Master Summoner Online

Chapter 762: massacre

The other party took the initiative to attack my Red Name. The red name death equipment is the least one that must be dropped, and this group of people is no exception. The lucky value will not determine your chance of killing and exploding, but it will reduce your chance of dying. But these people are not so good at selling it at a cheap price. Of course, the one with a better attribute is too bad to worship.

"Director! Someone is here," Tianzhao said in my ear.

"Oh. It ’s really slow." Pack up your equipment, take a few steps and see that the other soldiers are scrambled in three directions. Those who just hung up notified their main forces. These people are obviously not just now. Those rookie rookies can compare. But I didn't want to be surrounded, so I retreated immediately.

At the same time, the eyes of the fire swept this group of guys in a gold and silver outfit, and some of them were equipped with a few pieces of orange or dark gold equipment, which is a good player in terms of equipment.

A long distance was thrown all the way close to the painful grassland. Here the field of vision is relatively wide, and there are fewer shelters. I feel more comfortable in seconds. Wait for the edge zone to stop. Turning around, I saw a black field in front of me. Standing at the intersection of grass and forest, watching this group of players, they were about a hundred people, so he stepped forward and asked, "Which of you is the leader?"

"I am!" A twenty-seven-year-old male warrior was two steps away from the player: "I am the leader of this team. What do you want to say?"

I calmly said, "What do you mean by sending someone to collect protection fees when I open a shop there, and you are still siege after leaving the city, and after being properly defended, you are taking revenge with the brigade? You are underworld gangs. Are you, as the captain of this team, not at all worried about the reputation of your guild? "

"Joke!" The fool disdainfully said, "Reputation is worth a few bucks, you guys, wake up. This place has never been a place for you to act as a messenger of justice. I know you are a master, and you can easily kill and kill a dozen of my men. No one will be a rookie. So to tell you where you are today in that store, we look at it from a long time ago, today you did n’t pay the store, you killed my people, and exploded their equipment. If this time you guys Without paying a price, we don't have to confuse! "

I said, "Don't confuse it."

"Then I'll tell you not to confuse me. Give it to me! Cut him and let him know how great we are." The guy pointed forward with a sword in his hand.

Immediately, ten soldiers stood in front of each other and in their reply, the soldiers pulled out their weapons together. Countless metals shone fiercely.

Watching this group rushing up, I stood there watching these people, all of them raised their arms, showed a sloppy smile, and ran away in a hurry.

"Oh ah ah ah!"

"Go die--!"

After surrounding me in a semicircle, I slashed three swords and spears to me. At the same time, I was struck ten times, causing my body to shake from side to side.

—33, —45, —78, —54, —37

The injuries made everyone astounded. These groups of people have been chopped on me for a long time and have not been reduced at all. But correctly, although it was gradually reduced due to constant attacks, it quickly returned to a full state after a few seconds.

Soon, the group of players saw that since they could only damage the person in front of them by less than three digits, and they could not match the speed of their opponents and the speed of their returning blood, it was still shaving!

"What are you doing! Kill him!"

Under that impetuous command, the rain-slashing slash continued for a few more seconds, but the condition remained unchanged.

I laughed: "You guys have enough, it's my turn."

"Lightning declaration!"

I suddenly stabbed the dragon gun in my hand and pierced the player in front of me fiercely!

—12842, —12842 "Ah!"

A melodious wailing, this unlucky player, since the effect of the assault triggered by his body, spiked directly, with incredible eyes, turned into a white light hanging weak!

Everyone around is one, including that! Presumably he is full of calculations, even if I am in the cattle, it is impossible to kill one hundred of them under one person, but now seeing my skills, I will give a whole blood warrior to the player!

But as soon as they burst out, I immediately grabbed this guy and my quick dagger swept across, and instantly sent two players back home!

The surrounding players immediately backed up but were not rushed by the sky photo and the black **** to kill and kill five more. Ten players rushed up were killed and injured more than half.

This group of people could not help taking a step back.

One of the assassin players murmured suddenly. He didn't have the smile before, his brows were locked, his gaze moved as if searching for memories.

"That dress ... the red gun behind the whole body armor ... is the two beauties around ... is the beast **** ?!"

The man's face paled instantly, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Boss, no, it's bad. This guy ... may be the beast god!"

After listening to the man's words, the rest of the members' expressions stiffened. The leader, called the boss, was equally astonished. He stared at me as a tall man standing in front of me.

Although it can be guessed from the fighting so far, I am a very high-level and well-equipped player. But he estimates that he never thought of it.

After yelling for a few seconds, he shouted as if returning to God: "How can beasts and beast gods be! This guy must be just a copycat who frightens others with his name! Not to mention-even if it is real Beast God, it's not easy to wait for the boss to bring someone to deal with one person! "

"If he is true, he can be called."

"It doesn't matter. It's already played. Anyway, even if we retreat, he won't necessarily let us go. Simply go all the way to the black." This guy snarled: "Whether he is true or not, he cut me off!"

"Come out! Ice and Snow Dragon!"

A huge white magic circle appeared in the air, and the next moment it emerged from a huge dragon head in the magic circle, followed by a huge body. The whole body has the advent of a snow dragon composed of ice cubes. As soon as I spit in my mouth! Siege players up and down!


Ice and Snow Dragon launched an attack, and players within ten meters of the area immediately burst into huge damage, some of which were unlucky and spit with ice.

"Quick! Attack! Attack your idiots!"

Watching the ecstasy of his own being hit by the Ice Dragon, together with his own breath being blown, watching the injuries emerging from his body, he yelled, and took the lead to cut it off to the Ice Dragon, at the same time, he was desperate.

Because the Frost Dragon could fly, the Frost Dragon came high, they were the team mainly warriors, there were not many magicians and archers, and the fire output hit the Frost Dragon's body without any pain or itch.

A hundred meters away, I focused on directing the attack of the Snow Dragon, and Tianzhao and the Black God harvested in my transformation to prevent sneak attacks from assassins.

"Roar roar!"

Ice and Snow Dragon roared like thunder in the air, and the opponent bombarded Ice and Snow Dragon with magical fire. Seeing this, I immediately let the Ice and Snow Dragon lift off into the air at a high speed. After leaving the opponent's range, I sprayed them with ice and attacked them. .

The huge ice cones descended from the sky, and the players below were not smashed with any temper, and I aimed the attacking remote units in the back row of the opponent. The soldiers who smashed the huge ice cones screamed, more Not to mention these archers and magicians.

—17500, —17591, —16999, —17058!

Bang! Bang! Bang! After the ice lands, an explosion occurs. The explosion explodes, the flesh and ice particles fly side by side at the same time, three mages and one archer die instantly.

These long-range professional players showed a terrifying look and spread out, and the snow and ice dragon dived straight down, during this period, a series of breaths were sprayed out, and they were madly shot at the people on the ground.

The rolling cold came, and the area within twenty to thirty meters of the ground was completely covered by the cold. When the ice dragon landed and the breath was over, what remained at the scene was a messy and unbearable sight.

The magician and archer in the rear were killed, and there was no one standing remotely behind the opponent. The next step was to command the Frost Dragon to kill the others in front.

The pair of Bingxuelong looked at the people on the opposite side with a chill, without any emotion. They saw their hearts trembling and their faces extremely frightened.

At this moment, the group was completely in a state of despair. The sky and the black **** of the sky blocked it before me, and the ice and snow dragon blocked it. It can be said that they were dead horizontally and vertically.

At this moment, the ice and snow dragon approaching them step by step was in their eyes, exactly like a **** of death! The immeasurable pressure brought by the immense momentum has made some players who are watching the lively surroundings unable to help but take a step back.

"Roar roar!"

The roar of the Ice Snow Dragon is the lifeline of the King in their ears, and the dragon's breath spit out of the mouth is the chain that locks people. Each previous step of the Snow Snow Dragon represents the disappearance of a life. But the so-called dog jumped off the wall. Part of this group that was desperately desperately raised their blades to fight with the Snow Dragon, but they could not approach the Snow Dragon within five meters. Because before that it was spit into ice.

At this moment his face was iron-blue, and today he stepped on the steel plate.

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