Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 751: She should be your mother's incarnation

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Mrs. Huang's head passed on July 1, and Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng also had to go back.

The day before going back, Huang Fu and Huang Yiyi came to the door.

Yao Yiyi felt strange. As soon as Madam Huang went, she felt that the bond between her and the Huang family was almost gone. There was no need for Huang Father to come to her, but when she looked at Huang Yiyi, she guessed how much they came to the door. Intentionally.

"Mr. Huang, what do you want from me?" Yao Yiyi said alienated.

Father Huang looked at the house and said seriously, "Can I go in and say?"

Yao Yiyi turned sideways and made a "please" gesture.

Father Huang and Huang Yiyi went in. Ou Qingheng just came out of the bathroom, looked at them, and alienated, "Mr. Huang, what else do you have?"

Father Huang glanced at Ou Qingheng, and secretly praised it as a dragon among people. This momentum is not comparable to that of ordinary men.

"I'm here today for nothing else, just thinking that Yiyi said she likes life in T City. She wants to work there. You and Xiaoyi are also living in T City, so take care of her for me." Huang Fu He carried his hand on his back and explained his intention: "In a little while, I plan to go to T City too. My wife was nagging and accompany Xiao Yi in T City before she died, and I went to her to make a lasting wish."

"No, I don't think our two need to contact anymore." Ou Qingheng refused politely.

Father Huang's eyes flashed and smiled: "Give me a reason."

"You didn't intend to recognize Yiyi as your daughter from the beginning. Now that your mother-in-law is gone, you are considered to have done everything right. There is no need to reluctantly recognize a sinful species that you think, is it?" Ou Qingheng said quietly.

Father Huang's face was blue and white.

"Sister-in-law, when everyone makes mistakes, dad actually admitted to his sister long ago, that is, because of the face's reluctance to speak, he and his elders all put it down to say so, you and your sister really don't want to forgive a lost. Is the wife's elder? "Huang Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng and said with emotion.

Ou Qingheng chuckled and said, "Mr. Huang, I don't know what idea you are fighting, but I don't want my wife to have too much contact with you, she will be fine with me."

Father Huang's fingers twitched and turned to Yao Yiyi. He said, "Xiaoyi, your mother will let me pay more attention to you before she dies. I used to be very cold to you, but the prisoners have also changed. Chances are you really not willing to forgive me? "

Yao Yiyi evaded Huang Fu's eyes and opened the closet to pack his clothes, pretending to be busy.

Father Huang gave her a deep look and said dumbly: "Xiaoyi, do you have to ask me to kneel before you forgive me? Well, I will kneel for you."

Yao Yiyi was shocked and turned to see Father Huang bending his knees to kneel down. A look of surprise flashed in her eyes. She wanted to rush over and did not expect Ou Qingheng to support Huang Father first. Mr. Huang, you are an elder. Your kneeling is nothing, but Yiyi will lose her life. "

Father Huang secretly competed with him, but Ou Qingheng, who was too old to be young, had no choice but to leave.

"Xiaoyi, can you give me a chance to compensate you?" Huang Father said with his love as a bet.

Yao Yiyi's eyes shone with complex light.

"Sister, dad has the heart to repent, you really so cruelly asked an elder who just lost his wife to beg you in such a low voice?" Huang Yiyi said angrily.

Yao Yiyi looked at the pair of sing-and-go fathers and daughters, and at a time could not guess what the two men were thinking. Nothing was attentive or stolen, and she had nothing, but she was behind the Ou family. Ou family recently Although the villain is guilty of trouble, the company ca n’t move the foundation, but if it is so troubled, it will also make people unsteady. Solving these things is also a lot of thought. At this point, the father and daughter of the Huang family have to sing together. Let her lift her mind.

She can accept Mrs. Huang unconditionally, but the rest of the Huang family have to make her pay attention to twelve points. She is part of the Huang family, but she has been missing for more than 20 years. Without any feelings, they are a little more familiar than strangers, so she has to guard against many things.

Harmfulness is indispensable, and defensiveness is indispensable. She is not an ignorant girl just out of society. Without her defense, she may lose her painstakingly managed family, leaving Oujia ’s vast industry in a state of utter annihilation. .

She has no intention of harming others, but it does not mean that others are like her.

Yao Yiyi turned around and suddenly smiled: "Mr. Huang, Yiyi, I think you have misunderstood, you want to settle in T City, I do n’t object, if you need help, I will also lend a helping hand, you I do n’t know what caused the filial piety on my head. "

Both Huangfu and Huang Yiyi were stunned.

"Sister, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to say that I don't need compensation from the Huang family, and I won't ask for inheritance. You can rest assured."

"Don't talk nonsense. I have written my will according to the wishes of your mother's life, and let the lawyer be fair. It is for your share. I don't care what you think. In short, I intend to compensate you." Father Huang said seriously.

Yao Yiyi froze.

"I said a little bit today. If you do n’t want me to go to the T City for retirement, I wo n’t go, but I still have your share of the Huang family ’s legacy after 100 years, if your sister really wants to go there, you Arrange a job for her, it is rare that she has this heart. "

"I will try my best."

After sending away the father Huang, Yao Yiyi said: "Qing Heng, what idea did you say they played?"

"The soldiers will block, the water will cover, don't think too much." Ou Qingheng said.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

As soon as Huang's father and daughter left, Huang Yiyi's face sank instantly: "Dad, what the **** are you doing? Don't you dislike your sister before, why keep her a legacy?"

Father Huang glanced at her. "This is your mother's last wish. I have made her suffer for most of her life. I can't make her feel uneasy even walking."

"But she obviously didn't want to recognize you as a father. After a hundred years, your family's property should be inherited by brother and me. Obviously she is also an outsider."

"shut up."

"Dad, you have changed. In the past, you killed decisively. You said nothing. Now, not only is your heart softened, but your mind is not clear. I think the property of the Huang family will one day give you a confused hand. "

"Enough!" Huang Father glanced at her with a shadow. "Don't forget that she is your sister, and my blood shed on her body. Even if she is married now, it is reasonable to share the property of the Huang family. Do n’t be blind-minded as a person. "

"Dad, I think you are old and confused." Huang Yiyi exclaimed angrily.

After talking, she ran straight away.

Father Huang's cloudy eyes narrowed, and then he sighed faintly.

Madam Huang's sudden departure left almost all of his sharpness and domineering, and was completely free of the previous resoluteness and domineering.

"Dad." Huang Lingxuan came over.

Father Huang glanced at him and said, "Come."

"Dad, are you going to find your sister?" Huang Lingxuan asked.

"Your sister wants to work in T City, so I will take care of your sister with them."

"Dad, Yiyi is fooling around, why are you fooling with her too?"

"If she wants to make trouble, let her do it. Your mother is gone. I think it's boring. If she makes a lot of trouble, maybe I won't be so bored." The madness in Father Huang's eyes flashed, revealing a trace Evil smile: "Maybe she has enough trouble, I can forget the fact that your mother has left. I often think that if your mother has not reunited with Yao Yiyi, maybe she will not go so early, she has in her heart This will hold on, and I am most reluctant to die, but she is dead now, and I wonder if she will be cold below? Do you want to let her go by? She likes Yao Yiyi, if something happened to Yao Yiyi , Will she appear in my dream? "

Huang Lingxuan shuddered and looked at Huang Fu in a complicated way.

"Dad, people can't be brought back to life, and those of us who are alive must live well. Mom won't come back. Don't do that." Huang Linxuan carefully considered and said.

Father Huang narrowed his eyes and said, "No, I think your mother will trust me with dreams. As long as Yao Yiyi has an accident, she is so distressed that she asks me to protect Yao Yiyi, so I won't be able to see her. ?"

Huang Lingxuan flashed a bad hunch in his heart.

"Dad, what do you want to do?"

"Ling Xuan, don't worry, I just want to keep her for a few more days. If she gets hurt, I think your mother will definitely appear in my dream."

"Dad, calm down, Ou Qingheng is not offended."

Father Huang suddenly laughed again and patted Huang Lingxuan on the shoulder. He said: "Lingxuan, I just made a joke with you. How can I be willing to make your mother feel bad? She likes Yao Yiyi. Just click Yao Yiyi. "

The ring of Huang Lingxuan's face.

"Okay, it's enough to manage the company well. I'll talk to your mother's spiritual position." After that, Huang Father went straight away.

Huang Lingxuan looked at his father's depressed back, he felt like he was crazy.

Huang Lingxuan raised twelve points of attention and paid attention to Huang Fu. He didn't breathe until Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng got on the plane. Fortunately, Huang Fu didn't do anything perverted, otherwise, Ou Qingheng was angry, The Huang family will have to bear the anger of Ou Qingheng's indecision, and then it will surely fall into a fierce battle of corporate battles.

"Why, I'm really afraid of dealing with her?" Father Huang smiled.

Huang Lingxuan shook his head: "No, I'm just afraid that my dad was immersed in the sadness of the death of my mother and mistakenly regarded my sister as a mother."

Father Huang narrowed his eyes and said: "Yeah, she looks like your mother. Do you think she has become your mother?"

Huang Lingxuan pumped his forehead, fearing that Father Huang would fall into a magic obstacle.


"How could she be your mother, your mother is much prettier than her." Huang Fu interrupted Huang Lingxuan.

"..." Huang Lingxuan's blindfold.

"No, she should be the incarnation of your mom who knows that she has not much time. After a while, I should go to T City to find your mom, Ling Xuan. Thank you for reminding me." Huang Fu finished, and left excitedly. .

"..." Huang Lingxuan knew the situation was serious now.

He followed quickly and said, "Dad, she is not a mother. The mother has passed away. Wake up."

Father Huang ignored it.

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