The sun shines on Songning's face full of collagen, which is a very beautiful landscape.

It seems that it is not too much to describe song Ning's beauty with any extreme praise.

Mingyan is not a square thing!

And Chen Yang?

Although Chen Yang himself is not so handsome, the lines on his face are clear, and with a trace of beauty. It's a different kind of charm that can fascinate women.

but now, Chen Yang wears the mask on his face, but he has no such charm.

Song Ning sometimes feels some regret for Chen Yang's face. However, Chen Yang's own temperament and charm has made song Ning automatically ignore this defect.

"Ning'er, if one day you find that I have cheated you, will you hate me?" Chen Yang suddenly asks song Ning.

Song Ning was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile, "it depends on what it is. As long as you don't mean something to me, nothing else matters."

After a pause, she said, "you won't cheat me on this, will you?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "of course not."

Song Ning was happy.

"By the way, Ning'er, I'm a little curious. Didn't you say that the Lord is making pills now?" Chen Yang said: "I have been practicing until now, and I find it hard to improve my skills. If I can get some pills, I think it will work wonders. "

"This one!" Song Ning takes an extra look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's face did not change. Even if song Ning thinks he is snobbish, for the sake of her family's elixir. But he has to do something.

He didn't want to marry song Ning, and finally left song Ning, which hurt her too much.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang said: "I just want to know about it, and I'm particularly curious about the man named Yue Guangchen. If I have a chance, I hope to see him. "

"How can you be interested in that kind of person?" Song Ning is not surprised.

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "a man who can make pills is a genius. But he betrayed the school, which is a contradiction. "

Song Ning said: "I don't know the place where my father made pills. My father kept his mouth shut about this. If elder brother Lin is really interested, I'll ask my father then. "

Chen Yang said, "don't tell Wang Ye that I put forward this matter."

"Why?" Song Ning's strange way.

Chen Yang said, "think about it, the Lord is very tight lipped about alchemy. Prove that he kept it secret and didn't want anyone to know. I'm afraid the Lord thinks I'll have a plan, so you say you want to see it. "

Song Ning takes another look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also looked at Song Ning, he said: "do you think I will have a plot?"

Song Ning avoids Chen Yang's eyes. She smiles reluctantly and says, "no!"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how to make some promises, but Ning'er, even though I have some small selfishness, I really mean it to you. I hope you can believe me. "

Song Ning breathed a sigh of relief. She gave Chen Yang a smile and said, "I know. Don't worry. I'll keep it in my heart."

It was also at this time that Chen feirong communicated with Chen Yang in his brain: "brother Yang, you are so blatant now. I'm afraid song Ning will be suspicious!"

Chen Yang responded: "I know, but time is getting tight. I don't want things to drag on until song Ning and I really want to get married. Song Ning is now bent on me. Even though she has some doubts, she won't tell her father about me. Moreover, the Song Emperor also wanted to use me to confuse Dong Chuan. So even if he knew that I was interested in alchemy, he would not kill me for it. I've weighed the pros and cons of this risk. It's worth taking

Chen feirong said, "well, brother Yang." She paused and said, "I'm afraid you'll feel more guilty about song Ning in the future."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "I can only try not to hurt her."

That night, song Ning asked the emperor of song about alchemy. She said she wanted to see it. She thought it was very interesting.

However, the Song Emperor refused. He said, "what's so funny about this?"

Song Ning coquetry way: "father, daughter is curious, you let me see what?"

The emperor of song refused and said, "no way!"

Song Ning would continue to act like a coquettish. The emperor of song suddenly asked, "you can't be interested in these things all of a sudden. Is there anyone who wants you to..."

"Dad, where do you want to go?" Song Ning feigned his anger and said, "where can someone else come to let me say this? I'm just on a whim!"

The emperor of song took a look at Song Ning and said, "it's too late. Go down and have a rest. It's nothing to talk about! "

This was the first time that the emperor of Song Dynasty was so tough.

Song Ning had no choice but to give up.

After Song Ning left, the emperor called song Tianjiao and song Shuangxue in his study.The emperor of the Song Dynasty didn't call song Jinglun to come here. Maybe he thought the girl's family was more delicate. Besides, there's no need to fight.

"Daddy In the study, song Tianjiao and song Shuangxue shout.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty sat in front of his desk in black.

He took a sip of hot tea and said, "sit down."

They sat down across the desk.

The Song Emperor took a look at his two daughters and said, "you seem to be absent-minded recently. You have been like this since you came back from the frontier." He paused and said, "frost snow, I know you for my father. You are a man who can't hide things in his heart and has no city. Now tell me honestly, is there something else happened in the frontier that my father doesn't know? "

Song Shuangxue was surprised, and then immediately said: "no!"

The emperor of Song said with a faint smile, "you didn't tell the truth. But for my father's sake, you don't want to say it. I'm afraid no one will ask you. "

Song Tianjiao said with a smile, "Dad, the fourth sister has grown up. Girls have their own little secrets. You are right not to ask. "

The emperor of song laughed, and then he said, "Tianjiao, you've been here for a few days. Also saw that Lin Qianshan, how do you think this person, he really can trust, can let for father entrust Ning'er to him? "

As soon as song Tianjiao heard this, he immediately corrected his face. She said: "Dad, Lin Qianshan has pride in his heart. If he can be used by us, it will help us unify the whole shady world. However, the daughter saw that this man had a million soldiers in his heart, and it was difficult to convince him sincerely. Even Dad, it's hard to convince him! "

The emperor of Song said, "there are countless readers for my father, few of whom are not transparent. It was Lin Qianshan that made him invisible to his father, and he had no control over him. This young man is really a headache for my father. Kill, reluctant to use, not at ease. And today, Ning'er suddenly asked for his father's Alchemy, saying that he wanted to see it. Father doubts, this is the meaning of Lin Qianshan. He may be interested in alchemy. "

Song Shuangxue is surprised. She seems to understand Chen Yang's meaning.

"Is he for pills?" Song Shuangxue's secret way.

Song Tianjiao is a happy, said: "Dad, if he is really interested in pills, it is not better?"

"Oh, what's good about it?" The emperor of song asked immediately.

Song Tianjiao said: "in this world, it's normal for people to die for money and birds for food. People with desire and ideas will have shortcomings. Lin Qianshan has always been too greedy. Although he says that he wants to be the Lord of the city, he always feels that he can't be trusted. Now, since he is interested in pills, he has shortcomings. You have the means to control him! "

The Song Emperor said, "Lin Qianshan has profound accomplishments. However, the deeper his accomplishments are, the more difficult it will be to improve. It's not surprising that he wants pills. " After a pause, he said: "what's more, being a father has laid a spiritual mark in his brain. He wants to resist. Being a father also wants his life."

Song Shuangxue was surprised by this. She didn't know there was such a thing.

But song Tianjiao was very happy, she said: "Dad, you still have this skill. That's great. Lin Qianshan has plans and desires. He is the one who cherishes his life. You are already in control of his biggest dead door, so what else do you have to worry about? "

After a pause, she said, "but if you do that, won't he be cold?"

The Song Emperor said, "he was..."

Now I will tell you the whole story.

Song Tianjiao was even more happy after hearing this. She said: "Dad, in this way, we can use Lin Qianshan without worry. Even if he doesn't really like his little sister, he can be in love with her over time. I suggest you make him marry his younger sister and entrust him with important tasks so as to accept him under your command. Waiting for a long time, he and his younger sister have children, he can not really toward us? My daughter believes that the heart is always made of meat. "

The Song Emperor said, "I've thought about it as a father, but I'm not sure."

Song Tianjiao said, "are you still worried that he will be bad for you one day?"

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was slightly awe inspiring. He said: "the cultivation for father has already reached the eighth heaven. It should be fearless. This Lin Qianshan actually made him feel insecure. This is the spiritual loophole of being a father. " He paused and said, "well, do as you say."

At this moment, the emperor of song had made up his mind.

"No!" Song Shuangxue said immediately.

"What's the matter?" Song Emperor and song Tianjiao look at Song Shuangxue.

Song Shuangxue said: "Dad, your accomplishments have become extraordinary. You are a man who knows the heaven and the earth. Since you are not at ease in your heart, it shows that Lin Qianshan still has some problems. You can't make such a rash decision about my little sister's life just because you want to settle this spiritual loophole. If Lin Qianshan really has a problem, how cruel is it to my little sister? " "What do you mean?" Asked the emperor of song.Song Ning said: "at least we have to watch it for a while. When we can have no worries at all, it's not too late to marry our younger sister to him."

The Song Emperor said, "there's no need to be so troublesome. My father is sure to control all this. It's just a Lin Qianshan. Can he turn out the palm of his father's hand? "

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