Master Summoner Online

Chapter 779: Shark Assault

Dense ships lined up on the edge of the coast. Behind them, a crowd of black players came over and boarded the ship. The quality of the players who participated in the expedition was very good, methodical, and no chaos occurred.

One million people boarded the ship, and the system was filled with 1,200 battleships!

Our five guilds gathered, plus other guilds or free players, this ship looks very large, and knows little before and after, because there are not only players on the ship but also a lot of NPC sailors.

Because the players gathered much faster than they expected, the system decided to set off and set off. It was originally expected to leave at 13 o'clock for 9 o'clock.

After a while on board the ship, the bell of the voyage rang, thousands of warships left the port, and the expedition officially started. How many people can return triumphantly after the battle, the warships slowly set sail, and thousands of warships left in a hurry. The coast is full of our hopes, and whether we can protect the land depends on whether we can defeat our opponents in this expedition.

Going up to the deck, watching the thousands of warships form a magnificent battle, riding the wind and waves on the sun-drenched sea, people looking on the deck, there really is a very full sense of security, and even a hallucination that is unique to me.


The waves beating the iron armor under the warships and making a "cracking" sound. These warships are not ordinary warships. They are all covered with iron armor. They are very hard and the warships are also equipped with expensive magic guides and ship-mounted cannons. , And GM equipped with ordinary artillery, hooks, ladders, iron cables and other tools, can let players feel free to use, of course, these things are technical work. This series of conditions of use must be purchased from the captain of this battleship, and all evil game companies do not forget to exploit the players.

Ocean navigation is a very dangerous thing, whether it is a reality or a game. There are countless dangers in the boundless sea, unpredictable storms, unseen vortices and undercurrents, and in addition to those in the game there are countless unknown violent monsters, which are enough to destroy the risky ships. People died.

However, these dangers are not worth mentioning in front of such a magnificent fleet. storm? Vortex? undercurrent? Do you think that those things are more than a hundred meters long, twenty meters wide, thirty meters high, and ships weighing up to ten tons? As for monsters, there are tens of thousands of high-end NPCs from all over China in each ship, and a powerful NPC team composed of no fewer than high-end NPCs.

The blue sky, the seabirds flying overhead, the salty sea breeze from time to time, everything is so refreshing, of course, soaring in the air, the unknown seabirds make a sharp hissing sound, many players with itchy hands begin The seabirds in the air are constantly chasing each other for fun. The warship chopped waves and rushed to the depths of the South China Sea. At the same time, I took out the display and released a reconnaissance device. This battle can carry my own station like a siege battle. The internal team participates in the battle, but I do n’t want to. My Protoss troops are all puppets, and I do n’t want to keep their fighting power in front of the world. I have to use natural forces to fight national warfare or as a last resort. This book is not written as long as the National War. As a last resort, such things are likely to happen in the future. Looking at the display instrument watching the surroundings at any time by hanging on the aerial reconnaissance, the big map was blue, and there was no trace of strangeness. Only our thousands of warships were densely packed on the big map. Of course, such a small point is nothing compared to the vast sea.

A five-star red flag fluttered high on the bow.

Shu Tao stood beside me and said, "Judging from our departure time, we will return to the Southern Islands in about one hour in real time. How do you plan to fight this battle?"

I shook my head: "I don't know yet, as long as they dare to come, beat them up!"

Shu Tao smiled: "I really miss your style, yes, now I can only take one step at a time."


After three hours of game time, our large fleet entered the deep sea, and the news came through the scout. The display finally saw the South China Sea archipelago. The southern archipelago looked from the air like a butterfly lying on the beautiful sea. This small The island covers an area of ​​square kilometers, and the island is all mountainous terrain. At this time, the angle of view of the detector clearly shows that our fleet is near the "butterfly wings" of the southeast corner.

At this time, I saw a row of black objects flying from the island towards us. I saw these guys through the reconnaissance are all kinds of monsters. I shouted: "Monsters are coming!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! All personnel are ready to fight! Ready to fight!"

Players who have already been unable to bear themselves have stood around the deck to prepare for the abyss monster.


"Brother! Appear! The monsters of the abyss have appeared, so many!" Long Xin said with a staff, pointing at a distance, the pretty face could not tell whether it was panic or excitement.

The voice of the King's Blade said on the Guild Channel: "Never fire, each ship has limited ammunition and very limited lethality, and then attack within close range!"

"Relying on this guy, I really think of myself as the commander in chief of the three armed forces." Lao Niu said.

I said, "He's right, ammunition is the same energy as a limited magic cannon, and a rash attack will only waste firepower."

"The beast **** is right. This is just a small group of troops. Our firepower is used for landing operations." Leng Yufei said.

Everyone held their breath, and in front of them, a dense crowd of monsters approached quickly.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the whole hull of our battleship suddenly shook. Standing on the boat waiting for the player, especially the magician archer, suddenly fell a large area.

"Why, what's the matter, have you encountered a reef?" The person who said this probably has a wealth of navigation experience, but how big is the reef that can hit a warship like ours to make it cause such a large shake.

"There are monsters! There are monsters in the sea!" A player pointed at the sea and shouted, and saw the huge heads in the water in front of them leaning out their heads, sharks! As long as you are looking at them, countless sharks are gushing out of the water. These sharks are not one species, but many species. And each shark is five or six meters long, of which there are more than ten meters of super-large sharks.

"These shark monsters are monsters in the sea, not monsters in the abyss!" Someone said.

"How can even ordinary monsters come together so much." Looking at these thousands of great white sharks, it is inevitable that people will be a little scared.

"Bang!" The battleship shook again, and saw several sharks with heads more than ten meters long that hit the ship's hull together like a hammerhead. It is puzzling that these super-large white sharks seem to be under command, and their attacks on the warships are issued at the same time. Not only that, they also formed several columns and launched attacks on the warships in turn.

"Kill this group of sharks! Don't keep them from hitting our battleship!"

"Attack! Don't make this group of seafood too arrogant!"

The players on board will naturally not allow these unscrupulous attacks. Under the cover of the warriors, the magicians and archers had begun to attack.

Countless high-level magics were overwhelming to the crazy seafood in an instant, and the light emitted by these high-level magics made the sky colorful. Since the opponent is in the sea, the magic of the fire system has little effect on them, so this group of guys can only go to the cold bench. The fire system breaks other attributes, but it can release the high-level magic of the three systems of light, wind, thunder, and ice. The earth system helps protect the warship on the one side. The use of thunder magic has a bonus damage to the creatures in the water, so among the magicians who stand out, the thunder magic is the most. Of course, there is still loneliness among these magicians. This all-powerful mage exists under these overwhelming high-level magic blows! Thousands of monsters were rushed to sharks and were instantly wiped out. Just after extinction for a little while, a large group of sharks emerged again.

Fire Phoenix said in front of his fingers: "All the archers aimed, volley, let go!"

"Hmm ..."

Countless arrows of rain left our battleship and flew straight to the sea. At the same time, thunder, hurricanes, and ice fell in the sky, and the sharks in the water smashed into the water. In the blink of an eye, a lot of monsters fell down. With countless long-range monsters fighting back, water cannons, ice cones, and other attacks hit the front of a knight's shield.

I also summoned Gatling Blast Dragons! The machine gun was raised, and the noisy electromagnetic sound rang softly, and the six black barrels began to rotate rapidly under the driving of electromagnetic force.

Click! Click! Click!

The front end of Green's machine gun suddenly spewed a dazzling flame of fire tongue. More than thirty shark monsters were smashed in the sea and their bodies were completely broken.

"Ahhh!" A scream screamed, and I turned around to see that the body of a warship not far away was knocked out of the big hole, followed by this heavy blow in a row, and the original crumbling hull was suddenly It was torn and countless screams came. Nearly a thousand players fell into the water, leaving only the struggle and calling for help. As soon as the player fell down, the surrounding shark monsters swarmed over immediately, and the fate of those who fell into the water can be imagined.


At the same time, throughout the front, the ship ’s bombardment sounded endlessly. Obviously someone could not bear the loneliness and began to attack with the ship ’s gunfire. The magic storms of players on the deck repeated, and the sound of sea killing was soaring!

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