Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1007: Hunter and Killer

"Ding ~! The game time is over, this game is a draw ~!"

Both sides stopped in unison, the systematic penalty is absolute, no one can disobey

Two consecutive draws and the third game started. At the beginning of the game, the two sides took a step forward at the same time.

In this round of fighting, the two men fighting with each other with white-bladed blades were more intense than the previous two battles—more violent, more direct, and more extreme. It was a confrontation of force and force.

The first tentative test, the second step by step, and the third full-scale onslaught, the two no longer tentatively test each other, and no longer use tricks to confuse opponents, Kuqiulin waved two love guns, Saber's sword bloom A black sword edge. Neither of them used conspiracies and tricks. Faster and more dignified. After one party performed a trick, the other party immediately went all out to show a counterattack that could surpass this trick. It is purely a technical contest. The sword's edge is opposite to the gunpoint, which is fiercer and hotter.

The sword is entwined with the magic gun, facing each other, and the sparks splattering are dazzling. I don't know how many rounds have been played, maybe dozens of rounds, maybe hundreds of rounds. Very stupid to judge with the naked eye. After the two guns intersected, at the end the two guys actually wanted to say the same. They ended in a draw again. 0: 0 ended the first game very dramatically. When Ziyue returned to the sidelines, he said: " It seems that Saber is so strong that you can't even take her down. "

Beside her, Kuchulin held two spears and said, "Relax, Miss will win the first level of Saber next time!"

Ziyue said: "Maybe there is no next time."

The night came to the front: "Ziyue Mingming you can win this battle, why not call out all the other summoned beasts?"

Ziyue Nunu mouth: "Are you? Maybe I forgot it. By the way, it's your turn to behave well!"


The night did not ask much, how could a summoner forget how to summon a beast? Obviously Ziyue didn't do it like that, so that Kuchulin and Saber would be one-to-one, which should be regarded as a kind of respect of the opponent from a certain angle.

At the beginning of the second game, the match between the archer and the assassin was also a battle between the hunter and the killer.

She flew into the field in the night. Her opponent, a player from the demon **** of Warriors Soul, obviously was a cute MM but took such a very masculine ID. If it was not for her, she would have thought that she was a beautiful girl A dinosaur-like man!



Dark night appeared steadily on the street of an empty unmanned warehouse with hands on hips and a slack smile on his face: "I ask a question, why do you want such a boyish name!"

The devil chuckled: "No way, all good names have been taken away. I just wrote two words in. Anyway, ID is just a code, so what do you care about?"

"Also, but at the beginning of the game, I declare that the person who wins this game will be me." Dark Night said very confidently.

Devil MM grinned and said, "Oh, so confident? Huh, I'll see if the legendary Miss Elf is really so strong ..."

Night said: "You will know in a while."

After two MM players stabbed their swords, finally, the countdown of the system was over. At the end of the countdown, the night had already grabbed a dart and stretched his hands. Dozens of darts flew in front of and behind. Demon MM.

After seeing the overwhelming front of the dart demon MM rushing to the right, after continuously accelerating + changing direction, he released the dart's attack range, raised his wrist, and quickly shook an arrow!

A "snap" sounded, and the arrow was about to be blasted away by the night with a dagger, and the night even chuckled: "Miss Devil, do you have the ability to do that?" Demon MM flashed around.

The other party stunned and woke up after waking up. Suddenly, at the foot of the ground, a blast of impact energy swelled on the ground. I did not expect that since the night when the other party was holding, a lightning mine was planted, and then a bit of suffering appeared in the hands and directed towards the demon MM. With the attack power of the night, even if the opponent is a hidden occupation of the archer, that point of physical fitness is definitely irresistible.

In the energy shock, a number of injuries flew out—14928, just a lightning strike mine has such a strong lethality, the strength of the night can be imagined, it is worthy of being the same master of the abnormal metamorphosis of rain and dust.

However, at this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly burst out of the mist of energy. It was the demon MM. She was equipped with a flashing trap and could not kill her. She was avoided just now, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared calmly. In the dark night, I quickly determined the distance, and my feet staggered continuously, but the continuous damage and deceleration effects of the flash traps made her very headache. In the dark, she turned on stealth. The demon MM quickly fired a lighting arrow. It could be late. , As soon as the basic skill of the dagger is turned, a set of consecutive moves will empty the blood of the demon MM!

The dark night is strong first!

In the second game, the system starts to count.

The demon mm said: "It is indeed a shadow elf, this name is not covered!"

Night said: "You are not bad, an archer has 20,000 blood."

"Equipment piles up. I won't let you win this game anymore."

"Then try it," said Dark Night with confidence.

The countdown is over, the battle is on the horizon!

"Hunting mark!"

At the beginning of the game, "Papapa" stepped back three steps, opened the long bow, and a silver beam flashed on the bow string to shoot the dark night. The beam was very fast. The night did not respond. Yufeng saw a silver light spot.

Dark night show a frown slightly, it seems that light spot is unusual.


The demon MM struck a second blow, and an arrow emitting red light pierced the night fiercely, and directly hit it.

— 3150 "What's going on? What arrow can't be avoided?" I was very confused about the arrow in the night, and it should be very simple to dodge the arrow in accordance with her operation.

A leather armor with silver-white metal parts plus a short golden skirt, a long bow in his hands, a golden hair with a calm smile on his face, beautiful and moving, from the appearance of the demon MM is better than The dark night looks much better, of course, the night is better than the face.

Next, the demon MM continued to attack but the night was in a very passive trend. He frowned nervously, did not use stealth and did not actively attack. Basically, he was constantly moving and blocking the opponent ’s attack. There were few opportunities for attack. "A riot!"

The devil MM pulled the bow and fired three arrows fiercely in a pin-shaped manner, shooting towards the night.

—2565, —3340, —3530 did not hit the damage at all, it looked like they were provoking their opponents, and the dark night as an assassin occupation, although the opponent ’s damage was not high, they were still injured, there was already a Ten thousand blood was taken away by the other side, just when the demon MM was going to continue to move in the dark.


The bracelet on the arm of the night glowed, and a huge wolf beast illusion emerged behind him, followed by a giant wolf covered with blue and blue fur turned into an entity and pounced on the demon MM.

"Training the soul of the arrow!"

The giant wolf sent an arrow fiercely, and left a green leaf along the way. The huge body of the giant wolf in the arrow was caught by the small arrow and pushed out to the giant wolf dozens of meters away.

But I didn't expect that the giant wolf was just a bait. The real killing trick was Dark Night herself, but when she stepped on one of the leaves, the foot suddenly fell.

—575 A small injury floated out, but then at night he found himself pulling out his feet.

"You lose! Arrow of the Moon!"

As soon as the arrows flew out, it was impossible to avoid pulling out the feet in the dark night, but there was no other way to avoid it. Looking at the flying arrows, the dark body leaned back and actually made a lower back movement to escape. The arrow shooting skills of the devil MM, unfortunately, it is far from simple. When the waist was straightened in the night, there was actually a silver arrow, which marked a silver trajectory of the arrow shooting path, wrapped in a cyclone to fly to This time, she didn't have time to make another lower back movement. The arrows teleported into the body of the dark night, and "Beep" exploded between the dark peaks of Yufeng!

—41029 Dark night's chest was shot through, and her body was recovered by the system ...

At 1: 1, he lost a game in the night and the two sides were tied.


In the third game, after the players from the two sides came on, everyone was still calm. The demon MM held a long bow, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the dark night. At this moment, the dark night was silent and looked at each other quietly.

The system counts down and the battle begins instantly! It is still very fierce. As soon as the dark night comes into play, it will be invisible directly. The devil MM starts a roar after firing a lighting arrow, but when the dark night's figure is illuminated by the strong light, he will shoot away. , Unfortunately, the road is one foot tall and the magic one foot tall, to deal with the ice and snow smart MM in the dark night, using the same trick twice has no effect.

At this moment, the dark night directly launched a melee, and since the demon MM is not afraid, the long bow of the right hand is retracted and the left hand shows a dagger, and there is no fear to start a melee with the dark night!

To meet, the two men fought together.

The method of using the short sword by the demon MM is not fancy, it is a simple one stab, one pick, one sweep, and the night is not weak. The two daggers block the attack and attack. However, the situation is a little bad for the demon MM. After all, it is a BT-level character. The strength and shot are just right. Although the demon MM also dazzles the short sword waving, it has no chance to cause substantial damage to the night. The night can not only defend the attack, but also launch a wide-open counterattack. Every time, it ’s windy. With the passage of time, the demon MM can only defend with all his strength. There is no emptiness to let him fight back. Every time he catches the attack from the night, the body is rushed into the night, and the night The attack was compact and there was not much room for the demon MM to resist.

—4576, —7552 Two injuries flew over the head of the demon MM. Although the demon MM can parry the night attack, but the vulnerabilities of the night come out, and the night attack also has poison damage. The blood is still lost after the stroke, although Not much, but if you continue to do so, you will lose. The demon MM will start to fight a little and prepare to find a way out, but the night is getting better and better, every time is extremely powerful. Every time the demon MM attacks, She was blocked by her violent block and then returned with full force.

"Penetrating Spike"

The fierce MM who was defeated by the fierce combo suddenly launched a skill, the dagger of the demon MM was recovered, and a sharp charge was added, and then the dagger went out like a drill to hit the chest of the night directly.


—7650 The dark night two daggers crossed the stab, but was hit by a huge force into a ruined warehouse next to it, which caused a lot of dust. The sudden move of the demon MM interrupted the company of the dark night Recruit valuable time.

"Lingfeng Arrow!"

The short sword changed to a long bow to launch skills, and an arrow shot into the ruins. After using it, the demon MM did not forget to shoot a lighting arrow to the sky to illuminate the surroundings.

However, at the time when the lighting arrow was shot, a pair of bones in the sky formed a pair of wings to unfold. The owner of this pair of wings, more than ten meters, was as huge as a small bomber and threw it down.

"Ah-" The demon MM suddenly made a roar of surprise and was hit by a bat made of bones.

The bone claws of this bone-tipped bat king are so horrible. With just one hit, the armor of the demon MM can be torn apart, the body can be grabbed by a pair of wings, and the wings can be unfolded to bring the demon MM into the air.

Life and death, the devil MM roared violently, grasping the bone claw of this bone bat backhand "hunting soul!"

Devil MM burst out with a large stream of air, spraying six rows of high-pressure air towards the Bone Batman. The high-pressure air flow instantly enveloped the Bone Batman. The Bone Batman barely wanted to resist his skill, but the airflow had torn his body into pieces like a rag.

Devil MM leveled the Bone Queen Queen in the air to adjust his attitude to prepare for landing, but at this time, a sudden step on the ground in the dark, the whole person suddenly rushed to the sky, coming in front of the Devil MM falling down.

"Blood attack!"

The night that finally managed to seize the opportunity gave full strength to the two daggers and stabbed twice like lightning.

—15350—17004 Two huge damages came out. Although the devil MM has made a defensive action to block his vital parts, it ca n’t be resisted. The deadly attack of the night, use the bone bat king to bring the opponent into the air. If the bone bat king can It is best to kill the opponent. Even if it is impossible to kill the opponent in the air, there are not many opportunities to make the opponent unavoidable in the game, and it is bound to be fierce.

2: 1, the dark night scored the first point of the total score, the dragon tooth took the lead.


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