Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 752: Came to T City and was invited back again

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Huang Lingxuan thought that his father was only joking, but he didn't expect him to be serious.

On the fifth day of Yao Yiyi's return, he seriously said to Huang Lingxuan: "Lingxuan, I dreamed of your mother last night. She said that Yao Yiyi was the incarnation of her own life, I think she must be I ’m afraid I ’m alone, so I ’m going to T City. ”

Huang Lingxuan felt a pain in his head.

"Dad, you just miss your mother too much, or you come back to take care of the company. I will give you a hand. I will do what you say," Huang Lingxuan stepped back and compromised.

"I have given you the company, what should I go back to? I promised your mother before, and when I am old, I will take her around. She is gone now, but fortunately I have changed back to Yao Yiyi This time, I will definitely not let her leave my eyes. "Huang Father took out several travel books:" I have all these ready. I will take her to see which country your mother likes. She used to say that she likes waterfalls, then I took her to countries where waterfalls are there to show her enough, and she said that she likes little monkeys. Then I will buy her a lot of monkeys to raise. What does she like about me? Just give her anything and I wo n’t make her angry. "

Huang Lingxuan's head hurt even more.

"Dad, don't make trouble. Sister is your daughter. You know better than anyone else. Mom is gone. You have to accept it if you don't pick it up."

"Nonsense." Huang Fu whispered, "You reminded me that she looks the same as your mother. If it weren't the same person, could it look like this?"

Huang Lingxuan wanted to speak, and his father overbearingly prevented him: "It's needless to say, your mother won't lie to me. I hurt her heart for more than 20 years, and I have to take care of Yao Yiyi for her."


"You take good care of the company, I took your sister to T City."

"Dad, you can't mess up."

"Ling Xuan, if you stop me again, I will ask the lawyer to change my will and leave all the money to your sister."


Huang Lingxuan was silent.

Father Huang was satisfied that the servant took the packed suitcase, and Huang Yiyi also dragged a suitcase.

"Dad, you can go."

Huang Lingxuan was so annoyed by the two of them that he couldn't guess what medicine they sold in the gourd.

"Yiyi, if you want to work, I can arrange you into the company and give you a vice president. You don't need to go to T City."

"Brother, you don't know my mind, I'm a drunkard, I don't mean to drink. As for dad, he said that my sister is a mother's change. I think it's like, otherwise it won't be almost the same. "

"Nonsense! Dad made a nonsense because of his wife's bereavement, and you followed the nonsense, believe it or not, I broke all your credit cards?"

"Brother, the credit card is Dad's secondary card, you can't seem to stop it."

Huang Lingxuan was angry.

He watched as Huang Fu and Huang Yiyi left, his head pained faintly.

He called Ou Qingheng and told the situation here one by one, letting Ou Qingheng pay more attention to his father.

Ou Qingheng hung up the phone and sneered.

Father Huang regarded Yao Yiyi as Mrs. Huang?

Thanks to him, he was obviously a mother and daughter. He was scolded by him as a wicked seed. Mrs. Huang died because of illness, and now it is said that Mrs. Huang changed. This illogical idea makes him have to doubt his father. There is a conspiracy to get close to Yao Yiyi.

He wanted to see what medicine was sold in Huang Fu's gourd.

The Huang family is a big family, but in T City, his Huang family can't afford any storms.

Ou Qingheng asked his people to go to the airport to contain people, and when they saw them, they invited them to sit in the organization.

So Huang Fu and Huang Yiyi were invited to the car by several people in suits as soon as they left the airport.

Father Huang looked at these people and shouted with great majesty: "Who are you?"

"Mr. Huang, our boss wants to see you. You have to be orderly. You know that we people like to treat those restless people with tough methods," said one of the bodyguards.

Father Huang shut his mouth when he was aware of current affairs.

Huang Yiyi did not resign: "Who are your boss? I tell you, my dad is the chairman of the Huang Group, the Huang family is also one of the richest people in Shanghai, and my brother-in-law is the quasi heir of the European family. Managing the Euclidean Group, the power in the T City is so high, if we have a short or a long one, I do n’t think you ’ll even need it. ”

No one answered her.

"Hello, have you heard what I said? My brother-in-law is the most powerful heir to the European family in T City. If we have an accident, be careful that you will not be able to walk around."

"Yiyi, don't be noisy, we will be fine." Huang Father said in a deep voice. At first glance, these people are well-trained and well-groomed. They are not like fugitives who run away, nor are they unreasonable, they are like bodyguards with special training, and they have no enemies in T city. , Most of them invited Ou Qingheng.

With the measurement, Huang's father was not so nervous. When he came, he would calm down. The host used such a big momentum to invite him to pass. In terms of momentum, would he lose to a younger generation.

I have to say that Father Huang is worthy of touching and rolling in the sea of ​​business. His eyes are sharp and his mind is meticulous. If Mrs. Huang's sudden death smoothed his fighting spirit, he would not retire so early.

When they reached the place, the two were invited upstairs. Huang Yiyi looked at the high-tech decoration, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Mr. Huang, Ms. Huang, you sit first, the boss will arrive soon." The bodyguard kindly invited them to sit on the sofa and give them tea and snacks.

After all the ceremonies were thoughtful, several bodyguards quickly retreated, leaving only the Huang family's father and daughter in the large house.

Huang Yiyi looked around the room. When there was no camera, she said: "Dad, do you say they will be watching us in secret?"

Father Huang closed his eyes and nourished himself.

"Dad, please talk with me, I'm scared." Huang Yiyi said.

"Wait, they won't treat us like that. I haven't fulfilled your mother's wish, and I won't let myself go wrong."

Huang Yiyi pouted her lips, feeling that her own father was really impaired.

Just as they waited impatiently, Ou Qingheng appeared.

"Sister, brother-in-law?" Huang Yiyi got up from the sofa and couldn't believe it: "How could it be you?"

Ou Qingheng glanced at her, and then sat straight on the other side of the sofa, straightforward: "Mr. Huang, I heard the son said that you have treated my wife as a mother-in-law. I just want to know what you think. of?"

Father Huang smiled lightly and changed his posture. He looked lazy and said: "I know Xiaoyi is my daughter, but she looks too much like a dead wife, so she wanted to come over and see her. A month has also allowed me to take good care of her, I can't fail her mother's will. "

"Can't you live up to it, or do it for your own selfish desires? I heard your son said that you have the intention to deal with your daughter, I feel very disgusted, so I invite you to come and save you from thinking too much and doing irrational things. . "

Father Huang smiled.

"Relax, I haven't been so distraught that I have to deal with my daughter. I just want to see her. I want to be a father. It's not illegal to watch my daughter."

"It's not illegal."

Ou Qingheng thought about it for a while, and then the words turned: "So I made people prepare a private jet. You should go back to Shanghai. T City is not for you."

"Ou Qingheng, you know, even if I go back to Shanghai, I will come back again." Huang Father was playing Tai Chi.

Ou Qingheng smiled and said, "The next time you come again, maybe you will go back without arms and legs."

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean?"

"It literally means."

Father Huang stood up from the sofa and said, "Since you don't want us to see Xiaoyi, then we can just go back and don't bother your private jet."


"Let's go back."

Ou Qingheng went out with them, letting them go to the airport with them, and letting them relax after watching them get on the plane in person.

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