Master Summoner Online

Chapter 422: Super evolution

The next moment, the blue light that came down covered the area around Boss with a radius of about 5o yards. Then, the blue light bombarded the ground, and there were all holes on the ground. Obviously, it caused powerful attacks on targets within the envelope!

I don't have to think about the next step. I turned on the electric light fire to recover all the summoned beasts, and ran back to avoid the Boss attack. At the same time, everyone started to back away from the Boss range attack.

However, the problem came. The skill speed was far beyond our imagination. Sure enough, the ordinary attack of BOSS can be resisted. Once Boss is anxious to enlarge the move, then we have lost both escapes this time.

"No! You can't escape this way!"

"What then?"

"The counterattack weakened its power and then defended!" I shouted.

"Understand then I'll come first! Go! Arrow of death!" Shu Dao shot first, and the one-handed sword drew an arc in front of him. In the next moment, dozens of flashing black streamers were sent out, these black ones Streamers are not emitted straight. And like a snake, he has drawn countless curved thin lines in the air to quickly meet the skills of BOSS.

"Roar! The leader of the thunder and lightning! The death thunder gathers here! The storm of thunder and lightning!" With the shout of blood, a circle of black thunder bolts around the body instantly spun, forming a hurricane-like thunder tornado.

"Soul Storm!" Ziyue also took out the attack magic of the Tamer.

"A shot in the sky!" Yinyue also took out the strongest and strongest attack skills of the charge.

I can only look at me but can't help me.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The blue ocean's rage and the skills of the crowd met. Along with the loud sound of the sky, bursts of dazzling light lit up in front of us, but after all, the skills of the crowd were not lower than There was blue light, but at this time the blue light was also much dimmer than before.

"Light wall!"

"Elemental barrier!"

Shu Tao and Guardian opened a defensive skill. When I stood in front of me, I opened the 'Purgatory Sky Wheel' and stood in front of the crowd. The two magic barriers were broken in an instant, and the remaining blue cyclones struck down, but good. The bounce effect of the attack on the Purgatory Skywheel played a role in this event, and four huge skywheels of blue cyclones bombed my forehead with a large drop of sweat on my forehead.

This trick lasted for almost 10 seconds, and finally, the dazzling blue gradually dissipated, and the BOSS's big trick was finished, but at this time it was still hissing and seemed to vent its dissatisfaction with our group of people. With anger.

"This guy has run out of three axe, let's get on!" Speaking of calling out the beasts, I carried the red-eyed dragon gun and approached the Boss quickly, while others kept up without showing any weakness. This BOSS really gave us strength. Whoever was filmed by BOSS was absolutely beaten up.

"Roar!" The Sonic Werewolf rushed forward first, and after the victory fist brought out a good number of injuries, it was immediately picked out by the trident of the boss. .

I followed, hitting it with a heroic charge, but its huge body was not something I could shake, but the only solo that was thrown in the next, I saw it bite, and then everyone was a round of volley, countless brilliant skills in BOSS The body burst into words.

"Boom boom!"

Everyone outputs with all their strength. At this time, both the human and the summoned beast rushed up. The amber dragon and I sent the barriers to break through at the same time. At the same time, they retreated, otherwise it would be very troublesome for Boss to become entangled. Without the supply of the priest, Everyone try to avoid confrontation with Boss.

At this moment, I asked the sole commander of the deep sea, my jaw suddenly swelled, which was obviously the prelude to the air-conditioning, but this time I was responding in time. When the cheeks of his jaw swelled, he flew fast with the flint fire. Move to its side, immediately after

"Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

The roaring cube is directly hitting the boss's face, its head is involuntary, and looking at the other side, the cold air track in the mouth is instantly deviated.

"Big Ben! What a beautiful job!"


Immediately afterwards, everyone continued to encircle the Boss fiercely, and continued to separate the hatred of the BOSS, so as to prevent the BOSS from chasing somebody. After everyone's skill attack swept the Boss, after a series of attacks, finally, the boss was finally angry. There was only a trace of blood left, and the golden eyes were shot, at this time the BOSS had less than a thousand blood points left.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the boss made a roar, and there were sound waves visible to the naked eye. This roar seemed to tremble in the air, rising from its body, a whirlwind tore the atmosphere, and forced us to retreat.

"Abominations, you humans! Come and accept the wrath of the ocean!" With the trident's blade pointed at the sky, the chaotic air began to gather around it. Rotate, rotate madly, there is an invisible mixer where the BOSS is located, and the air flow in the entire space begins to rotate madly. This trick is obviously stronger than any previous skill.

"Ah!" Hearing a roar around, I saw the guard now swooping up towards the BOSS.

"Guardian, come back!" I shouted loudly that I wanted to stop the guardianship, but the guardian didn't seem to be listening to my voice, and the guardian ran frantically against those seemingly irregular airflow.

"Come on! This is a gift for you to go to another world! The deep sea is broken!" BOSS relentlessly shot, a cloud of mad storm in the sky, dark blue light shining in this storm accompanied by this mad storm Flying, they have only one purpose, turning attack vance into nothingness.

Standing in front of these devastating blue cyclones is a young girl named Guardian. How small the girl looks in the face of this crazy storm.

"The thunder gun!" The guard in front of the BOSS who gave a shouting shout, a blue-and-white lightning javelin appeared in her hand, and was then thrown very hard. This javelin turned into a blue light stream , At a speed that cannot be clearly seen by the naked eye, shot at the roaring boss in the roar.

This light flow flickered in the blink of an eye, and the huge hurricane cyclone in front of the next moment disintegrated in an instant, turning into countless blue light spots and spraying four hairs.


The less than a thousand bloods left by the Boss were emptied instantly, screamed and fell to the ground, hanging with infinite unwillingness and confusion!

A huge amount of experience is poured into the experience slot. Although there is no upgrade, it is not far away from the upgrade and at the same time, the guardian's feet rises, and at the same time it is accompanied by a system bell--

"Ding ~! Player: Guardian (Super Beast Breeder) successfully breaks the barrier of strength, breaks through its own limits, and realizes the exclusive skills-[Super Evolution]!"

[Superevolution] Effect: Ask for the power of the beast soul, make yourself summon the beast once for superevolution, enter a new state for a certain time, and be guarded by the exclusive player.

I rub, super evolution? Is this exactly a skill tailored to the profession of the Summoner!

At this time guard happy smiley. Although it wasn't the kind of laughter to shut up, after all, the guardian was a more gentle girl, and not like a carefree girl, he took a big breath at this time: "Finally broke through."

Yinyue muttered, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooh! When can I come across the power barrier?"

"Ha ha ha, someday outside!" I laughed.

At this time, looking at the corpse of the BOSS not far away, the system has not been covered by monsters, but the corpse has to be pushed away when you want to take it.

"Hurry up and distribute the equipment!" Yuxue said happily.

I nodded, and quickly stepped forward to pack the brain out of the equipment that BOSS blasted out. The BOSS exploded the equipment. There was a gold-colored spear, a dark golden mighty staff, and a turquoise leather leggings. There is also a pair of dark red armor, and two blue books with different colors of light. Although not identified, the attributes must be very good.

"Ding ~! Player: Lao Niu Minor opens the Water Zone Energy Tower, and the next zone portal opens!"

It seems they have also succeeded. A few of us sat in front of the energy tower that summoned the beast to fly, and saw that there was a mess, monster corpses on the ground, and some player corpses. Obviously, a fierce fierce battle happened here.

I laughed: "It looks like you've done it very successfully."

At this moment, the old cow said: "Beast god, you meet the barrier of strength."

I said, "Oh! Really? So what do you realize?"

The old cow shook his head and said, "Nothing?"

I said, "Oh, work so hard to get the skills you need."

Lao Niu laughed and said, "I will."

Watching a face portal in front of the energy tower, "Let's go, let's go to the next area and continue to fight!" Said striding into the door.

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