For song Ning, her life is extremely happy and carefree. She lives in this city Lord's house, and she doesn't worry about food and clothing. When everyone saw her, they would shout Miss Ning respectfully.

And her father loved her. Her sisters and brothers love her too!

Now she has found a husband like Chen Yang.

She wakes up in a dream with a smile.

But whose life is perfect?

Full moon is short, full water is overflow, this is the avenue of heaven and earth, this is the principle of life!

Song Ning thinks that Chen Yang is her husband, but he doesn't know that Chen Yang is her victim.

The next morning, song Ning came to Chen Yang to have breakfast outside. Chen Yang moved his mind, and he agreed.

But some accident is that when they go out, they meet song Shuangxue and song Tianjiao.

Song Tianjiao said with a smile, "little sister, what are you going to do with your husband so early?"

Song Ning said with a smile, "we're going out for breakfast."

Song Tianjiao said, "why don't you have breakfast in this house? Why do you want to go out?"

Song Ning said: "elder sister, you don't know what sentiment is when you look at it. Can it feel the same when you eat in the house or outside? "

"Good, good!" Song Tianjiao said: "I dare you to eat not breakfast, but sentiment."

Song Ning was very generous and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Song Tianjiao then said: "well, little sister, let's go out to eat together. I seldom visit the city of emperor song

Song Ning stayed for a while.

Song Tianjiao immediately said: "why, not welcome?"

"No!" Song Ning was embarrassed to refuse, and finally agreed.

Chen Yang feels bad in his heart. He wanted to tell song Ning about Yue Guangchen's whereabouts. But now it's not. He's a man with a lot of thoughts. He thinks that song Tianjiao and song Shuangxue suddenly appear. Is it a coincidence or on purpose?

What did song Shuangxue say to song Tianjiao? Are the two sisters here to observe themselves?

For a moment, Chen Yang was completely uncertain.

Chen Yang feels very upset. Things that were not so complicated are now extremely complicated. But also involved in the debt with song Ning. As the play goes on, it becomes more and more out of control.

No wonder people say that it takes thousands of lies to tell a lie.

Chen Yang's eyes are silent. He has never experienced any storm, so where will he show any flaws.

"Mr. Lin won't not welcome us, will he?" Song Tianjiao asked Chen Yang with a smile.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I'm very welcome." He paused and said, "I've heard of you, miss. It's my honor to be with you."

He behaved in such a way that there was nothing wrong with him.

Song Tianjiao smile, and then no more said.

After that, the four went out of the Lord's mansion.

Song Ning is quiet in front of strangers, but he is happy in front of song Tianjiao, song Shuangxue and Chen Yang.

She soon became happy.

The four found a teahouse nearby, then entered the teahouse and sat down in the elegant seat on the second floor.

Tea and cakes will be here soon.

The weather in Song Dynasty is very good and sunny.

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's been a long time since I went to the frontier. Now when I see the sunshine, I feel very comfortable. Miss four, do you feel the same way? "

Song Shuangxue is a little out of her mind. She hears the words and says, "what?"

Song Ning immediately said: "fourth sister, you are so out of your mind after you come back from the border wasteland. What's the matter?"

Song Shuangxue said: "it's OK. It's just a recovery. What can I do for you? "

At this time, song Tianjiao also opened her mouth, she said: "I heard that young master Lin is a master of poetry, I don't know if I can broaden my horizons?"

Song Ning immediately looked forward to Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang knows very well that he is afraid that he has made so many poems for song Ning, which may be his biggest flaw. What if song Ning read it to song Tianjiao and song Tianjiao went to the world of the sun again? What if he knew these poems?

Song Tianjiao will know that he is from the sunny world.

Of course, it's not terrible at all. Because even if I have been to the sunny world, what?

But there is one thing, copying poetry is disgraceful after all. Others don't know, but if they do, how embarrassing!

However, Chen Yang also thinks that song Tianjiao seldom studies poetry even if he has been to the sunny world.

At this time, song Tianjiao, song Ning and song Shuangxue are all staring at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang suddenly felt something. He whispered: "people say that the setting sun is the end of the world. I can't see my home at the end of the world. I hate Bishan. Bishan is covered by dusk clouds! "Song Tianjiao, song Shuangxue and song Ning were all in a daze.

This poem is full of sadness and helplessness, including a strong nostalgia.

This poem is deeply touched by Chen Yang. Just because he knows the allusion of this poem!

This poem has a deep relationship with his father Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya and Chen Ling are the same people. Later, for some reason, in the tunnel of time and space, Chen Tianya devoured the most precious dragon jade and produced two souls.

One is Chen Ling who is right in time and space, and the other is Chen Tianya who is against chaos in time and space.

It's a split in two.

Later, Chen Tianya was trapped in Tianmu. That day's tomb is the gap of time and space, the disordered time and space. The leader of the Vatican of light was buried in the tomb of heaven. After that, Chen Tianya was saved back to the real world by the God Emperor's chance meeting. Because Chen Tianya engulfed Longyu and had recast his life style, he could exist in the same world with Chen Ling.

Chen Tianya went to see his family, but his family already belonged to Chen Ling.

Everything, his hard work and struggle, the family he once guarded with his life, including his sister, no longer belong to him.

What kind of desolation is that?

He was originally called Chen Ling, but there is already Chen Ling in the world. Even the name that he has called since he was a child doesn't belong to him.

At that time, Chen Tianya read such a poem.

This poem is nostalgia!

It was written by Li Gou in the Song Dynasty.

People say that the sunset is the end of the world, hope the end of the world do not see home!

Therefore, he gave himself a name, that is Chen Tianya!

Behind every successful person, there is a story. Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, lived a magnificent life. Chen Tianya also had his sorrow and anger. The great Shura emperor was even more lonely when he was a child. Later, he was pushed down from the ghost cave by his master Wuwei. But the silent star made it.

What about God?

God Emperor's life is a long way to go, and I will go up and down to seek. I've been searching for the road all my life!

Today's era is the era of Chen Yang's generation.

But Chen Yang has gone through a lot of hardships. Maybe one day, he will really grow into a giant. Maybe, he will fall. Who knows?

Chen Yang did not continue to speak.

Song Shuangxue takes a look at Chen Yang. When she sings this poem, her heart is shocked.

She knew in her heart that Chen Yang must have come with a purpose, but she knew better that he was not a bad man. That's why she didn't explain it to her father.

However, song Shuangxue is contradictory in her heart. She is afraid that song Ning will be hurt.

But at this moment, song Shuangxue is more sure that Chen Yang is not a bad man. He must have a lot of stories.

Song Ning gently holds Chen Yang's hand. She feels Chen Yang's sadness. She doesn't know what to do, but she wants to give Chen Yang the greatest comfort.

Song Tianjiao said: "it seems that Mr. Lin is thinking of his family?"

Chen Yang at this time has disdained to lie, he said faintly: "nothing."

This is to make it clear that I don't want to talk about this.

Even in the face of such a person as song Tianjiao, a young lady, Chen Yang can still be neither humble nor arrogant.

With this bearing, song Tianjiao also secretly praised Chen Yang.

The breakfast ended in such a delicate atmosphere.

At noon, song Shuangxue finds Chen Yang alone. It's in the attic of the Lord's mansion.

Song Shuangxue lets the servant girl close the door and drives away the servant girl. After that, song Shuangxue and Chen Yang sit down.

"Lin Qianshan, maybe your real name is not Lin Qianshan?" Song Shuangxue said suddenly.

"I don't know what you're trying to say." Chen Yang took a look at Song Shuangxue and said, "I'm tired of your unwarranted suspicion. If you think I have a problem, you can report me to your father. Do you always pull me over to say that? Even if I had a plan, would I tell you? Do you think your mind can trick me out? "

Song Shuangxue said: "I know, I'm not as smart as you. But I especially hope you can tell me the truth. I might even help you! "

Chen Yang said, "I have nothing to ask you for help."

"Don't push me." Song Shuangxue said.

Chen Yang said, "you can think that I am forcing you."

Song Shuangxue said: "your poem is full of nostalgia for your hometown and home. But you have no family and no father. This is Lin Qianshan's identity. Words can be false, but poems are not. "

Chen Yang said, "you have nothing else to do. I'm leaving."

Then Chen Yang walked away.

He is not afraid of what song Shuangxue will do, he is to report to the Song Emperor. At least, the emperor of song and song Shuangxue have little evidence. Song Ning would not believe it.

Most of all, the emperor of song would be more suspicious of himself.Of course, Chen Yang won't go out with song Shuangxue. He can't entrust his plan to an unknown person.

The day passed like this.

The next day, Chen Yang finally found a chance to get along with song Ning alone, and went out for breakfast.

This time, I changed to a more distant breakfast restaurant.

Song Ning is wearing a white skirt, just like a pure white fairy.

Her eyes were as beautiful as paint.

"Brother Lin, are you happier today?" Song Ning asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "why do you ask that?"

Song Ning said, "I know you were not happy yesterday. Did you think of your family?"

"I have no family." Chen Yang took a bite of the cake and said.

The second floor of the teahouse is very quiet. The sun shines through the leaves.

The sun also shines on the faces of Chen Yang and song Ning.

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