Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1031: Abyss Knight (2)

"It's great, such an attack can still be unscathed." The Abyss Cavalier cracked Hualian's skills perfectly. He was not angered but sighed from the start.

Hua Lian didn't say anything to him and straightly looked at him coldly.

"Charge!" The Abyss Knight rushed up again.

"铿铿 铿" shook for three times in a row. The abyss knight's swords were repelled by Hualian's Taidao, and even the bandits beat them back. Hualian rushed up, but the Taidao was cut but not caught by the opponent's double swords. She lifted her long jade legs against the abyss' knight's head and kicked.


"Woo ?!" Mouth tossed aside, exhaling a large spit, and then Hua Lian bent her leg and pressed her knee against his stomach.

"Oh ?!" The abyss knight bent down, kneeling down with his legs wide open on one leg.

Immediately following Hua Lian, he struck and kicked, struck the chin of the abyss knight. The abyss knight was kicked and flew, and fell back.

When Hua Lian was ready to pursue, she suddenly heard a huge tiger howl! Suddenly, a huge claw slaps **** Hualian's head. A white tiger was launched. This was either his pet or his mount. He was summoned by the moment when Hualian kicked him out. When the tiger appeared, he aimed at Hualian without hesitation.

Suddenly, Hua Lian, who had made an impact momentum, immediately struck her legs and jumped out, and Bai Hu's catch caught her.

This time I can fully see that this is a huge white tiger that is two meters tall and four or five meters long. The abyss knight stands up again, recalls the sword that was beaten and flew out, and jumps up to become the white tiger. "Xiaohu looks at you next time, Diya, you go out too."

"It's finally here, and everyone else's flowers are thankful." A sweet voice came from deep in the woods, and a voluptuous figure came out from behind a tree. She looked about twenty-four or thirty years old, A graceful and luxurious dress showed a rather extraordinary temperament. Her pupils were dark blue, her figure was slender and slender, her lordosis was backwards, and she showed an impeccable and perfect smile to the audience.

Hualian shook her head slightly and shook her hair. This time, instead of holding the knife handle with one hand, she used both hands instead. It seemed that she was serious.


Seeing that Hua Lian was ready, the abyss knight waved his sword without hesitation and ran over the white tiger with madness. This abyss knight is probably also of that type of outbreak. Once he completely broke out, it would be very Of terror.

A beautiful maid named Dia, with a very simple long bow in her hand, there is no gorgeous decoration on the long bow, and the shape is not gorgeous but rather rustic.


A tiger roar suddenly roared, and the white tiger ran!

"Dark Light Slash!"

The abyss knight roared, throwing a left-handed long sword on the back of the tiger and throwing a surge of energy on the long sword, the next moment the energy on the long sword formed a huge 'ten' word, and poured heavily Cover it down.

Facing this terrible cross energy, dodge it gently, avoiding the cross energy attack. At the same time, Dia, who was standing behind, launched an attack directly, and an arrow shot towards Hua Lian.

Another arrow that was easily dodged and avoided, but at this time the abyss knight killed, the sword with a painful human sword on the hilt, wielded a slash that dragged the green phantom, and chopped to Hualian, Hualian Taidao raised it to parry it, cutting it one by one, but repelled the Abyss Cavaliers, but Hualian's ability to respond was too fast. It was obvious after a delicate calculation that the time was just right, but even this What was originally captured was disintegrated by the opponent, and the attacking side was repelled. Of course, the repelled Abyss Knight would not be reconciled, but this time it was Hualian's turn to attack.

"Feng Ming arrows!"

Just when Hua Lian had stepped out, Dia shot her arrows and flew towards Hua Lian.

Hua Lian quickly noticed her feet, and arrows flew past her face.

"Break forward!"

Seeing Hua Lian backing down, the abyss knight swung a white tiger without hesitation, rushing towards Hua Lian.

"Vortex cut!"

Hualian's upward movement directly picked up the abyss knight and the white tiger that came over, and immediately followed the vortex of energy that appeared around him. The white tiger and the abyss knight were sucked into the middle of the vortex, and his injuries brushed out.

Diya did not hesitate to pull the bow and shoot arrows. "Boom!" In the dust, a complete semicircle appeared in front of everyone. This attack was not for the attack, but for the siege of the abyss knight. This forced Hualian Interrupt the vortex chopping process to avoid it.

"It's strong." The abyss knight retracted the mount from the attack just now, and the mount suffered huge damage.

At this moment, a sharp detonation wind erupted in the air, as if something was tearing the atmosphere and soaring.

"Dark Moon Cut!"

The abyss knight's sword, stroked from front to back. The heat of the weapon rubbing through the air caused a fiery red mark in front of him.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Three beeps, Hua Lian blocked it with a sword, Diya shot three arrows, and at the same time the abyss knight waved his sword and chopped it. There is no gap between the first blow and the second blow. These two are "ding!" As if they sense each other's inner thoughts. Calculate the best defense angle. Hua Lian continued to take the slash of the abyss knight and Di Ya's arrow, and moved three steps behind with another powerful strike from the Abyss Knight.

"Shadow Fencing!" As Hualian avoided, the abyss knight rushed on, holding a sword in each hand, and actually used the two swords as long spears.

Tai Dao and Long Sword burst into a huge spark in the air, and Hua Lian was shaken away. It seems that the abyss knights with dual-armed weapons are still dominant.

After slamming Hua Lian, the abyss knight sprinted without hesitation, waving the double sword in his hand, and madly launched a continuous hack. That way, it's like chopping the ground. At the same time, Diya's arrows did not distinguish the bursts.

Fiery sparks spewed wildly in the air.

I was stunned in the audience. Hua Lian's strength and beyond her imagination, while the opponent's long-range sniper arrows, while defending the attack in front of her, although Hua Lian has little opportunity to attack, she will without exception The abyss knight's double sword blocked the attack, and Hualian's two-meter-long Taidao was an iron wall that the abyss knight couldn't break through.

And she seemed to have avoided countless calculations. Dia's arrows in the distance were basically either dodged or blocked. Just after Hualian jumped away from the other attack, the moment when the abyss knight landed in Hualian , Throw the long sword on the upper left, and pierce the Hualian's shadow on the sword. This sword actually merges with her shadow.

"Lock shadow!" A low voice came from the throat of the abyss knight. At this moment, Hualian's legs were firmly attached to the ground like a huge magnet, and she couldn't move. "Spiral sword!" Dia was in the distance. A crimson short sword appeared, followed by her putting the arrow on the string, and the spiral sword spinning at high speed made a harsh sound in the air.

Dia stretched the bowstring to its fullest, all right, aligned. The spiral sword in her hand shot. Crimson flashes are like red lightning bolts. Shot like Hualian who was still standing.

At the same time, the abyss knight himself held the long sword and spun wildly. The whole person looked like a huge windmill, one lap, two laps, three laps ... At last it turned into a dark red whirlwind, and the two skills fluttered at the same time. To the same goal, it seems to be a blow to solve the battle!

"Death is blowing!" Hua Lian stabbed her with a sword on the ground in front of her, and a blood-red tornado burst into the sky!

The skills of Diya and the Abyss Knight collided with this tornado at the same time. The Diya spiral sword hit the wind pillar as if it was knocked off on a hard iron plate. The Abyss Knight's launch skills are the same. After a few frictions with Scarlet Tornado, it was completely ejected.

The ground that Hualian stood on was destroyed by a tornado. The shadow that blocked her was naturally beaten and flew to an unknown place. She held a purplish red knife in her hand and stared calmly at the enemy. The enemies this time are several levels higher in strength than those who have fought before. They are first-class in both battle experience and on-the-spot judgment, and they are definitely strong players who have experienced hundreds of battles.

"Very strong ..." It seemed to finally acknowledge the abyss knight's affirmation of the opponent's strength again, and the abyss knight said, "But you can't win me like this, take out your pet. If you say that you don't have a pet, I will absolutely not . "

"I don't." Hua Lian refused directly.

"What? Rarely your pet is too weak?"

"No! It's too strong." Hualian's words made everyone stupefied. Pets are too strong to be used. What is the theory?

"Then I want to see it," the Abyss Knight said in a teasing tone.

"Then you will regret it!" Hua Lian replied coldly, and a huge shadow appeared behind her voice.


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