Master Summoner Online

Chapter 786: Berserker

After beheading the man, she stole her explosive gear and threw it into her backpack to continue. After being killed by me, the other party must also get the news of her teammate's death at the same time. She should be ready to send someone to deal with me, of course not. for sure.

The more coming to me, the better, and the more goals I attract, the better it will be for us.

Turn on the electric light fire and run wild in the forest, in order not to leave their vision and not to move around, but also to find the location of the cherry blossom screen hiding somewhere around.

But in the forest, I could n’t find it. Even when I came to the edge of the mist, I did n’t see it. The temperature of the surrounding mist dropped a lot, and more than ten people were killed in the team. Not going.

Thinking of turning around and returning to the fog here, another round of thermal scanning showed that there was a separate figure about thirty meters in front of me.

Seeing this situation immediately leaned back to hide behind a big tree and saw through perspective. I have a disc sitting in front of me on the ground. This person is surrounded by a thick white gas. The eye of the fire scanned this guy to be a 107-level The mage level is very low and the equipment is very strong. The weapon, robes and shoes are all platinum equipment, and this guy also scans the pet of this guy. This pet is the foggy ghost. That's right, this guy is the cherry blossom screen.

Very good, I found it, and at this moment the opponent is facing away from me. Now, attacking is more advantageous to me. It should be successful, so I quietly entered the past. In order not to attack the snake, I did not choose a remote attack. After all, my remote attack The momentum is very huge, but You Longbu approached the dragon arm to emerge and use melee attacks. This guy is just a mage. As long as I hit this guy, he will definitely die.

As soon as I rushed up to the target, a figure suddenly burst out, and this guy showed a single palm after he appeared, and screamed, "Hanfeng's Palm! (Translation: Hanfeng Palm)"


The cyan whirlwind flew up and collided with the dragon arm. I immediately suffered a strong wind. The whole person pushed forward for ten meters and reluctantly stopped by the dragon gun.

"Screen, あ な た か ら 変 え る と こ ろ で は, こ い つ を target に し て い る あ な た (translation: screen, you change a place first, this guy's target is you.)" The man flashed into the distance without flashing back, this goods haha Laughed and said, "Private! (Translation: I'm on!)"

Speaking of it, he rushed up, very fast. I immediately started the attack, but the five thousand long-lasting shields were instantly destroyed and disappeared. I did n’t even turn over the white dragon shield time and spit out blood.


My blood strip was shortened by a large moment, and a horrible damage figure floating above my head—12948!

After I fell out, I quickly stood up and saw a thick blue sword in front of me, holding a dark blue giant sword, and my fire eyes scanned his information—level 119, violent guard, equipment: meaningless Set (Dark Gold), Deep Sea Dark Sword (Dark Gold) elsewhere.

"Tricky guy." Sighing sighing, it really is the key to this battle against our cherry blossom screen. It seems that when I killed the cherry blossom thunder, I guessed that I was leaving the team not to escape but to find the cherry blossom screen. And kill him, all of them must have arranged a master to protect that cherry blossom wind screen. When I thought about it, the goods rushed up, and the action of the giant sword in his hands was as fast as lightning. I don't want to step back immediately. A weird smile appeared on the face of the full moon dance, and he suddenly waved a long sword. Turned into an ice sword over ten meters long, and a magnificent chopped down!


The ice and snow were flying, but I still drove away dangerously, but the big trees in the back were swept away by this record and swept out of a vacuum zone. If this guy's powerful attack power is placed in the army just now It was enough to kill a lot of people.

After flashing back, it was a self-respect. When the skill started the cube face before the big mouth was merged, who had thought that this product responded very fast, and launched the charge ability almost at the moment when the ego-respect appeared, not only perfectly avoided The only self-respect.

Even came to me like a gust of wind, waving a sword!

—12934—12383 The two damages are skipped. If I had n’t replenished the potion before, this combo would kill me directly.


He drank a low voice and even summoned while flying back and swallowing a series of potions. The two wolf empires descended and swooped on this guy, followed by a thunderstorm on my armor.

The scales that store violent electrical energy, but did not expect this one-arm, the arm immediately turned into a huge blue light curtain covering him, greatly reducing the damage suffered, obviously a very effective Defensive skills! The attack of the two wolf empires was also bounced by this light curtain.

At this moment, a transparent energy claw was transfigured outside the palm of the hand, and the shield of the light curtain was instantly torn, followed by the oblique shot of the cyan flame burning on the dragon gun's blade at a tricky angle. The abdomen of this rage guard!


The violent defender hummed, but had no time to resist, and was directly broken by a single hit!


—17842 The defense of this item is too thick. Although it doesn't cause much damage in one blow, it is amazing to deal with his highly defensive human barrier to break the lethality!

After receiving a shot from me, this violent guardian kept backing down, I did n’t entangle it, and slap the horse away. At the same time, he waved his hand, and the two wolf lords rushed up, clawing at this guy and biting away this guy's blood Then, this guy waved a huge sword angrily, a set of battered wolf emperor was killed, and the other side fell down without support.

"Red Dragon growls!"

There was a long scream of dragons that caused the earth to shake, and the dragon gun turned into a red dragon, and then turned back down, facing the violent guardian below, a pair of dragon claws continued!

—9703—9738 With a double click, this guy is reduced by a third. At this moment, when the red dragon is about to bite, the violent guardian suddenly shouts, holding the sword in both hands and violently towards the red dragon. Wield a sword air, this sword air is not ordinary sword air, there is a feeling of a thousand miles away, obviously a stroke swept down the red dragon since it was directly beaten back in this sword air!

Just between the flashes of light, I have thrown a single-handed dragon gun back into my hand. Then, the ice and snow were cut for three consecutive times, and the blood-stained dragon gun left two bloodstains on his chest! Why was there only two hits by this guy because of the last hit.

—10720—10287 What amazes me is that the blood of this violent guardian is still about one third!

Damn it, the armor defense and blood volume of his body are obviously only high or low, otherwise there won't be such high blood! In a sense, the equipment of this Berserker is not inferior to me, and the defense is better than me! But think about it. After all, even if I have concentrated on training, I can't match the growth of the pure warrior department, and it is naturally better to hide the growth of professional attributes.

A smirk flickered at the corner of the Berserker's mouth. The sword that was determined to be rushed, the sword flying in his hand, and Xia with a fierce wind howling. However, I also laughed, throwing a water whip backhand, the water whip caught him instantly And entangled it, while the dragon arm burned with a cyan flame, suddenly turned into a cyan flame giant sword!

"The annihilation of barriers!"

—48044 A large number of injuries flew from the front of the Rage Defender's head and was killed!

However, the moment the violent guard fell to the ground, a golden light fell on him from the sky. Now that this guy is standing up again, "I'm leaning! Laugh!" My voice didn't fall, and a whole body of turquoise was covered with spikes. Strange snake and beast, with a strange roar, Xia rushed towards me, and the raging guardian who just resurrected also roared, soaring into the sky, holding the great sword with both hands, holding the giant sword and spinning in the air. At the same time, as a cyclone appeared, the entire person formed a huge wind column, rolled around, and in the wind column, you can see the sharp wind blade.

"White Dragon Shield!"

The shield with the blue-eyed and white dragon sculpted in the body. At the same time, the man rushed into the pillar of wind, summoning the power of death with both hands and assisting the arm's skills on the claws of the white dragon. The flash of lightning was cast in front of the violent guardian , His hands turned into dragon claws, followed by energy explosion, launching bombardment.

"Boom" two explosions, followed immediately, two air waves exploded, flesh flew instantly, and I would always have about 2,000 points of attack power with my bare hands, and the auxiliary arm added a thousand other fighting soul effects with my free hand attack power Doubling, plus 1500 points of constant damage from the power of death, and the ability to upgrade to master-level energy explosion, dragon claws and grapple guns, the power and horror damage generated at this moment can be imagined.

This guy was blown up with flesh and blood, his skills were interrupted stiffly, and there were two more slap holes in his body. At the same time, he didn't know when to go around the turquoise python behind him. When I caught it, I was caught off guard by opening his **** mouth, biting his left arm severely, and his body was swimming. He immediately entangled my body, and immediately began to shrink and entangle it, trying to twist me into flesh. foam.

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