Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1012: Rose vs Black Hand

After the battle, there is a short rest period. After a period of advertisement, the next game starts. This is another exciting game. On the one hand, the popular seed team Rose Night is on the other side, and the late rookie is the best among the late rookies. Both It is a very strong team. Who will win the victory of this game? This game will be the last exciting game in the first half. As for the latter teams, it is not important.

Now let ’s take a look at the matchup list between the strong sides of the two sides. On the big screen, a list of personnel on both sides soon appeared—Rose Night Main Team: Leng Yufei Poetry (Purple Mage) LV: 162 Killing is not a sin (Hidden Shadow of the Moon) LV: 160 Yin Yan (Bringer of the Holy Spirit) LV: 160 Starfire Calamity (Shadow Dancer) LV: 160 Elven Flower (Black Demon) LV: 160 Black Hand Squad: Cut Headshot (Undead Captain) LV : 160 butterfly wearing flowers (Ghost Soul) LV: 160 Purple Youying (Necromancer) LV: 160 for revenge of love (soul reaper) LV: 160 snow night that year (Devil Knight) LV: 161 see both sides The list of players, no matter who is down, sighed, the five on both sides are hidden professions. Hiding professions in this kind of competition is really worthless. It is estimated that it will be even more Chinese cabbages in the World Series.

Looking back, too, only the elites are concentrated here, and hundreds of hidden occupations are thrown into hundreds of millions of people. What is the small chance that a hidden occupation will appear? And until now, all kinds of powerful hidden occupations and powerful skills have been excavated. It is not impossible for hundreds of millions of people around the world to play and find a hidden occupation among tens of thousands of people.

The two sides began to select combatants.

In the first game, Zi Youying was not guilty of killing.

The last time the two sides, Zi Youying, I saw the last time I carried a lantern with dark and dark green light, the right arm was wrapped with a chain and a cross sickle in my hand. At that time, the man who had seen the ruins at that time determined that his strength was strong, and that the killing here was not sinful, but it is said that after the First World War, the guy found a place where no one could retreat and practice hard. His strength was unfathomable.

Killing is not a crime. He appeared in the field with the short sword, the first to face the opponent, and her opponent was the opponent's Zi Youying, a hidden profession. Although the necromancer and I have seen the necromancer, their names are similar, Naturally, it is also a kind of mage. Everyone held their breath and sat down to see how much the rookie had. The killing was not how much the half veteran's strength had grown.

The map is grassland.

The breeze blows, killing is not a crime standing in the grass, with a dignified expression, and the other person, Zi Youying, wears a cloak to look down on her sex. At this time, Zi Youying is pulling off her cloak with force, and a dark red Fakai under the cloak, and Under the cape, the young and beautiful woman, a slightly petite figure of one meter six years old, a barbie doll's handsome face, the girl is about 19 years old, has a dark hair, and a tall breast is tightly tied by Fakai. Very straight, and Fakai is not tightly wrapped around her body, revealing the girl's fair skin and **** belly button eyes, wearing **** black gloves and stockings on her jaw arms and legs, and wearing a pair of short high-heeled boots under her feet . The long hair swayed gently in the breeze, holding the lantern, holding the cross sickle in one hand, looking at the opponent with fixed eyes, looking a bit nervous, it should be "3!"



Game start! The killing was not sin, and immediately went into stealth. Zi Youying MM looked around quietly and did not take any action. The grass around Zi Youying was suddenly lowered, and Zi Youying's heart froze, but found that the killing was not a sin. It's here.

Zi Youying flashed back and hurried back. The killing was not a follow-up for sin. At this moment, Zi Youying's lantern lightly waved in front of it, and numerous rock cones stabbed to the ground!

"Puff puff!"

Countless sharp stone cones protruded. Killing is not a dexterity to block left and right. These emerging spurs cannot help him at all, but these stabs are higher than him. Even if the stabs did not hurt him, they did. The thorn surrounded the inside and could not leave.


Seeing that he was incarcerated, the killing was not a sinner's dagger turned into a crescent-shaped blade, and a large roundabout came, and the blade swept out the energy flow and stabbed the surrounding area to destroy it.

"Hell squeeze!"

The huge devil's claw covered the head of killing which is not sin. The killing is not sin. There is a strong pressure on the head. A cat flew away, but the huge devil's claw sounded the energy flow or killed nearly one third of the blood which was not sin. Under the blood medicine, a pair of small snow-white wings under the foot, the speed increases sharply in an instant!

Zi Youying naturally does not fight against the other party, and then flashes away first, so that she can have the opportunity to attack with black magic, undead magic, and other skills. Killing is not a crime. At this time, both hands make a seal. The snowflakes fluttered around Ying, and a layer of frost condensed all over the body, which was quickly sealed by ice.

"Light jump!"

The killing is not the sin body suddenly turned into a moonlight, passing through Zi Youying's body, taking away Zi Youying's large amount of blood, the next moment, even a few ordinary attacks took the opportunity to hang himself while breaking the shield!

1: 0, killing is not the first victory over sin!


"You don't seem to be doing well, too," said the killing, not a sinful provocation.

Zi Youying said lightly: "You have no chance in this game."

"Less bluffing."

"Isn't it a bluff for a while?" Zi Youying said lightly.

In the field, two appear one after another and fight again!

This time, Zi Youying's old rules summoned a shield to protect herself, Zi Youying's arms trembled, and a dark green flame burst from the lantern.

However, at this moment, the killing is not the sin to launch the skills suddenly, the radiant flame on the short sword was instantly broken, and Zi Youying stood at a place less than 20 meters away from the killing not sin, and the next moment, Zi Youying smiled. Cross sickle waved out: "Doom pendulum!"

The cross sickle was thrown out, and the chain of iron behind greatly extended the attack distance of the cross sickle. The killing was not a crime. He stepped back immediately and took a slow step. The cross sickle penetrated deeply into his left leg. Zi Youying was now widened. A pair of wonderful eyes.

Naturally, she would not have committed this opportunity. It was not a crime to use a short sword to cut the chain of the cross sickle, but found that the iron chain was extremely strong and could not be cut off. Zi Youying immediately launched the next skill attack, holding a lantern in her left arm. Raising, a lantern glow appeared in the lantern, with a slight smile: "Shocking soul!"


The blood light exploded around the killing not sin, and the blood red formed a pillar of light that swallowed the killing not sin, and the number of injuries was flying—78992!

Too cruel, for a split second, the blood of killing is not the blood of sin.

This round of killing was not a crime, and Zi Youying also played an unexpected ability to pull back a city! Tie the score!

In the third game, the game started. The killing was not a crime. Once again, it was invisible, but this time Zi Youying made a quicker move.


A group of black mans lights up in the lantern. Killing is not a crime—1150 is an instant skill. Taking away killing is not a crime of 1000+ blood. Obviously, there is a follow-up effect. Killing is not a crime. His face turns blue and his face is exposed with great pain. Expression and action became slow, assassin's greatest advantage could not be demonstrated.

"The Curse of the Underworld!"

Zi Youying did not give the opportunity to launch the next skill. This time, the lantern fired a ball of purple flames. It was not sin to kill, and the consciousness that killing was not sin was of course avoided, but he found that there was only one purple flame next to it. It was that his own speed was decreasing, and he was completely surrounded by it all at once.

Sudden killing is not a sin. !! Surrounded by the purple fire group, while watching Leng Yufei poetry and others, they all sweated for him.

"I didn't expect this woman to be really easy, but as long as this state passes, you can ..." It is not a crime to be trapped in a dilemma. He obviously does not have the ability to soar in the sky, so he cannot escape the flame cell. Imprisonment.

"Dark magic sword!"

More than a dozen energy swords fell from the sky and were all inserted into the ring of fire. Killing is not a constant dodging of sin in a limited environment, but arms, thighs, back and other places have been cut, the blood is shimmering, and the blood volume is also reduced. Many, the most important thing is that these energy swords took up almost all the space left by him.

"Hell Black Lotus!"

Zi Youying lifted the lantern slightly, and gently waved the lantern in her hand. The lantern emitted a black light, connected to the ground under the foot of the killer, and suddenly burst into four black lotus flowers, and then sprayed the four lotus flowers with black flames at the same time. Killing is not devouring sin!


— 50000 huge explosion sounded in the middle of the ring of fire, and a huge injury came out in the smoke.

But when everyone agreed that the game was over, in the smoke that just exploded, the figure of killing was not sin, and the short sword was thrown in the hand!


Zi Youying screamed, only to see that every part of her body was twisting. The short sword actually passed through her body, leaving a shocking blood mouth directly on her pair of Yufeng.

—33745 Zi Youying's body fell back, and the pair of wonderful eyes were full of doubts and unwillingness.

Reversal, real reversal, killing is not a crime. I do n’t know what method was used. Just now everyone suddenly came out because of the end of the game and launched an attack that no one could predict. The invincible skills before the top 50 are affected. It ’s forbidden, I really do n’t know how to turn defeat into victory.

2: 1, killing is not sin! The third game was extremely thrilling.


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