Master Summoner Online

Chapter 585: Tianshui Fish King

The next day I washed my face and brushed my teeth for breakfast. After everything was ready, I went online and started to practice today.

Since lying on that big bed after going online, the two full bodyguards around me also woke up with my theft. I watched the black **** blush a little and said, "Did you do too much before going offline yesterday?"

The black **** blushed: "Master, you don't need to be annoyed, you have the right to do so, and all mercenaries like me this quarter have the best performance this quarter."

"That is, Tianzhao is second. If you want to do it when you want to do it, Tianzhao is glad to serve you."

I played fiercely on the peak in front of Tian Zhao's chest and said, "You little devil, you dare to say. In addition, the two of you listen to me. At this time, we must not tell anyone about the three of us. Listen Nothing. "

The black **** affixed to me with a low smile and said, "Yes, it is not a secret to tell a secret? This is a secret that belongs to us. Even if I was fired that day, this secret will rot in my heart."

I said, "What silly words, you have to accompany me for a lifetime in this world, and I will not go without you."

Tianzhao smiled and said, "Yes, our host has only one and that is you. No matter what happens, I will be with the host, and as long as you are willing, Tianzhao is willing to serve you wholeheartedly."

The black **** also laughed: "Yeah, yeah, you are the best host I have ever met. I don't want to be transferred to serve someone else, and I guess you can stick to it for four minutes next time."

"You two ..." I threw them to bed angrily.

"No, master!"

"My host knows wrong!"

After a happy dredging, I reorganized my gear and walked out of the inn. He took out the teleport crystal and teleported himself to the bottom of Longyuan.

When I came here, the huge true red-eyed black dragon climbed on the mountain of gemstones and gold coins for a long time. It looked like a laziness. When I came, it opened the scarlet eyes and said, "Little ghost, Came early today and continue working hard. "

"Okay, give me your task today."

"What are you anxious, let me think."

After a long time, the real red-eyed black dragon said, "I haven't drank fish soup for a long time, you devil, now you go to Tianxian Lake and grab the Tianshui Fish Emperor in that lake and cook it for me. This task is not difficult, just take some time."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept [Black Dragon Trial (1): Capture the Tianshui Fish King] Mission Difficulty: Level A, Mission Time: 10 hours, Mission Reward: Black Dragon Proof, Failure Condition: Time Exceeded."

Click OK immediately and ask: "Where is that Tianxian Lake?"

"How do I know, I haven't stepped out of Longyuan for half a year, you can find it by yourself, just come back soon." True red-eyed black dragon said very irresponsibly.

"Um, well, then I'll go."

"Go and get back."

Take out the teleport crystal to teleport us to the dragon capital, and then I will go to the online forum to see where Tianxian Lake can produce high-grade ore.

After more than half an hour of hard work, I found all the information I needed and went back online, and then started to the Tianxian Lake. According to the data, Tianxian Lake is located in the southeast of the dragon capital and has a distance of several kilometers, but I have the amber dragon. Kilometers are nothing, flying over a swamp and arriving quickly, where Tianxian Lake is located!

A sparkling turquoise lake, Tianxian Lake is quite large, with a distance of at least four to five kilometers between the north and the south, but the lake is so clear that it is wandering with all kinds of fish. The air on the shore is fresh and green, and the elegant green is full of vitality. There is not a high level of monsters in a small wood in the back. There is no doubt that this is a truly natural area, and it is the best environment for people to relax.

But here comes the problem. This place should be a paradise for fishing lovers, but at this time it was full of dense crowds, and the number of eyebrows tightened.

Add up, there are 10,000 and 8,000, and they are all heavily armed combat players, NND, is there any disturbance in my mission?

Put away the amber dragon and squeeze the two beautiful bodyguards into the crowd, but this is how I saw a lot of people around holding a slogan that said-"Lao Xi fished the owner of the lake!"

"Come on, you can do it!"

"Laoxi, we support you!"

Slogans and the like.

I looked and immediately saw the players around looking at the front. At this time, there was a middle-aged man in his fifties who was wearing a straw hat and wearing a thick fishing rod holding a thick fishing rod in his hand. I know it is a life player of a fisherman profession.

I asked a player around me, "What's the matter, man?"

The player said: "Today, Lao Xi is going to challenge the most difficult fish in China so far, which is Tianshui Lake owner Tianshui Lake."

Another player replied, "Yeah, that guy hasn't been able to catch it yet."

"Yes, Lao Xi is the only fisherman in China who has divine fishing skills, so fishermen are rare even in the world."

"Okay, we're going to start."

The middle-aged man named Lao Xi said: "Thank you all for joining us today, and the next highlight is today."

As soon as the voice fell, the players immediately boiled, "Come on!"

"It's all on you!"

"Just wait for this!"

Lao Xi went to the lake to raise the fishing rod, poked a fat toot lizard on the fishhook, and looked at the bait to imagine how big the fish was.

"I'm on!" The golden light on the fishing rod should also be the exclusive skill of the fisherman to increase the chance of success in catching fish.


With a light noise, the hook went into the water, and the fat beeping lizard screamed in the sky and did not humiliate the mission. It would soon sink to the bottom and float up quickly.

At this moment, the surroundings are very quiet. After all, you shouldn't be too noisy or you will scare the fish away.

After a while, the fishing rod did not move for another half an hour, and the fishing rod remained motionless, and then there was an hour. At this time, the fishing rod appeared a slight shock. At this moment, all players around the front step forward. You can get closer to see the owner of the legendary lake.

At this time, Laoxi didn't do anything. At this time, the fishing rod screamed to Laoxi at a rapid speed: "Hook up, everyone please help!"


Immediately, eight sturdy soldiers went up to help Lao Xi catch the fishing rod. At this moment, under the water, all of a sudden, including Lao Xi, and the eight soldiers were pulled out by a distance of more than ten meters, which was not good. After everyone responded quickly, quickly stabilized the position, then the eight soldiers shouted in unison, three haloes exploded outside, all eight players were mad warrior professions, and the strength of the halo opening rose immediately with the water The monster started a tug of war.

The underwater monsters are constantly struggling to swim in the deeper water, and the mad soldiers and Lao Xi in the shallow waters are also struggling. They continue to pull the players around to cheer and cheer for them in unison. The waves are higher than the waves like mountains and rivers.

Finally, under the unremitting efforts of the players, in addition to the signs of relaxation, the underwater monsters saw the opportunity. Eight Berserkers and Lao Xi went back together, and with their violent retreat, a huge black shadow appeared in the water, two A small blue light approached the shore!

This must be the Tianshui Fish King, and the small lamp is its eyes! But look at the size of the eyes.

At this time, Lao Xi and the Berserkers suddenly jerked nine people on the ground, and the fishing rod was also broken at the same time. At the same time, the sound of the water shook, the waves burst into the sky, and a black shadow burst out. water surface!

The next moment a giant fish creature appeared on the shore. This fish was golden yellow, over ten meters tall and five meters tall. The giant fish head was very flat, and there was something like a crown on top of it. Scan the past--Tianshui Fish King, a 119-level super boss, introduced: Tianshui Lake's owner, Tianshui Fish King, stands out from hundreds of thousands of Tianshui fishes, and after a hundred years of deification, he has become the fish king's commander, Tianxian Lake aquarium, for many years Sleeping on the bottom of Tianshui Lake, his character is very irritable, but its meat is called one of the most delicious ingredients on the mainland, and catching it is the dream of countless fishermen.

Super BOSS is very powerful, but the broken dragon is a scum compared to this guy, and eight or nine thousand people on the battlefield have a ghost.

Lao Xi shouted, "It's up to everyone, I only need a piece of fish, and the rest is yours!"

"Chong! Kill the boss explosion artifact!"

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