Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1011: Upset three brothers

At the beginning of the final 2V2, everyone was a little bit silent. After all, this game was a game that decided where to go, Ziyue said, "I tell you, if you win, I will give you another chance to chase your mother. Of course, if you lose, you know. "

"Rest assured! Leave everything to me!" Yanyu Liunian summoned the horse instantly, added the buff pile to his body instantly, and the attributes increased madly. This time, although he was wearing a photon killing suit but did not use a giant sword, he was holding two handles long. Sword, the first to pounce on the dark powers.

Ziyue also pulled out a blood-red long whip, and suddenly a figure appeared on the ground when he pulled to the ground. It was not the most familiar Kuqiulin and Hellfire Demon, or there were battle eagles and big devil, but it was not a head. The monster I saw, this guy is 15 meters high and about 3-4 meters long. It looks like a red leopard, has a single horn, and has three tails like a steel whip. It looks very fierce.

Countdown ends.

"Kill--" At the same time, people on both sides snarled and rushed up.

Mrs. Xiaozheng rode on the mount at the end. She pulled her bow and fired, but the two animals and beasts in front of him were very agile. His arrows were easily avoided, and the butterfly Wuyun in the air rode on his black dragon. Drink lightly: "Small rain and rain to kill that wife, and you go to the other wolf." The guy called 狰 is the summoner Ziyue summoned to take out that monster. To be honest, this guy is really timid.

"As for this guy, give it to me! Go! Fighting eagle!" Looking at the butterfly dancing cloud tears and his black dragon in the sky, Ziyue did not hesitate the fighting eagle came, on his back, a pair of giant wings of the fighting eagle Opened a long beep, and rushed towards the black dragon in the air.

Roaring ~~ 啾 ~~ Shocking Dragon Yin and sharp eagle chanting were issued at the same time, the powerful momentum shook the nearby sky.

The huge body of the black dragon meets the fighting eagle that rushes into the air.

The fighting eagle is not weak, and the body is accompanied by a sharp roar and dives towards the oncoming black dragon. The summoners on the backs of the two beasts apply BUFF to their summoned beasts separately. The battle eagle of Ziyue is a god. Summon the beast, and the black dragon of the butterfly dance cloud tears is a complete god-level summon beast, and the gift effect of the summoner on both sides is eliminated. The black dragon is obviously higher than the battle eagle in terms of attributes.

A dragon and a eagle collided in the air, and the sound of explosion erupted at the clash. The two beasts caused huge damage on their heads, and their bodies flew backwards at the same time, but the combat eagle was obviously struck farther.


The black dragon's body recovered in an instant, the dragon's mouth opened, and a breath of dragon spewed out of his mouth!


The moment when Dragon Breath hit the target, it caused a big explosion. The battle eagle's body was bombarded again, and this time he couldn't adjust his attitude and fell down.

The battle eagle's AI is very high. When it was about to fall to the ground, it quickly balanced its body, and then issued an angry tweet, and the huge wings flapped fast.

Rubble on the ground was blown up by the sky. Ziyue murmured on the back of the battle eagle, his eyes were full of faint worries. She knows that she is at an absolute disadvantage, and aside from the opponent's dragon or gain skills, not to mention the original attributes alone, her fighting eagle is one grade lower than the opponent, so the enemy cannot compete with the enemy.

Use IQ to finish it!

"Cut empty!"

Ziyue issued an order, and the fighting eagle's wings launched desperately to instigate. Countless wind blades shot like a sharp arrow at the black dragon nearly 100 meters away. With a clear sound of wind breaking, every time the wings flapped, there would be dozens more in front of them. Road wind blade, endless.

The opponent will let countless ice slaps hit him. The answer is definitely no, but initially the wind blade hit the black dragon like a broken rain, causing a large amount of damage, and the black dragon suddenly climbed out of range.

"Hell Dragon growls!"


Die Wuyun's tears did not show a weak counterattack. This roaring space shook countless fissures. The fighting eagle and Ziyue on his back could not help but make a tragic noise, and a number appeared on the head of one person and one beast.


The black dragon immediately turned into a phantom that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and it took a blink of an eye to come to Ziyue, and a pair of dark dragon claws slammed towards Ziyue and the fighting eagle!


Ziyue actually took back the fighting eagle, and she hid from the air. The claws of the black dragon were incredibly empty. Zi Yue, who fell from the air, quickly summoned the fighting eagle to her body, and flew into the air again carrying her.

The two beasts glared at each other at the same time, and the black and silver-gray bodies quickly interwoven in the night sky again ...

boom! boom! Snapped! Click! Huh! Various shocking clashes came from the air. In close combat, the single attacking black dragon is undoubtedly more advantageous, but the speed of the fighting eagle is much faster than that of the black dragon, and the constant attack by the dragonfly causes too much trouble.

The battle intensified in the sky, and the ground was not much better.

"Ghost step!"

With a low drink, the mount of evil shadow leopard in the smoky and rainy years, a little black gas floating around, the evil shadow leopard seems to be a light master!


The figure flew past, shuttled between the surrounding ruins, constantly chasing Mrs. Xiao and his ghost wolf king. When Chu Han rode on the ghost wolf king, he continuously attacked the smoky rain that followed him. , I have come behind him!


—3040 A fierce blow, Yanyu Liunian and Xun hit on both sides, Mrs. Xiaozheng was dragged from the Nether Wolf King's back and thrown once, her blood flew off.

"This time I see where you are running!" I was probably annoyed by the chase just now. With the speed increase of the ghost step, the evil leopard moves quickly, and the two swords burst out in front of Xiaozheng. Jianmang slashed past.


Xiaozheng responds quickly, but the rain and rain are ready!

"Breaking the Army and Dragon Strike!"

A golden light emerged in the smoky and rainy years, and a sudden impact hit the early cold, and at the same time, he issued a one-handed cut to the early cold, picking him up and smashing it into pieces!

—27393 Mrs. Xiaozheng falls, the battle in the sky is still going on both sides. You do n’t let me not let you, the scorching heat, the rain and rain can only watch at this moment. You ca n’t fly or fly.

Finally, the time was over, and the two were divided. However, we have one more person than the other. According to the amount of residual blood, we can count how much we have.

The score is 1: 0, the next city first.

The short break began at the beginning of the second. Die Wuyun said in tears: "I did not expect that the dragon's teeth still have a powerful summoner fighting with the beast god, but the talent is abundant."

Ziyue smiled slightly: "Really? Comparing me with that **** stupid, although they are all summoners, I am not the same as him."

"Oh, really?"

"Hey, your strength, but Seoul, if you don't come up with any new skills in this game, you may lose." Ziyue smiled slightly.

"Really? Since you want to see it so much, don't be surprised by that time!"

Ziyue didn't care, and said, "Take it out!"

"Then I'm here!"

At the end of the countdown, Die Wuyun burst into tears and yelled, "Come out, my strongest beast summons, disturbing the three brothers!"

There are three summoning arrays in front of them. The smoky and rainy days and the purple moon and our audience are staring and wondering what will emerge from it.

A small figure emerged from each of the battlefields, and the light like a human figure disappeared, and everyone was stunned. What is this! The three looked weird, and they wore white spotted red briefs all over their bodies. The skin of the three guys is not normal. The skin colors are yellow, black, and green. Each one is indiscriminately nauseous.

"Haha! Finally see the sun again!" Laughed the black-skinned dwarf monster.

"Yeah, I'm so suffocated in that space, and finally I can breathe fresh air." Only one eye covered his green skin and said his long tongue.

"Tell us out, we must need something for the injustice." Like the two eye antennas, the monster disturbed the monstrous voice and did not forget to shook his head and twisted his hips in a disgusting posture to go to the grandmother.

"Hey hey what that thing!" Zi Yue looked at the three guys who looked extremely insignificant in their looks and movements, and couldn't help getting angry.

"Hey, what are you talking about, who is the thing!" The one-eyed monster with green skin expressed dissatisfaction with Ziyue words.

"But we have a name. He is disturbing the green, I am disturbing the black!" The dark-skinned guy reported his home.

"I am disturbing Huang!"

"We are disturbing the three brothers!" Finally shouted in unison, as if rehearsing.

"Let you know that we are terrible. Disturb our brothers. Prepare for" Disturb-Hurricane Triangle ". Go, disturb the brothers and have fun!" Shouted Butterfly Dance Cloud tears.

"(Oh yo ~~ I understand ~~ Look at us, big brother ~~)" Received the order of Die Wuyun tears, disturbed the three brothers to leap together, the buttocks and buttocks arched together, then began to rotate and roll up An amazing three-color whirlwind!

"Hong! Hong! Hong!"

All the rubble around the hurricane flew into the air, and even some intact warehouses were turned up and the land exploded. This whirlwind rushed towards the purple moon and the smoky and rainy year. The two hurriedly dodged. However, the speed of this whirlwind was faster than they imagined, and they were taken directly to the sky. Two people were suddenly caught in the energy of the whirlwind. The attack range was about 20 × 20, which is far from the skills I know can cause damage. But extremely scary, with more than 50,000 points on both of them


The whirlwind swept their bodies indiscriminately, and did not give them the opportunity to use any skills at all, so just like this, the whirlwind ended and the two fell down and hung up!

The score was 1: 1, and the butterfly dance cloud burst into tears to level the score of both sides.

Soon, the third game started, with match points on both sides!

"How to do this game?" Yan Yuliu asked.

Ziyue said: "Just rushed over and killed."

"it is good!"

So, Yan Yuliu took the lead, and the other butterfly Wuyun Tears disturbed the three brothers again with the summoning. Then, after the early cold retreat, Ziyue called out all the summoned beasts in one breath. In addition to the first round, There is a summoned beast that has not been seen before that cricket.

At one end are nine snake-like dragon heads, a huge slender body with four legs, and its crying like a baby crying is very weird.


The lightning flashed, an electric arrow flew through the chest, and the blood and rain had fallen by half under the successive heavy blows. At the same time, the beasts of the butterfly dance cloud tears came forward, but at this time the purple moon summoned beast also came up. Now, the monster with a crying baby has nine heads with wide mouths, spit out a poisonous flame, a turbulent stream, intertwined into a dangerous water and fire net, Die Wuyun opened her eyes with tears and was hanged and sent Race leader!

Mrs. Xiaozheng was very clever to escape immediately, but at this time, the great demon and **** flame spit out the flames and swept the early cold. The early cold caused the thunderbolt to leave the area but was still burned into residual blood to launch the attack. After years of smoke and rain, Kuqiulin also took away Xiaozheng at the end of the crossbow.

2: 1, Dragon Fang Special Operations Team popularizes the top 50!

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