Master Summoner Online

Chapter 733: Phantom Fighting Bracelet

However, after this guy knocked back my door, the thunderbolt waved his staff slightly, and a thunderbolt came!


This current fell on a wolf emperor, except for the Thunder Eagle in the air, everyone shocked and shook his body and retreated five or six meters, and different injury numbers floated above his head—12021-11253-10945 —9100—8451

This Thunderbolt's son, Hiller, is indeed a very powerful BOSS. The powerful and rapid current is played very well by him, and each attack is strong and powerful. If he is facing an ordinary 100-level player team, then that group of people may have gone home, but unfortunately the group of perverts he encountered today. Although each thunderbolt can take us thousands or even tens of thousands of blood, but the cooperation between us is extremely skilled, everyone will pull away the hatred output at the most appropriate time, plus Mo Yan ’s With super high recovery ability and skilled in inserting seconds technology, the battle went on for half an hour. During this half-hour, the shield of this guy was shot more than twenty times by the ripper. The shield was broken, opened and broken. The absolute killer of Ripper's shield skills will be broken even if invincible.

At this time, Hiller's body was extremely dazzling, and now he had become dim, although his desperate casting skills couldn't kill us.

So the scene let Hiller's defeat become a matter of time, but as a powerful boss, it was so easy to be defeated, so he suddenly jumped back and opened the distance with everyone instantly, and said a spell in his mouth-"Thunderbolt Rage! Condensed on me to form an unbreakable iron wall! Magnetic Thunder cage! "

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

An explosion sounded and a thunder and lightning formed around us, forming a huge circle surrounding us.

Then shouted: "Intruders, you can only use this despicable means of siege, so it's better to leave it to nothing else. I have the ability to come to the Thunder God Altar, and I'll wait for you there!" .

"Fuck! I just ran!" I exclaimed, in the second world, BOSS brought down a huge sacrifice at the end of it, and it seemed that one BOSS would be wiped out. But it ran away at the last minute. This situation is happening again, it really makes people cry.

"Oh! I was put on by a monster!" Erika laughed and said to Xueyue, "Although it's okay to run, didn't he just say that he was in the Thunder God's altar? That's where we just go, so we brushed The inevitability will not change, which means that this son of thunder and lightning cannot escape. "

Everyone heard it and nodded secretly, after the magnetic mine cage was lifted, they continued to go deep into the fort. The road in this section is not so peaceful. Every time you walk, a group of 140-level elite monsters degenerate into the Thunder Guard.

The thunder guard's hand held a spear or sword that beat thunder, and was covered in blue armor.

"Kill all intruders!" One of the Thunder Guards was a 140-level ordinary boss called the Fallen Thunder Warrior who was walking around with a double-edged sword. His left-handed sword pointed forward, and there were hundreds of Thunder around him. The guard rushed towards us.

"Come out!" I summoned the summoning beasts.

At the same time, all the MMs are summoned except Hualian. The dragon gun casts Dragon Spirit Break + Dragon Spirit Slash intertwined in the monster group, bringing out a number of damages. The two dragons spray the breath and blood of the breathing monster down. Off! Thunder guards are all melee units, and we are very comfortable attacking them from a long range!

The ice crystal phoenix in the air sprinkled blizzards and drastically reduced their speed of advance. Erica Ice Magic even made them cry without tears. The arrow rain of the silver moon, the Gallulu shells and the bullets of the Gatling blast were strangled in the monster group. When the monster group rushed over a hundred meters, they had fallen down and were seriously injured. Next, we rushed up to start a white-blade battle, and for a time the tragic sounds became one piece, and the blood-thundering Thunder Guards fell under our butcher blades.

Of course, the Thunder Guard is not a vegetarian and wields the weapon in our hands, bringing out a number of damages. The blood is rapidly falling, the Thunder Guard's attack power is strong and the attack speed is fast. Mo Yan quickly provided healing supplies for us. , But still a little bit faint, qi and blood maintained at around 50%.

However, the Thunder Guard's attacks continued in waves, killing a batch, and immediately replenishing a batch from the rear. The ground was full of dense equipment and coins. Everyone in this squad was lucky. And the explosion rate in this place is inherently high! There were many things that burst out and there were three or four big explosions.

After we killed two or three hundred Thunder Guards, the remaining Thunder Guards were no longer attacking aggressively, and they stood outside our attack range in an orderly manner. Thunder Wars will yell: "Intruders, I will cut off your skulls. ! "

After speaking, I rushed up with the remaining two or three hundred younger brothers and said, "Remove the mobs remotely, contain the boss in melee."


My summons and everyone's battle pets, and Erika's Silver Moon began to clean up the other brother, and I and Yun Lan, Xueyue and Hua Lian's boss.

The Thunder War flew towards us with a double-handed sword. I raised my hand and threw the only one, but he was cut in half by him. The other sword flared at me with a silver crescent-shaped sword, and fired the black dragon spur at a flash. , The red-eyed dragon gun wrapped with the real red-eye black dragon ghost hit the Thunder Warrior's waist.

"Death Force!"

The purple and black breath is entwined in the hands, destroying critical hits, annihilating barriers, smashing barriers, three consecutive cuts of snow and ice, and other skill combinations. The attack falls on the Thunder Warrior, and Xueyue's killing poison dragon sword wraps the ray of skill on BBOSS. At the same time, Yun Lan's fists also flew on the BOSS, and Hua Lian also used the light of the moon to drop marks on the BOSS!

The Thunder General recovered from the stun, his two-handed swords wrapped in the energy rays to draw a huge cross in the air. Very quickly, everyone stood after the Hualian who was standing on the periphery, and the numbers of injuries were flying up-- 12822—12829—11999

The body was pushed out at a distance of five or six meters, and Qi and blood plummeted. Mo Yan immediately used the group therapy to restore our health. However, this was not the case. The Thunder Warrior swept the thunder and lightning in his hand fiercely, a huge new moon. A wave of energy passed over us, and a burst of tear-like pain came!

And it also swept us a distance of more than one hundred meters, and I saw that my blood volume had fallen to a position of only three thousand points.

"Come on! Destroy them!" The Thunder Warrior shouted the surrounding Thunder Guards to siege to us immediately. Previously, the players beat the water dogs. Now the monsters give us players a painful water dogs, NND, but it ’s not so much to think of us as falling water dogs. easily.

"Ice Dragon!"

A magic body appeared in the sky with ice all over the body. A dragon appeared and sprayed the dragon's breath against the ground. The thunder guards surrounding it were immediately frozen. At the same time, a carp stood up and kicked into the air with both feet. Rotating 360 degrees in the air, blue scales sprinkled down!

"Boom boom boom boom ~~~ 轰轰 轰轰 ~!"

The surrounding Thunder Guards were immediately torn apart by the explosion of Dragonscale Thunder!

After clearing the younger brothers around, I swallowed the potion and continued to attack the Thunder Warlord. The weapons and skills of everyone continuously hit the armor of the Thunder Warlord. After more than ten minutes of fighting under the siege of our group, finally, Thunder The last bar of blood of the war general was also destroyed, and a long sigh was said, "Ah, I am finally free!"

After talking about the body exploding, the armor was blown apart, leaving a lot of loot at the place where it originally stood.

Before I left, I collected a lot of gold coins on the ground and distributed them to everyone in a systematic way. In addition, this guy also generously gave four gems. After identification by a magnifying glass, these gems were three dim ones. Gold stone is a shiny blue flint. The market price of gems is not low. These gems can buy a lot of money. Finally, equipment, this guy contributed five pieces of equipment. They are a long bow, a tomahawk, a pair of combat boots, a bracelet and a hat.

Take out the magnifying glass to identify each piece of equipment.

Five pieces of equipment, one orange, three pieces of gold and one piece of green, which is the hat.

Traveler's Leather Hat, Grade: Green, Defense +275, Strength Specialization +5, Increases the user's physical defense by 4%, Qi +500, Magic +500, Requires Level: 105.

After watching the dedication to the dragon directly, the next three pieces of gold will be worn by anyone who likes it, and the last bracelet.

Phantom Fighting Soul Bracelet, Grade: Orange, Magic Defense +2264, Magic +2500, Strength Specialization +25, Constitution Specialization +60, Skills: Strong Fist +3, Qi and Blood decreased below 20%, increase by 5% Attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed. (Effects do not overlap) Additional skills: Phantom clone, consumes 1200 mana, generates its own shadow clone and makes chase attacks on attacked enemies (50% of damage to the deity) requires level: level 100.

"Yun Lan gives you." Throw the bracelet to Yun Lan.

"Thank you." Yun Lan took it quickly and replaced his bracelet.

After clearing the surrounding monster brothers, everyone continued to move forward.

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