Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1006: Fierce white-bladed battle

The confrontation between Saber and Lancer is still ongoing.

If the original trick was used to test each other's strength, then it can be said that the two men have reached a white-hot battle.

There were scary marks all around. As the warehouses were poured down, the asphalt on the road was turned over like farmland. Looking at such a battlefield, people can't help but feel that there has just been a major earthquake here.

In this ruined field, Saber and Lancer face each other unharmed, calculating the next move. Neither showed a trace of exhaustion.

"It's indeed Saber. It's not easy to meet for such a long time. How about Saber going to eat together after work?" Kuqiulin waved a killing spear, but asked in a relaxed tone.

"If you treat me, I'll appreciate my face, Lancer." Saber waved the sword in his hand, a smile on his face.

"A beauty like you is willing to appreciate the face, that's my honor, and I paid for the meal." Kuculin said after blocking Saber with a spear.

In this fierce battle, there is still a mood to talk about, both of them are confident in their abilities, so they will pay their respects when they meet a real opponent. Both are not only solitary fighters, but also colleagues who love each other.


"Ding ~! The game time is over, this game is a draw ~!"

"It looks like the system doesn't give face." Kuqiulin leaped back and said with a stiff shoulder.

"Yeah, it seems that the winner can only wait until the next game," Saber said.


After the short break, the second game began, and the system began to count down: "Is it difficult for Kuberin Saber to deal with it, or if I can help, quickly decide."

Kuchurin shook his head and said, ‘I will defeat her with my strength. "

"Okay, if you lose, I will let them take a few shots." Ziyue's mouth naturally refers to other summoned beasts. Now Ziyue is a beastmaster who can drive the summoned beast to seven heads. In addition to being familiar with the five heads, there are mysterious new beasts that have not met.

"I see. Miss." Kuqiulin answered in a respectful tone, and at the same time the system countdown was over, Kuqiulin stepped on, and he changed his posture.

He threw the left pistol at his feet.

"Why ... what would happen with a lance Lancer?" In front of Saber's eyes. Cuchulin held the crimson gun in both hands. There was an uncomfortable force entangled in the gun blade, like an ominous mirage.

"Kuchurin. Go up and kill her and bring me the victory." Ziyue said behind her back while pulling out her waist whip and hitting the whip on the ground.

Kuchulin is like the tiger in the zoo who heard the trainer's whip, grabbing with both hands. Grumbling.

This time Saber also lowered his body. Predict more carefully Lancer's actions.

To be honest, it was the first time I saw Kuqiulin attacking with a gun, usually two. This time, using only one to launch the attack, it seems that Kuqiulin will come up with his new nirvana.

Changing the tactics of Kuchurin, and still calmly dealing with Saber, their silence increased the tension on the stand. They slowly moved to find each other's flaws.

Ten seconds later, Kuchurin shot and seemed to be preemptive.

Compared with the gorgeous and changeable moves he used previously. This straight blow even made people feel bulky. As if she hadn't predicted Saber's next move at all, no, she didn't even intend to defend her counterattack.

Saber rightly blocked the barbed gun with his sword. But this shot should have been painless, but ...

A weird wind suddenly blows.

Centered on the opposing swords, a whirlwind rolled up without warning.


Saber shouted in surprise and took three steps back. Although the shot did not cause harm, it made people feel the shot, which was unusual. Kuchu Lin, who shot the shot, calmly expressed his expression and was not ready to chase it. In fact, it's not just Saber who doesn't understand that we don't understand people, and he doesn't understand what happened.

It was just that a sudden blast of wind hanged on Kuqiulin's gun, it was only a moment, and there was no blood deduction without harm.

Kuqiulin laughed at this moment: "How is my gun?" He snarled and rushed forward.

The single-shot attack is obviously more powerful than the double-shot. Each shot is a deadly attack. There is no extra action. Every move is calculated accurately. But Saber can only try his best to block every attack with his sword.

Every time the Kuchurin gun lifted Saber's sword, a strong wind pressure was generated. The wind pressure did not hurt, but violently scattered Saber's blond hair. Using such flashy moves is exactly like playing with each other. Is it rare that Kuchulin is adding fun to this not-so-bright white-blade battle?

"This guy…"

Saber watched Kuchurin coldly spit out three words. Saber was already annoyed at playing with her opponent, but her calm nature did not allow her to be stunned by anger.

In the constant attack, Saber no longer stopped the attack, but chose to flash away. After passing through the opponent's attack, Saber immediately turned his hand and stabbed the sword to Kuchurin's shoulder. The tip also stabs towards Saber's ribs. It seems that Saber completely shielded the attack with armor, because Saber was wearing armor and Kuchulin had a set of ten thousand years of blue tights, there was no armor. Saber wanted to trade his wounds for damage. If you take a shot yourself, you also need to cut out this sword, because in addition to defeating Kuqiulin, there are as many as six summons and the summoner to deal with. It can be said that the burden on the body is quite heavy ...


The first injury in the field flew out, and Saber withdrew the spiked sword, turned his body to the side and turned over on the ground. At that time, the situation could only be described with a single shot. Kuqiulin's gun was stained with blood.

Needless to say who knows who this blood is.

Saber, who managed to escape the chase, immediately stood up and continued to contain the opponent, but the painful expression on her face was not hidden.


No longer thinking about what happened, Xu Yu immediately used magic to heal Saber's costal and abdominal wounds.


The milk is so full that it not only fills the injured blood volume, but also has a lot more.

"Thank you Mater, I'm fine. The healing magic works." The wound pierced by Kuchurin healed at a rate visible to the naked eye and the pierced armor site was also restored. Now Saber's armor has no trace of scars.

She covered her wound as she spoke, and it seemed that the pain in the wound had not completely resolved.

"Pastor is really troublesome ..."

Knowing that there was a treatment unit behind the other party who had made up for the harm he had caused, Kuchulin did not have a look of disappointment, but shouted in excitement.

"It's time to move, Saber."

"So do you, too. I need to be serious, realize it! Lancer!"

Kuchurin didn't answer her, and kicked the fight again. The tip of the gun pierced from below. Saber swiftly avoided. This time neither side did too much defensive action, and now all he had to do was to hack the opponent between the rapid changes.

"Master, give me BUFF!" The two men shouted the same words at the same time, and the next moment, the relishing Ziyue and Xuyu, immediately applied their BUFF skills to the two in front.

With the addition of BUFF, the two sides fought together again. This time, the speed of the two sides was much faster than before, especially the strength and speed of Saber was almost 60% higher than before. Each hit contains enough destructive power.

"Lancer! Looks like I need to order a few more dishes at dinner." Menghui said with a sword.

"Don't be too hard, Saber, I'm not the rich second generation of Jin Xing." Kuqiulin said blocking the sword.

"It's okay. There's not enough money. Big deal, come back and ask him to pay."

"You are so cruel." Kuqiulin grinned bitterly.

Although the two were talking, they were not weak at all. This time Saber stepped forward with a wonderful part and rushed forward. This set of steps made Saber like a beautiful butterfly fluttering. The rapid and wonderful changes made Kuqiulin's spear completely out of advantage. All at once He couldn't keep up with Saber's speed. If he continued like this, he would die.

And Saber not only controlled her own pace but also watched her opponent's footsteps. She looked like she was calculating the timing.

Suddenly, the two sides leveled for more than a dozen rounds. Kuqiulin stepped on a piece of ground made of sand. The sand should be rolled up from the asphalt road, and his legs sink into the sand. Stop for a moment.

Saber doesn't plan to miss this rare opportunity

A violent explosion vibrated the air. The black long sword emitted a dazzling black light and attacked the enemy relentlessly. This attack was not the same as before. The sword was waved fiercely just to assault and to speed up.

But this time for victory! Behind Saber is like a pair of air thrusters installed, pushing her to use her whole body power to make this cut, her body has become a supersonic shell.

As long as this sword goes down, it will seriously hurt the opponent, but her purpose is not to hurt the opponent seriously but to take his life at that instant! The high-speed advance more than several times the sound wave caused the surrounding atmospheric wall to be broken, and the shock wave scattered the surrounding debris and leaves without any trace.

Kuchurin did not respond. He seemed to give up the attack, the red gun was motionless, but his leg moved.

In a highly concentrated consciousness. It's shorter than the moment but it's infinitely longer.

At this moment, there was a smile holding the winning ticket.

"This game was won!"

He kicked the sand under his feet with his legs, but it was not the sand that flew into the air, but a golden gun.

I never imagined that I forgot that the other party still had a gun. Even if he could just use a gun and shoot himself for nothing, it turned out that this was all for this, and it was the most deadly. In preparation for the attack, all flaws were pretended by others, and Saber must have begun to annoy him how stupid.

But the arrow had to be fired on the string, and even if both defeated, the sword was cut out. Saber didn't care about the short sword, and tried his best to cut out the sword in his hand.

The moment the sharp blade pierced the throat ...

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