Master Summoner Online

Chapter 421: Deep sea commander

"Hey the idiot, coward, coward! Come out if you have the ability, don't always let these idiot monsters come to death!" Yin Yue shouted angrily looking at the countless oceans in front of him.

I smiled bitterly: "Don't say it, it can hear!"


The next moment, "Boom!" Seemed to be responding to Yinyue's scolding. I saw the mermaid monster standing on the huge manta ray, staring at us aggressively on the shoreline in front of us.

"You see," I said, spreading my hands.

"Woo ah ah! Big stupid dragon, you still have the mood to say such a thing!" The frightened Yin Yue quickly picked up a long bow and shot at the target, but the results obtained were not very satisfactory.

I immediately took a look at the eyes of the fire to see the details of this guy-

Deep Sea Commander, Level 87 BOSS, Introduction: The front commander of the Naga tribe has a very good reputation among the Naga troops. Although its strength is not very powerful, it is an excellent warrior among the Naga tribe. It is absolutely aggressive and aggressive, and it will kill every alien who dares to enter the Naga territory.

"Haha, since human beings dare to challenge me, they have to brag about your courage, but sometimes courage will hurt you! Now I want to solve you all at once!" The commander of the deep sea roared in front of us, sending out Howling, with a hatred for us, rushed towards us madly.

The commander of the deep sea roared loudly, and the blue scale armor stood upright on his body, and the skin at the jaw bulged the next moment, as if condensing a very powerful breath!

"Fuck, let it go as soon as you get up! Be careful!" I exclaimed.

The cry didn't fall, the guy suddenly opened his mouth in our direction, and a large group of blue breath sprayed out along a whole line. Suddenly, the moment on this line became ice, and we didn't have time to react at all. I was swallowed by this cold air.







In no time, I, Yinyue, Guardian, Black God, and Summon Beasts are attacked instantly, although this air-conditioning damage is not high, we can all be put in place instantly.

Damn it! I cursed, at this time the BOSS looked at the frozen us and shouted: "So, how do you end up with this? Will you use this trident to stab it down or freeze you in this place forever ..."


"Can't move."

The commander of the deep sea laughed: "There is no struggle, but I still feel that I can clean you up, and then go to the humans near the energy tower to solve it together!" Said the trident dancing in his hand, pointed at us and pointed at the frozen ground We stab it!

"Ding! Flutter!"


A sudden scream erupted from BOSS, and his body was shaken away like a heavy blow. At this moment, I saw a giant snake slamming BOSS away, and then there was a graceful figure standing on a huge eagle not far away.

"Ziyue!" The guard lost his voice.

Yes, standing on the back of the eagle is not someone else is Ziyue!

Immediately next to us who came from the great **** flame, a flame melted the ice cubes on our behalf, and we immediately regained our freedom. My colleague was very grateful: "Ziyue, thank you!"

Ziyue said: "Nothing, you run too fast, none of us can catch up."

"These people?" I said without a word.

A large series of lightning **** fell on the head of the BOSS and instantly drank the ugly head, and then a figure rushed forward, and gave the BOSS a series of continuous attacks on his face, bringing out a series of damage numbers— —





The commander of the deep sea was attacked consecutively, and was immediately beaten to the ground. Before the boss could stand up, he was followed by a figure in front of the boss. The weapon in his hand made a scar of blood in front of the boss. A haggard of blood appeared on the commander's body, and the aching fellow rolled on the ground, making a terrifying howl.

I saw that the person who cast the lightning ball was bathed in blood, slashed the red lotus of BOSS, and the person who sustained continuous damage to the BOSS was a handsome guy, with dark hair like ebony, handsome cheeks, and bright eyes. And Ying Ting's sharp eyebrows, shit! Why is this guy here?

I asked, "Why are you here?"

Shu Tao scratched his head: "This ... come and play."

Yuxue said: "Less listen to him nonsense, this guy came after the beauty of Ziyue."

"You're bullshit. I'm just here to play." Shu Tao said a little uncomfortably.

At this time, the BOSS who stood up again shouted in a loud outcry: "Abominable! Stupid humans, a few more are the same, you are dead!"

Guardian said: "We reinvigorate the formation and fight again!"

I nodded: "Everyone come together."

Immediately after that, all the people and the summoned beasts gathered together at this time. Shu said: "Everyone can melee to surround it. If it attacks any one of us, either side will use it for defense, and the other will harass. Don't stop the attack, is this okay? "

I nodded: "No problem!"


"So it started!"

Talking about Shu Tao, he fired a one-handed sword after throwing a fireball against BOSS, and attacked Boss before and after us. Shu Tao's attack took the lead to hold Boss' hatred!


A terrifying edge emerged from the trident in the hands of BOSS, and then the trident was attacked. The Shu Tao stepped back steadily, no longer evading, and a one-handed sword crossed his chest, and a magic barrier appeared!


The trident hits the barrier, the shield is broken, and the whole body of Shu is shaken!

The attack of BOSS was completely accepted by the Shu Tao. At this moment, the red-eyed dragon gun in his hand burst out a blue fire cone and burst out!

"Breakthrough!" The right barrier broke into the wound of the boss that had been cut by Red Lotus!

—9333 points of damage floated.

This killing BOSS hurt, but also captured the hatred of Boss, followed by Honglian gave a knife behind BOSS followed by "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The deafening sound burst on the BOSS, the back row The long-range troops kept attacking the BOSS.

At this point, after the hatred of the BOSS was removed from me, I saw a variety of skills shining in the direction of the high energy tower in the remote, including the sound of the tree being overturned, and the sound of the collision between weapons, Coupled with various magical elements across the sky, it is clear that fierce fighting has also taken place there.

"It seems that we don't know our side to start the war." After the mechanical tyrannosaurus slammed the killed BOSS with a huge robotic arm, its owner said after casting a skill for it.

Immediately afterwards, we continued the offensive and defensive tactics. The only priest in the team has been taken away. We worked around the boss to minimize the consumption of potions. At the same time, this guy's attack was very powerful and usually caused us seven thousand. The damage of about 10,000, if it is not the hatred of the BOSS that we ordered, and reduce the pressure on everyone, if the BOSS has three or four of them, we can imagine the end without a priest.

In retrospect, I must find more priests to join the guild, and it must also be that kind of milky existence.


The iron-like trident was shaken frequently on my shoulder armor. The newly opened attack was buzzed. After resisting a round of Boss attacks, it was also destroyed. It was very fierce and very difficult. If there is a group of priests behind, then the pressure will definitely be reduced a lot.

The output of long-range attacks is very low, but fortunately, the attacks are continuous and the frequency is high. Although our melee attacks are strong, when this guy's AI is obviously not low, the attacks often appear to be avoided or blocked, and they are fully killed. Nearly 2o minutes, finally, the blood of Boss dropped to about 5o%.

But at this moment, the unknown premonition came again. Suddenly, the commander of the deep sea suddenly stopped attacking, and the trident suddenly raised his head above his head and said in his mouth: "God of the great sea, give me strength, use your majesty, Punish these offenders and send them to a place of rest. My loyalty, my strength, everything, is for the great you, wake up! Wrath of the sea! "

In the voice of the commander of the deep sea, a huge blue light wheel emerged from its trident, and the next moment the BOSS stormed wildly, the blue halo began to roll, and a thunder exploded in the clouds.


A light blue energy corpse threw a "Beep".


"Fuck!" Not only did I yell, but I wanted to die after this English came out!

Immediately, countless blue lights appeared in the clouds in the sky and began to intertwine frantically, and then thousands of spinning blue cyclones spewed out of the blue clouds and banged straight down to the ground.

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