Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1030: Abyss Knight (1)

Even so wide open, without guardian began to chant long curses? Even though I rushed over and killed her now, why does it feel so thick and dense compared to this, is it a strange time to imagine? I feel like I'm stuck by a bucket of high-strength glue. Don't say to launch a large-scale action such as a flapping attack. It summons the beasts to make a low-pitched roar. It also seems that the surrounding situation is problematic. This guy's skills can be silent The ability to control the surrounding airflow between them. Is this the Ranger who has the ability to manipulate the "wind"? , She can use this technique to trap her opponent's actions lightly, but she can move freely in the field she created.

Of course, using airflow to restrict the actions of opponents is like limiting me too much. After that, the next thing is the real horrible killing trick!

Luo Yu's silent face still had an easy-going and faint smile, but in her eyes, there was a cold cold light that seemed to freeze the soul. Followed by a black wind belt around her body, the whole body was rotated.

"Gust of wind!"

The figure in the pillar of wind gave a light drink, and immediately behind me, a burst erupted on the ground. A dark tornado with a diameter of 50 meters rose into the sky and instantly penetrated the whole world! Immediately engulf our summoned beast, even though they may indeed be very powerful, but in the face of such powerful attacks, they are certainly not their opponents at all. The two Icewolf and Garuru The dark tornado was pulled into it, and it was sucked into the air for thousands of kilometers all the way! Before they return to the gods, they can see that in the depths of the Moria Mountains, the biochemical explosive dragon AI can naturally open more, let alone the sky **** of black.

"Well! ..."

Just before I woke up from my surprise, I suddenly heard a few sounds of breaking the air, and a sense of crisis rose in my heart.

My body flickered, and I avoided the arrows that fired from me. There was a hint of surprise in my eyes. I didn't expect her to be so perverted, and she was firing much faster than before.


Avoiding her arrows again, I couldn't help cursing, watching her constantly pulling the bow, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, it seems that she has the biggest hole card, so I have to give it my all Fight.

Take back the summoned beasts, take the small artifact shield from the front of the backpack and put it on the back of your left hand, and then merge the black **** into it. After the command is entered, the black **** turns into a ball of light and enters the shield. Black **** figure.

Suddenly my face was full of shock. Nima, what's going on? The black **** ’s entire body armor has disappeared, and the entire body is exposed in front of my eyes. The snow-like skin just looks like a slippery feeling, long legs, a flat belly, a pretty look. Going up was almost enthusiastic.

"Woohoo ~! Master, don't look at it! They are very shy!" The black **** blocked both points with her hands, pretty red.

I sigh fortunately, this can only be seen by myself, otherwise the big screen, the black **** is expected to face no one in the future.

"A riot!"

Just as I watched the Black God among the shields, the silent sound of falling rain sounded and pulled back my soul, and I saw a row of arrows flying towards this side. I couldn't escape and quickly attacked. Turn on, five thousand points will be lighted up for a long time.

After blocking, the birds and flowers on the back unfolded and rushed silently towards the falling rain in the air. Since you use the wind, then I can also deal with you.

"I want to fight hard again, your fighting style is really dangerous!" Luo Yu laughed silently, the next moment raging around the tornado quickly reduced the volume, leaving a dark wind in her palm, there The regiment was still in a crazy rotating wind regiment.

"Storm tornado!" Luo Yu's silent eyes flashed a bit of ruthlessness, and his raised right hand waved heavily ...

With the dark wind mass in the right hand swung down, it turned into a set of dark wind elemental energy dragons, and crashed towards me. When it fell quickly, the rotating wind mass rubbed the air, making the wind mass The outer layer is covered with a layer of golden red high-temperature flame.

Looking at the oncoming wind dragon, it is impossible to avoid the wide range. It is not immune to use the white dragon shield, but it is not a wind element that does not exist. It takes five seconds to absorb the blood shield. The time is too short, and the grade time is over. Hanging is not possible, but I am not helpless.

"Star Storm!"

Decisively activating the additional skills on the holy weapon, a gorgeous dragon-rolled star-studded dragon collided head-on towards nine days.

The two storms were entangled with each other in the air, and I rushed in at this moment towards the intersection of the two energies.

Twenty or thirty seconds after the storm entangled in the air, the two storms condensed into a huge wind mass, quickly pulling out an oblique trajectory in the air, and heavy bombardment on the earth. When the wind mass fell to the ground, it aroused The dust rose instantly to a height of 100 meters.

"Dragon's Charge!"

When the two groups of energy fell into the ground and set off the dust, I was suddenly charged by a dragon's charge hiding in the energy group, and rushed to the silent rain in an instant. At this moment I decisively activate the black god's skill to destroy the journey, falling rain and silent eyes staring round, it is estimated that no one would think that no one would be so crazy, actually hiding in that almost mortal energy group to cover the enemy's sight.


The shield smashed on her, and the stun effect of the destruction journey was triggered. The rain fell silent and the whole person stiffened in the air. Her suspended air mass was forced to be interrupted because she was dizzy, and her body immediately began to fall.

Next, the death call was opened, the armed storm was sacrificed, and a tornado mixed with numerous blades rose up to the ground. The body that had just fallen silently was immediately lifted into the air, waiting for the tornado to disperse, and the rain fell. The silence has disappeared, and I have only a little blood skin left at the moment. Blue is also exhausted, but it is also worth winning.

Back in the camp.

"Dragon Spirit." Xueyue stepped forward and said, "You must change your fighting style in the future!"


"It's too dangerous. Do you know that we thought you were crazy when you rushed into the energy group. Should you scare me out of a heart attack? Should you be willing?" Yun Lan said.

"That's right! For the sake of all of us, after the game returns, you must change your current fighting style." Xueyue said.


"No reason!" The two MMs growled together.


In the second game after a short break, Hualian played against the abyss knight who had a strange ID.

The two sides came on and looked at each other. The map arrived, in a large forest.

The abyss knight is still playing, and the mercenaries behind him retreat into the forest. The abyss knight is holding a long sword with a purple blade. This sword has a pair of blood red blades. On the hilt of this sword, A human statue with a painful expression. The abyss knight is holding this weird sword. The expression is very calm. People look sunny. At first glance, it looks like the type of big brother. He said faintly: "You look like me people."

"People ..." Hualian tilted her head.

"She has red eyes and hair and a cold expression like you." The Abyss Knight laughed.

Hualian straightened her neck and said nothing.

"Yes! I remember she was called the Scarlet Angel, do you know?" The Abyss Knight asked.

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Hualian said coldly. "Nothing, just by the way, the game is about to start." As he said, the countdown is over.

"Grip of death!" The Abyss Knight suddenly shot, turned into a demon claw around him and caught her in front of the Abyss Knight.

"God strike !!!!"

"Ding!" The abyss knight was taken aback, because his attack on the condemnation was actually blocked by the opponent. Hualian's speed of drawing the sword was too fast, and the reaction speed was even faster. I can't necessarily react immediately.

"This can be stopped, and the response is really fast."

"You are too slow!" Hua Lian replied coldly.

"Is that so?" The chills of the abyss knight's eyes shone so intensely that a sword was separated from the body of his sword.

"this is?!"

"Lingfeng flurry !!!" The abyss knight sighed and raised his sword to cut it down again, and the separated sword cut down in the other direction with Hualian.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" There were several metal collisions in the air, and Hua Lian flashed a parry to clear the abyss knight's smart offensive, and at the same time distanced him.

"The wind blows !!!" After retreating, Hualian's sword pointed at the other side, and suddenly a huge cold air blew from it, blowing the abyss knight with a sword, and thick frost appeared at the same time.

"Damn !!! The source of the abyss !!!" The knight of the abyss roared, and the cold blast of his body would almost freeze.

"Soul Eater Blast !!" After the cold shock, the abyss knight exploded into black gas and strove to Hualian. He hurriedly blocked, but it was still difficult to resist the impact of her opponent, and her petite body rammed. Flew out.

"Bloodslaying sword !!!" Looking at Hualian lying on the ground, the abyss knight sacrificed his skills without hesitation, and the long sword became longer, starting from the point of the knife. A giant soldier approaching about ten meters, and then chopped in the air, suddenly a series of crackling sounds like fried beans in the air, plants, land, etc. within a dozen meters of the surrounding area were cut into powder for a while, rotating with the wind to form a tornado. The same weird sight. The wreckage and dust of countless trees are swirling in the air, almost reaching the sky.

"Wound of the Moon!" A silver crescent moon suddenly emerged in this storm, at this time a beautiful silver moon that should not appear during the day.

It is so beautiful floating in the center of the forest. Such holiness is as pure as a dream. The moment the silver moon came, the surrounding storm collapsed.

"What ?!" The abyss knight was shocked, and his skills to win were actually broken, followed by seeing Hua Lian holding a fuchsia knife, standing in front of him casually, and unconsciously caressing his hair. .

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