Master Summoner Online

Chapter 748: Counterattack of the Twilight Ghost

Leng Yufei's poem is directly below the goddess of vengeance, wrapped in purple light, only a figure can be seen faintly, standing there.

"I silence her with a fatal blow! Cover please," Xueyue said, immediately blocking her shield in front of her.

I met Shu Road face to face and they both realized it. Mo Yan raised her scepter without thinking about it, and instantly added various states for me, Xueyue, and Shu Road. After the state was applied, everyone immediately took action without saying a word.

The jade hand of the vengeful goddess made a void, and a giant black crack appeared on the ground. In the crack, only monsters appeared. These monsters were glazed with sharp horns on their heads. They were tall and powerful and muscular. Holding the sword in the green shield in one hand, the bee burst out towards us.

Seeing this issue, I immediately summoned all the contract summoning beasts. In addition, when I called the Thunderer, I immediately fought with the thirty or forty monsters that suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Magic increase!" A magical door appeared, followed by a long shout from Shu Road, spitting blood into the blue wide sword. The sword turned this sword into a sword of blood flame, and with an angry roar, long The sword passed through the gate of magic instantly turned into a ten-meter-long blood flame great sword, which flew in heavy volleys, chopped down, and in this terrifying terrorist attack force, the area that even passed would also split. Black stripes like a spider web.

At the same time, the dragon gun was thrown into a giant soldier and bombarded the ground. The "Dragon Soul Break" was launched. The ground immediately broke down, and the dragon-shaped air waves crisscrossed. They immediately collided with the monsters that were forced to catch up. The waves squeaked into the air as a harsh friction screamed against the monster's body.

The summoned beasts fought with dozens of monsters, grabbed in their hands a dragon gun turned into a ten-meter giant, "Dragon Soul Cut!" Roared, the **** dragon roared wildly, and the blood-red dragon wave spread in all directions. Come on.

The monsters that were released immediately fell seven or eight heads, and some were entangled by my summoned beasts.

"Roar roar!" The roar of the remaining monsters echoed in the air, and the White Dragon Shield was turned on. Just after the White Dragon Shield was turned on, the swords of four or five monsters fell on the White Dragon Shield, and 50,000 long-lasting White Dragon Shields. In the instant of destruction, a monster rushed to his mouth with a wild roar. The sword in his hand immediately greeted my body, and the blood and blood instantly reduced by more than 4,000 points.

With the monster's move, he received a breath of snow and ice dragon, and then suffered a magical attack from Shu Tao, and his body was instantly torn apart.

At the same time, Xueyue broke through the monster group with a giant shield and rushed towards Leng Yufei Poetry, but Leng Yufei Poetry would not let Xueyue achieve his wish. The goddess of revenge waved the Saitama hand again, and a large number of black mists turned Snow Moon Swallowing can float two Chinese 'immune' Xueyue in the mist that swallowed Xueyue in the mist. Since Xueyue's invincible skills are activated, this approach is undoubtedly the most appropriate. No matter what skills you are immune to, it doesn't make any sense. Xueyue relies on invincible skills to break through the fog.

"Fatal blow!"

The sword of choice broke the purple light outside Leng Yufei's poem, and chopped heavily on the shield of Leng Yufei's poem. The word 'silence' floated on the head of Leng Yufei's poem, while his body rolled and flew away. Go out.

The revenge goddess in the sky also turned into a purple light and disappeared into the void. The summoned monsters also burst into sorrow and turned into a cyan light that disappeared on the battlefield.

Leng Yufei's poem that was beaten and flew out did not hang, but the shield was broken. At the moment, Leng Yufei's poems stood up a bit hard from the ground. At the same time, she could clearly see her true appearance.

After she stood up and raised her head, Leng Yufei's face and deep purple beautiful hair could only be grasped by the slender waist, dark black eyes like the night sky, and finally she was fully exposed in front of everyone, before the purple light shattered her. At this moment, she has put on a new dress, a low-cut dark purple tight robe is extraordinarily seductive, a small nose, beautiful skin wins over the snow, and the long skirt part of the robe's lower body is split left and right. , Revealing a pair of white and soft thighs and slender slender legs are more touching.

Her age looks like Xueyue and Yun Lan are about the same. But she is such a beautiful girl! Even though there were many beautiful and lovely girls around me, I still sent my heartfelt admiration, but I didn't say it. But the admiration on my face, which has always been in hiding, must have betrayed me early.

Suddenly, when I admired the beauty, I suddenly became dusty, and the blood flew suddenly said: "Boss! There are a lot of ghost players at dusk, and there are N and many other small and medium guild players. There are at least hundreds of thousands of people. Our outermost team suffered heavy losses from attacks. "

I said, "Gathering all the teams in the inner city and reorganizing the line of defense is extremely blocking them."


The information Rose Night I received here was also affected by the situation, so the fighting in the core area stopped and everyone gathered in various camps. Now the situation is imminent, and it is not the time for the three of us to continue fighting.

Leng Yufei said: "It seems we are not the time to continue fighting."

I nodded and said, "Yes, we will all become kings in the future."

"Wang Ba?" Question marks floated on everyone's heads. I didn't know what I was talking about. I just said it casually.

"Okay, don't study Wang Ba. It's serious." Shu Dao Leng Yufei said: "The situation is urgent now, and our three occupants will jointly drive them away before they say it."

"This is good, but what about the territorial order?" I said.

Shu Tao said: "Forget it, let me quit."

"Why the boss?" Youm said.

Shu Tao said: "If we have a lot of fighting power now, you should know it well. If there were no dragon teeth to fight, we would have been cleared now."

Ghost nodded, and had to say that the rising night of Rose Night was too powerful.

Leng Yufei poem laughed: "The Shushu handsome guy really has a bright day. Since you are willing to let us have the territory, then I do n’t want anything other than the territory this time. All the equipment is divided between your **** of war and dragon. Didn't let you run for nothing. "

Shu Tao nodded, and I said, "That's the deal."

The three companies quickly reached an agreement. The players in the core of the song **** and dragon tooth immediately sent hands and feet to clean up the equipment in the defense line. The front of our three leaders was on the front. The cape covered his face.

I asked, "Why are you always wearing a cape. Are you tired?"

Leng Yufei said: "Then your girlfriend said why the female soldier always wears a mask?"

Xueyue touched her face and covered the upper half of the silver mask. "Because it has attributes and is still my core equipment for you?"

Leng Yufei poem laughed: "Confidential!"



The front line of the crowd came at a fast pace. At this moment, the three people who have received the command form a line of defense to resist the impact of the players in front. This group of players behind them is a group of players who have entered the valley. They are a complete cavalry unit. These The mount is a fire-red wolf beast, this is the wolf riding group of the dusk ghost, led by the 107-level knight, a strong iron armor, carrying a splendid spear, it is the guy with the vulgar name-hegemony!

Leng Yufei poem laughed: "I've heard that the ghost of the dusk has been improved after a long period of time, and its strength has been greatly improved! When the previous boss grabbed the boss, the combat power of the dusk ghost was stronger than the devil's kiss and situation."

"It doesn't matter if you bring him back!"

I scanned the equipment. The equipment of this domineering world is quite good. The golden glittering armor, the fire eyes and gold eyes scan out three pieces of dark gold, two pieces of platinum, and the weapon in my hand is a platinum lance.

Behind the domineering world, the pony-faced warrior with a long horse face, wearing a heavy armor, holding a two-handed, three-ringed giant knife in his hand. The handle is two meters long, and the whole body is blue. At this moment he is wearing He swooped in the air with a roar, and waved with this giant knife in his hand, he even brought out a dark ink puppet python.


The tyrant dominated the world with a spear, and ran to the front with a wolf beast. The gun edged up and yelled, "Haha, it's time to watch us, and some masters shouldn't come here."

I took the dragon gun and walked to the front: "Sometimes the clams are fighting, and the fishermen may not be profitable."

"Oh? If that's the case, then I can try!"

The ghost of the twilight shot with a gun and shouted, "Brothers of the ghost of the twilight guild, together, the three families are already at the end of the crossbow. We don't need to gather. This territory is our ghost of the twilight! All to me! kill!"

Suddenly, the sound of killing was soaring, and the ghostly players of the twilight rushed towards us, rushing towards our defensive front.


Yanyu Liunian said: "The number is much better. It seems that I want to overwhelm us with tactics!"

The female martial artist who equaled Yun Lan's fists with two fists smiled and said, "Whatever the number counts, the old lady can take these dogs into the air with one punch."

Yinyue straightened her **** and said, "Yeah! We take ten as one, no, and one hundred! We are playing the average of personal strength, and it is easy to crack this rookie!"

"Hehe ..." I smiled too: "Yes! Let them come back!"

Everyone set off to prepare for a deadly battle!

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