Master Summoner Online

Chapter 391: Abyss Army

"Killed up, a lot of trial points!"

"You can buy a low-level Warcraft mount."

"The stupid low-level Warcraft mount is so rubbish. Selling it is a complete waste of trial points. If you want to buy it, you buy a high-level one."


You can hear the discussions from the players around, and they are all very happy.

I took a look at the additional attributes of the character, and the trial point was 1,000 points more, which is pretty good.

The players were very happy to kill, and they drew a few iron fighters one by one. At this time, there are still a dozen iron fighters starting to run away. At this time, some people shouted: "Don't let those experiences come!"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, a knight chased away those escaping fighters with four or five other players. I immediately yelled at them: "Come back, don't go!"

But when those people were stunned by victory, a group of people were killed in the city, and the door was in front of them. Before they could stop their feet, at this moment, they suddenly stuck out a row of holes in the high wall. The huge muzzles were shot with milky white energy. Several players in the city were killed terribly. They screamed and fell down the city. Everyone's head was hurt by four thousand to five thousand. Digitally, no one survived.

The actions of these mischievous brothers also sounded the alarm for other players.

After waiting for a while, Tianzhao asked impatiently: "Why not come?"

"Who knows!"

As soon as my voice fell, a silver-white armor, a pair of swords, and a lizard-like head appeared on the tower directly opposite the tower. I immediately scanned with gold eyes of fire—

Abyss Commander, Level 90 Elite BOSS, introduced: The team leader of a small team of the abyss army has good strength. This time it brought a small army under its own account to the mainland. Its purpose is unknown. .

I saw Commander Abyss' eyes like a pair of magic eyes. As soon as I opened it, there was a strong yellow light, and a deep, low-pitched voice came out of my throat: "I didn't expect humans to come here, but the battle I expected was here Although it is faster than expected, it doesn't matter, the warriors of the abyss attack! Eliminate the human race! They are not worthy to dominate the entire world! "

The monster could still speak, and everyone took a few steps backwards.

Tian Zhao was excited: "The master's door opened again, and the monster was about to come out."

At this moment there was a tremor on the ground, and it was rumbling, as if the earth was about to collapse.

Then there was a burst of thunder above his head, everyone looked up and suddenly felt dumbfounded.

The sky directly above the castle seems to be drawn by a sharp black crack in the sword. The crack slowly expands, constantly twists, and finally combines into a huge black hole. Countless energy flows in the black hole.

Commander Abyss shouted from the tower at this time: "Ha ha ha! Humans, you are here to find your luck, and also your misfortune, you will all die here!"

I lifted the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance and pointed at the opposite: "It's time for everyone to prepare for the battle and experience the explosive equipment!"

"Oh !!!" The players are imposing.

A huge ground beam emerged from the black hole.

"The monster is coming out soon! Everyone be careful!" I shouted.

"Warriors, go all ahead!" Feng Xiaoyue raised the broad sword in his hand and shouted, "It is the duty of the soldiers to protect the partners behind them. Let these monsters look at our human strength!"

Under the leadership of the beautiful warrior, the warrior players came to the front with sharp blades. At the same time, the summoners' meat shields and summoned beasts also lined up in the front defensive line. Also, behind the warrior defensive line, archers, mages, and priests have been waiting. !! People are flexing their muscles. At this moment the crowd did not mean to run at all.

Everyone takes their place. As soon as the monster appears. Blast it right away.

The commander of the abyss again shouted, "For honor. Our enemies must be destroyed. All the troops listen to the order and start the attack. Let these ignorant humans teach the abyss terror!"

His voice fell. The seat illuminated by the light beam below. Phantoms are produced. It is clear that energy transfer is being implemented.

I was in the warrior team, staring down.

"Woo--" The energy transfer produced a strong weird sound, like a motor turning.

Thirty seconds later, a group of monsters finally appeared. The group was covered with earthy armor, holding a silver sword in each hand. They waved the sword in their hands to launch an attack on our camp. The speed is really terrifying.

At the same time, all players fired in unison.

The dense arrows were sent out, and they fell into the monster troops in front of them like a pouring rain. At the same time, the mages began to release various magic. At this time, the scene was spectacular, countless magic arrows crossed the sky, and colorful elemental energy. Adding a lot of color to this monotonous world, the magic element is a large net that extends downward.

In the rear long-range troops, I can say that the Gatling Blast Dragon is the most conspicuous. The noisy electromagnetic sound sounded softly. The six black barrels began to rotate rapidly under the driving of electromagnetic force.

Click! Click! Click!

The front end of the machine gun suddenly spit out a dazzling flame of tongue, thicker and brighter traces of bullets, and the sound of popping was endless. The summoning beasts that could use long-range attacks took out their housekeeping skills as their masters. Honor the glory, of course, there are several fighters using crosses in the team, placing cold arrows behind the soldiers. Players' equipment here is above silver. At this stage, green and silver are the mainstream equipment. .

Basically, every monster that rushed in front was beaten by the player countless times. The dead ca n’t die anymore, and even some of them were bombarded by countless magical bodies after death, not even a whole corpse.

I watched the remote players around happy, and I felt a very strong feeling in my heart. Let's play a remote weapon anytime.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!" This wave of enemies took less than ten minutes from the appearance to the disappearance. The number of monsters this time was two or three times less than the number of iron fighters before. The players' firepower was very strong. , Not to mention these monsters, even if there is a tank, I think I can blast it into slag.

The commander of the abyss kept saying, "Honor is eternal, and only endless battles can contribute."

The phantom traveled again in the beam of light, and the monsters sent out were as many as they were just now. It seems that the monster army wants to win by number.

The players are also quite experienced and not panic at all, the archers are desperately shooting in place.

The mage team cast their own big moves, and the priests began to add auxiliary skills.

Elemental energy stirs and instantly covers the entire battlefield, red fireballs, blue ice cyan wind blades, yellow ground spikes, blue and white lightning, released by the mage's urging, and overwhelmingly attack those Rush over to send the monsters. Some archers pull the full moon, some pull the trigger on the crossbow, and every deadly arrow sinks into the monster group.

Countless numbers of injuries flew into the ocean in the open space in front of the castle. There are a lot of monsters, one after another, but there is no room to fight back under the attack of everyone. These monsters do not have the ability to attack at a long range. The AI ​​is low and only knows that a swarm of bees are coming over, and they can only be slaughtered by the players who have been prepared. Countless monsters were roasted by the flames or shredded by flying blades, contributing a large amount of experience.

However, the transmission speed of the beam of light is even more fierce, and the wave after wave seems to have no sign of endlessness. These abyss monsters are completely brave and fearless to die. Maybe these guys don't know what it feels like to die, they only know honor and battle.

The abilities of the mages are completely lethal. These ice crystal hells, lightning storms, burning earth, and other skills are extremely powerful and imposing, and the monsters are even shouting.

Burning the earth is a large area of ​​burns. Ice Crystal Hell relies on the skills of violent impact to cause a piece of injury. Lightning Storm is definitely a very good group of training skills. Of course, the most defensive ability among the five element skills is the soil system and the spit system skills. It feels calm and solid. Although it is gorgeous and dazzling, the magic of the soil is also shining at this time.

The Huangquan Marsh cast by the two earth element divisions greatly reduced the momentum of the monsters on the opposite side, followed by nuclear blasts and meteorite rains. In addition, the ice crystal phoenix of the Snow Moon incited a pair of ice wings, huge ice balls, like Aviation bombs generally fall into the monster pile.

These hockey **** do not have much damage, but the impact force and the ability to slow down are strong. A bomb can fly dozens of monsters. The slowdown effect is to let those monsters who have entered the Huangquan swamp have a low speed. They are even worse, these monsters in the quagmire are the living targets of archers, one shot at a time!

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