Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1050: Cooperation with NPC

In about ten minutes, the blood of BOSS really reduced to about 50%. In this way, it was completely violent, and the frequency of spiky jets on his body increased. After a few rounds, I also saw clearly that this guy has a buffer time before the recruitment, and It was found that these spiked jets had a large range, but there was also a large gap between each one, which was easy to avoid.

In fact, this guy's strength is far lower than we think. This guy can't be called a king-level BOSS except for his attack power. He has low total health, low defense power, monotonous attack method, and does not understand the changes. , It's completely not a characteristic that a king-level BOSS should have.

Step by step, the blood of B was cut. Finally, after nearly 17 minutes of fierce fighting, the blood of this big balloon called the four-dimensional rover was less than 5%.

"Master! This guy is unexpectedly killing!" Tianzhao smiled lightly and slashed a wound with a shot, backing away quickly, a spike came, throwing an armed storm in the past and devouring the spike, turned his face and said: "Yes, It's too much to kill. "

"Yeah, this level is not at all king level, only ordinary or elite level." Black God agreed with me.


Following the sound of a balloon explosion, the four-dimensional rambler exploded, and the huge body was broken like glass.

However, the BOSS was killed, but I found out that there was no explosion of equipment and no experience value was given. It can be said that there was nothing. I played here for 20 minutes. Fortunately, there are some unlucky equipment around that can be added, although the average player's equipment is not much better, but the mosquito is as small as meat. Waste does not work.

At this time, a large group of organized people killed.

"Where is the BOSS?" Said a tall fighter, looking away.

A little skinny soldier around said: "Brother, our team was killed here before, that person is still alive, and the boss is obviously killed by him!"

The tall soldier stepped forward and said, "This brother, was the boss hit by you?"


"Is there anything out there?"

"Nothing," I waved and said. After speaking, put away the summoned beasts, too lazy to ignore them.

But it didn't take long to see a team besieging a four-dimensional roamer. It seems that there are more than one such monster. The quality of the siege players is not bad, and the strength is not bad. It took a few minutes to pass. BOSS After hanging up, a group of people who survived began to scold mothers.

I saw a lot of such situations along the way, and the more I saw it, the more I felt wrong. Why did the system use such a monster to let the player kill? In this way, the BOSS monster is basically used to pit people. It is better to kill them than to kill mobs. I haven't seen the gate of time and space for a long time. How could this moonlight forest not be found?

The upgrade is my purpose. To complete the task is just by the way. Holding the dragon gun, I continue to walk in the forefront with the black **** and the sky, while watching everything on the map while watching the coordinates on the map. In fact, we also Entering the core of the Moonlight Forest, it was thriving a few hours ago, and it became a purgatory a few hours later.

The feet are covered with dying grass that is gradually withering. Above the head, sometimes there are constant abyss monsters coming down from the top to attack the players, which is very annoying.

At this moment, Tian Zhao pointed to the distance and said, "Master, there are monsters in front of you!"

Seeing a tattered zombie-like monster appearing, his hands were hanging down in front of him, and his body was rotten all over, making a scream of "桀桀". amount! If it were n’t for the abyss monsters here, it would be really difficult for me to connect this guy with the abyss, but the abyss and the underworld are two different things.

Decaying laborers, level 175, ordinary monsters, introduction: The laborers who had been employed in the Moonlight Forest, during the invasion of the abyss, these laborers were corroded by the biochemical poison of the abyss before they could retreat, A walking dead, wandering in the forest aimlessly, is just a common monster at level 175, which scares me. This kind of thing is not threatening at all, and it can be done before the first three or two. The experience value is pathetic, and what? None of them burst, but there will be a lot of them. Forget it, I will use you to restore my burst value. I used to deal with that balloon a lot,

"Scattered and broken!" Chuckled.

"no problem!"

Call out the ice moon demon wolf, and at the same time hand Thunder Thunder to the air to help me find if there is anything near the door that looks like a door or something else.

Soon Lei Ying sent a report, it found things, and the efficiency was really high. Soon Lei Ying took us to the destination, and here I saw a human sitting on his knees, and closer to find that this guy had a little normal Apart from the human face, the other body parts are not human. His right arm is a huge claw, the armor of the whole body and the skin on the body are stuck together, but the left arm is a mechanical arm, and there can be seen the shining electric power on it. spark.


After a deep breath, the human, who didn't know how to die, opened his eyes suddenly.

He slowly opened his eyes. There was no eyeball in his eye socket. There was only a green flame representing the eyes. He grinned and said in a low voice: "Are you human? ..."

"Yes," I said.

"Finally someone came here. Are you here to destroy the gate of time and space?" Said this guy.

"Yes, do you know where?" I asked, "And who are you?"

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Alex, and I am the leader of the Blue Dragon Corps. Of course it was before." The guy with the title of Alex laughed.

"We are all human."

"Yes, just before, I am no longer human, and our goal is to destroy the space gate."

"Then let's destroy this facility together." It was very nice to have an NPC to help. But an NPC would help for no apparent reason, which is obviously impossible, so he asked, "Why are you helping me? You're not just trying to destroy the gate of time and space, right?"

Alex said: "I was infected by the abyss gas when I sealed the abyss crack on the Holy Meteor Mountain, and then captured. During this time, I was locked in the abyss proving ground and suffered various torture and experiments. It's beyond your imagination. Now I don't want the tragedy to happen again. I watch it destroy with my own eyes. You are a person who is capable but willing to help me. "

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the only hidden mission [cooperation with Alex]] Mission level: SS level, mission objective: destroy time and space gate, mission failure: player killed or Alex killed, mission brief: help the original Blue Dragon Army Elixir, destroy the time and space door. The time and space door is hidden by three blockers. You must destroy the blocker to find the time and space door, but you must be careful. Each blocker is guarded by a powerful abyss monster. Keep in mind that you have May be killed! Need to be careful! "

Sure enough, there is a mission! Make sure immediately that the task is at hand and you can do it, although the system does not give me a reminder when I am next, Alex will tell me where the three task points are in the Moonlight Forest, so that we will not continue to be clueless. Looking for it.


Stepping on the barren land, nourishing the trees and grass that had already started to dry, and the combat boots were stepping on the grass, and there was a constant emergence of laborers around.

Alex shook his head and said, "It's pitiful." After that, they started to attack and liberate their souls.

In addition to attacking with the huge claw, the manipulator also sprays energy balls. It can be said that it can be far or near. These workers are waving their arms, claws and teeth, hitting Alix on my side. With a clear sound, Alex was ignoring the attacks of these guys directly. The golden eyes scanned Alex and found that this guy was actually a 200-level king-level boss, and his strength was not generally strong.

Alex also has his skills. In one move, he shattered the dense monster group, flying with broken limbs, and the king-level boss attack was too strong. Any skill could create a vacuum zone, and I will also share Experience, it is really cool to have an NPC to help kill monsters.

Alex's huge claws flashed a dazzling energy flow, and all the surrounding monsters could not approach the range of two meters around us.

Alex pointed to the East and said, "There, the location of the first blocker is three minutes away. Stay alert. There are a lot of guards around the blocker."

"Well, I see ..." summoned the summoned beasts and moved on,


In the open space that came, there was a two-meter-high cylindrical object on the open space. There was a group of abyss monsters around this thing. A monster with a giant sword of 18 meters stood quietly there, wearing thick heavy armor, and a black cloak flew behind him.

Fire eye golden eyes scan. This product is a 180-level king-level boss, called a death deterrent. It seems that this task will kill three king-level bosses, and the experience value may increase.

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