Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1013: Light vs. Dark

At the end of the game both sides returned to various camps.

"Ziyou don't be too sad, you are overcast by the guy on the opposite side, in fact, his skill is not better than you. The next time you pay attention, you can definitely explode him!" Such as Zi Youying's look downcast, cut Headshot this big skull came forward and said.

"It's okay, although I'm not willing, but I have to admit that the person is really strong, I still need to work hard to see." Zi Youying shook her head and said that she is not like to conceal her unwillingness, but to rely on her failure to continue to work hard .

"Yes, it should be like this. Don't think that my late rookie thought we were soft persimmons. Even if we lose this game, we must play our majesty!" Chopped his head and laughed.

"You just lost the game just now, it's too unlucky," said the butterfly who wore flowers.

Rose camp on the other side.

"Zi Youying, huh, another tricky character. There are so many powerful players in China. I am afraid that there are more powerful characters in the world. It is difficult to take the road to the world competition." Killing is not the time for sin to end. A man wearing light armor with black stripes and golden stripes as the main color was patted on his shoulder.

"Hey ... Ling Huo ... Are you comforting me? A little girl pushed me to this extent, and it seems that the technology is not enough." Killing was not a crime to open the man's hand and say something. Sitting on the seat, as a winner, he was even more listless than the defeated Zi Youying.

"The president obviously won, why are you sad?" A female mage asked in a fuchsia magic robe.

"It's okay, but it will be fine in a while." Leng Yufei said.



The end of the short break also means that the next game is about to begin.

The second game was a somewhat special game, the messenger of the Holy Spirit-Yin Yan VS Demon Knight-that snow night. How can a priest playing a warrior be a game of great disparity in strength, but I found a feature that the black hand profession is all related to the dark department.

The two girls who came to power on the stage have also seen this a few times, and have to say that Yin Yan is indeed a beauty. She shows a very quiet and static beauty. Standing there is like a painting, with a kind of Fairy-like temperament, a white veil with waterfall-like black hair, plus a standard melon seed face and exquisite facial features, is so beautiful that it is truly a top beauty.

The player on the other side of the snowy night had a dark-colored armor, and the armor was neutral, so it was impossible to judge the gender. He had a face on his head to block his face, and a palm on his back was about a meter wide. The black-and-black double-edged sword with a length of about four or five, has a blood-red stripe in the middle of the sword body, holding a black shield on the left hand, and the pattern of a black dragon carved by the shield is vivid.

A mount was called after the last time. It was a horse wearing black armor, but it was a little weird because the horse was full of black gas, the hair was extremely dark, and a spiral beast horn above it was covered with black dark thunder. Two eyes fired psychedelic fireworks, which made people dare not look straight at them, and stepped on the black fire lotus with four feet, looking extremely mighty.

The two sides did not talk much last time, waiting for the system to count down.

"Little sister, my sister will not be merciless." Just when the countdown was about to end, a beautiful female voice came out from the helmet of Xueye that year. The age of the sound should be much worse than that of Xueyue.

"You're welcome." Yin Yan whispered, looking very shy.




Game start!

"Come, holy unicorn!"

There is a magic circle around Yin Yan. A strong figure in the magic circle comes out. It is a white horse with a spiral horn on his forehead. This is the unicorn in Western legends. The noble, proud and pure The appearance of the audience on the audience was so fascinating. At this time, the battle of sound and beauty is to use this unicorn as the main force and assist it by itself. The unicorn has no doubt the sacred light attribute, and the mount on that snowy night was not hell. The nightmare here is that the nightmares of the underworld are dark creatures. It can be said that these two horses are born dead.

"Unicorn? It's interesting to show me your weight!" On that snowy night, the horse screamed while pulling the reins, kicking its feet to start a swift charge, the four hoofs were burning violently, and every time they stepped out, they brought out The fierce black flames, the grass on the way on the charge, were scorched by black fire.

"Shield of Light! Little white!"

Yin Yan watched that year on a snowy night and rushed over on a war horse. He waved his scepter gracefully, and a golden halo bloomed on the top of the scepter. The unicorn beeped as a golden shield on all sides. Rush without fear.

"Black flames collide!"

That snowy night screamed, the war horse burst into black flames, the speed suddenly increased a lot, and he slammed into the unicorn fiercely.

The unicorn's unicorn and the warhorse's unicorn touched each other. No one was allowed to let anyone down, and no one was half relaxed. The impact caused by the impact would bounce off both sides at the same time.

"Nightmare trampled!"

That night, the war horse lifted the hoof in front of it, and began to trample crazy towards the unicorn. This nightmare trample skill was really powerful. After stepping on it three times, the shield was finally broken. Casting is complete.

"Sacred Words: Penalty!"

A gold thunder fell on that snowy night

—4505 The injury flew out, and at the same time sitting down the war horse wailed. The unicorn rushed to the front of Xueye that year and slammed it with a unicorn. Fortunately, Xueye responded that year and directly used the shield to mount the unicorn. Shock, then a white light bloomed on the shield that snowy night that year, the white light bounced off and fell to the ground that year.

"Sacred Words: Chaos!" Yin Yan's hand was glowing with a golden light, and the golden light was thrown towards the steed that year, and at the same time the unicorn launched an attack on himself.

"Black Shadow is back!" That snowy night quickly recalled her mount in pain, and at the same time the unicorn had already come to her.

"Little white! Punish!"

Shouted in Yin Yan's mouth, and the unicorn screamed, and the unicorn rushed over with a golden light shining on his head.

"Don't think, I'm still bullying."

"Nightmare Charge!"

Facing the unicorn that rushed over, the snowy night launched the skills, but not against the unicorn, but ran to the face of the sound, and battled with his own pet, of course, to kill the control pet People come much easier.

"Feather of Heaven!"

Yin Yan's scepter lighted up, a pair of golden wings spread behind her, and the wings flickered out!

"Don't think that only you can fly!"

I saw that the armor behind her suddenly bulged two pieces, and two huge black wings suddenly protruded from behind, one inciting the huge black wings, fluttering towards the sound of the air, and the advantage of the sound was gone.


"Nightmare Shock!"

Yin Yan hurried away, but the snowy night was faster that year, and her wings slammed into the shield that Yin Yan was wearing. A 2150 injury appeared on Yin Yan's head.

"Dark Cross!"

In that year's snowy night, there was no mercy, the dark black sword bloomed with black light, and a huge cross was chopped towards Yinyan!

"Sacred Words: Shield!"

Yin Yan knew she couldn't escape, and quickly applied a BUFF to herself before the huge cross energy came. A golden shield appeared in front of her!

—1604—1502 I have to say that the hidden profession is really powerful, and the snowy night attack actually brought out a total of about three thousand injuries.

"Hundred ghosts!"

The snowy night that year held up the long sword, and suddenly the black gas rolled on the long sword. Numerous distorted and painful faces emerged from the black gas, making utterly desolate screams, followed by the snowy night that year. With the sword of the ghost crying wolf howling, chopped down towards Yin Yan!

"Burst of Light!"

Yin Yan pushed out a light ball with his hands and collided with the slash of the snowy night that year, and immediately caused a violent explosion. In the explosion smoke, Yin Yan was impacted and flew out, falling rapidly towards the ground. If this distance falls Even if you do n’t fall, you have to fall a half to death.


A cloud of white clouds appeared at the feet of the unicorn, and a speeding charge came over to catch the falling sound. At this moment, it was informed that the snowy night also stirred up the wings.

Seeing the snowy night that rushed over, Yin Yan quickly rode away on the unicorn, but—

"Sorceress Howling"

There was a sharp cry in the mouth of Xue Ye that year, and the unicorn suddenly made a long and painful cry, and said that it turned around aimlessly.


Yin Yan quickly unlocked the state for the unicorn, but at that time Snow Night had come behind him, the long sword had been waved off, Yin Yan and the unicorn could not avoid it, and had to eat this chop.

—15600—4914 After a slash, he made a very consistent move, and the sound was picked from the unicorn's back into the air, "Void Move"

That year, on the night of the night, the body suddenly flickered behind Yin Yan, and then held her neck with her arms, and the wings instantly climbed hundreds of meters high, and then let go in the air! Screamed, his hands did not forget to press firmly on the bottom of the magic robe skirt to avoid walking away.

"Ghostly Soul Cut!" The long sword of the snowy night that year gave out two black flames, and the body drew a large maneuver in the air. A black flame half-moon energy wave was launched towards the falling sound.


A huge explosion sounded in mid-air. In addition to the smoke, the explosion also sent out a 30,000+ damage number, followed by a white light, and a few pieces of clothing slowly fell from the air to the ground.

1: 0 The victory of the first night of the snowy night, soon the short break ended the second round of the battle began, this time the sound is still released unicorns, but the snowy night in that year did not give the other party a chance First, the charge came at a short distance, followed by the movement of the void and teleported behind Yin Yan, and three consecutive ordinary attacks broke on the opponent's shield. The Yin Yan could not bear it immediately. The next moment, he was not waited for the Yan Yan to flash or the unicorn. The beast came back and strangled while taking the opportunity to break the shield!

2: 0, the black hand pulls back a city!


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