Master Summoner Online

Chapter 780: Dementor

One after another, high-level magic was cast from the magician's hands, and it was overwhelmed by sharks.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A loud explosion came from the sea!

"Magic way! Get the ship to shore and prepare to land!" I yelled loudly and immediately the ship started to move forward. Not only was I moving forward, but the surrounding warships also started to move forward.

While advancing the magic element energy on the ship, it instantly covered the entire sea area, blue and white lightning strikes, blue ice crystal thorns, blue whirlwind knives and earthy meteorites were released by a large number of senior magicians. Come out and attack the nasty sharks. Bows and arrows opened the bowstrings by hand, and arrows surrounded by various energies shot out strange piles. They could easily hit the target without any aiming. The soldiers at the forefront protected the magicians and archers.

The countless number of red injuries has gathered on the sea into another ocean. Although there are many sharks, the defense is not very low and they continue to fight back, but there is no room to fight back under the combined attack of millions of players. . Moreover, this group of guys only know that a swarm of bees are coming over, and they can only be slaughtered by the players who have been prepared. They have contributed a lot of experience.

"Electromagnetic thunderstorm!" "Lightning storm!" "Wind-blade dance!" Countless magics have been enveloped again, monsters in the sea and killed seven or eighty-eight, just less than a minute after players kill these seafood when. The abyss monsters flying from the island in the air, this group of abyss monsters are two meters tall with a pair of wings on their backs, a human head that looks a bit ugly, and their skin is as dry as bark.

Those ordinary seafood monsters that can only be in the sea and such flying abyss monsters are completely two concepts. The first battleship was caught off guard for the first time, and was attacked by this group of monsters in the first place. Monsters, their fate can be imagined.

The monsters are not satisfied with attacking a ship. At this moment, more monsters are flying over the sky toward the large fleet behind. I took the opportunity to scan with golden eyes-Dementor, level 139, enhanced monsters. Introduction: Dementor is an abyss. Monsters produced using a mix of Treant's body and the monster's genes, and have also been added with a flight function, allowing them to come and go more freely on the battlefield, and the dementor also inherits the magic stealing ability of the monster , Steal the magic value on the target to strengthen yourself.

I shared the information in the public channel of all players. The dragon gun was thrown out and turned into a red dragon. It was written off and hit the front of a dementor. The red dragon's attack was in addition to the dragon claw and the tail. One more biting action was added. This dementor was hit by the red dragon and was bitten by the red dragon after being hit by the dragon's claws. The body suffered five injuries. The entire body was bitten and broken by the red dragon. The debris fell into the sea and became food for the sharks.

Seeing the dementors rushing towards the large fleet, they used attack magic. The magicians have replaced the prepared attack magic with defensive magic. At the same time, the artillery on the battleship was also launched into the air, and the archers also launched their longbow, crossbow gun, and crossbow against the air.

I saw the colorful magical barriers unfolding in front of me. Although the magicians didn't breathe, the fighting power of the abyss monsters was not a joke. I am afraid that no one in the field can stop this group of monsters on their own. However, with so many advanced defense barriers, it should be possible for the monsters to take the first round of offense.

However, the plan was always unable to keep up with the changes. What I never expected was that this group of dementors was not intended to directly attack the players on the battleship. The group of dementors gathered in front of the battleship group and formed a neat line. . Although they don't know what they want to do, the players naturally cannot let them attack them as they wish. Many dementors are dropped by volleys, but more dementors line up and dive down like arrows.

Dozens of foremost dementors hit all sorts of magical barriers in front of this battleship at the same time.

Almost instantly, these magical barriers were shattered like paper. The dementor herds that had broken through the magical barrier showed terrible lethality. They slammed onto the deck heavily, and players who stood densely and almost instantaneously suffered different degrees of damage. There are still a lot of people who were directly out into the sea because they were too far away. In the sea full of sharks, their fate will not be said any more, and a **** storm was set off on the deck at this moment.

The damage figures on the monsters and the player's damage numbers complement each other, and the entire group channel has become a mess. Many presidents of the guild have desperately issued various contradictory orders, and the collective channel is full of cursing and asking for help.

Although the group of commanders has been messed up, players now believe that they judge by comparison with the commanders who have messed up. My ship just shouted "Slay the monsters!" It's that simple In a word, too many complicated commands now have the opposite effect. The soldiers on the ship have also started to clean up the dementors that fell on the ship. Under the attack of these elite warriors, the dementors that fell to the deck were corpses one by one.

But the dementor's combat power is not weak, and the huge palms have sharp claws frantically scratching it. Not to mention that they also spray a light blue beam of light from the mouth. I see a dementor's beam of light covering a magician. Suddenly, the mage was shrouded, and the dementor was sucking water like a giant whale. I do n’t know what to absorb. After the beam of light dissipated, this originally living man fell down like a scalp. All the essence was swallowed by the dementor.

This dementor's attack method is really weird. It can resist the attacks of this group of people. Only the soldiers with high defense ability and the fighters with the blood of the inferior soldiers can barely support it, but they also dare not let them. Just do hard work with this group of dementors. The magician can only hide in the cabin at this moment. This group of dementors obviously deals with the existence of magicians. The magic resistance scares people and their skills are difficult to hit other professions. Spikes, but playing a magician is exactly like killing one without a word. This is simply a shame to the magician who has just flirted. But there is no way to make someone a magician's nemesis.

The magician warriors, the fighters, and the summoner's summoned monsters desperately resisted the dementors that rushed forward, and many archer players retreated in terror. After a brief panic, everyone also calmed down, opened the bowstring to cover the players in front, and the priests also treated the patients in a wide range without any difference. Those who had less blood would add players regardless of whether they were an organization or not. Gives a pretty good killing effect.

These endangered players gave other people a good demonstration role. After retreating for a long distance, most of the players finally calmed down and started an orderly counterattack.

After a period of chaos, the players of the expedition have stabilized their positions. Although the attack of this group of dementors caused more than a hundred casualties, this is only the case of my ship, but as the players stand firmly The counterattack is becoming more and more effective. As new monsters no longer appear on the coast, in the long run, it will be necessary to wipe out these vicious dementors and sharks in the sea. The big fleet finally broke through the sea monsters and Block the abyss monster blocking.

Close to the island, the fleet dispersed when approaching the island, it is not realistic to compare so many of our warships landing in the same place.

"I can't wait!"

"Get ready, get ready, everyone!"

"Blast them and let these little devils eat shit!"

The players roared with excitement, one landing ship immediately battled the ship, and the gunfire on the battleship roared. The ammunition saved by the other side of the abyss had previously saved ammunition, and now the brain blasted over the coastline to cover the landing ship landing. The opposite party also controlled the shore battery to bombard the landing fleet.

As soon as the two sides fought, the battle became fierce.

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