Master Summoner Online

Chapter 704: Cannon fodder

One hour before the start of the war, I was already impatient, sitting in the cockpit on Garuru's back and playing haha.

“Everyone pays attention to protect ourselves when we fight for a while. Our numbers do not have any advantage. Do n’t hit yourself and do n’t know how to hang!” Enjoying the happiness of beautiful bodyguards in the cockpit while not forgetting to pick up the microphone In the guild channel, it is advisable that the player's experience value after level 100 is more than double that of 99, and the experience increase for each level of level increase is based on the percentage of the total experience. It takes a long time to get up to level one.

As soon as my voice fell, the old cow said with a grin: "It's okay at most but it just hangs up a level, and it's a big deal. We will team up and brush it back! We are all very high-level behind the Tyrannosaurus Valley, and we are very experienced!"

"Boss, Niu is right, I want to kill myself!"

"Beast god, how can the **** of the situation compare with us!"


Several members, such as Lao Niu, began to express their opinions. From the perspective of Gallulu, I glanced over everyone's face, and my heart suddenly became arrogant.

"Well, wait a minute and everyone will give me enough energy to kill him without leaving a piece of armor!" Shouted to the microphone.

"Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"



Now it can be described as imposing.

"Ding ~! War Soul Warriors Guild will attack the Whirlwind City Exhibition !!! The time limit is 10 hours. The victory condition is to destroy the Tongtianzhu. The failure condition is the end of the time limit and the attacker is completely destroyed."

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

The war prompts jumped out, and everyone immediately rubbed their hands together. Three prompts jumped out at the same time. At the next moment, a golden halo expanded infinitely around Whirlwind City. At the same time, a large number of players and players flooded into the open space in front of the city and were actively preparing to attack the city Action, but this halo spreads out. These guilds of players who have not formally applied for siege are not known by this halo to teleport.

"I didn't expect this trick. Fortunately, we used the Alliance Order beforehand, otherwise we would have to be teleported." I buckled my cheek and said, "After this, other people won't be able to fight for territories to fight for oil and water."

"Don't say the battle has begun, everyone is ready!" Fire Dance said.

Lonely said: "The beast **** waits for us to start a tentative attack. You should try not to get involved in this battle. You can do it if we can't stand it."

"Okay!" I laughed. "Then you start, when you need us to say hello."

Lonely said: "I shouldn't need you to appear before Lingyun Pavilion appears." Hang up after talking.


Lonely sang and watched the front hand pointing forward: "Command! The ninth league seven, eight, nine, and ten teams launched a tentative attack!" Immediately rushed out of the battle soul position, Qing Yi's cavalry, but not The uniformed cavalry has all kinds of mounts. Scanning with fire eyes and golden eyes found that these cavalry players have very low levels, only 98 levels, and very poor equipment. Scanning did not scan even a piece of dark gold in the past. It is rare, these people are mainly equipped with silver and a small amount of gold.

Obviously a group of cannon fodder that came forward to death.

"Come here, dare to attack us, a group of guys who don't know how to die!" Feng Yuntian stood on the tower and laughed with a sharp sword.

"Archers Arrow Rain Attack! Magician Skills Group Attack! Let this group of guys come back!"

Immediately, countless arrows on the city wall burst out of the air, continuously firing, and a black iron arrow came down in the air for a while!

The first drop of arrow rain wiped out Mars on the soldiers who started, followed by countless magical drops, almost the first players in the first moment were killed. After all, the group of players had different levels and poor equipment.

The situation in the world laughed and laughed: "That's it! Give me a hard suppression! A group of clowns challenge us."

Suddenly more and more magic arrows attacked and fell into this group of cannon fodder. The cannon fodder had been killed and injured more than 300 meters before the attack distance of 300 meters in front of each other's walls. The enraged magic arrows hit each other. Water burst.

Looking lonely, there was no expression on the player's face in front of him, and he nodded slightly and said, "The rest of the Ninth League joined the charge as planned, and launched a tentative attack on the enemy's wall defense tower!"

"Understand." The chairman of the ninth league shouted, "The ninth league is attacking!"

Still, a group of low-level branded troops launched an attack with a number of about 5,000. These people, like the previous players, rushed up without any complaints about this suicide attack. The mission of these people was to use their own bodies to test Firepower of the other party.

Lonely also said: "The Eighth League Seventy-nine-Fourth Team brought the war machinery to keep up."

With a lonely cry, players called the Eighth League played together. They followed the players in the ninth league in front. The front players used their bodies as meat shields to shield the players behind them from entering the attack range and detect. A good distance, the trebuchet was set up about 300 meters away from the city. The trebuchet is not bad for this kind of brick city wall, but it is useless for my steel city wall.

The sound of the machine spring, more than a dozen huge stones flew towards the city wall!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A boulder fell on the city wall a bit, but the wall of Whirlwind City seemed to be very solid. The rock did not cause the expected effect. In addition to the stone hitting the wall, there are stones that do not fly into the city and fall below the city. Some boulder smashed in the player's camp suddenly caused a chicken flying dog to jump, the light wheel's lethality is also a stone car, which is very limited to deal with the wall to kill the player, and the biggest disadvantage of the stone car is its poor accuracy. The filled stone is more limited and the manufacturing cost is high.

There are no trebuchets in my guild, but I have a stronger siege weapon. The immortal's defenses are heavily armored. Anyone who has played Starcraft knows that the immortal's heavy armor damage will be increased. I guarantee the walls. Ten immortals can make a hole in one round.

But when I was a bit strange, why should I push the trebuchet to the position of 300 meters, the treble is the longest distance is 600 meters, half closer than the longest distance. Maybe I want to get the best results. Even if there is no protection player around the castable car, this is really unbelievable.

After a round of violent bombardment, the stone of the trebuchet was exhausted, leaving various shades on the city wall. At the moment, there were a lot of people in the Cyclone City, and about 60,000 to 70,000 people were in the Cyclone City and the League. In addition, there are guilds of various sizes bought, and tens of thousands of Lingyun Pavilion soldiers will join the battle after a while. To be honest, it will take some effort to win this city.


At this moment, there are soldiers constantly falling over the city and dying, and there are many high-end archer magicians in the city. The coverage of various arrow magic is still very considerable. More importantly, the arrow towers in the city began to rag. The thick steel arrows rushed down. These arrows are much more powerful than the players. One shot can pierce the armor of several players, and the attacking players resist. Can't stop the attack of the opponent's arrow tower.

The city in the city laughed wildly: "Good job! The arrow tower's money was not spent, and it really is genuine. Everyone worked hard to overthrow this group of self-smart guys!"

Players under the city fell to the ground. At this moment, there was no expression on the lonely face on the top of the dragon head. There was no distress at all. These are low-level players with low-level equipment. Their task is to try to understand each other. Firepower!

The blood splattered, and someone kept falling down, and blood was already flowing into the river on the ground. The body had accumulated a layer, potions, equipment and debris.

When the player in front rushed to the position of one hundred meters, the city gate suddenly opened, and a large group of fighters carrying sharp blades came out, and the leading player shouted: "Kill!"

The roaring horseshoe sounded, thousands of cavalrymen directly killed the half-dead cannon fodder that had been beaten, and quickly killed the players in the front, rushed into the rear and slammed the siege, and other siege war machinery was destroyed. This group is showing an overwhelming momentum.

Lonely yelled, "How is the pit father collecting?"

I saw that at this moment, since the pit father was sitting on the ground with a laptop-like thing and knocked on the ground, he laughed and said, "After the data collection, we only need to care about the variables that may appear at any time. This Whirlwind City is in front of us. It's fundamentally-vulnerable! "

This group of cavalry is obviously elite. They have smashed the war machinery with almost zero loss, and paid a small price to kill most of the cannon fodder players. After the cavalry entered the opposing camp, various skills fell into the crowd. The cannon fodder suffered a heavy loss, and every minute and every second, someone turned over and died.

The arrow towers above the city walls, steel arrows blasted out like lances, and brought out a flurry of blood rain. With the wailing sounds, loneliness immediately ordered: "The mission is complete! Retreat!"

The cannon fodder retreated like a tide. After such a round of assault, only a few dozen people survived the cannon fodder, while the other party lost only a few hundred or two hundred people. The first confrontation was obviously a victory and defeat, but then the attack was not the case.

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