the people.

"The master is wise, long live the master!"

Under such circumstances, those ethnic groups did not know why, but they also felt the dignity and power of Ding Qing.

They can't help but believe that Ding Qing really saved the undead.

So soon, the people of these clans knelt down and cried, "the patriarch is wise, long live the patriarch!"

The masses are always the easiest to be provoked and misled. This group is destined to be used by high-ranking people. Occasionally there are smart people, but their voices can't be heard by the masses.

In this case, Chen Yang had no choice but to squat down. He's too blinded.

On the stage, Ding Qing showed the joy of victory. He said at the moment: "well, I will destroy this yuan Shen evil song now, so as not to be used by villains and harm our people!" After he finished, he used magic power to destroy the jade pendant.

"It's over." When Chen Yang saw this, he cried in his heart.

The green jade pendant was directly crushed into powder by Ding Qing Yunjin.

Then the powder of the green jade pendant fell. The green powder was not blown away by the wind.

At this time, strange things happened.

The powder of the green jade pendant suddenly condenses and finally forms a yuan Shen!

Yuwang Yuanshen!

King Huang was wearing a purple robe and a crown, which was very impressive. Her eyes ice cold looking at Ding Qing, coldly said: "Ding Qing, you can't think of it?"

Ding Qing was stunned.

He was born with the fear of King Huang. His body could not help shaking. At the same time, his face turned pale and he could not help retreating.

Murongxing and others were also surprised.

"Long live King Huang, long live King Huang!" The group of people finally met the long lost King Huang, and they immediately felt the mountain cry from the heart.

Chen Yang is also a stay, surprise inexplicable. What's going on? Chen Yang couldn't figure it out at all.

"She's not the king of Phoenix at all, but the evil spirit Murong Xing immediately cheered: "don't be cheated."

After Murong Xing finished, he immediately waved his hand to kill yuan Shen!

Huang Wang Yuan Shen also doesn't say much, suddenly pours on Ding Qing.

Ding Qing takes a deep breath. When murongxing opens his mouth, he has already recovered. Just before, the sudden appearance of King Huang really scared him.

Now, he immediately backhand to the Phoenix King.

No matter how powerful king Huang is, he is just a broken spirit. How could he be afraid!

"Immortality King Huang suddenly turned into a whirlwind and gave a big drink!This whirlwind suddenly changed again, into a purple light!

Purple light is the immortal god awn, which is the essence of the immortal god awn.

Ding Qing, Murong Xing and others were shocked.

They have all seen King Huang's immortal god mang. As long as the God mang really shines out the purple light, everyone's life and death will be controlled by King Huang within ten li.

Ding Qing immediately sent out his magic weapon fog hidden sky cover! Murong Xing, sixteen palm palace emissary and so on have sent out magic weapons to resist the immortal god mang.

The clansmen knelt on the ground, shivering and dare not resist!

At this time, the accident happened again. When all the people were afraid of the undead. Ye Ming suddenly issued a mercy sword, his mercy sword golden flash, Dharma sword fierce assassinate to Ding Qing.

"This undead is a fake." At this time, Murong Xing found out that it was wrong and cheered.

Ding Qing is also aware of this.

At the same time, the compassionate sword stabs, Ding Qing covers the compassionate sword cage with fog in the crisis. "Ye Ming, do you think you can kill me by yourself?" Ding Qing sneers.

But as soon as his words came to an end, the change came again. The elder Chen Qiao suddenly put his hand on Ding Qing's back.

Ding Qing suffered this accident, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then, Ye Ming's idea moves, and the compassion sword breaks through the fog and turns around Ding Qing's neck.

Ding Qing's neck immediately appeared the blood color thin line similar grain, then the blood spatters.

Ding Qing fell down like this.

The fog cover is made of Tianyin silk, which can be large or small, and can net all things. But once Ding Qing had a problem, Ye Ming immediately broke through the protection of the fog cover.

A generation of Xiaoxiong Ding Qing died like this.

Huang Wang appeared in front of everyone again.

"Long live King Huang, long live King Huang!" Once again, the people of the Han nationality are crying for help.

Ye Ming and elder Chen Qiao appeared beside King Huang.

"Murongxing, do you want to be stubborn again?" King Huang gave a cold drink.

Murong Xing's mind trembled.

"Come on, take him down." King Huang said: "the traitor Ding Qing is under the attack. All the generals are confused by Murong Xing. As long as you take this man to the emperor, the rest of you will let bygones be bygones!"

"Yes, King Huang!" All the palace envoys, Dharma guards and others started to work. In the crowd, Fu Ling, the chief of the necromancers, had slipped away.

The clansmen were also filled with righteous indignation, and they almost came up.

King Huang is the spiritual symbol of all the people. Now, when she appears, it's natural for her to echo the tide.

If they dare to come again, they will be killed by all the people. Therefore, King Huang issued these orders, and they immediately followed them.

Fu Xing fled, and he simply gave up.

Chen Yang was surprised at the speed of the reversal.

Chen Yang looks at Huang Wang Yuanshen on the stage, and he knows everything in his heart.

It turned out that King Huang had made many preparations. The Yuanshen of huangwang is the first-hand preparation, so is elder Chen Qiao.

Before he died, Huang Wang had already thought about how to come back. Compared with King Huang, Ding Qing is far worse.

Ye Minggang has been escorted by elder Chen Qiao. Elder Chen Qiao is king Huang's man, so naturally he let him go. Moreover, King Huang's immortal God is still a fake.

It is estimated that the yuan God has been silent for more than 20 years, and it is really powerless. The reason why he pretends to be immortal is to cooperate with Ye Ming and Chen Qiao to kill Ding Qing.

All of the undead came to an end in this uproar.

One day later, Lin Bing and LAN Ziyi were welcomed back by Ye Ming, Chen Yang, Chen Qiao and a group of confidants to Binghuang palace.

Elder Mu Hua had been killed by Ding Qing before. And Biyue also died miserably in the hand of Xu Lai, the palace envoy.

Xiaobai is dead, too.

Chen Yang is a little sad about the death of Xiaobai and Biyue, but under the circumstances at that time, both he and Ye Ming feel that sacrificing Xiaobai and Biyue can divert their attention.

After all, things were too big to go wrong. The death of Bi Yue can let them occupy the commanding height of public opinion, which is a very important link.

Although, in fact, Biyue's death did not play a great role afterwards.

However, how can everything be satisfactory.

Where there is struggle, there must be sacrifice.

The sacrifice this time is much better than expected.

Chen Yang even felt that the whole thing was going smoothly, and it was too smoothly.

And the next big thing, of course, is blue purple clothes as soon as possible to restore the real body!

Outside Binghuang palace, all the people came to guard.

This is to prevent those palace envoys and Dharma protectors from making trouble. In fact, they knew that King Huang's generosity at the moment did not mean that she was still so generous after she was restored.Once the Phoenix King returns to his real life, then everyone has no chance to turn over again.

All the people are waiting for the return of King Huang.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing are waiting in the hall of Binghuang palace. And blue purple clothes and Ye Ming went to the soul hall! The soul hall is the place where blue and purple clothes are restored. In the soul hall, there are countless yuan Shen thoughts of King Huang, as well as countless soul Yin Qi, which is a huge magnetic field. It is such a huge magnetic field to create the real body of King Huang and his supreme magic power.

This is a process of integration!

Ye Ming needs to help LAN Ziyi run the mana to restore his true body, because now LAN Ziyi has no mana.

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