For duty, Chen Yang took the initiative and said, "I'll be on duty. Let someone change me in the second half of the night."

Song Jinglun said, "I'll trouble you, brother Lin."

Chen Yang a smile, say: "two childe polite."

Then Chen Yang stood outside the tent.

The world is vast.

In the evening, the snow stopped, and the sound of the north wind was all around.

Chen Yang is wrapped in a shawl like fur. This fur is very warm.

On the left is a forest, where the trees are sparse, the trunks are dry, and there is little snow on them. Chen Yang didn't think much about it either. He went a little further and stood in a place with a wide field of vision.

He just stood there, motionless.

The body is like a benchmark.

Chen Yang's blood is strong. Even in such cold weather, the blood in his body is boiling hot and flowing, and his body is not cold at all.

The first half of the night passed quickly.

Also has been in a state of calm, there is no accident.

It was also at this time that someone came out of the tent to replace Chen Yang. To Chen Yang's surprise, it turned out to be song Shuangxue.

Song Shuangxue came to Chen Yang after a long walk. They were a little away from the tent. This is due to Chen Yang's desire to broaden his horizons.

"How could it be you?" Chen Yang smiles.

"Why can't it be me?" Song Shuangxue said, "just like my father, you look down on me as a woman, don't you?"

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "heaven and earth produce Yin and Yang. Yang is masculine and Yin is feminine. The combination of hardness and softness is the right principle in the world. Men are masculine. They let women take care of them. It's the best way to look down on them

Song Shuangxue smiles and says, "I've learned your eloquence. I'm really eloquent. Although there are many talented people in my father's hands, few of the literati have such accomplishments as you. There are few martial arts people who are so eloquent as you. "

Chen Yang said, "miss four, I'm flattered."

Song Shuangxue said, "you've been working hard all day. Go to bed quickly."

Chen Yang nodded.

As soon as he walked around, he suddenly noticed something wrong at the Lingtai.

Song Shuangxue also immediately noticed.

At the same time, they looked southeast. There was a monster hiding behind the tree. They didn't see it, but they felt it.

Chen Yang immediately said to song Shuangxue, "you are here. I'll catch it."

Song Shuangxue nodded and said, "be careful!"

As soon as Chen Yang's body flashed, he swept past like electricity and light.

The monster seemed to be aware of it and ran away immediately.

Chen Yang where can let this monster escape, he immediately chased up.

Soon, Chen Yang can see clearly the monster in front of him, but he is an ape like man. When it ran away, it still ran away on all fours, very fast.

Chen Yang's speed is faster. As soon as he flashes, his body method of changing shape and shadow comes to the front of the monster.

At this time, Chen Yang finally saw the appearance of this kind of ape.

Its facial features are very similar to human, nose, eyes, etc. It's just a little rough and sharp. It has a lot of golden hair on its body and a lot of hair on its face. You can directly find it to play the monkey grandson in Huaguo Mountain.

This kind of ape is very irritable, see Chen Yang block the way. It gave a strange cry, with a ferocious look in its eyes. Then, it pounced on Chen Yang.

This kind of ape is extremely powerful and agile.

It's estimated that if you are an expert at the top of Huajin, you will be hurt by this kind of ape.

Unfortunately, it was Chen Yang that the ape met. As soon as Chen Yang explored his hand, he grasped the throat of the ape.

Ape crazy struggle, hands and claws are pedaling to Chen Yang. Chen Yang's hand trembled and an electric current attacked him. The ape was immediately paralyzed and fainted.

Then, Chen Yang mentions the guy's back spine and goes to song Shuangxue.

What happened here, after all, awakened everyone.

Chen Yang put the ape on the snow, and song Jinglun, Taoist priest Qingfeng and others all got up.

When people saw this kind of ape, they were all surprised.

Song Shuangxue said: "this is the ape man among the monsters. The ape man is very clever. We can get its memory

Chen Yang nodded, and then he said, "it doesn't speak human language, does it?"

"Of course not!" Song Shuangxue said.

The ape man has been in a coma!

Song Jinglun then said to Chen Yang, "brother Lin, take in its memory quickly. With this ape man, our direction will not be so confused. "

Chen Yang nodded, and then he asked Chen feirong to act.

It seems that Chen Yang is running mana. Chen feirong quickly read the ape man's memory, which is really a lot of ape man's memory. After Chen feirong finished reading it, he let Chen Yang know that it took a lot of time.After a full hour, Chen Yang regained his mana. Everyone looked forward to Chen Yang. Chen Yang said, "don't ask me, this ape man has too many memories and is too confused. I need to digest and sort it out. "

People can understand Chen Yang's situation, so now they can't help being curious and don't ask any more questions.

Chen Yang spent half an hour sorting out the memory of ape man in his mind. Chen Yang abandoned many unimportant memories. Then Chen Yang called the crowd together.

"Everyone should be relieved." Chen Yang said with a sudden smile.

Song Jinglun immediately said, "how can brother Lin say this?"

Chen Yang said: "in fact, I have always been worried about the climate change in the border areas and the impact on the environment, which leads to the escape of monsters. Once it's really the cause of the big environment, no matter who comes, it's hopeless. This is the last thing I want to see. Now, we can rest assured that there is no problem in the environment of border areas. "

"What's the reason, these monsters want to escape?" Song Shuangxue asked immediately.

Chen Yang said: "there are two powerful species in the wild. One is ape man, the other is demon man. The demon man was evolved from a strange kind of ice monkey. Today's frontier wasteland has been dominated by demons. These demons are in the far north. Their number is not many, only about 1000 people. But their demon leader is gathering all the demons to create a demonic Dementor array! This array can take away the soul of the living. The demon leader uses the soul wave to strengthen his own mana. Among them, the ape man suffers the most damage, because the ape man's soul is the most intelligent, and can provide more powerful mana support for the demon leader. "

Chen Yang hesitated and said, "there were more than 30000 ape men, but now there are only more than 10000 under the evil man's cruelty, and they are still scattered everywhere. All kinds of monsters in the wasteland now feel the power of the demon leader's demonic soul taking array. The leader of the demon man can gather impermanence and manifest himself through the spirit. He can appear anywhere within the frontier. Only when we escape from the frontier can we have a way of life. This is the psychological thought of all monsters. "

After Chen Yang finished, song Jinglun and others had a headache.

"The demon leader is so powerful. I'm afraid that even if we find him, we won't be his opponent." Song Jinglun said: "in my opinion, we still have to go to Dad. Dad and we should be able to deal with the demon leader. "

Chen Yang said: "with the cultivation of the demon leader, we're afraid it's really hard to deal with. So I'm in favor of going back to Wang Ye for help! In the past, the leader of the demon man did not dare to do anything wrong because of the presence of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. Now that the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is gone, he has the courage to commit crimes. "

"But..." Song Shuangxue is not reconciled and says, "we just came in. Are we going out like this?"

Song Jinglun said: "although we are here to solve problems, we should cherish our lives. We can't just try to be brave. It's settled. "

Song Shuangxue sees that song Jinglun has made up her mind. Although she is not reconciled, she doesn't have much to say.

Then the ape man woke up. Chen Yang did not embarrass it, waved and said, "let's go!"

Although the ape man could not understand what Chen Yang was saying, he still understood the gesture. Immediately he turned around and ran away.

After daybreak, they pulled out their tents and went back home.

"Since the demon leader can gather and disperse, second brother, do you think he will suddenly appear here and take us away?" Song Shuangxue said curiously while walking.

People were not too afraid. All of a sudden, song Shuang said.

Then Xu Mao said, "we are so far away from the demons' soul taking array of the demons' leader, how can he not come to us for trouble?"

"That's it A master named Gao Da echoed.

Song Jinglun said with a smile, "what if we come here? Are so many of us still afraid of him? The reason why we don't go to the leader of the demon man is that he has many subordinates. Now, are we still afraid of him here? "

Song Jinglun is full of confidence.

However, the thing in this world is that the more you are afraid of something, the more you are afraid of it.

As soon as the words of song Jinglun came to an end, there was a burst of laughter in the void.

There was snow in the air all the time.

The snowflakes suddenly gathered in one finger, forming a blizzard tornado.

The blizzard tornado is getting smaller and smaller, and finally a tall snowman is formed.

The snowman fell in front of the crowd.

"Ha ha, God helps me!" The snowman had a nose and eyes. He laughed and said, "I can't believe there are eight human practitioners in the wasteland here. Your soul wave and brain wave are my best tonic. I want them, ha ha ha... "

"Evil animal!" Song Jinglun's eyes were cold, but he didn't say much. Suddenly, with a move, he sacrificed his Tongling sword!The Tongling sword, like a flash of lightning, killed the snowman's head!

With a click, the snowman's head was cut off immediately.

At the same time, song Jinglun's sword cuts the snowman's body. In an instant, the snowman's body is broken!

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