Master Summoner Online

Chapter 268: Attacked

"Dude, you're good at it!" The male mage clapped.

I laughed, "OK, okay."

"Fuck! This guy killed a big brother."

"Kill him! Revenge for the big brother!" The BOSS player who had said the attack immediately gave up the BOSS and ran to me, "Amber Dragon!" I called in a low voice, and the magnificent Amber Dragon appeared in the air without a warning and roared. Suddenly killing the crowd, these little soldiers and shrimps could not withstand the 4,500 attack by the amber dragon, and immediately turned into white light and left the map.

Because the other party attacked first, my name was still white. "Thank you!" The male mage patted me on the shoulder and then shot the boss with a final blow. Everyone left, leaving him to press the system. Everything belongs to him alone, of course I wo n’t grab it, because my philosophy is that if it ’s not my thing, I wo n’t wall it. It ’s my stuff that no one can take away. Of course, this does not rule out some special cases.

The male mage stepped forward to pick things up. This boss gave four pieces of equipment, a pile of gold coins, and a few shiny stones. At this time, the male mage's eyes were narrowed into a slit. It is estimated that the treasure was found. After that, he walked around and walked towards me in order not to let go of a copper coin, and filled the parcel with nothing left on the ground.

When he walked in front of me, he took a stone with colorful glare from his backpack and handed it to me. "Thank you just now. If you show up, I will be overcast by those guys. You know what will happen when the Assassin Warrior is close! "

I looked at it and said, "What are you?"

The other laughed: "Thank you, take it. Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head.

"A gem is an enhanced item that can be embedded in equipment to enhance attributes. Such a gem comes from the BOSS just now. Everyone knows that pushing a BOSS is equivalent to pushing a treasure house, like this rare hidden map. BOSS will definitely produce good things. You should also know that as the most harmful and almost all exporters, I can get the largest share. This is the root reason for them to take risks. Like you who come to play in the game. It is difficult for students to understand this. "

I said, "How did you know that I was a student? I didn't write the word" student "on my face."

"Hehe!" The other laughed. "As for how to know that you are a student, that's because your left face says" learning "and the right face says" sheng ". And your age has revealed your identity."

After hearing this, I touched my face involuntarily, as if there were words on my face.

I picked up that gem to see-

Flawless Fire Gem, Quality: A, Effect: Physical attack adds magical damage to fire properties.

Very good, I have heard of gems, but I still see gems for the first time. I remember that there are few posts on the forum about this type of gems. It is revealed that this gem is usually a special task, The probability of monsters falling and mining is very low no matter which way they are obtained. Most of the goods sold on the trading platform are D, C, and there are very few B grades. A grades above A are not visible in my hand. The value of a gem is definitely not low.

Each kind of gemstone has its own effect. Of course, some gemstones have special attributes. Such gemstones are definitely valuable and unavailable. I am thinking about whether to sell this thing back or keep it first, but think about it First giving up the idea of ​​selling and the shallow experience of others doing a few transactions can also make me understand that such things will have great potential for improvement in the future, if I will forget it.

At the same time, the crowd also appeared, "They are?" The male mage pointed at Gu Ren and said.

I said, "My companion, it doesn't matter."

"Are you looking for that mixed wafer too?" I asked.

"Yeah," said the male mage.

"So do we, I don't want us to cooperate first?" I invited.

The other party said, "Yes."

I laughed: "You're not afraid that I'm the same as the group just now."

The other party said, "I don't think you will."


"Because you are a student."


After chatting for a while, I sent him an invitation to form a team, and soon he joined our team. This person is 68, a fire elemental division, ID has no tears, and is a G-list figure. There are a lot of people, I think if these people are not overcast, then these three guys are probably not able to beat him.

After the new companion joined, our team has grown stronger. Everyone sits on the Amber Dragon. The increase of others has not slowed down the speed of the Amber Dragon. The flight is still so elegant. As we go deeper, the roar of various monsters from It was coming in all directions, and everyone was scared.

There are unknown monsters hidden in the dark part of the forest. The disturbances are limited by the environment, and they cannot be seen clearly from the sky.

"Tearless, do you know where that thing is?" I asked.

Tears disappeared: "I'm not quite sure, take a step and count."

Tearless also said: "Wei Weilong, what is your student's future goal? Don't tell me to study hard."

I smiled bitterly, do I look like a person who reads books? So he said, "It's hard to say in the future, but it will happen in the near future."

"Oh! What's that?" Little Knife said suddenly.

I looked at him with a curious look and said, "Take the championship on the King's Road."

"What else?" Tears asked without a trace.

"Crying everyone on the G list!" I said.

"Wow! There is a future, but wouldn't I be the target of your crusade as well!" Said Tears Wuji.

I laughed: "The crusade doesn't have to be a death fight. When we return to the city, we go to the Arena PK for a round, and I won't be able to beat you down."

Tears without a trace laughed: "Want to beat me down and dream! Haha!"

My tears and tears made me laugh happily, but this smile made me laugh. A green liquid hit the amber dragon's wings without hesitation. "Roar!" The amber dragon made a howl, and the whole body suddenly lost its peace? .

"It's going to fall!" Shouted the little knife.

"Amber dragon, land urgently!" I immediately issued a command, the amber dragon shouted, kept instigating its wings, and the body quickly descended into a meadow. When we came down from the amber dragon, I also retract the amber dragon. Amber The dragon was injured by a sudden attack and the wings were green. It is estimated that it will not be able to continue to fly at one and a half. At the same time, we also landed in this grass, which is not right, because these grasses are more than 2 meters high and can completely submerge us. The edges of each leaf have jagged teeth, which can be scratched accidentally.

Although everyone ’s armor provides sufficient protection, it is not easy time to move on. To move forward, you have to remove the tough grass leaves. At this time, all the grasses are like this. .

Everyone suddenly heard the sound of "brushing" when only the leaves were moved, the sound was harsh. I felt as if there were a few more pairs of peeping eyes around my own land!

This feeling is so clear. Like the trembling of a prey being targeted by a predator.

I took a deep breath, and everyone formed a circle to protect the tears of the mage profession in the middle, and said lonely, "Carefully!"

The lone mark issued a warning, and now it's up! The sound of a large number of blades of grass suddenly sounded close to us. I saw a monster suddenly appearing just 34 meters in front of me, a snake-like head with a pair of flesh-winged monsters that was not too long like a raptor, and stretched its long neck towards me!

This monster is nearly 2 meters tall and runs on two powerful hind limbs. The short two claws shrink around the chest and become gray-brown. A long snake-like open mouth opens up sharp teeth. terror!

Snakehead Grey Wing Bird, Level 72, Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Live beasts in sword grass in the hinterland of death. The hard skin protects them from the danger of sword grass. The powerful hind legs allow them to pass through the grass and spray in the mouth. The corrosive ability to dissolve the liquid is their magic weapon.

This snake-headed gray wing bird opened its blood basin and bite at me fiercely. "Declaration of lightning!" With the sound of cries, the inverse lance stabbed the snake-headed gray wing bird in the mouth. It turned out that the snake-headed gray-winged bird screamed in pain. Although this shot did not pierce its head, it also caused great damage.

Then I pulled out the inverse lance and then launched an arc across the line to start the anti-scale cut. The head of the monster was cut off immediately. The body of the snake-headed gray wing bird fell to the grass and several flashing items fell.

Its fall made a strange scream in the back, "It shouldn't be long here, hurry up!" Gu Ke whispered.

Then everyone started to run forward, and at the same time, I looked back and saw the dense footsteps and the blades of the grass in the grass behind. It seemed that there were many followers.

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