Master Summoner Online

Chapter 392: bloody battle

"Glorious soldiers, don't be afraid of death, your souls will never die, your blood will bring us victory!" The slogan of the commander of the abyss shouted loudly, and that shouting was inspiring, giving A great mental stress.

Just like the transmission point of the ghost gate, this time when new monsters emerged, rows appeared to look like mechanical spiders, but more like mechanical octopuses. They were bulky and moved slowly, and I immediately scanned them with gold eyes--

Organ Beast, Elite Beast Level 80, Introduction: The large monster body with a slow moving speed, wandering in the abyss and unable to ascend to the soul, was imprisoned in the organ beast by the abyss demon, which is the source of power for the beast.

As soon as the monster appeared and the countless arrows screamed away magically, the surface of the machine beast seemed to have a layer of shield similar to that of Gatling Blast Dragon. The skill arrows were illuminated on it, and after this layer of shield broke Since the blood of this thing is as high as 50,000 points, the abyss monster is really not covered, enough for you to fight.

But this thing came out of thick blood, since it is still a long-range unit, a gun sticks out from the body, a dozen is a luminous beam falling towards the player camp.


Countless green rays of light passed through the void, and it rained on the open space directly in front of my hair camp.

As soon as the light beam came down, experienced players knew that the best way was to get down quickly, but many of the light beams fell from the sky and it was easy to hit people, and this beam exploded after hitting the ground and hit. People will cause unbearable pain, and at the same time suffer from strong electricity damage, and the energy is also well dispersed.

No matter who it is, if you are smashed, it will be 2000 points of damage. There will be casualties in the army, and these things will be very powerful. They will suppress the firepower of the players.

For a time, the electric light was turbulent. Flying sand and stones. The beam of light teleported another batch of monsters. Rushing up with the cover of the animal beast.

Such a group of black shadows came overwhelmingly. When they approached, the crowd couldn't help but be shocked. The monsters looked like a wolf, covered with heavy carapace, blood-red eyes, and strong limbs stomping on the ground with claws in their mouth. Make a harsh growl!

Sky Eater, Level 87 Elite Beast, Introduction: A beast living in the abyss is very bloodthirsty and kills. The beast with sharp claws and teeth has a strong attack power. It often flies in groups and is very scary. Exist, they have been recorded once on the continent, once they consumed all the creatures in a city overnight.

"What to do?" Ye Shuang shouted, it is indeed difficult to do now, once being approached by these monsters. The formation is chaotic. Everyone is finished.

"Can't withdraw! A monster will come back with a charge!" Superman Brother said after throwing a thunderstorm and killing an animal.

I carried the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance on my shoulder and said, "It really can't be withdrawn!"

"What then?"

I smiled slightly: "Since it can't be withdrawn! So ... classmates, get ready for the **** battle! In the name of the dragon, smash everything!" After finishing the first day out of the army, the skylight and the black **** followed closely. After that.

"Fuck! This is also just rushing, isn't this slamming the ground?" Tears disappeared.

"The bosses rushed, what reason do we have to hide here, follow the beast god, crush everything!" Ye Shuang shouted and followed, and then the soldiers such as Xueyuefeng Xiaoyue rushed out.

I used Heroic Charge as soon as I went out. He ran into a celestial beast.

With a "bang", I hit the body of this Sky Eater with my shoulder. This Sky Eater was knocked over to the ground instantly, but the next moment I was surrounded by the Heaven Eater Group, and I immediately turned white. As soon as the Dragon Shield opened, I saw the claws of these heavenly beasts snarled against the White Dragon Shield for a while, and they could grab four or five hundred white Dragon Shields for a long time.

Then a roar, when the head of the red-eyed dragon gun stabbed, -3248 damage numbers floated out, this Heaven Eater snarled in pain, and then continuously stabbed the head to kill the Heaven Eater, and I thought about another machine beast, The Red-Eyed Dragon Lance stabbed at this guy, playing tricks, even the skills were useless, and even the medicine was not replenished with a bottle. There was no skill at all.

With my amazing performance, Feng Xiaoyue and Xueyue led other soldiers to scream and kill them. The players in the back row instantly doubled their courage. Among them, Mo Yan MM was the most daring. She came to her death under the cover of the surrounding soldiers. Support, her performance inspired everyone on the battlefield.

The suppressed player forces began to fight back, and saw the sword and lightsaber in front of the entire castle, one after another, fighting everywhere.

Behind the queue, Xiaoxi held a crossbow, looked into the distance, calculated the distance, and suddenly said, "Archer, arrow rain, let go!"

"Hmm ..."

The sound of the iron arrow leaving the string echoed endlessly. Under Xiao Xi's command, the arrows were like locusts, and they fell overwhelmingly forward!

"Puff puff……"

The rapidly falling arrows tore open the defense of the Sky Eater, nailed into the flesh, and brought out a series of damage figures of different sizes, but this did not stop the monster's offensive. There were arrows on the forehead, and the sky swallowed up. The beast rushed towards the crowd, growling and slaying!

I kicked one of the heavenly beasts and raised my hand, which was a lightning storm!


A ray of light exploded under the body of an animal beast. This light even swallowed a few of the beast-eaters around the animal and could not help but make a scream of screams. Then my amber dragon swept through the flames and tried. Swipe up and go up. At this time, the units in the sky are simply invincible My Amber Dragon, Snow Moon's Ice Crystal Phoenix, and Erica's Feather Snake, which are called the main DPS on the battlefield!

In a blink of an eye, the white dragon shield outside me was breached, and a group of Heaven-Eating Beasts might have seen me, but I was not afraid. I believed that I could hold it. Several Heaven-Eating Beasts waved their claws at me. Scratching all over the body, Mars splashing, bringing out a series of damage figures-





Sure enough, the attack of this product was not covered. A messy grab directly took away half of my blood, which made me quickly drink a potion, and then Mo Yan gave me a cure, and immediately 5000+ Qi The blood is restored, and the homeopathic blood is filled up instantly. With the bold priest such as Mo Yan joining, the soldiers can completely kill the monster group!

As a result, a large number of monsters were stopped by the soldiers. Although one soldier after another was killed, it was very easy to kill them!

The machine gun of the Gatling Blast dragon has been spinning in the back, and the golden bomb shells are constantly jumping out of the weapon. The energy of the ground elements on the mage's staff keeps turning and flashes various lights due to the collection of elements. The arrows of the archers have kept on. Putting.

Every player feels excited, excited, and enthusiastic, because such scenes are really rare. I believe that many players are the first such exciting experience.

But slowly, everyone feels scared. There are more and more phantoms in the beam of light. The transmission in the beam of light has never stopped. No one knows when the terrible abyss army will stop attacking. Many people are a little helpless. It feels that it is gradually numb, and flesh and blood and thick rotten pulp are commonplace and accustomed to death when they die. Of course, this is the battlefield. Only after being cultivated on the battlefield can you be a real soldier ...

The monsters fell down one by one, and human players were constantly being killed in white light, basically all soldiers were hanging. At this time, the players' ability to tolerate boring, killing, and blood.

The more and more monsters fight, the more brave the war, the normal people will inevitably have some distractions, maybe because of a little distraction, because of a sword swing, because an arrow failed to connect, because they bit their tongues because of mantras, a little inattention Will die.

The masters are always fully absorbed, and they are always fighting their never-ending battle with their own will.

The soldiers fought fiercely to attract the firepower of the N monsters below. As the number of soldiers decreased, those classes that could resist were on the block.

The shadow dance moon this boy shuttled around the monster like clouds and water, and from time to time, the beam of the machine beast fell on him, and he quickly fled away.

At this point, he turned left and right in the monster pile, and saw that the action was very embarrassing, but people kept hanging around, but this kid could not hang but killed many monsters.

10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 50 minutes ... An hour has passed, and there is no sign of an end to the fighting. The guy in the lone mark is dying hard, and after a period of madness, he has nothing to do, little knife and his With the perfect cooperation of the partner polar devil wolf, killing monsters is like cutting vegetables.

At the same time, Xueyuefeng Xiaoyue, these warrior masters are also similar to monsters, the more they fight, the more brave, there is no sign of exhaustion.

"Everyone recruited is Superman." I can't help but sigh.

But the more you fight back, it seems that everyone is starting to panic. Everyone is not afraid of monsters, but archers are afraid of bows and arrows, because there are so many bows and arrows that are limited. It is impossible for everyone in the world to use magic arrows like Xiao Xi, and the soldiers are also afraid. Potions, the number of potions are constantly decreasing with the battle, these various factors make the player's self-confidence also decrease.

However, it is gratifying that the ground is full of coins, potions and bad equipment from monsters, which has to be said to be good news for players.

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