Master Summoner Online

Chapter 775: Attacked halfway

Walked out of the dormitory, looked up at the sky and said, "Ah ... it's raining ..."

It didn't rain much. Several drops of rain on my head momentarily considered whether to go back to the dormitory to get an umbrella, but when I thought that I had already walked halfway, now I would go back to get the umbrella to go again, or if the rain had not yet fallen, hurry back.

The distance from the dormitory to the cafeteria is still a little eighty or ninety minutes, and there is a playground in front of a teaching building. It is easy to be covered with chickens without being blocked, so I decided to fly over the playground and return before the rain began. dorm room.

After thinking of this or starting to run, a strong cold blast penetrated my back at this time, but I knew it was not caused by rain in the dark because it was not raining at all now. It is rare that I am more attentive and hope so.

So I kept running with complicated thoughts. After turning right on the spacious road, start entering a staircase first. The soles of the shoes stepped heavily on the ground. This road has just been brushed with new cement. Once you step on it, there is a footprint, and then you turn backwards, the speed under your feet is even faster.

Before long, a dark shadow of a huge building finally appeared. There are almost no lights in the building. There are only lights on the second floor. Now the chefs on the first floor of the cafeteria have been off work. Only the private contracted places on the second floor are still open.

After climbing up a ramp in front of the cafeteria, you can see a garden in front of you. It took another five or six seconds to run along the stone paved road in the garden. The small parking lot in front of the cafeteria when I ran halfway through this wide parking lot and was going to pass between a tall box car and a white RV ... … The silhouette that rushed out from behind the van almost rammed into me.


Can't help shouting a word of me who was about to dodge immediately, the light in the corner of my eyes suddenly flashed a dazzling metal light before me.


Then there was a stinging sensation in my right wrist and a little bit below my elbow, and a lot of white objects scattered. But those white objects are not snowflakes, but subtle feathers. It's the warmth inside my feather coat. It was a little cold when I came out, so I changed a thick coat.

After a short while, I had already slammed into the back of the white RV. I finally managed to stand firm again.

So far I haven't been able to understand what happened, I can only stare dumbly at the black figure standing about two meters away from me. It was a man in an approximately black suit. He also had a slender white object in his right hand. The white object emits a thick light after being illuminated by the light of the street lamp.

That is a knife. A standard tactical knife. I've seen this thing in books, so I know it, but why does it appear here?

I felt the man in the shadow of the van staring at my frosty face. The man began to move the corners of his mouth, and then a husky-like murmur sounded immediately.

"It's too slow, beast god! You've made me almost wet."

The voice was ... I frowned and said, "Mo Shaoyan, you guy!"

The man took a step forward as I dullly called the name. The light from the street light hit his face.

This guy used to have his hair neatly trimmed every day, but now I'm in a mess. The almost completely untied tie is just hanging around the neck.

The strange sight in the other eyes was staring at me. This lane said: "You little devil!"

The goods said in a hoarse voice: "Do you know that you let my hopes shatter, you ruined my future!"

I recovered from the shock and said, "Hey! What are you doing? Whoever ruined your future, you can make it clear."

"If you did what I said just now, then I would get a very generous amount of money to pay off my debts, and you would also get a sum of money to spend honeymoon with your girlfriend or do something else. Yes, but when you destroy that celestial pillar, everything is gone, my future! My life! It is all ruined by you. Unforgivable! Absolutely forgiving! "

This man is crazy. I guarantee that the head of this product is broken!

"But before I think of a new way to make money, there are still a few things to be done first. First of all, let me start by killing you. The beast **** is not a classmate of Dragon Spirit."

Immediately after thinking about the expression of the goods, he quickly approached me again. The tactical knife on his right hand stabbed directly at my belly.


In order to avoid his attack, I stepped on the ground with a right foot into a pool of water. It is a little bit heavy under the rain, so the ground is slippery. Because of this, I slipped a lot and lost my balance. On the ground of the parking lot. When the left side of my body hit the ground violently, I couldn't breathe.

The guy's eyes were down at me.

"Little ghost!"

Then he shoved hard at me. The tip of his seemingly expensive leather shoe fell directly into my thigh. After being kicked two or three times, a burning pain flashed through my spinal cord to the head. Then the impact was also transmitted to the right wrist, and a strong tingling sensation sprang up. Only then did I notice that it was not only the jacket that was cut, but my wrist was also injured.

"I want to kill you! Really killing you!"

The tactical knife in this guy's hand--the blade should be more than twenty centimeters long. The props that exist to kill people emit heavy pressure. He will use--the knife--kill me--?

The pain on the right wrist turned into a paralyzed hot feeling. At this time, a few drops of black liquid flowed from the cuffs of the jacket and the gap between the winter gloves. It felt like blood was flowing endlessly from me. Death at this moment is no longer represented by the values ​​on the Qi and Blood bars, but is presented to me in the truest form.

How can you do this? Exhausting your whole body, you want to roll away and quickly stand up and yell, "You really want to kill!"

"Yes! Stand up. Let me be killed later!"

Talking to me with a knife, I dodged and dodged two people and repeated a stab once by mechanical action, and I evaded him several times.

"Don't you always run away? You are not so incredible in that world? Why are you like a sissy now!"

Speaking again, I stepped back and found that I had been pushed into despair, and my back was already resting on the door of the cold car.

"Do you really understand? A kid like you who only plays games has no use at all. It can be said to be inferior rubbish. Even my future is given to you by this **** ... you should die to me Apologize. There is no end but death. "

After shouting with no frustrating voice, the tactical knife in the right hand held up the weapon in the right hand, and then stabbed the knife towards me without hesitation. This physical pressure and the crazy pressure he radiated made me feel suffocated.


When my head flickered from the sound of a spasm-like sound in my throat, the tip of the tactical knife also rubbed my cheek with a dull metal sound and penetrated deeply into the car's gap.

"Deserves to be a master of the game, so you can predict it!"

With this in her mouth, she raised her right hand again, and the lighting of the street lamp slid over the tip of the knife, drawing an orange trail in the darkness.

Maybe it was inserted into the hard road just now, there was a little gap in the front end of the knife cut surface. But such a flaw makes people feel that this knife is a real weapon, whether it is real or physical. It is not composed of polygons, but is concentrated by compact metal molecules. It's heavy, cold, and truly lethal.

Seeing that he raised the tactical knife again, I immediately rushed out of him, Mo Shaoyan did not respond for a while, I had rushed to the side of the cafeteria door that was five or six meters away and picked up the mop sweeping the floor.

Mo Shaoyan turned and said, "Go to death, kid!" I said nothing, picked up the mop with my left hand, and waved at this guy. The cricket was blinded by the sudden blow, and I went down one by one. And seeing that his steps are in disorder, he jumped the stick from the ground, caught off guard, and jumped around in that jump. The stick swept directly on the bone of the guy, took a blow, and fluttered. The ground fell.

I said, "Stand up! Aren't you trying to kill me? Come on!"

"Ah, ah! Imp!" This guy stood up, raised his right hand and rushed towards me crazy, and I threw the left hand upwards as if being sucked up, and directly grasped the right wrist that waved down. At the same time, I stretched out my right hand and poked my thumb between the loose tie and the depression in my throat.


The sound of a squash of something sounded, and then the whole man leaned back. I turned around, grabbed his right wrist with both hands, and wiped his hands all the way down the wet road. His hand let go with wailing, and the knife fell on the road.

Mo Shaoyan issued a sharp and hoarse roar, preparing to flutter towards the knife. I swiped a whip leg directly on his right leg and slammed him in the face, so that the tactical knife in his hand could not be dropped on the ground, and then I bumped him with his shoulders and returned him to several positions.

"Hey, hey! Has the momentum just got there?" An angry voice leaked from his throat, picking up the tactical knife that he fell to the ground, holding the knife handle in his hand and feeling the cold and hard presence of the knife. It's too thin as a weapon. In addition to insufficient weight, the attack range is also quite short. Nonetheless, it was used to kill this bastard! It is more than enough.

"Are you enlightened?"

After whispering, I suddenly rushed towards Mo Shaoyan, who was sitting on the ground and staring at me.

He grabbed the collar with his left hand and picked him up, pressing him against the box car door. The aluminum body sagged with heavy noise, and he opened his mouth so speechless. And I strove up the knife in his right hand toward his throat-"Gooo ... oooo ..."

I put a tactical knife holder on his neck and said, "Any last words?"

"Stop! Don't kill me!" The goods shuddered.

"Good realistic last words!" Said raising the tactical knife.

"Don't!" The voice made a louder sound than wailing.

"Bye!" After touching the tactical knife, he touched it in front of his neck.

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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