Master Summoner Online

Chapter 776: CA Pioneer

"Principal! Please give me another chance!" Mo Shaoyan knelt in front of Zhao Bo and begged. I waved the knife just now and didn't really touch it on his neck, but made a look, but this guy frightened over. That's when the patrol school guards passed by. So after advanced investigations (not speaking), we were taken to the principal's office. The scene that happened a few minutes ago through the camera was in front of Zhao Bo.

"Hi!" Zhao Bo shook his head and said, "You have made me so disappointed! I think you are here to work in the same classmates you used to be, but you ... not to mention you moved to a hostel tonight , Leave college early tomorrow morning! "

"No! Please, please!" This uncle continued to kneel in front of Zhao Bo and begged.

Zhao Bodao: "It is against the rules and regulations of the college that you control the knife privately. It is even more sinful for you to attack the student with the knife. I can no longer keep you. Take him away!"

Two of Zhao Bo's bodyguards grabbed one of his arms and dragged him away. The guy kept shouting along the way.

After taking this guy away, Zhao Bo said to me sitting on the side: "Are you okay. Go to the infirmary and wash it frequently."

I laughed and said, "Compared to the three I need to go to the infirmary." Pointing to the three guards standing by the door, I was beaten as a pig guard. Of course, I didn't really want to hit them. When they passed by and saw me, I did not pull me away from him but came over and gave me a punch and then added my punches. At that time, I had red-eyes, and it was natural for me to attack this way. Before asking why, let ’s talk about these three guys.

"Okay! It's so late that this kind of thing happened, you go back to rest." Zhao Bo said.

"Some of you, don't be impulsive when you encounter this kind of thing in the future." Zhao Bo faced the three pig-head school guards, and the three of them nodded together and left the principal's room. "I'll go now, Zhao Bo, good night." I smiled a little, and Zhao Bo nodded and returned to the dormitory.

Back to the dormitory, I paid for the dinner before I came to the principal's office.

Back at the dormitory, I saw the MMs come together and said, "What the **** happened?"

"What's going on?"

Xueyue said: "Why did you go so long, and just now a group of people moved the guy's stuff downstairs, and you have to say that it has nothing to do with you, I absolutely don't believe it."

"Yes, yes." Yun Lan nodded desperately aside.

I laughed: "That guy was kicked out by Bo Zhao, why should we talk about it after dinner?"

The MMs nodded, so when I returned to the room, I simply said things and then comforted everyone to go back to the room to rest. I was tired after playing all day. I did not go online at night but took out my notebook to see a very interesting news on the forum!

A list that has been forgotten for many years, "Chinese Association of vanguardrank" for short, 'CA Vanguard', which means 'Hua Xia Guild Pioneer Ranking'. This thing is hung high on the right side of the official website. These characters are the names of the Chinese Association. 1. [Blade of Death] Chairman: Xiao Jiuquan, Vice Chairman: Rainfall, Rainfall Dust.

2. [Scarlet Elite] Chairman: Assassin's Creed, Vice Chairman: Lemon Blossom, Lemon Grass.

3, [War Soul Warriors] Chairman: Lonely singing, Vice-chairman: Night and love, Xu Yu.

4. [Tooth of the Dragon] Chairman: Weiwei Long, Vice Chairman: Magic Moon, Wushuang Storm.

5. [Lingyun Pavilion] Chairman: King's Blade, Vice Chairman: Thunderstorm, Qianji Change.

6. [Canghai Military] Chairman: Affected Shadow, Vice Chairman: Wen Ren Long Peng, Emperor Frozen 7, Chairman of [Rose Night]: Leng Yufei Poetry, Vice Chairman: Killing is not a crime, sound beauty

8. [Darkness of the Twilight] Chairman: Dominating the world, Vice Chairman: Pony, Ghost Demon Sword

9. [Mingshen] President: Shu Tao, Vice President: Nether and Starry Glory.

10, [Feng Yun] President: Feng Yun Tian Xia, Vice President: Feng Yun Jun Shao, Feng Yun shot the sun, I widened my eyes, smiled and looked at the ranking on the screen, this ranking has the Dragon Soul company's certification label is not fake Or player spoof.

Search the details to see that this ranking is a synthesis of the performance of the major guilds until the present. The blood of death is indeed the most powerful old guild. I remember that Fire Dance said that this is the fifth battle of death. At the beginning of the year, the rankings of the first four years have been continuously exchanged in the first and second. This year, the leader of death is again leading. The strength of this guild is nothing to say. It is expected that the first and second two will not be disputed at all.

In addition, the third battle spirit is in loneliness and singing. The peak mage is naturally inferior in strength. The first two are third, and it is beyond reproach. As for what appears to be my fourth dragon tooth, I am quite surprised. .

Next, all the guilds in the guild other than the last one are obvious to all, and the other tenth is probably the guy who broke the money.

Let ’s take a look at Do n’t go to play 撸 撸 结果 later, after playing each of the five sets, everyone was blasted, and when depressed, they turned to Starcraft and went to the ladder to vent their unhappiness.

Searching the ladder received a Zerg, and a TVZ battle began.

My start was a very ordinary house-barracks blocked; at the same time, farmers were sent to scout, and the Zerg was a regular 14D blood pool-Sankai. After that, I chose a single barracks-sub-base-gas mine. The two sides entered a period of operation. At this time, a group of zerg puppies wandered in front of my house and were driven away by my spearmen to fight soy sauce.

After the human race floated the sub-base to the sub-mine, they directly put down three heavy factories and started to turn mechanized. However, for the sake of insurance, I still sprinkled the Zerg base with radar to confirm the opponent's technology and the number of farmers: two in my home during reconnaissance. The heavy factory produces war wolves, in addition to exploding the train and upgrading the deformation technology of the train, so the train can become a train man, and the dogs to deal with are more powerful.

After the population of 92, I came out to engage in the first head-to-head confrontation between my troops and the opponent. I swept a radar before starting the war, but I did not see all the main forces of the Zerg, so I took the risk and took the war wolf and the train man in the bacteria. Zerg fights on the blanket.

I didn't want the other party to operate NB. I successfully wrapped my main force with the puppy. Then the cockroach completed a fatal blow. My first wave of mechanized main force was defeated. In the face of adversity, Brother stubbornly consolidated his own mining and continued to use it. Train harassment, at the same time improve mechanized offensive and defensive, ready for a wave of mechanized head.

While operating, I continued to harass the train and chose to bury the widow mines to strengthen my three mines' defense. When my widow mine blew up a swarm host, I discovered the intention to deal with it. But the next battle I obviously underestimated the strength of the opponent. After eating a mine ambush, the host of the swarm chose to bury it in the distance, use the small locusts produced to set up rally points, and continuously send these free insects to shock me, forcing me to constantly spit radar. This name must be mentioned here The Zerg pays great attention to offense and defense. When the decisive battle at the gate of the third mine took place, this guy ’s small locust was already 2 defenses and 1 attack. The small locust has replaced the cockroach and became the main DPS of the Zerg. Although I defeated the cockroach in the next battle, But when the little locust approached, the group of bulky mechanized units completely became lambs to be slaughtered. After the First World War, my main force was completely destroyed again. In this battle, I did not kill his half of the Swarm Host. Obviously, his Swarm Host was well-preserved.

Late period: I constantly sent mines and trains and harassed the Zerg's main and sub-mines. However, I still couldn't save my disadvantage, and this guy exploded a group of flying dragons. My mechanization was stunned, and then a wave of Thor was gritted from the last resource with the last resource. The 7 heavy factory violent soldiers hoped for a miracle. But the miracle didn't happen in the end. The guy went from the upper right A to the lower left, directly A into a line, and all the efforts were turned into nothing. In the end, he could only helplessly play GG.

Hi! I took a breath and took a sip of cold water, but I was choked if I drank it! NND, people do not get lucky to drink cold water and have their teeth plugged. After adjusting my mindset, I am playing a game.

The second game was a dawning TVP map. I got off to a good start. After dropping the BS and BB, SCV went out to explore the road. After seeing that the opponent was a naked double, I also dropped my own base and went to the single BB. Double turn to 3BB route. In this game, I noticed that the scout gunmen were walking around the map and caught a single hunt. I screamed, "Monster, where do you run?" After pulling a bunch of gunmen, I chased them up, hoping to kill the hunt. However, I did not expect that there was an ambush on the road. When I passed the watchtower, I killed a hunter and two forks from the side. I burst into tears and only killed one hunter. Talk to your opponent.

Seeing this, I knew what packages were waiting for him. I quickly erected the bunker at the intersection of No. 2 mine and installed two soldiers for airdrops. The reaction of the opponent was also quite fast. I sent the two soldiers and ran into them. A group of hunters and forks donated without hitting anything.

After learning the last lesson, I couldn't panic to stabilize, so the two sides entered into a harmonious development time. Although this protoss had the idea of ​​a large force to push forward, I was sent by a death squad to detect it, so he didn't let his tricks succeed. Then the pressure was over, and the two sides began to carry 200 people at home.

I sent a death squad to scout and found that this guy finally could n’t bear the loneliness and took four colossus to prepare for a showdown with me. I came to the door of my house and did n’t forget to make a bad one. The sentinel ’s energy changed instantly. After the illusion of the five colossus, he rushed up aggressively.

However, he made all the bad moves after brother spread the god's radar. Waiting for the opponent's troops to get to the intersection of the second mine, ordered all the biochemical troops to beat the blood and rushed up.

With the Protoss against A, my ground loss was a bit big in a battle, and it was difficult to rely on the bald brother I just produced to force the Protoss troops back. The two sides could say that they were fighting hard.

After the battle, this guy seemed too greedy. The frontline crystal brushed out a new batch of hunting and was ready to destroy my three mines. This can still be tolerated. I do n’t want to decisively send all the farmers of the three mines to cooperate with the bald brother to catch the hunt After going out to fight back, he did not give him a chance to breathe. All troops mounted transport planes. After a large-scale airdrop landing, the goal was very clear, which was the crystal of the Protoss. When the crystal was stunned, the Protoss troops were late, but it was too late. The hunters were not the opponents of the bald brothers and sisters. When the main protoss were dried up, the Protoss Had to play GG.

I also breathed a sigh of relief, this battle can be described as: I have the general SCV why fear 200 people of the Protoss.

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