Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1032: Lily joins

"Ding, player: Honglian wins ~!"

The system beep sounded.

At this moment, the players are still in shock! The ground is full of burning ashes. More than 30% of the forest in the battlefield is burned to ashes. The ground is covered with charcoal, the ground is billowing with thick smoke, and there are many unextinguished remnants of fire. Not red but weird green flames. Among the countless burned trees, there are two burnt corpses that are beyond recognition. Yes, it's not that others are the abyss knight and the female mercenary Diya! The two have been GamEoVER!

As the victor, Hua Lian silently retracted the scabbard. As one of the perpetrators of this incident, she had no interest in what happened around her.

Quick, it's too fast! Fast enough that many players have not responded yet and the game is over. I was so thrilled before, I didn't expect such an ending.

Hualian was sent back by the system. After watching it for a second, she didn't say anything. Sitting aside, she was such a character, and we couldn't help it, just to win anyway.

However, some people are happy and some are sad. The next snow month will not be easy.

"Worried, you still lose, and us, then I can come back to win for you." Yun Lan said with arms clasped.

"Huh! I meet you when I meet, and my wife doesn't have to lose!" Xueyue was obviously a little angry, pursing her lips.

"Okay, you can say less. Xueyue, please be careful. Get out of the way. It's okay to take out the Storm Dragon directly. We have already got the match point and we are not afraid to lose a game." I had to talk to each other quickly, and said, I was very worried about Xueyue, that Lily's strength was not mentioned first, and the gold glitter alone was enough to cause headaches.

"Know, I'm on, I remember to be prepared to comfort me." After finishing playing.

The map came to an ice field, and the entire land was a beautiful pure white, as if no one had stepped on this white field, surrounded by silence, only the sound of small branches that occasionally could not withstand the weight of ice and snow.

In the middle of this white and snowy field, Lily, wearing a fuchsia tights, rode the harp on the elk, smiled and looked forward, and the dazzling golden figure as usual. A set of golden armors stood on Li Li's side.

On the opposite side, standing on the snow-white ground, is a snowy moon with a delicate photon armor, posing an offensive and defensive posture, with a proud temperament, awe-inspiring, and a heroic beauty like a Valkyrie guarding the snow and ice world.

"It is such a beautiful lady to appear in front of the king, it is really a heavenly arrangement. However, I do not think it will be watered." Although Xueyue had the silver mask on her face, her temperament and figure had already Prove that she is a true beauty.

Xueyue looked at him and said, "That's it. If the water is released, this battle will be meaningless."

"I wonder if this lady is interested in drinking a glass of wine with me before the war."

"If you have any, I would like to be accompanied." I don't know why Xueyue has a special love for wine. Every time I go to leveling, I would rather forget to buy a potion, nor would I forget to fill a kettle with a pot of wine. Of course, in reality, I wouldn't allow her to drink unscrupulously, because that would be very bad for the body, and it would be fine to drink on New Year's Day.

Hearing a drink and a smile on his face made it impossible to imagine that he would face a death fight next. I saw her urging: "Hurry up and take it out and continue the game after drinking."

"Oh! It seems that the lady should be a wine-loving person. If reality has a chance, you can tell it."

Saying a bitter smile and taking a full set of wine from his treasure of the king, the countdown is over at this moment, but the two have no consciousness of hands, walked forward to each other, Jin Bing will be golden wine and poured into wine, poured Into two wine glasses. Like two boxers, the two raised their glasses solemnly.

Xueyue said, "May I ask your Master a word."

Jin Shine turned her head and nodded.

"Prelude, you say it."

At this moment, Xueyue chuckled: "Lily, if you don't have a guild, how about you come to our Dragon's Tooth? You don't have to stay alone, at least one."

Lili managed her hair and laughed, "It's not impossible to join, but I don't like too many fights and kills, can I name it?"

Xueyue held the wine glass in her hand and said, "Of course you can, but if something happens to the guild, you must help."

Lili smiled: "Also, what do you think?"

Jin Xing nodded: "No problem!" He could agree so easily. I think the biggest reason is that Dragonfang is an ally of Warriors, and he went to Saber for a very legitimate reason.

Lily chuckled: "You can agree with your confidant, you are like that, but I like to be quiet and don't disturb me with my strength."

Xueyue laughed even more sweetly: "Of course."

"So toast for our acquaintance." Jin Bing raised his wine glass, as did Xueyue. The two wine glasses collided with each other, and a clear voice came along.

The two drank the last wine, threw away their glasses, and turned away. Neither of them turned around again, and each went straight back to their original position.

After seeing the last toast of the two, she sighed that the chance of losing was too great, but she brought us a very powerful combat force, and she won and lost a small match in exchange for a permanent powerful combat force. It's worth it.

"Come out! My companion!" As Xueyue Jian pointed at the sky, the two huge magic circles around him fetched it, followed by a roar of a dragon shaking with a trembling mountain and a crisp and sweet Fengming.

"Roar!" The storm dragon first drilled out of the magic array. The huge dragon wings covered the entire sky. The ice crystal phoenix was then much smaller than the huge storm dragon, but it was just as imposing as the storm. The domineering appearance of the dragon, the ice crystal phoenix looks more beautiful and noble.

I saw a wave of flying sand and stones, one of the two most terrifying creatures in the world, and their hostess rushed forward in astonishment.

Despite her current enemies, Lily's eyes have no fear, because she has a super mercenary known as the strongest hero to protect her, looking directly at the glittering gold of this spectacular scene, bright red eyes full of joy.

It's hard to come to a contest, but repeats this farce called battle every day. Already bored, he finally encountered his own opponent. The challenge of the girl in front of him was worthy of his full strength.

"The Kettle of the Dragon Seal!" Looking at the man and two beasts rushing in front of him, Jin Bing suddenly drew one hand in his hands, and "giggled" in midair, but saw a huge and incomparable kettle suddenly appeared.

This pot was severely hit on the back of the storm dragon. The storm dragon suddenly fell from the air, and an energy burst into the kettle to inhale the storm dragon.

At this time, Xueyue didn't manage to be sealed into the pot of the storm dragon, but continued to go toward Jin Shine and Lili like the ice crystal phoenix. The ice ice phoenix's wings unfolded and the countless ice blades carried a terrifying momentum. Killed, Jin Bing looked at the flying ice blade and released the treasure in the treasure house. Twenty, forty, eighty-the group of treasures is shining, scattered in the void.

Faced with the rain of weapons that flew from the locust, Xueyue didn't flinch, and a little bit of starry roared and approached gradually, holding on every inch of skin without mercy.

Swords came down like stars, and under the captivating obscenity, Xueyue's body crooked and flashed a treasure before she realized that she was the only one to move forward. I don't know where the ice crystal phoenix has gone after the storm dragon and where it fell. Although I really want to stop by my best friend who completed the final mission, but because of this, I can't stop. Now every step forward is the best feast for the dead.

The soles of the feet were stained with bright red, perhaps only the blood flowing from his abdomen. But what about it? The sound of the golden blade breaking through the ear can't be blocked by whatever it is. There is another step forward-one step forward. Hold up the sword's tip and split that guy's forehead.

drink! !!

Accompanied by the sound of shouting and drinking, Photon chopped the fencing sword.

The moment of conviction that victory should have passed away, somehow it continued forever. It's like time itself is still--

No, in fact it is not time that is stationary, but itself.

At the moment when Jian Feng was about to touch the enemy, I did not know where and when, hands, feet, shoulders, waist, and even the sword body were bound by a strong chain.

"You won." There was no regret or confusion, and there was not much difference between actual and expected.

Snow Moon Sword failed to reach each other. The fact that the opponent ’s sword can penetrate her chest, Jin Jin ’s attack power is well understood. For Xueyue, there is no way to stop the opponent ’s fatal blow. In fact, there is no need to stop it. The ending is doomed. The blood was cleared, and finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, her beautiful figure disappeared quietly.

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