Master Summoner Online

Chapter 586: Lakeside War

Tianshui fish demon, a level 80 ordinary beast, introduction: Most of the Tianshui fish in Tianxian Lake appeared cheap during the evolution process and became half fish and half human fish monsters. These fish monsters are physically developed but their heads are very moving. Simply, under the leadership of Tianshui Yuhuang, they will attack all alien creatures who step into Tianxian Lake.

The head of the Tianshui fish demon rushed into the lake and jumped ashore, from time to time, there were screams. The more these monsters, it now looks roughly, there are no less than a thousand, but the players are not afraid at all. The thousands of little fish monsters of nearly 10,000 players are not enough to watch.

One shouted, "A lot of monsters!"

A soldier laughed: "What are you afraid of? This ordinary fish monster will kill as many people as you like. It ’s not enough to have so many of us."

Immediately after the Tianshui Yuhuang roared suddenly, the surrounding Tianshui fish demon screamed, then jumped to the ground one after another, and then rushed towards the crowd like a tide.

"Everyone rush!" A soldier took the lead and shouted, and the players immediately launched an attack, some in groups of three or five, each fighting independently, all of a sudden hit with a large number of monsters, a fierce fight began.

I said, "Let's go too."

"Understood." The two MMs promised to step forward immediately. The black **** was on top of the tank as a tank, without fear, waving the sickle in his hand and rushing into the large group of fish monsters in front. The black sickle was killing life With a sickle of death, he smashed two fish monsters in one swipe and was instantly spiked. At the same time, she was also hit by a harpoon in the hands of several fish monsters, but did not show any harm.

"Master, since they can't break my defense." The black **** was a little surprised.

I laughed: "You have nearly five thousand defenses, and I don't even have your master. Do you say these mobs can break your defense?"

Tianzhao smiled: "Just that, the host Tianzhao also goes to help!"

I said, "Be careful."

"The sky is white." Then he waved double knives among a group of fish monsters, chopping melon and vegetables, and one fish monster after another fell under her double knives.

The players around are also showing their abilities, and one shot is the best skill.

The roaring magic elements and the arrows fired by the archers are like locust showers from all directions towards the fish monster. Many soldiers roared and slammed their swords and halberds and rushed to the monsters. Among them, many players were mixed Summon the beast, pounce on various skills and pour out, and hit the monsters of the monster's body to splash a large number of damage figures.

For a moment, the players' morale rose, as if victory was just around the corner.

I had nothing to do. Tianzhao and the Black God helped me jump the chicken flying around the monster killed by the monster. At this moment, a fish monster didn't know where to come out, but it just came out. A female mage sang a magic spell. Suddenly, the ice cone appeared again and again in the air, whistling and fell down, and immediately fell on this fish monster.

There are many high-level players here, and many more low-level players. It is easy for high-level players to play, and low-level players are a bit difficult. Some low-level players with a weak strength can now be trapped in this large group of fish monsters. .

At this time I saw a player who was about the same age as Xiaozheng. A red stick in his hand should be a summoner. His summoned beast is a creature of earth and water and two elements of the element family, but this one The strength of the summoning beast of the elemental family is not at all depressed. Although they can single out the fish monster, they can't afford to protect their masters. Their master is the animal trainer among the summoners. One attacked head-on and was avoided, but the other attacked him with a force and pulled him out of the crowd.

"Not good!" I was suddenly stunned, a lunge struck forward and punched a fish monster, followed by a red-eyed dragon gun stabbing out, piercing the body of the other fish monster, the fish monster was miserable A bang, I was shot dead.

The little summoner looked up in shock and saw me saying, "Thank you ... thank you."

I said, "It's okay, be careful not to let the summoned be too far away from you."

The little summoner said, "I see, thank you." After speaking the fair, his summoned beasts fought in many places on the other side. One summoned beast attacked one to protect himself. It seems that the child is quite powerful, but he forgot Ask him his name, let him go.

At this time, there were five or six fish monsters coming to me, but I was troubled by them three or two times. These fish monsters were completely unbeatable in front of me. Their attacks could only hit me by a dozen points or more. The number of digits is even more different.

These fish monsters did not cause too much damage in front of the player army. Except for some low-level players being injured, these guys did not pay attention to the phenomenon of players being killed.

However, at that time, the Shuiyuhuang roared again. This time, an individual jumped out of the water and was five meters long. It was similar to the fish monster, but their lower body had a long fish-like tail, and two slender hands were covered in their hands. The long sword, wearing armor, these guys came out a total of seven heads, and when they came out, twisted their body and fluttered towards the players, at the same time, the emperor of the fish also moved, and the three pairs of fins under it can now fade What kind of creature is crawling on land at the same time?

I fired my eyes to scan those newly emerged monsters-Destroy Tatar, Level 109 BOSS. Introduction: The Tianshui Fish Emperor's guard team at the bottom of Tianxian Lake can evolve to Tatar as long as very few fish monsters, so their strength is very strong and has been dormant on the bottom of the lake. Heeding the call of the fish emperor came to the shore to fight for the fish emperor, and evolved the physique of the water system to quickly restore life and magic in the water.

The good guy burst out of ten BOSS in one breath, and saw a stunned lightning rushing up. The slender sword in his hand was as fast as lightning, stabbing into the chest of a recent player fiercely.

The sharp point of the sword easily penetrated and penetrated the player's black armor, penetrated through his chest and abdomen, and spiked on the spot. But at this moment, I saw a player who was wrapped in an extremely thick armor. Leaping, I saw that the weapon in this guy's hand was not a sword, a sword, but a huge steel anchor.

I saw that this guy would wave a huge iron anchor and smashed into this stubborn man's big bell suddenly and smashed down with a thunderous momentum, and was suddenly attacked. The savage couldn't help but make a terrible slam, then waved his sword in both hands, shaking His head would shake this tiny human who provoked himself and kill him.

But how do you know that guy, did not come down and pull out the giant iron anchor in his hand and hit the eyeballs twice, and the third one pulled down while the man fell to the ground. At the same time, the big iron anchor also took one Big eyes.

The Tatar screamed violently, and at the same time the guy went around to the other side of the Tatar, and jumped up again with an iron anchor and pierced into the big eyes on the other side of the Tatar.

This scene was really shocking. I saw the stunned person's second eyeball pulled out, and now there were only two blood-hole-like eye sockets, constantly bubbling blood.

I couldn't help but take a sigh of relief. Since this guy turned this boss into a blind man in a single breath, he was so grieved with pain that he stared at the blood holes in his eyes, the pain was extreme, and then the guy held his hands up. The giant iron anchor, "Dang Dang," slammed **** the tadpole. Even after a few times, even the powerful BOSS would have to smash a few bones.

I can't help scanning the past-Level 101, Undead Warrior, Equipment: Deep Sea Destroyer (Holy Artifact), Ash Set (Gold), Other unknown.

I never imagined that since this guy also has a holy weapon like the torn star, an undead warrior? Isn't this guy dead? Forget it not only why isn't this guy really strong?

This Tatar wasn't the mournful being beaten by the undead fighter's opponent at all. Just in this situation where the overall situation was set, suddenly another Tatar appeared behind the Undead fighter, followed by the sharp double The sword stabbed into him crazy.

The undead fighter quickly shunned the two long swords and failed to stab them, but the stabbing man would then play two swords to stab in succession. At the same time, the severely wounded stabbing man stood up and approached, all of a sudden being caught between two bosses.

At the same time, the emperor of the water fish also joined the battle. Each move can kill many players at the same time. At the same time, hundreds of fish monsters are surrendered at once, and the player's plastic surgery is blown away. Advanced players can also resist but spread low. Players, in front of this group of monsters, have almost no power to fight back, and suddenly they listened miserably. One after another fell down, and the scale of victory began to tilt to the monster's favorable side.

The undead warrior was stabbed by both sides at this time. He didn't know how many times he was stabbed, and his mouth kept groaning.

The red-eyed dragon gun wiped out and looked for the dead fish monster in front of him and yelled, "Tianzhao, Hei Shenbei and this fish monster waste time, go to clean up the scum and prepare to kill the dead fish!"

"Understand!" So the two immediately rushed at the raging scumbag around them, and soon stopped the guy's arrogance, and I went to the scumbag who had been seriously wounded by the undead warrior in the front. I saw this. The head of the man started to climb into the water. I remember that it has the ability to enter the water to restore blood. Since there is such energy, how can it succeed? Immediately launch a new red-eyed dragon gun in the hand of the man. Skill 'Red Dragon Roars! 'But in mid-air, there was a Longyong howling that caused the mountain to shake. The red-eyed dragon gun roared into the air and turned into a red-colored Oriental dragon. A "bang" made a loud noise, and the dragon's head Hitting the heavily wounded Tatar armor, the scarred armor shattered instantly.

At the same time, I couldn't help but screamed and fell down, but the dragon's attack was not finished. Immediately after that, the red dragon's claws caught on the Tatar, and this claw broke the Tatar's chest. After the claws, I returned to my hand after the dragon-hour red-eyed dragon gun met again.

At this time, the pain of heartbreaking forced the cricket, turned and crawled into the water frantically. At the same time, I drank swiftly, grabbed the root of the fish tail of the cricket, braved the bravery, and pulled when I was full. This head was smashing, slamming the ground behind him fiercely.

There was a slamming sound, and the crippled man slammed heavily on the ground, and it fell into the rain. The sword in his hand could not hold it and fell to the ground. The mouth burst into a loud roar, and his mouth suddenly blew.

The Tatar was furious and stood up suddenly, his mouth spewing three blue rays of light, which flew towards me quickly.

-3099, -3054, -3066.

The damage is not low, but it is acceptable. Put down the guy's tail and throw the red-eyed dragon gun ahead of him. This scumbag has lost more than two-thirds of his blood, which is no different from a dead fish.

First, Tengyun raided his hand, followed by devastating blows, energy explosions, and smashing blows pouring on this dying man.

—5214—5721—5721—5899—5210 The health of the Tatar has fallen to the bottom of the valley, and it still wants to struggle. I have already heard a long howl, the tip of the red-eyed dragon gun burns a cyan fire cone on the Tatar's chest. A hole was made, and the crippled man fell down in sorrow, turning into a cold body.

At the same time, the undead warrior on the other side, holding the Tatar's tail in his hands at the same time, raised the Tatar with the force of the mountains and rivers, dancing in a wind, turning three or four circles, and then letting go. Throw it.

"Boom" made a terrible noise. He was thrown by him so many miles away and fell to the ground. Before he could stand up, the huge anchor was already hitting its head. Suddenly his brain cracked and he cried.

There are already two bosses falling to the ground, and the remaining eight are still fighting high-level players. Of course, there are also people who challenge the fish emperor, but all of them are the next time they are killed by spikes. The white light on the shore continues to rise. In this way, there are countless skills pouring out, splashing a little spark on the fish scales of the BOSS body.

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