All the ape people were frightened by the situation in front of them. They wanted to turn around and run away.

At this time, Luoning, Gu Jianxi and others have quietly gone to the rear area, and there are many ape people. About 300 ape man cadres and the like have all held the four directions.

"Evil is more than right. Don't be afraid. Let's roar together!"

The sound was made by more than 300 people in unison, and it was accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.

"Kill Chen Yang takes the lead in roaring out a killing word.

Chen Yang integrated his anger, martial spirit, and Chen feirong's pure mana into this killing word.

"Kill The killing was full of shock.

More than three hundred people also roared out the words to kill!

Chen Yang yelled three times in a row.

At the third sound, all the ape men finally calmed down, and then roared out a kill word.

In a flash, the roar was loud and murderous.

Under the pressure of fear, all the ape people made this kind of roar.

This is not willing to roar, this is the roar of death.

In the face of terrorist forces, people will be afraid instinctively. But when the first person rushes out, most people have the courage to stand up. Once this anger forms a chain reaction, there will be a tsunami.



The huge sound wave vibrates out, and it's like an invisible wave in the air.

This sound is full of endless killing intention!

This is the intention of fighting, which Chen feirong is most afraid of.

In the ancient battlefield, the residual killing will make some demon immortals and the like dare not approach!

Chen Yang's roar and his spirit are also injected into this kind of killing intention.

So in an instant, the roaring avalanche of natural disasters, in such a roar, immediately seemed to have been taken out of the soul.

Those Storm Snow Grains no longer have terrible lethality. Storm Snow becomes floating, and finally gently on the ground!

Xuanyuanjing's original shape was formed in the air. He was shocked to see it. At the same time, he was furious.

Xuanyuanjing continuously hit and killed with a thousand ice swords!

"Kill Chen Yang roared out again with the crowd.

This sound wave shakes the sky away, once again dispersing the thousand ice swords.

"Xuanyuanjing, your end is coming!" Chen Yang raised his voice and said, "do you think you can be lawless forever? Do you think heaven is lawless? You've done a lot of evil. Today is your day to die! "

"Hum!" Xuanyuanjing said angrily, "I should have killed you a long time ago!"

Chen Yang did not quarrel with xuanyuanjing at this time. He gave a loud drink and said, "everyone, follow me!"

This sentence is in the language of ape man.

"Go, kill!"

At this time, the ape people are full of confidence and fighting spirit! Because they suddenly found that what they had been afraid of was just paper tigers. When they work together, the enemy is not so terrible.

So now, they are eager to step down the whole demon camp!

Xuanyuan Jing did not say a word, and then disappeared.

Obviously at this time, xuanyuanjing has attached great importance to Chen Yang. He wants to return to the demons' soul taking formation to take charge of affairs.

At this time, Chen Yang's strategy worked. People admire him even more.

Song Shuangxue, song Jinglun, they are speechless, the eyes are speechless admiration. Luoning also takes Chen Yang in a different light.

In fact, the most difficult thing is not the strategy and method. It's about organizing people to be effective in times of crisis.

The reason why Chen Yang didn't rehearse ahead of time is that he knew about it. Rehearsing ahead of time was not sincere enough. Only in the critical moment of life and death, can we stimulate people's anger and the will to survive.

It's hard work!

It can't be rehearsed.

At the moment, Chen Yang is approaching the woods with this angry army of steel.

Xuanyuanjing did not dare to fight again.

Soon, people across the woods, and finally reached the front of the magic nest.

In front of the devil's nest, it's also a forest!

All the demons, thousands of demons, sat on the ground with their knees crossed. They were densely distributed in all directions.

Before he got close, Chen Yang felt the fluctuation of powerful mana.

Chen Yang raised his hand and let the ape people stand still.

Then, Chen Yang looks at the magic soul taking battle!

This is the first time that all of us have come into contact with the demons Dementor array.

At this moment, everyone felt the powerful power fluctuation of the big array.

However, they didn't feel the feeling that all souls had to leave the body. Maybe xuanyuanjing didn't launch this kind of power at this time.

Xuanyuanjing sat on the high platform in the middle, where he closed his eyes.This is the posture of the stars and the moon.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a slight invisible halo surrounding all the demons.

At this time, Taoist priest Qingxu said: "Mr. Lin, now we have come to the vicinity of the demons' soul taking array. May you observe the clue of the array?"

With a smile, Xu Mao said, "we've gone through a lot of hardships and expended so much manpower and material resources, but it's just for this moment! Mr. Lin, you can't let us down! "

"What are you?" At this time, Luo Ning's eyes suddenly cold, said: "everything, is our efforts with Childe Lin. You two useless people can't do anything to help, but they will make fun of you and don't look at your own faces. If you dare to fret again, I will kill you. "

Because of song Shuangxue and song Jinglun, Chen Yang has endured these two guys all the time. But Luoning can't see Chen Yang being so ridiculed, she immediately broke out.

Qingxu Taoist priest and Xu Mao's face suddenly turned blue and white.

Song Jinglun and song Shuangxue look at them coldly, but they won't stand out for them.

"Ignore them!" Chen Yang said to Luo Ning: "now I want to spy on the demons' soul taking array, but xuanyuanjing has already noticed my intention. So he stayed in the battle. He didn't allow us to destroy his battle. "

Ronin said, "can we break the array with sound waves? Or sound wave attack, and then use sword array to break it

Chen Yang said, "that can't be done. The mana in it is too powerful. The power of sound wave is to defeat the spirit in xuanyuanjing's mana. But now, he is in the heart of the array. The array is strong and can't be shaken by sound waves. If our sword array is in the past, it can't be close at all. If you don't believe it, you can try it! "

The old sword West then said: "well, young master, I'll have a try!" With that he issued his flying sword.

But seeing a milligram light, he immediately flew into the demons' soul taking array.

That day, the outline of a ferocious beast suddenly appeared in the sky of the demon soul taking formation. The beast opened its mouth and swallowed the sword directly into the mouth.

"No!" The ancient sword West was shocked.

Then, the beast disappears!

Ancient Jianxi's sword has been directly melted into iron slurry and no longer exists!

"At ordinary times, the sword array can repel xuanyuanjing, but now the sword array enters the big array and is swallowed directly." Chen Yang said.

People have already seen the power of the great array, and they also believe Chen Yang's words. No one dares to risk his own baby.

"What shall we do next?" Luo Ning asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I want to explore this array, but my mana will be swallowed by xuanyuanjing as soon as I enter. So now, I want you to use some mana to disturb xuanyuanjing's sight. You cover my mana to visit the formation. Do you understand? "

Luoning nodded and said, "I understand!"

Song Jinglun and other people's injuries are almost good, so at this time, song Jinglun said: "count me in."

Song Shuangxue also said: "count me in!"

Taoist Qingxu and Xu Mao are embarrassed to talk.

Chen Yang asked Luo Ning and others to be ready, and then they used their magic power to explore the demons from all directions. Their mana is a spiritual idea, which does not attack the big array, but quickly drifts around the big array to avoid it!

At this time, Chen Yang also asked Chen feirong to separate out a thousand ideas, which were divided into a thousand parts. At first, a thousand ideas were scattered around, and then all of them were involved in the battle.

In that big array, there is a powerful suction!

In a flash, everyone's mana and Chen feirong's 1000 thoughts were absorbed, and soon they were swallowed up.

What people lose is a little mana and spirit. Mana lost, just like strength lost, can be recovered.

But Chen feirong is different, what she loses is her real idea.

Chen feirong now has a total of 7200 ideas, and she has lost 1000 ideas directly, which does her great harm.

"Little boy, do you want to explore the grand array? You don't have the chance Xuanyuan jingsen's cold voice came.

Everyone looked at each other.

Because just now nothing was tested out. Obviously, Chen Yang's plan didn't work.

"What to do?" Song Shuangxue asked Chen Yang subconsciously.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I have explored it clearly."

"Ah? How is that possible? " Song Shuangxue and others were surprised.

Because everyone went in to explore mana together, they all felt puzzled and didn't know anything. Their feeling is that as soon as the mana goes in, it's like they are involved in the soul chopping array, and then they don't feel anything. It's like throwing a stone into the sea.

But Chen Yang is his exploration clear, which makes people feel puzzled.

At this time, the only thing to understand is Luoning. Luoning knows that Chen Yang has no magic power. He only has the idea of Chen feirong. Those thoughts and mana are different. While these thoughts are being swallowed, Chen Yang also understands the concept of swallowing and the surrounding situation.Chen Yang did it with a thousand ideas.

When he sent out a thousand ideas, he knew that this might be the result. It's just that Chen Yang didn't expect that this big array is so powerful!

It doesn't give people a chance to react!

"Do you really understand?" Song Shuangxue asks Chen Yang.

Taoist priest Qingxu and Xu Mao are a little disdainful, but they are good at learning now, but they don't say anything.

Chen Yang nodded. He said in a deep voice, "I've got a way to break the battle."

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