Chen Yang is slightly a Zheng, then also a smile, say: "four young ladies feel that I am playing with Ning er's feelings?"

Song Shuangxue said, "it doesn't mean that. When I first met brother Lin, I thought that although you were good, my little sister was more than enough for you. But now contact more, but feel that you are the real pride of heaven. I'm afraid my little sister won't match you. "

Chen Yang said, "miss four thinks too much."

Song Shuangxue said: "I naturally hope I think more." After a pause, she said, "for people like you, brother Lin, didn't any women like you before? I used to think that you came to song imperial city for your rights, but now I can't see through you any more. "

Chen Yang's intuition is really terrible. However, his face was still silent, just a smile, said: "the desire between the world, nothing more than power, women, wealth. For us, we also have the heart to climb up. I think I have millions of soldiers in my heart, so I want to come to the imperial city of Song Dynasty to show my ambition. For the first ten years of my life, I have been wandering in the world. Although I was natural and unrestrained, I felt that it was enough. Four young ladies, there is a saying that the word "wealth" comes first even in practicing Taoism. Only by being in a high position can we have more resources. This is also the reason why the accomplishments and abilities of the four young ladies are superior to those of ordinary children. I want the Lin family to carry forward in my generation! "

"What brother Lin said is very reasonable!" Song Shuangxue said, "but I'm worried. Do you really like my little sister?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said: "Ning Er is beautiful. Although her character is a little unruly, she is lovely. In addition, her identity can also help me. What's the reason why I don't like such a woman? "

Song Shuangxue said: "my little sister is very simple. I only hope brother Lin will never let her down. Otherwise, as a sister, I will definitely stand out for her. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "the fourth lady can be relieved."

That's all.

It was a safe night.

The next morning, Luo Ning and Gu Jianxi gathered all the ape men.

On the snowy land outside the cave, dense ape people gathered. They formed a formation and looked solemn.

Luoning, gujianxi and Chen Yang all came out.

At this time, all the ape people cried out in unison: "meet the saint!"

This sentence is in Chinese.

Not all ape people can speak Chinese, but this Chinese is taught.

Ten thousand people worship together, and the posture is still full.

This scene is also quite shocking.

Ronin called for a flat!

All the ape men just stood up. At this time, Luoning was also serious, she said: "ape people are persecuted by demons. Now we are all separated. Even at this point, the demon leader still wants to slaughter the whole frontier. At this moment, we have no choice but to retreat. Here, I implore all the good sons to join me in fighting against the demon leader! "

Gu Jianxi immediately raised his voice to translate.

The voices of Gu Jianxi and Luo Ning have strong penetrating power, and all ape people on the scene can hear them clearly.

After gujianxi finished, all the ape people yelled: "fight against the devil, fight against the devil!"

For the devil, the leader of the devil, and the ape people, there is pain in their skin. So at this moment, when Luoning decided to fight against the demon leader, everyone was united.

Later, Luoning didn't say much and took the people on the road.

It's a great journey.

Chen Yang and others are at the forefront.

On the way, Chen Yang thought of something. He organized a passage and read it to Gu Jianxi. Finally, he asked gujianxi to translate it to him in ape man's language.

Gujianxi didn't know what Chen Yang wanted to do, but he did it one by one.

Chen Yang has a good memory, and he quickly recites this passage in ape man's language. Later, Chen Yang read it to Gu Jianxi with cadence. After Gu Jianxi confirmed that Chen Yang's grammar was ok, Chen Yang gave up.

All the way, everyone brought their own rations.

In this famine, though the days are hard. But so many creatures, they all have their own way of life. Some of them are predators of the jungle, and some of them depend on the grain and fruit that are suitable for growing on the edge. In addition, there are a lot of prey here, and people sometimes go hunting.

As for the fire, many trees here have dried up. And the dry trees just let them cook.

The resources of frontier and wasteland are not abundant, but all living beings have spirituality. They can always find the right things to survive at the right time. Even people living in the desert can also find an oasis and find a way to survive.

This is also born with health spirit!

It's five days and five nights from the ape man's nest to the devil's nest!The distance between the two is very long.

It's a huge project for Chen Yang and others to take 10000 ape men out of such a long distance.

In the evening, Chen Yang and Luoning also arranged duty. Chen Yang is also very worried that xuanyuanjing will come to kill people.

But fortunately, after three days in a row, it was safe.

On the night of the third day, xuanyuanjing finally appeared.

This is the first time xuanyuanjing appeared, there is no sign.

After Chen Yang and others found out, without saying a word, they started the sword array to hang.

Xuanyuanjing sneered in the air and said, "do you think this mob can fight against me? Delusion

He didn't stay much, and then he turned and ran away.

Gu Jianxi and others have closed the sword array!

At this time, everyone was surprised.

"What is xuanyuanjing doing here?" Song Jinglun asked suspiciously. "Xuanyuanjing should not do things without reason, right?"

Luoning and others couldn't understand.

But everyone's eyes are on Chen Yang.

Obviously, Chen Yang is the brains of all.

At this time, it seems that his explanation is the most authoritative.

Even Luo Ning, when she is with Chen Yang, depends on Chen Yang's wisdom.

Chen Yang said with a faint smile, "it's just a mystery. He wants to see the situation and make us think about it." After a pause, he said: "the reason why xuanyuanjing has not done anything is that we are still far away from the magic nest. The closer we are to the magic nest, the stronger his power will be. At a certain time, he will make a move. Therefore, after tomorrow, we should be ready to bear xuanyuanjing's attack at any time. Tomorrow night, I will have some preparation. You don't have to think about it. Go to sleep. "

Chen Yang's self-confidence and determination infected everyone.

And they were at ease.

Luo Ning stood up and said, "Lin Qianshan, follow me. I have something to say to you alone." When she had finished, she walked away.

Chen Yang followed.

Two people went out a long way, make sure no one followed, no one spy, so after, Luoning said: "do you really think xuanyuanjing is mystifying?"

Chen Yang said: "I can only say that, whether he is mystifying or not. Our plan this time is very big. No matter what xuanyuanjing's plan is, it's a small one. In front of so many of us, it's not worth mentioning. "

Ronin sighed slightly.

Chen Yang put his arms around her waist, gave her a kiss on her lips and said, "what are you sighing about?"

Luo Ning said: "this time, all the ape people are led. All the responsibilities are on me. I don't want to live up to the expectations of my ancestors. However, the ape man is now withering, which I do not want to see. So in my heart, there are still many worries. "

Chen Yang said, "don't you still have me? No matter what happens, let's both carry it. What's more, we are trying our best to protect the ape man, even if it is not finished in the end, but at least we have tried our best, and we have a clear conscience, don't you think so? "

Luoning smile, said: "you say so, I really feel much better."

Chen Yang suddenly smiles again and says, "I can't kiss you these days. Come on!" He suddenly gave it a deep kiss.

Luoning caught off guard, first struggled slightly, and finally indulged in the kiss.

After the kiss, Luo Ning blushed slightly. She pushed Chen Yang away and said, "why don't you see that you can be so annoying?"

Chen Yang a smile, said: "can let me entangle the woman is very few."

Luo Ning said: "let's go. If we stay for a long time, that song girl will be suspicious again."

Chen Yang said with a smile: "you remind me that song Shuangxue is a dog nose. I will feel your fragrance on me later." With that, he took off his coat and shook it away.

Luo Ning smiles.

Then, the two returned to the team.

Although song Shuangxue and others also wanted to ask what they had talked about, they finally held back.

You can't ask everything, and ronin was there.

Chen Yang is happy and quiet.

It was a peaceful night.

The next day, keep going.

On this day, we are still at peace.

People are getting closer and closer to the magic nest.

But xuanyuanjing never appeared again.

On the fifth day, less than three kilometers away from the magic nest, people can see a dense forest ahead!

The woods are covered with snow, but these trees are different from those in other places and full of vitality.

At this time, the accident finally happened.

The whole forest and the snow on the ground were suddenly swept by a violent wind!This is a strong storm snow, like a typhoon in general!

It's a natural disaster.

Cover up the sky and the earth!

Mortals in the face of such natural disasters appear particularly weak, can only tremble!

Tremble, mortal!

"Ha ha..." Xuanyuanjing's laughter came: "I'm still thinking about how to kill you ants. I didn't expect you ants to come here to die. Now you all Go to hell

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