When they go, song Ning and Song Yu will send each other off. It's strange that song Shuangxue is missing from the scene.

"Si Mei has never been a sleepy person. How could she forget today?" Song Yu is curious.

Song Jinglun's face changed and he said, "no, my father won't let her go to the frontier. She must have gone in alone

Song Yu was also surprised.

So, a crowd immediately went to song Shuangxue's bedroom. Song Ning went in to see it. As a result, song Shuangxue was gone.

This is also helpless, Song Yu immediately let song Jinglun and Chen Yang set out quickly. Song Yu tells song Jinglun that he will send song Shuangxue back anyway. Song Jinglun naturally obeyed Song Yu.

Half an hour later, there was heavy snow in the wasteland.

The air is a bit too cold to speak.

Chen Yang and song Jinglun set out with five experts. Song Jinglun and others all have jiexumi, but it's not that jiexumi is rampant. It's the great family property of the Song Emperor. There are still some treasures. Moreover, this time out, the emperor of song specially allocated many commandments to the public.

This is also to know that the frontier is too dangerous. If people take the commandment of Xumi and take good equipment, it can also increase the survival rate of people.

At the frontier gate, Chen Yang and others bid farewell to song Ning and Song Yu. Song Ning's tearful eyes whirled, but Chen Yang said with a smile, "Ning'er, I will bring myself and your second brother back safely. Don't worry!"

Song Jinglun laughed and said, "it's not sure who will bring back."

Song Yu explained: "you must send back the fourth sister."

Song Jinglun said: "I will, big brother!"

After that, Chen Yang and his party turned around and left.

Among the experts who followed Chen Yang, the first one was Taoist priest Qingxu. Qingxu Taoist priest is very thin and has few words. The second one is Xu Mao. Xu Mao is a middle-aged man. He talks very little and just follows him silently.

These people, obviously, had to obey song Jinglun completely. Strictly speaking, it's not Chen Yang and song Jinglun who bring five experts, but song Jinglun who bring six experts to the frontier alone.

It's snowy. Looking ahead, it's a white land.

This makes Chen Yang feel like he is lost in the boundless snow of the mainland.

But Chen Yang knows that this is obviously different from the lost mainland.

"I don't know where the fourth sister is going. This girl is not sensible. So many of us think it's extremely dangerous. Isn't she more dangerous alone? " Song Jinglun walked a little, but he didn't see song Shuangxue. He couldn't help getting anxious.

It's snowing all the time, so even the footprints of song Shuangxue can't be found.

But Chen Yang said with a smile, "second young master, don't worry. I'll bet that the fourth young lady is near here. She has been following us, but she knows that if we find her, you will send her back. So she never showed up. "

Song Jinglun said: "seriously?"

Chen Yang said: "no, if you shout a few words to the sky, you will say that as long as the fourth lady comes out, but you will never send her back. If she doesn't show up, you say I'm not. "

Song Jinglun was suspicious. He immediately looked up to the sky and yelled: "four younger sisters, don't be capricious any more, come out quickly. I will not send you back! "

After he finished, he waited for a moment, but there was no response around.

Song Jinglun looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "second young master, you have to make an oath, otherwise the fourth young lady will not believe you." Song Jinglun was suspicious. At last, he called out: "Si Mei, I swear to you for my brother that I will never send you back. If you disobey this oath, the second brother will be the devil and never progress in cultivation! "

Song Jinglun also knew that the fourth sister song Shuangxue was not easy to fool, so he made a poison oath. He felt that he might not be able to send her back. In that case, it would be safer to let her come with us.

As soon as song Jinglun's words fell, there was a sound in the distance. It's song Shuangxue's voice. Song Shuangxue laughs. Her voice floats over like a silver bell.

"Second brother, you said it yourself!" Then, a red shadow in the distance came quickly.

Then song Shuangxue came to the public. She wore a red cape and had a lot of snowflakes in her hair.

"Four younger sister, you are too mischievous." Song Jinglun couldn't help but get angry and said, "you are not such a person who doesn't know how to handle yourself."

Song Shuangxue said with a smile: "I have said that I have come here to make up my mind. If you and Dad don't let me, I'll have to do something by myself. "

Taoist priest Qingxu and the master Xu Mao all have no choice but to smile bitterly.

But Chen Yang said, "I'm a little curious. Why do you have to come here, miss four? This is not a good place. The environment is tough and dangerous! "

Song Shuangxue said: "it is because the frontier wasteland is full of mystery and unknown that I want to come. I've been studying frontier famine for a long time and have enough experience. I'm here, and you'll be safe. ""Frontier wasteland is full of mystery and unknown, which I admit." Chen Yang said: "but miss four, you say you are very experienced, but I can't agree with that."

"Why can't you agree?" Song Shuang was a little unconvinced at the moment.

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "there is nothing between heaven and earth. Miss four, your red cape is the most gorgeous color. It will attract many monsters to come here! "

Song frost snow Leng a Leng, then throw out the red cape, way: "you say reasonable." She pause, said: "but my experience in other areas is not false, what monster, what habits, easy when to haunt, and so on."

When Chen Yang smiles, he doesn't go on.

"In that case, let's keep going." Song Jinglun said.

Chen Yang said: "the road is naturally to catch up, but I want to know if the second young master has any plans in mind?"

Song Jinglun was stunned for a moment, and said: "we came in this time to explore the source, but we didn't really come here, so we are going to go step by step to see if we can find some clues."

Chen Yang said: "so basically, there is no plan, right?"

Song Jinglun said: "it can be said that." After a pause, he asked, "brother Lin, what do you want to say?"

Chen Yang didn't say anything about the plan before, because no one talked to him. What's more, he thinks song Jinglun will have a detailed plan. Because song Jinglun and song Shuangxue have always boasted that they are very experienced in frontier famine.

After Chen Yang has been walking for such a long time, he finds that song Jinglun seems to be walking by feeling!

Chen Yang said, "we don't know how big the famine is. The source may be a very small place. If you look for it aimlessly, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

Song Shuangxue said, "what do you think you should do? Do you know where the source is? "

Chen Yang said: "I don't know where the source is, but the monster knows. First of all, we can catch up with the monster from the direction of escape. Second, you can find high-level monsters, intelligent monsters, and use magic power to explore their memory. In this way, it's much more convenient. "

Song Shuangxue and song Jinglun have bright eyes. Song Jinglun said: "I thought so, chasing the monster in the opposite direction. But I didn't expect to look for high-level monsters to search for memory. "

But Xu Mao said, "but who in our scene has the ability to explore the memory of monsters?"

All of a sudden a Leng.

This is a mysterious magic, but not everyone can do it. That memory is the electric wave. The electric wave is like a complex equation. It's very difficult to solve it. That's not to say you have high mana.

However, Chen feirong was born to read other people's memories.

If Chen Yang knows his own magic power, he will.

So at this time, Chen Yang said: "I will!"

Song Jinglun and song Shuangxue were very happy.

"In this way, it's a lot easier." Song Jinglun was fond of Taoism.

After such an agreement, the people went on their way.

Not long after walking out, after passing through a jungle, a sense of panic suddenly came from the front. Then the earth shook!

The snow swept down the trees.

Song Jinglun made a quick decision and said, "everyone go to the tree to escape the famine. Our task now is not to entangle with monsters!"

He took the lead in climbing up the tree.

Chen Yang can't help but praise that song Jinglun is very clever!

Although people are not tree climbing masters, but for those masters like them, tree climbing is also very simple.

After a group of people went up the tree, their sight broadened a lot.

They saw monsters fleeing from the left, right and middle directions, one by one in a panic.

There were more than 300 monsters in all, all of them fled to the side gate.

These monsters are lack of intelligence, so it's useless to catch them.

When these monsters fled, the ground was as broken as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

But what is troubling is that it is still uncertain which direction is the source of the panic.

But it's just the beginning, and people are not worried.

Then a crowd went down the tree and went on.

This day goes on, everybody's foot journey is not slow, already went deep more than 100 Li Road.

The environment in this wasteland is extremely bad. It is covered with snow everywhere. There are many swamp traps on the ground.

There are very few trees, and most of them are such wasteland.

Moreover, sometimes when you see the woods, the trees are all dead and rotten, and have no vitality.

But I really don't know what these monsters live on.

After dark, the sky is dark, but the snow can make people feel some sight.

All the people were tired after a day's journey. At present, song Jinglun asked everyone to stop to camp and prepare for dinner.There are many tents in jiexumile, but we can't set up too many tents right now. A total of three tents were set up, one for song Shuangxue. For the other two tents, they were sleeping separately.

There is dry food in jiexumi. We ate dry food and drank snow water. This is also to meet the needs of the belly.

Finally, we need to put people on duty

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