Master Summoner Online

Chapter 269: Snake Head Grey Wing Bird

I walked about ten meters forward, and before my eyes, Huo Ran brightened. Without a large amount of sword grass blocking, my charge suddenly accelerated and almost fell into the gravel.

After stabilizing my body in time, I immediately rushed up the mountain to the mountain that blocked the road. After going up, I saw that this mountain is actually a hill covered with jungle plants. The height is less than 100 meters. Rushed to the top at my speed.

Of course, assassin-type little knives, skylights and lone marks are faster, and the last tears are a bit tragic. Although there are flashes, but the flashes are also cool, but he is also very smart. Run, but the mage is really too slow.

The roaring wind blew, and I looked back subconsciously. It appeared that dozens of meters away, just a dozen bush snakehead grey-winged birds on the hillside that everyone had just passed, were taking great strides toward him. The winged bird raised its head and opened its mouth, spitting out a green liquid, and splattered his face in tears without a trace.

Fortunately, he flashed in time, and at this time we also ran to our heads, "What to do!" Tears disappeared.

"Jump!" As I said, I jumped straight down from the mountain.

He always followed the little knife, and the lone mark and the sky light also jumped down. He still dropped a few blood points when he didn't jump high here. Tears without marks were a little hesitant. His mage's constitution was weak. At this time, he didn't care about that either. Too much, followed by the last day photo also jumped down.

Zi! Zi!

A burst of strong acid corrosion sounded. When the tears rose without a trace, the large spray of liquid still splashed, and his shield was under attack.

Most of the other venoms fell on the rocks and plants. The rocks were corroded to become white bubbles, and the plants that were splashed were curled up with black eyes and withered!

At the same time, tears jumped down without any traces, and flashes were used in midair to keep yourself on the ground safely, so as not to break your arms and legs. After all, the mage is the most vulnerable of all professions.

The place where we jumped down was also a grassland, but it was completely two places before. Generally speaking, monsters with their own sphere of influence would almost automatically return after chasing here.

But what I didn't expect was that these snake-headed grey-winged birds simply ignored the universal law and rushed to the top of the mountain, and then went down in a chasing pursuit, apparently having a feud against us.

However, the grassland here is different from that just now. The grass here is very ordinary. I have no mood to compare endurance and physical strength with these perverts, and it is absolutely unwise to start long-distance racing with them.

So the two hands patted the ground and the thunderstorm started immediately. The two snake-headed graywing birds who wanted to jump down and fell into the thunderbolt. We immediately took the opportunity to exit more than ten meters away. After exiting, we called the Gatling Blast Dragon and repositioned. For a moment.

Click! Click!

The roar of the Gatling machine gun sounded, and at the same time the staff waved without tears. The meteor fire rain bloomed. Countless fire rain and bullets fell. From the two ends, more than a dozen jungle dragon-winged birds appeared, but they appeared. It wasn't the time when it appeared, it was already submerged in the sea of ​​fire, and Gatling Blast Dragons spit fiercely at their muzzle of attacking machine guns, screaming the wing birds.

Then I, Tianzhao, the little knife and the solitary four rushed forward, wielding their arms and harvesting their last blood!

After getting this done, I took a sigh of relief after the snake-headed gray-winged bird, and almost finished it, "It's dangerous! Thanks to that mountain, otherwise I would be eaten by them as a snack!" Tears wiped without sweat Then said.

"Those monsters won't be chasing again, will they?" Said the little knife.

"It's hard to say, let's go first." Gu Chen said calmly.

Everyone nodded, I also recovered the Gatling Blast Dragon. The injury of the Amber Dragon has not recovered yet. Try not to summon it as far as possible, and then everyone continues to move forward. The full moon in the sky is full of bright moonlight at the full moon. Every blade of grass on the lawn seemed to be shrouded in hazy white light. Many fireflies fluttered in the grass and dotted the night scene with a little bit of glow. At this moment, the whole night seemed to become softer, and even the howling of monsters from the forest in the distance was not so disturbing.

Continue to move forward. The grass on the surrounding grass is also high. Half of the people are already tall. Everyone is buried in the grass. Fortunately, these grasses are not as crowded as before.

As we get deeper into the grass, these grasses are getting taller and taller. At this time, the tall grass has already drowned our body shape, but the surrounding conditions can be clearly understood by shaking the leaves.

3o meters, 5o meters, 1oo meters ... the grass around us did not move at all, it was very quiet and terrible.

"Be careful! Monsters are likely to be around." A lonely low voice sounded in the breeze.

Constantly watching the surrounding area, there are many places where the blades of grass seem to be moving. This movement is very slight, at first glance, it seems that the wind blows through the blades.

At this moment a strong sense of crisis suddenly came to my mind, and it is obvious that we are coming from carefully observing the positions of some existing grasses!

The AI ​​of these monsters is really not low. It is estimated that they are interconnected and cooperated through unknown communication methods and then quietly surround their abnormal actions with caution and caution. And once the siege is complete, the Thunder must attack!

"Everyone carefully estimates that we are surrounded!" I growled.

Goku said: "I also have a bad feeling! This picture is too challenging."

Suddenly the blade of grass trembled suddenly, "Ready to fight!" I shouted.

Wow! I saw a snake-headed gray wing bird jumping about 45 meters from the front of the lone mark and jumping onto the sword grass. It fluttered ugly meat wings and a long beak.


Before waiting for it to emit deadly venom, the solitary mark cast his own knife with great accuracy, pierced into its mouth, and ga! The monster screamed heavily and fell into the grass to die.

At the same time, the lonely hand waved the Taidao knife back to him in an instant, and then within a few seconds, at least seven or eight snake-headed gray-winged birds fell, and each one moved extremely fast, facing the crowd. Come on.

This guy was badly venomous, and his claws were not inferior. He groaned, and struck a chest on the orphan's chest. His chest was cut open by a claw, and blood springed.

"Qi He chop!" Gu Chen growled, and the two Taidao hit the snake-headed gray wing bird at the same time.

Several of us were attacked almost simultaneously.

With no trace of tears, he swiftly read the spell. A wall of fire rose immediately beside him, a snake-headed gray-wing bird hissing and howling, and it was instantly swallowed by flames.

Tian Zhao danced with the storm of blood in his hands, and when the two swords crossed, he blocked the snake-headed gray-wing bird that rushed to him, and immediately pierced the snake-headed gray-wing bird.

The little knife rolled, and the ice devil blade in his hand raised a flare of light, a snake-headed gray wing bird made a terrible cry, a pair of feet had been cut off, and the body fell heavily on it, and the little knife rolled up again The ice devil's blade waved down, and his small head had been cut off.

At the same time, I also picked a right-handed anti-scale gun. I first pierced the belly of a snake-wing gray wing bird that wanted to throw me down. This wing bird fell to the ground, then crushed the blow, exploded the energy, and destroyed it. The next rattling noise made the bones of the snake-head gray-wing bird hard, then cut across the scales. Together with its body, it was folded in half in half.

Suddenly, seven or eight snake-headed gray-winged birds were killed, but at this time, more snake-headed gray-winged birds came out, and when they cried, they shouted fiercely without any traces: "The king of flames! Lord of lava! Let everything be in front of nothing! Burn the earth! "

The ground ignited a raging fire instantly, "Little Wolf! Polar Storm!" The polar devil wolf appeared under the call of a small knife, and a scream of three hurricanes shrouded in the sky. It was burned by the fire on the ground and was also being airborne. The blood slashed by the falling hurricane.

Countless damage figures fluttered and menacing monsters chased into blood and fire hell.

The top snakehead gray-winged birds opened their mouths and wanted to launch a venom jet attack on us, but we can't make them as expected. They were wiped out with almost no resistance under the joint attack of everyone.

After annihilating this group of snake-headed gray-winged birds, at this time, a bang from the place, I saw that a large number of snake-headed gray-winged birds suddenly broke out on my left, at least three digits in number.

"Ready to fight!" Suddenly the inverse gun was preparing to meet the enemy suddenly: "No one can shake your majesty! Goddess of ice! Please give me strength! Extreme cold raid!"

Then the sky was fierce like a storm. Along with this sound, a blue tornado hurricane came down, "Slap! Slap! Slap!" The stones on the open space were all rolled up by this violent tornado, and the blasting wind could even be Freeze those rocks easily and smash them, and those snake-headed grey-winged birds can hardly escape.

"Your majesty transcends everything! Frozen goddess! Lend me your strength! Frozen rain!"

Suddenly, the large and small ice icicles in the sky fell like drifting heavy rain, and the grassy side was pitted immediately. In the frantic attack of ice icing, the group of snake-headed gray-winged birds were drowned by ice icing.

"Who!" I yelled.

Then a figure fell in front of us and said, "Woman!"

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