Master Summoner Online

Chapter 703: Prelude

In the second class, after lunch, I went back to the dormitory and went online, took out the crystal and returned to the dragon capital.

The countermeasures have been discussed last night. This time to assist in the crusade, on the one hand, when supporting the battle, on the other hand, it must also block the reinforcements that Ling Yunge arrived at any time.

After I arrived at the scheduled gathering point, everyone who saw the dragon's tooth here had gathered here, and several people rushed to it at the same time, headed by the "Magic Swordsman" Shu Tao, the chairman of the song really. A woman wearing a scarlet magic robe, but there is no decoration on the magic robe she wears, and her face is hidden under the hood of the magic robe, making it completely impossible to see her. True face. However, her figure was uneven, and even the large wizard's robe could not cover her proud chest. The great mountain, which could be called a "weapon" for men, emerged from the package of magic robes. Small half, deep cleavage is like a bottomless abyss, people can't help but wonder what's inside. Even if you just stood there naturally and did nothing, it exudes charm and seductiveness.

In addition, there are ghosts and songs of life. Although there are only three people plus a mercenary, their strength is enough to ride a thousand.

Ghost came over and arched at us: "This time we help too."

I smiled, "Thank you for helping."

Nether Road: "It's a hand-raising task. After the next station comes out, everyone of the Dragon Fang will be asked to assist us in taking down the territory and let us have a destination."

I laughed: "Naturally we will help you."

Everyone saw the joining of the Dragon's Tooth, and they all felt inspired and confident about this battle.

At this time, Yan Yuliian rides his evil shadow leopard, and beside him there is a player riding a golden retriever lion, this is a player wearing a silver armor warrior.

Yanyu Liunian said: "His name is Lie Xuefei. It is my friend today. I saw this opportunity to introduce him to join the club. Don't look at his low level, he is very strong."

"Oh, are you?" Fireeye scanned.

Level 90, God of War, Equipment: Slasher Battleaxe (Dark Gold), Punisher Warframe (Dark Gold), Vanguard Warden Boots (Dark Gold), Warcraft Mount: Golden Roar, others unknown.

God of War! The profession sounds very strong. I can scan out three pieces of dark gold equipment on my body and a Warcraft mount. Fierce blood stepped on the back of the lion. When he looked at me, he immediately sang and saw him holding his left hand. With a Tomahawk, a cyan warhammer appears on the right hand, dual-armed! At the same time, two haloes, one red and one blue, exploded from the body.

"The momentum is very strong, yes I like it." After that, he was sent to a guild to invite the fiery **** family guild. After the number was reached, he began to march.

The edge of the vast plain, the origin coordinates: 91696, 13477.

This very remote place, a few hundred meters west from here, is the most dangerous forest in China, the 'Dragon Forest', and about one kilometer east is the largest Gobi Desert in China. Therefore, the area around this place is very empty and barren, with sparse and drought-resistant plants growing on the bare surface. Occasionally some rodents inadvertently appeared nearby and were immediately beaten into meat sauce by the boring hands itching players.

The location of Whirlwind City where Fengyun is located is at the bottom of a sandstone mountain cliff on the west side of the plain, and all the way to see the broken corridors in the thick shadows, the collapsed idols and the gloomy city walls make people shiver.

After passing this road, a towering castle appeared in front of the desert. This city should be the whirlwind castle of Fengyun Guild. The dense forest around this city is equivalent to an oasis, which provides pedestrians in the hot desert area. A place to rest and this is the goal of our trip!

This city is estimated to have two levels at most. If he is throwing money, it may be three levels, and this place is expensive but remote. The north is a vast vast plain, the south is facing the border, and the west is adjacent to the forest of dragons. To the north is the largest Gobi Desert 'giant battlefield'. It can be said that the northeast, southwest and northwest provide abundant material resources, and high-level monsters are clustered, which is definitely a good place for leveling. The potential value of this city is even stronger than my place.

This desolate place is particularly lively at the moment. Under the whirlwind city, it is full of players, all the main leagues and sub-alliances, and some accomplices who have paid for it.

Looking at the lively city in front of me, and then looking at the desolate plains around, I laughed: "It's a place where birds don't shit. It's not easy for these guys to find a place here!"

"Da da da……"

Not long after we arrived, the dust was not far away, and I saw a large number of silhouettes entering the field of vision. On the plains of the plains, a group of uniform cavalry appeared. These cavalry players rode creatures wearing huge white armor. Giant bears, this group of bear cavalry cleared the emblem of the fighting spirit on the shoulders. I did not expect that after a period of rest, the war spirit's miscellaneous cavalry had been changed to the uniform cavalry. At present, there are nearly 8,000 people. This is one Very powerful troops.

Immediately afterwards, the bear cavalry troops walked out toward the two sides of a huge turquoise-skinned triceratops. This triceratops did not come out with four feet, but came out with its hind legs. A giant triceratops stood on top of a beauty The faint willow eyebrows were carefully and carefully modified, and the long eyelashes flickered like two small brushes. They were so bright that they felt dazzling and beautiful big eyes, and they were unusually smart. The pale and flawless skin exuded a touch of pink, and the thin lips were as delicate as rose petals. Qing Lixiu's face was rippling with a spring-like beautiful smile.

This beauty is the beauty's president of the war spirit. The Triceratops at her feet must be her Warcraft mount. It is definitely an indomitable monster, and she is surrounded by many soldiers and masters. Well, having such a powerful force can absolutely make any Chinese server tremble!

I connected to the conversation and said, "Lonely beauties, I want to ask why you have to fight for your strength. It shouldn't be difficult for you to get a territory?"

Lonely sang, "It is easy to lay down the territory, but you also know that the operation of the territory is very expensive. I can't bear it compared to the money. It ’s not easy to save money if you just build one and lay the foundation."

I smiled bitterly: "I have a brain."

Lonely sings: "The crusade time starts at two in the afternoon, and please help everyone at that time."

I laughed: "Naturally help."


At this moment, he looked far away, watching the loess flying in that direction, and a large number of players were galloping back and forth.

"What is the situation now, and is there anyone else to step in?" I asked.

Yan Yuliu Ran came riding a shadowy leopard and laughed: "It is said that Fengyun attracts many people. With the help of Lingyun Pavilion, Fengyun has swept the city along the way and provoked many enemies. Now the war spirits have launched a crusade. These people come to see if they can occupy Cheap, let's leave them alone. "

I looked around again and then, looking at the distance, I was surprised to find a familiar face-a group of cavalry riding wolf beasts appeared on the plain in the distance, a group of people appeared there, the leader was a golden body The armored warrior, a somewhat ugly long horse face, is the first general of the Twilight Ghost, a mad warrior called Pony Brother. I have not seen him for a while. The side of the long horse face is that name. The vulgar name of the president, Xiong Ba, is surrounded by the players of the main league of the dusk ghost.

"Why do the ghosts of the evening come?" I asked.

Yanyu Liunian explained: "It is said that when fighting for territory, Fengyun used the Lingyun Pavilion to bring troops to slaughter other guild players back to the city, and everyone who attracted them must come to revenge."

The old cow rode on the dragon to lean forward and grinned and laughed forward: "This guy in the world really has an under pumped face."

Lie Xuefei also leaned over and said, "Yes, Fengyun this cargo man went on to Lingyun Pavilion, and Huhuohuwei did not provoke enemies. It is said that some small guilds in the dragon capital were bullied by him all over again."

Huomao said, "I just got the news that Lingyun Pavilion is already gathering soldiers' main leagues and various sub-alliances are gathering people. Now it should be on the way. The blade of the king as a military strategist will definitely fight in our hands. Come back and clean up the mess. "

I said, "Never mind him, he dared to come and destroy them together."

"Yes, the creed is already gathering troops at the moment, and presumably he will come here to play the majesty." Fire Dance laughed.

Ready to fight after chatting. I said, "Everyone is ready to go!"

As many people as possible drew their sharp blades and looked away. I stood on the amber dragon head and pointed the gun forward: "In the name of the dragon!"

"Smash everything!" The crowd shouted, announcing the beginning of the war!

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