Master Summoner Online

Chapter 763: Fight: Shadow of the Moon! Soul Dance!

About ten minutes later, a mighty team of players was slowly coming in from where I was.

"Brothers, speed up, you should be ahead!"

"Hurry up!"


A laser shot through the head of the fastest running!

—8592 However, the equipment is still excellent. Gatling Blast only killed one third of his health.

"Everyone be careful! The other party is very strong." The guy who was punched a hole in Gatlin's head shouted in surprise.

The voice of the goods did not fall, a pretty shadow appeared behind him, and then a cold blade crossed his neck!

—18904 A huge injury floated out of the sky and brought out a crit. This cargo fell to the ground with a terrified expression in a different place. Tian Zhao was invisible immediately after killing this guy.

"Just a quick eye!" Several belated scouts immediately deployed ‘Real Guards’ to counter-hide, but at this moment Tianzhao had quickly returned to my side.

"There are assassins !!! Everyone is more alert!" A sharp-eyed archer saw the skylight that just appeared beside me in the distance. "What is that!" A player raised his head and shouted.


—25923 A warrior who looked up at the sky fell down directly into the sky, and the people behind were instantly confused.

"Archive! The warrior goes up, and the mage and archer kill him with long-range skills!" After a soldier shouted, the group immediately began to reshape, and a row of soldiers holding shields immediately topped the front and magic behind. When the teachers held up their staffs, bows and arrows to pull the long bow.

Click! Click! Click!

The front of the Gatling blast machine gun suddenly spit out a dazzling tongue of fire! A barrage was hit in the air, and the hot bullet shells fell to the ground in a small amount, and soon a thin layer was laid.

A series of damage values ​​were continuously brushed out. The shields in their hands could not be supported for a long time under the machine gun. Then the photons were smashed and launched. Numerous miniature missiles were ejected. A beautiful trajectory was drawn in the air and fell into the crowd. A series of explosions occurred. After the sound, the moans of the advance team cleaning up in the explosion, even if they were not killed, were so painful that they were blown up with one arm and one leg, and they were lying on the ground constantly trying to touch the blood medicine.

But could my attack end like this? Of course not.

"Amber Dragon! Fire Dragon fires!"

The amber dragon in the air attacked the shield with 360 degrees of arms for one week, and countless missiles flew out, hitting those players who were moaning on the ground accurately.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

A series of explosions sounded, and then breathe out from the mouth, and the flames swept across the ground. At the moment, only scorched earth was left on the ground, and there were countless sparks on it.

A series of damage numbers broke out again, and the more than one hundred people who rushed in front of them instantly turned into white light and disappeared.

"This guy is too perverted!" The player who has escaped from the calamity in the back saw the scene like a Shura field in front of him, and he just stayed out. They never thought that more than one hundred people would be so full. Solved, this is no longer a strong word to explain.

Cold eyes glanced at the group of players hiding behind, and slowly walked towards them step by step.

"Retreat! We are not his opponents at all! Everyone stands back and waits for the boss to bring the main force!" A leading player immediately retreated, and those players who had been stunned all around had gone back to God and pulled their legs one by one. Just run.

At the next moment, a group of people jumped out. The equipment level of these groups was much stronger than the previous group of advanced cannon fodder, and there were more than a hundred of them wearing dark armor, and the leader I knew.

"Yes, it's you!"

I and the other two were surprised at the same time. The goods at this moment are not others who are the proud presidents, Xueyue's cousin, Tian Qin.

I said, "How could it be you?"

"This sentence looks like I asked you right." Tian Qin said: "Don't tell you that the store is you."

I clasped my arms and said, "It's Lao Tzu, and you guys are also greedy. In fact, it's not enough to buy a company. You also come to the game to buy a store. You guy is really a businessman."

Tian Qin shook his head and said, "Since it is you, there is nothing you can do. It is impossible for you to transfer the shop to me, so ..."

"So what?"

Tian Qin said: "So I came up with three million RMB to buy from you, how?"

I said, "Not good."

Tian Qin said: "How about five million?"

I said, "Why are you so attached to my shop?"

"I have no reason to tell you. I can only say that place is important to me." Tian Qin said.

"How about, think about it." Tian Qin said.


"Is this funny?" Tian Qin said calmly. "Then you want to sell my store, I do not buy it!" I said.

"Wow, is he a fool?"

"You know a P, but the beast **** and the chairman are very festive."

"What holiday?"

"do not know!"

Then the goods were pulled aside and beaten up!

"That's the case," Tian Qin said, "then answer you in your favorite way!"

"It's best!" I said.

"Give me the attack! Kill the beast god!" Tian Qin ordered a large group of players around to rush forward, this group of people said that there are also a thousand people, a thousand people! Haha, I can come for a thousand people today.

"Everyone comes out! Killing time!"

The summoning circle around him turned, all the contract summoned the beast summoned, and at the same time the ark was called out to play soy sauce.

"The attack begins!"

The summoned beasts roared forward and sprinted forward. The ten people who rushed to the front instantly were killed by the summons under the impact of the summoned beasts!

Ahhhhh ...

Bang bang bang ...

Later, some attacks such as breath, energy flow, bullets, etc. fell behind a group of players. At this moment, only one hundred or twenty percent of the remaining blood is left. If it is not the healing of the pastor, you can definitely take them directly. Spike on the spot. Of course, I still have a contract to summon the beast to make up the knife. This group of people have no chance to survive.

At this moment, the back of the group issued an unbelievable, a pair of eyes filled with a deep horror.

"TMD, the beast **** summons the beast!"

"I do! Not at all a level."


The players around Tian Qin scolded, but of course they did not forget to add the potion of life, and then rushed to control the mounts.

Seeing this situation, the corners of my mouth became more sneer, the sparkle fire under my feet started and stepped out of the dragon gun in the hands of the dragon gun thrown out, the dragon gun turned into a giant soldier in the air and fell!

Dragon Soul Broken!

Looking at the sharply falling dragon gun on his head, Tian Qin didn't hesitate to shout, "Quickly go away!" He did not fall, the giant dragon gun fell, and the earth burst into a pale blue dragon-shaped whistling!

A large group of slowly evacuated players are swept into this roaring dragon-shaped air wave!





With a scream spread, those forty or fifty players were hanged in the waves and turned into white light! The falling Dragon Soul then killed hundreds of players.

"This guy!" Tian Qin yelled, "Shadow of the Moon! Dance of the Soul! Give me the first level of the Beast God!"

"Shadow of the Moon, Dance of the Soul?" I immediately smiled when I heard these two names. I didn't expect that this guy still had such two soldiers hidden.

Immediately rushed out of the crowd to a player wearing a black armor. The warrior under this guy was also covered with a layer of dark armor, looking very powerful and domineering!

"Beast god! I gave you off your head!" He said with a horse's belly between his legs.

Da Da Da ... Da Da Da ...

"Charging!" Roared in the mouth of this cargo, his horse warned a long hissing, and the pace at his feet soared more than twice in an instant. As a spiral cyclone, this power is obviously not to be underestimated!

"Courageous charge!" Dodge is not my style, so I launched a heroic charge to bump it up and of course I did not forget to open up the attack first to protect myself.


With a fierce collision, although the heroic charge is also an charge skill, the relative power is much worse than this guy's charge skill.

Under the collision just now, although I was bumped back a distance of four or five meters before stopping, but this guy is also uncomfortable. The impact just now caused him to lose his balance.

The steed hissed, and the steed lost its focus. The guy fell off the steed.

Suddenly it was cold at the back!

—4900—4870 Two injuries floated over me.

"Is this guy a summoner? The defense is as high as the Cavaliers!" The **** assassin who opened the sneak attack opened his mouth wide and seemed to have a sense of innocence. Shocked at my defense!

"Thundercaller comes out!" A rush of blue and white current flashed, and a soft girl in blue Fakai appeared on her body.

"Give me that bastard!"

"Understand!" The Thundercaller said in an extremely cold voice, saying that at the same time the magic book was unfolded, one hand held the book and the other hand held up and didn't know what to draw, the next moment there were clouds in the sky and thunder bursts! Then a hundred-meter-long lightning struck across the sky.

Crackling! Crackling!

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"

A stream of blue and white currents hit the ground from the air, and they quickly radiated up and down the surrounding players' bodies, and made them scream uncontrollably every time they suffered a blow. Sounds very rhythmic.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

A series of continuous offensives came down, and a group of people around were smashed by lightning. The ground was piled with scorched corpses, of course, some of them were slumped and moaned.

At the same time, an assassin player stumbled and survived the minefield.

This guy should be the guy who attacked me before. At this moment, after the escape, he poured potion, and at the same time, he raised the dragon gun aggressively towards this guy!

I saw him sway, dragging a residual image around me in a circle: "Guess, that's true!"

"I'm in charge of you!" After speaking, both feet kicked and the whole person jumped up, and then dozens of blue scales entangled with thunder and lightning appeared on the body's activated 'Dragon Scale Blast Thunder', flying out at the same time, A turning point, following the bang.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

In a split second, dozens of serial explosions sounded below the range of twenty to thirty meters. The whole area was shrouded in explosions, leading me to the ground to see a broken head not far away from me. The upper part of the head was completely Was blown up, his brain was sprayed all over, his eyes rolled and his eyes were obviously dead. At the same time, the system reminded me that the guy I killed was called Shadow of the Moon. Seeing this prompt means that the soldier in front of him is the soul. Dance.

Seeing that his good brother was tragically dying in front of him, the Dance of Souls was suddenly annoyed. After smashing a pill, he rode a sword and struck me with a sword: "Open the mountain!"


The weapon in my hand turned into a huge white light blade with a length of fifteen meters, which fell directly down to me, but it was a squeaking noise, although I immediately avoided it, but this guy was supported by his blade to cut me off. More than 1,300 health points.

"... Why is this happening?" Soul Dance was frightened, his eyes suddenly changed color, although it was only a slight rubbing that he could hit such a little blood, he obviously felt complacent.

It ’s okay for me to be complacent. I chose to charge him again and again when I chose to charge, and then the black dragon stabbed his mount fiercely. The mount and the player on the mount can be considered as one because of using the control. At the same time, the player who controls the mount will also receive the same effect as the control skill.

The opponent was controlled and stood up immediately, grasping the red-eyed dragon gun with both hands, the power of death turned on, and the ice and snow fell for three consecutive times immediately on the guy's armor, followed immediately, and the mad dragon slammed to launch the twelve dragons The pattern flares up and hits him at the same time!

"Ahh!" Soul Dance roared.

Of course, this is not enough. Immediately after the three strokes of destruction, smashing, and barrier breaking to call him, after the fight, a thunderstorm ends, and the dance of soul sends out the last roar, and the sound suddenly stops. The blood volume returned to zero, and in the "storm of thunder and lightning", a dead body ended.

The one-stop combo used to instantly kill a dignified G-list instantly, because it should be said that I am too strong or the goods are too weak.

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