Master Summoner Online

Chapter 747: Vengeance

Leng Yufei said: "The beast **** is doing a good job. I immediately reversed the situation that has fallen into despair, and I have to say that you are really strong."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Leng Yufei poem: "But I want to settle this territory!"

"It won't be so easy with us," said the dragon gun on the ground.

Leng Yufei poked with a chuckle: "That's good, come! Fight!"

"Come and come!" The words did not fall, Leng Yufei's poem staff pointed at us, and a large purple poisonous mist covered us all over us!


It was said that time and time later, everyone backed up, but the poisonous mist stepped tightly and pressed "Poison Plaster!" Leng Yufei's poems sounded crisp and slightly cold, and suddenly countless things like mud rushed through the poisonous mist. A burst of fire hit us, a smash of mud hit my shoulder, and I lost 1764 points of blood. This is not even the system prompts poisoning. 500 points of blood are lost every second. This kind of incomplete defense is the most terrible. !!


Mo Yan gave a low sigh to relieve me of poisoning, and then everyone spread out. The dragon gun threw at Leng Yufei Shixin, and started the red dragon roar. The red dragon turned into a deafening dragon roar with a deafening dragon. The exploded poisonous mist threatened to kill.

Leng Yufei's poem flickered quickly to avoid the impact of Chilong. Then, towards the 'Poison Grenade' thrown by me, at the same time, Xueyue's Leng Yufei's poem was forced on the side. , Launched the "breaking armor strike" against Leng Yufei poetry straight to Huanglong!

"Poisonous giant!" A huge magic circle appeared next to Leng Yufei poetry with a low drink. Among the magic circle, a giant wearing a purple heavy armor emerged from the magic circle and waved a solid one against Xueyue. fist.

When the huge fist hit Xueyue, the giant shield lifted the part of his foot and accelerated, screaming: "Destroy the shock!" The two feet kicked the whole person and flew out into the sky, and slammed into the fist of the poisoned giant soldier. Next, a dazzling light followed the shield.

A ray of light blasted Xueyuekou on the shield, and a roar broke out, and a beam of light was ejected from the shield. This beam of light directly destroyed the arm of the poisonous giant.

"Ah!" Leng Yufei's poem was obviously very surprised, at the same time he cast Red Dragon Roar again. In addition, one-handed sword in Shu Tao's hand shot a water column to kill Leng Yufei's poem, "squeak" a poisonous giant Now that his other hand has become a giant cannon, he banged and shot a huge purple beam of light from it, meeting the water column and the red dragon that had shot up.

The three energies met in the void, blasting a deafening explosion. In this column of light, it was significantly stronger than the water column and the red dragon. The red dragon was beaten back to its original shape and returned to my hands. The water column of the Shu Tao was also Forced it to constantly disperse, and the beam of light approached a little bit, and soon reached within ten meters.

At this moment, Leng Yufei's poem made a sincere move, first flashing and approaching, and then stepping, the figure "倏 倏 倏" dangled, and quickly passed by me and Shu Tao. Mo Yan rushed towards the rear.

Responsible for protecting Mo Yan's sky photo, the body instantly turned into a blood-red lightning, especially if an agile cheetah flew towards Leng Yufei's poem.

The Shudao water column on our side was hit, and the purple beam of light sprayed over, but a deadly blow from Xueyue's rapid silence silenced the poisonous giant, and the poisonous giant was blasted by a beam of light from the silence and blasted into a ash.

Behind Mo Yan's assistant Tianzhao and Leng Yufei's poems started a fierce battle.

With her blocking Leng Yufei's poems, our task now is to kill this poisonous giant. The poisonous giant growls and the arm smashed by Xueyue grows out again. Ten fingers spray one after another and the venom is thrown out in the air. Several of us Dodge constantly in the venom.

A venom hit a player who was singing, and that player immediately issued a terrible horrible death on the spot. The venom injection of the poisonous giant soldier was maintained for ten meters, and our counterattack began immediately!

"Dragon Arm!" A low-drinking amber dragon turned to the left arm and kicked the electric light fire. The dragon step started immediately and came to the poisoned giant soldier. The "barrier annihilation" launched the dragon arm into a huge cyan flame giant sword against the poison. The giant soldier was cut off, the poison giant soldier crossed his arms to resist the giant sword, and he could disregard the barriers of 70% defense. He could not resist it at all. The poison giant issued a roar, and the purple liquid sprayed out of his mouth. Fly out.

The poisoned giant soldier sat down on a house and collapsed it. Even so delicious still **** me spraying a venom!

"Energy is released!" Xueyue emits a low howl in her mouth, the energy of the sword energy gathers at the tip of the sword, and the rear bursts out. The sword energy penetrates the void. hit. The venom's track immediately deviated and fell on the open space beside me, and the ground was melted into a deep trench more than one meter deep!

Shu Tao said nothing, threw the wide sword in his hand, and a blue wide sword in his hand turned into a ten-meter-long giant sword on both sides. The two giant swords fell together, the arms of the poisonous giant soldier. Raised the fallen great sword to meet the air, the double sword and the great sword collided with each other, and the poisonous giant was defeated by the two giant swords, and his hands were broken into flesh instantly. The double sword was also broken by the poisonous giant. Fighting back to its original shape, Shu Tao rises to the sky and grabs his shoulders, yelling in his mouth: "One sword and two breaks!" Shu Tao firmly grasped the wide sword and dropped vertically! From the poisonous giant's head and chest, all the way to his lower body!

Leng Yufei's poem that was killed by his own poisonous giant soldier immediately stopped the fight with Tianzhao and took the initiative to flash to the side. He could not help emitting a terrible howling: "Forbidden curse! God of revenge!"

With her voice, a purple light appeared next to her. This purple light tore more than half of her magic robe outside, exposing most of her wonderful body to in the air. Under normal circumstances, there will definitely be someone who whistles this slightly fragrant scene. But now no one wants to blow any whistle. When Ziguang wrapped her whole person, there was a mysterious power wave in the core area of ​​the city. A purple light column centered on Leng Yufei's poem rushed in purple. In Yunxiao, a woman in a dark purple robe appeared in the beam of light. She had a beautiful face and a seductive body, like a fairy. She appeared from the sky, and her appearance seemed to attract the attention of all men present.

A very charming smile revealed, this smile is so beautiful that in my eyes it is the smile of death.

"Rage of vengeance!" Qianxianyu hands raised, and the ground in front of the three of us exploded a beam of light into the sky, and a wave of air was tearing the earth frantically, and devastating forces swept away.

"Wow!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Suddenly, I, Xueyue, Shu Dao, and the rear Zhaozhao and Mo Yan couldn't bear the waves, and flew out.

"Take a look, the power of the Vengeance!"

The goddess of vengeance spread his arms, a black energy broke through the ground and swept around, and several of us avoided each other. The scope of the storm might be very wide. It was raging all the way, whether it was the night of the rose or the **** of singing or suddenly came Some players of Dragonfang have been hanged in this energy storm.

"Ah, ah!" The horrified screams that continued to be swept up by people, eyes were prominent, those who were swept in were hanged to pieces, and the energy flow of the Goddess of Vengeance whistled down ...

Numerous players of Mingshen, Dragon's Tooth, and a few dodging Rose Nights have died and wounded. As long as this energy attack is contaminated, no one can survive.

Ahhhhh ...

A series of screams came one after another, and the group of players who were not killed by the spikes glared and ran away towards the outside of the city! At the same time, some N multi-magician and archer players were scared, but they still whistled their long-range attacks on the goddess of revenge, but they had no effect. Then the Vengeance attacked.

Boom, boom, boom, boom ...

Like dropping a blockbuster bomb, countless players were blown up on the spot and turned into a mad man. They were mad for seconds, but they did n’t even get a chance to scream, and they also burst a lot of potions and equipment. pile.


The sound of cold air pumping and panic screamed one after another, and a large vacant lot was cleared by her, and basically no one dared to approach the area where we fought.

I said, "If she keeps doing this, we will all return to the city."

"Yes, she must be stopped." Xueyue.

Shu Tao: "How to stop, it is hard to even approach."

I said, "You have to interrupt her skills. You need to work hard to interrupt."

Everyone nodded, everyone knew at this moment, no more desperate, and then waited to be returned to the city in seconds.

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