Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1051: Lively little camp

Alix went against BOSS, and the three hits of "嘭 嘭 嘭" shook on the armor of BOSS. The 迸 splashed out a series of sparks, and the injury figures jumped up one after another—333277—332172—342726 is indeed a 200-level boss. Playing such a 180-level boss is exactly like grabbing it. I sent the summons to clear it up. I stepped forward to deal with the boss with Alex, and the black **** and the sky shot cut in from left and right. , Alex is the main offensive skills falling one after another, arrogantly killing the blood of BOSS.

"Black Dragon Spike!"

Suddenly a shot stunned the boss, but it woke up from the stun in the next second, and the sword in his hand swept out suddenly. The white dragon shield opened the giant sword and made contact with the shield. There were only more than one thousand of 50,000 lasting moments. Point, after the ordinary attack shield was shattered, followed by this sword shocked out of the sky, and suddenly the four of us were repelled. This abyss monster was really not easy. After a shock shocked us, the sword sword The sword qi will stir up all at once. The sword qi shook my town's armor, and the number of consecutive injuries suddenly splattered. The blood volume suddenly dropped below 20%. It was indeed a king-level BOSS. The previous four-dimensional roamer was simply king. The shame of level BOSS.

Had to retreat and let Alex's main resistance, but this product has clearly seen that we are weak, and has begun to try to bypass Alex to give priority to kill us.

But every time, Alex will stand in front of this guy, and sometimes he does n’t forget to tease the boss, saying, “Oh, little guy, your opponent is me.” As I said, a scarlet light glowed on my paws, like lightning. Greetings on the boss.

—283736—273464—274002—273848—293040 A series of high damages flew up, BOSS howled in pain, waving a giant sword and Alex fighting, the robot with a spark beating on Alex's left suddenly turned fiery red and blasted out against the boss. Palm.


A fierce heat wave burst out, and the BOSS was swallowed up immediately.

—1074944 After this injury, the number of claws waved, and the amount of blood hit by the Boss dropped sharply, but it quickly launched its skills to fight back. Countless swords rushed across the sky. The sword qi swept through the body, and the tear-like pain came. Blood flew away! Quickly flash out of range.

One move shocked our boss and slammed his huge sword. Alix hit back with his claws. Each attack of Alix could cause about 50,000 damage. BOSS hit him was about 20,000. I can do more than 40w of damage for too long, and the opponent can only spit less than 10w of blood. If I hit me, I can definitely kill it. Fortunately, if I team with this NPC, I want three of the bosses. impossible things.


BOSS roared angrily, the summoned beasts around me have cleared the surrounding monster brothers, BOSS has always been attracted by Alex, if we have a priest player here, this level of BOSS will definitely give priority to the first move If this kind of profession is not treated continuously, the MT can fight back to the city within half a minute, without supply, no player at this stage can hardly shake the king-level boss.

In the long range, Gaurulu constantly uses artillery shells and skills to attack. Tianzhao cannot be hard with the opponent. She is too brittle. She attacked quickly after approaching, and flashed immediately after the fight. The black **** is still a meat shield, but there are Alex was one of the glorious DPSs in her presence.


After nearly 25 minutes of slashing, only 1% of the blood in this abyss BOSS is left. It is able to break the king-level BOSS in such a short time.

BOSS was empty of blood, and I immediately shouted, "Last look at me."

"Okay." Alex gave me the last moment.

Sole dissolutely lost a past, now BOSS basically loses the ability to move, so disinterested is easy to hit.

"Dragon Dance!"

I leaned down suddenly, my left palm covered the ground, the earth was trembling, two huge energy dragons broke through the surface, and the Dragon Dance was an additional skill on the town dragon armor. The two energy dragons circled up into the sky and brought momentum. Xun Longqi abused the BOSS who was already empty. But instead of showing an unwilling expression like the previous BOSS, it laughed wildly: "Ha ha ha ha ha! Stupid adventurer! Even if you kill me, you can't stop everything, you will destroy it with your world! Ha ha ha ha! "

Along with this burst of laughter, BOSS's body was torn apart by dragon air, bursting out a lot of items and equipment.

"Why are you so happy when you lose?" Tianzhao couldn't understand the abnormal performance of this boss.

Elix said: "I don't know. Although I overhear their plans, I can only open the spatiotemporal door to capture this interface creature for living experiments. I don't know if there is anything else."

I said in a deep voice: "I can only go one step at a time, let's destroy this blocker first."


Tianzhao and the Black God went to help me see the equipment, I and Alex and other summons attacked the blocker. Although the blocker has a durability of 500,000, it can't withstand our indiscriminate bombing. It didn't take long before it fell.


The location of the second blocker is in a small camp. Previously, it was a resting place for NPCs working in the Moonlight Forest. Now it is just a ruin.

Among the ruins, countless NPC workers became rotting laborers wandering aimlessly, and the pale mist drifted from the ruins, making the whole ruin a sad cloud.

In the forest outside the ruins of our team, we can see that several teams are killing these workers. The workers are very good at dealing with them, but the experience is very small, but there are still many players who kill them.

Rushing into the ruins of the camp, a group of abyss monsters came to greet us. Only by killing those mobs can we walk into the ruins and find the blockade.

However, although the mobs are easy to kill, these mobs are refreshing very fast. Many teams do not enter inside, but kill the monsters that run out of the abyss at the door. The people who rush in will be constantly flowing unless they are powerful Those mobs piled to death with tactics.

But for me, these mobs are all here to give me experience. One trick can clear a vacuum zone. I can easily kill these monsters. The black **** Tianzhao helped me pick things up. I found someone following us, apparently trying to pick up this ready-made bargain. I'm too lazy to bother them.

They followed, they did not kill monsters, they could not get experience and equipment.

Moreover, they are not much better. Without strong strength, it is impossible to shake the king-level BOSS inside, just to die.

Elix took the lead in the previous one and used his strong power to kill monsters quickly. The team's marching speed is very fast, which is the fastest among all teams.

When other teams saw our speed so abnormal, they all couldn't help but look at it, but they just looked at it and couldn't help it.

After a short while, we entered the camp under the leadership of Alex, and it turned out that the same blocker as before had been set up there, and all the mobs around did not see the BOSS.

Kill the mobs first. Although there are a lot of these mobs, they are not a threat at all. When we kill the mobs, after a while, an invisible pressure falls on the body. BOSS is here, Alex. Exclaimed, "Be careful, that guy is here!"

Sure enough, as soon as Alex spoke, BOSS followed.

"Haha, another group of arrogant came to die!" Accompanied by a loud laugh. Seeing water ripples appearing in front of the blocker, the next second he saw a monster standing three meters tall with a blue body and holding a warhammer, with a beast-like face that appeared behind him.

Skullbreaker, Level 180 King BOSS, Introduction: Skullbreaker is an infamous slaughterer in the abyss. His favorite thing to do is to smash the head of a prey with a hammer in his hand, and then laugh out loud.

"Ready to do it!" I yelled, and the black god, Tianzhao, and Alix immediately set the battle.

At this time, three more teams suddenly rushed over.

"Oh, there are people who came here before us ?!" I heard this voice, I could not help but look at that person, but saw the full-scale warrior of Holy Cross, with a group of Holy Cross players, The number is about two hundred.

"This BOSS should be ours!" Within a few seconds of the emergence of Holy Cross, a large group of organized people killed over. I didn't expect that the guys from the Earth Alliance also came here for fun, and I saw more of them in the offline games. To a few guys.

"It seems that a lot of people are coming." Watching the two teams appear one after another without saying with emotion, "Beast God ?!" Two people saw us when I saw them.

"Come on!" The bloodthirsty battle emperor didn't make nonsense. He waved his hand and said directly, "Take the boss!" The Earth Alliance rushed up immediately.

Just then, a trembling dragon came and a huge figure appeared in the sky!

Dragon! Do not! Not a real dragon, but a flying dragon! Although it was a flying dragon, it was found that there was a person sitting on the dragon's back.

"Swallow up the king-level boss, your appetite is too big!" Said the man on the back of Feilong, and he was also familiar with the voice of the man. Beside Nether is a female warrior wearing a blood-red armor, not someone other than Gunsmith Ling. She flew in the air against a pair of mechanical wings, holding in her hand a long gun called ‘Eight Dragon Dragon Teeth’.

"How can you leave us so busy?" Another familiar voice, but a woman, looked, could not help but hold, the original is not someone else, but it is Leng Yufei's poem. Okay, Rose Night is here too!

"Haha, it's so lively today!" All four powerful guilds gathered here all at once! Can you say it's not hilarious?

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