Master Summoner Online

Chapter 734: Revenge fighter

The next way I packed up a lot of monsters such as Thunder Guards and Thunder Guards and burst out a lot of equipment. This place is very rich. I now have more than half a package of all kinds of equipment. I will enshrine all the silver and the following including silver. , There are already more than two hundred pieces of gold-grade equipment in the bag.

However, I also faintly feel that my backpack of five hundred grids is no longer useful. It seems to look back and ask whether the dragon man sells high-capacity backpacks. We must know that the system sells backpacks up to two hundred grids. Although the player ’s Craftsmen can make backpacks, but they are all very expensive. It's not that the items are expensive, but the players are too dark.

After one morning's leveling, everyone ’s experience has increased a lot, and the MMs went offline to eat at noon. When we returned from the canteen to the dormitory, we saw two people in front of the dormitory. One of them I remember was the counselor in the next class. The surname was Bai, but the other young man didn't know who it was.

When we walked to the dormitory, they turned around to see us, and the counselor said, "Are you back?"

I nodded and asked, "Who is Bai Dao?" He pointed to the young man, who was about twenty-five or sixty-years-old, and looked handsome.

Bai Dadao said: "Mr. Mo, classmate, is the attendant of the dormitory duty room. Please ask him for help if you encounter any problems in the dormitory."

Last semester, our student union was on duty by Murong Bai, but their class was completely destroyed last year and was returned home by Zhao Bo. All the duty rooms at the beginning of this semester were empty. Now someone has filled it in. This is a vacant seat, but I don't think this guy feels weird.

"Hello classmates, my name is Mo Shaoyan. If your duty attendant encounters any difficulties in your life, even if you come to me, I will help you." The man who claimed to be Mo Shaoyan said with a smile. This smile is a good way to confuse the idiot, but in front of the MMs around me, his smile is not even a scum. Because of the smile he deceived the idiot, the handsome smile of Shu Dao was really fascinating.

Huowu laughed: "I'll ask Mr. Mo for more advice."

"It must be." This guy nodded in mission.

Leader Bai also said, "By your classmates, Zhao Bo also said that he hopes that Mr. Mo can enter your guild so that it can help you both in game and reality."

MM not only frowned when I said this. I was 100% not allowed to enter the dragon's teeth. Fire Dance said: "The guild is now full, if you can, you can build a guild to do us. Allies can help us too. "

Mo Shaoyan said with a smile: "I happen to have one of the guilds that will come online, and we can form an alliance."

Fire Dance: "That's the best."

Bai Dadao said: "Everyone knows each other. I'll go first."

"Leader slowly," we said in unison.

"Mr. Namo will get in touch with us on the details."

Everyone we lived on the second floor, and then everyone gathered in my room. I asked, "Do you really want the guy with unknown origin to be our ally?"

Fire dance said: "Of course not. Rather than letting this kind of guy be an ally, I would rather find a guild from the streets of the dragon capital. Such a guy who always stares at us."

Yinyue cried out with her hands on her hips, "Yes, I just said that I was staring at someone's chest. If it weren't for the white guide, I would have hit him already!"

I laughed: "Who makes your **** so big."

"I didn't want to grow up," Yinyue said, holding her chest up.

Guardian said: "Where did I feel I heard this?"

Yun Lan said: "Isn't that just Director Mo?"

Huofeng said: "You know?"

Yun Lan nodded and said, "Of course I have heard about this guy in the United States, and I have contacted him many times. This product was originally the chairman of a group and was considered a young and talented genius. It is not clear that the group closed down. Later, this guy paid attention to a well-known director in the United States. He lost money in directing several movies and was not able to make a living by directing some small movies and micro movies. Later, I heard that this guy was involved in entertainment. In the industry, I also heard that he has the ability to be a popular star. Some third-rate stars are because he has become a front-line star. "

"I rely on it! So powerful?" I said.

Yun Lan said: "This person is very proficient in all kinds of hidden rules, so the relationship is very wide, and this guy has a very annoying habit, that is lust! And not the general **** is very serious, I think those third-rate stars are favored Red must be because of the hidden rules. "

"Wow! Isn't it so unsafe for such a guy to live downstairs!" Yinyue said.

I asked, "Isn't this guy going to bring his star to us?"

Yun Lan said: "I heard a little news before leaving the United States, saying that this guy ran back to China to avoid the limelight because this guy offended a very powerful person in the United States. If I guess correctly, then the guy should come here for the sake of Take refuge. "

I said, "It looks like this guy can't help but be realistic, both in the game."

"Yeah. This kind of person is definitely the most unreliable guy." Xueyue said.

Fire dance said: "I think so too, he must have come here through the relationship of the Academy."

"That guild thing. I don't want to have such an unreliable ally." Xueyue said.

I said, "Since he wants to be an ally, let him be. It is a face for Zhao Bo. But someone must be watched by him and these people must be absolutely reliable."

Fire Dance said: "Leave this matter to me, everyone has been online for a long time."


So everyone went back to the on-line in their room. I also bring a helmet.

Mirror Synthesis!

Out of the tent, Erica said, "We finally thanked you for all your flowers."

I said, "Sorry for delaying some little things."

"Yeah, everyone is here. Let's get out of here and fight for the Thor Valley today."


Everyone ran forward and walked out of mobs from time to time to harass us, and they were easily solved under our strength.

"Look, there is a light source in front, and the exit should be there." Mo Yan pointed at the front.

I said, "It's better to be careful in case there are monsters waiting for us."

"Yeah, Dragon Spirit asked you to contract the beast to enter and investigate." Xueyue said.

"Okay." So summoned the wolf emperor, and sent them to move towards the light source just before they came to the light source. At this moment, the mutation was sudden, unspeakably fast, and even we didn't react Whatever happened, I saw that the light source suddenly shakes and the two wolf emperors disappear instantly.

Immediately following the light source came towards us!

"Get out of here!" I whispered, and everyone retreated. Mo Yan quickly used lighting!

The next moment I saw a large number of monsters in front of me. There were countless lizards about two meters tall, but these lizards were walking upright and wearing armor. We saw that the light source was the bright collection of the eyes of countless lizard monsters.

Revenge fighter, level 140 quasi-boss, introduction: The thunder **** church uses the genes of the thunderbolt dragon lizard to create a biochemical monster through alchemy, but the thunder **** general altar has been broken. These guys have also become the hands of the demon king. Melting into special substances and manipulating their mental history makes the Vengeful Fighter even more powerful and horrifying! For thousands of years, these revenge fighters have killed countless intruders!

"Kill the intruders! No one can go through this door!"

A revenge fighter yelled at us and pounced on our teeth while dancing!

Xueyue rushed forward to kill the poisonous dragon sword, and smashed it on the vengeful fighter's head, but the top of the cargo will open the poisonous dragon sword and make an angry roar!

"Roar ..."

In the roar, the vengeful fighter raised his sharp claws and attacked. Xueyue swiftly blocked the wielding claws with the life-saving poison dragon sword, but then the vengeful fighter turned and slapped his thick tail. !! Xueyue filed the life-threatening poison dragon sword to resist, but a flick of her tail was very hard to shake Xueyue's body back a few steps. Before Xueyue stood still, the revenge fighter had pounced on a pile of sharp claws and fell on Xueyue's armor! Two damage figures flew up—13783—14102 "Good fierce attack power!" Mo Yan immediately dropped the healing technique on Xueyue's body. Xueyue also stepped back immediately and I saw two scratches on her body armor.

"This thing has a high attack power! Everyone goes together! Mo Yan pulls our blood!"

"it is good!"

A group of people attacked quickly, killing this revenge fighter in an instant, and burst out some gold coins. The experience of this monster is very rich. After we killed an avenger, the rest of the avengers looked at us and roared.

"Come!" I said, "Come out!"

The summoned beasts appeared, and the dragon gun was cast into a giant dragon and the soul of the dragon combo roared! At the same time, I attracted at least the hatred of seven or eight revenge fighters, which led to me rushing together, and patted the claws, and immediately opened the slam attack to block some of the remaining attacks after the attack. Qi and blood slammed away as much as 2W.

The skills of summoning the beasts fell into the revenge fighter group with every thought, and the skills of the major war pets Warcraft Mount were intertwined, directly letting the front of the revenge fighters be miserable, and various skills were intertwined. With the constant fall of the monster, a lot of equipment and gold coins also fell to the ground, and the experience value of everyone flew, making everyone wary.

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