Master Summoner Online

Chapter 787: Assassin girl

For a moment, I felt very heavy, followed by a bad breath, and I was completely restrained by this python, and I couldn't do anything.

This python asked me for a bite!

"Ding ~! You have been affected by Biphotoxin and become weak for one minute ~!"

Powerless? !! Since there is still such a strange state, it really made him say that I was suddenly weak all over. Not only that, since I was silent, this weak state was too terrible, and I stopped struggling on the spot. Although this state made me lose most of my mobility. When it does not prevent me from drinking medicine, but this evil python made me already weak. My actions have become even more miserable. I still have my left hand that can be slightly moved and look into the waist dimension. Just put it in the backpack The potion can be taken out, but when I grabbed the potion, I suddenly felt a fear that I couldn't get the potion into my mouth.

"huh huh huh huh……"

There was a sharp laughter in my ears, and the violent guardian who had been knocked down before me stood up again. This guy was sweating at the moment, and the two holes in his chest were still bleeding slowly there. The whole body twisted and laughed at me bound by a python. The mad joy that he had seen before appeared in his deep white eyes.

"Wooha! Huh! Huh ha ha ha!"

The fury guard looked at the sky and laughed as if he could not bear it anymore.

You come to this guy with a smile and you change the sword into a two-handed sword, wrinkle the bridge of your nose, purs your lips, and pierce my right arm with the tip of the sword. Then, as if you were going to cut it open, you made two or three turns inside.


Suddenly a severe pain came. This weird irritation spread a strange displeasure across the body. When the sword ran into my arm, the blood volume also dropped slightly but surely.

This **** state hasn't passed yet, this one minute is really the longest minute I have read.

I grit my teeth and endured, waiting for the moment when my body was free.

The Berserker pulled out his sword and stabbed into my left foot. The pain felt like a current running all over the body, and the damage value was relentlessly added to me.

This guy stared straight at me as he stunned. With the words of the bird I couldn't understand, my hands kept raising the two-handed sword with the relentless flash of light and continued to cut the second and third times, and each sword did make my blood gradually decrease.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" This guy is completely crazy and screaming, as the sword tip is sent into the body little by little, the blood strips are gradually shortening at a certain rate. Land tossing finally fell below 50%. But at this time I have not recovered from the paralysis. The whole body started to get cold gradually, and the **** of death climbed from the bottom of my feet with cold air.

Although this is not the first time I have hung up. But it also hanged. I definitely don't want to pull the sword out of my feet and then pierce my belly. Qi and blood have been greatly reduced, and have reached less than 10% of the dangerous area, but I feel that it is completely irrelevant. As I was tortured by the sword, my thoughts broke into an opaque path, and my consciousness seemed to be covered with a thick and heavy gauze, and suddenly a strong fear struck me.


I opened my eyes and broke the dragon's arm out, spreading the dragon's mouth and biting the blade of this guy's stab in my abdomen, so that I tried my best to slowly pull the sword out of the abdomen. At this time, only about 10% of the blood was left.

The Berserker said in astonishment: "よ ... よ? He よ, more than strength? (Translation: oh ... oh? What, since there is still strength?)"

"This guy like you wants to kill me!"

"Ha! わ は は! そ う, こ の ま ま! (Translation: ha! Wow ha ha! Yes, that's what it looks like!)

The Berserker screamed like a weird bird, added his body weight to the sword, and the python became more entangled. I supported it with the dragon arm's death. The system is now calculating the power comparison between me and the Berserker, and a bunch of complex correction effects.

The final result-the sword tip fell slowly and surely again, and I fell into a terror and despair.

Is that so far?

Am I really killed here? So put an end to humiliation on this expedition

I desperately resisted the approaching sword point and the despair in my heart.

"Dead ......... dead! (Translation; die! Die!)"

The Berserker shouted with a sharp voice.

The killing intention in the coat of dark gold metal dropped one centimeter to one centimeter. Finally, the tip of the sword touched the body-then stabbed in slightly ...

At this moment, suddenly a gust of wind blew.

"He ... か ……! (Translation: what ... what ...!)"

The violent guard raised his head with a scream of surprise, his body seemed to be hit hard, and he immediately flew out with a sword. I stared silently at the person flying down to my eyes.

"Catch up ... It's dangerous to catch up ... Beast God, are you okay ..." A beautiful voice sounded, and then a burly python flashed a burly body, and suddenly the python was chopped into a hundred. The sound of eighty paragraphs sounds comparable to the sound of angels flapping their wings. In front of me is a female warrior with a black close-fitting leather armor. This set of leather armor is also very elegant. The smooth flowing lines constitute the chest protector shell. It is like a crescent moon that encloses the girl's twin peaks. And, this assassin The girl's body is very hot, and she will never look at Xueyue and Yunlan quickly, eh! Now it's not like this time, the assassin girl opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Alive? Are you still alive, Beast God?"

"Well ... I'm alive and well, but I die so easily."

I was surprised by what I heard, and my husky and weak voice answered. The assassin girl nodded, took out the pink crystal from her pocket with her right hand, and put her left hand on my chest and shouted "Reply!". The crystal shattered immediately, and my whole body returned to its heyday in one breath. After the Assassin girl confirmed that I had recovered, she whispered to me, "Wait for me ... it's over ..."

Then he stood up, pulled out a short sword and walked forward with graceful movements.

The Rage Guardian, who became her target, managed to stand up at this time. After confirming who was coming, he widened his eyes.

"Nuwa private harbour! (Translation: woman! How dare to hinder me!)" He shouted with his two-handed sword, but he was just taking the first step. The assassin girl had come to him and flashed her right hand, and the sword tip ran across his face!


The fury guard covered his mouth with one hand, and then the purple damage value above his head popped up. He tilted his head backwards and paused for a while. When he raised his head back, his face was already full of anger and disgust.

"あ な た の こ の 臭 い ... (Translation: girl you stinky woman ...)" But this sentence can't be finished. By the time the Assassin Girl had launched a raging attack.

"Sword Blade Dance!" Assassin girl fluttered her body and disappeared in front of the Rage Guardian. When the Rage Guardian reacted, the Assassin Girl's short sword had made an intimate contact with his back neck. After he turned back, he was hit again.

Although the Berserker is desperate to fight with his two-handed sword, he is not the opponent of this Assassin girl at all. I saw countless rays of assassin girl's sword dragging in the air, constantly cutting and running through his body at a terrifying speed. Moreover, each time the attack is changed, the opponent knows where the attack track is, even if he does not know where the opponent is. I can only stare blankly at the angel in black waving his sword like a dance.

It's too beautiful. Exquisite positioning, shaking black hair, entangled with the flames of anger, chasing the enemy expressionlessly is extremely beautiful.

"Ah! Whoa!"

The violent guardian had begun to panic at this time, and the sword in his hand was not touching the assassin girl half. I saw that his blood volume was obviously less and less, and the blood volume quickly fell below 10%. The whole person sat on the ground and threw the sword in his hands, and shouted with both hands: "は, は い!ら な ら な い で し た (Translation: OK, OK! I see! It's a loss! Don't hit it!) "

Then lie directly on the ground. The Assassin girl ignored him, and then she slowly raised her dagger and replaced it with a backhand sword. The originally relaxed right hand began to force, raising the dagger a few centimeters, ready to stab at the back of the violent guard kneeling on the ground in one breath.

As soon as the short sword was about to fall in the hands of the assassin girl, the body of the assassin girl suddenly froze, as if an intangible thing had entangled her.

"Hey ah ah ah ah!"

The kneeling fury guard did not know when he had picked up the two-handed sword again, and waved up with the sudden strange scream.

The metal sound of the short sword and the two-handed sword collided, and the short sword was immediately ejected.


There was a brief wailing, and the assassin girl who was out of balance flashed a metal light on her head.

"甘 い と か (translation: too naive!)"

The Berserker roared wildly, and the sword in his hand did not hesitate to emit a dark red effect while waving it down.


I growled. After finally lifting the damned right foot and kicking it to the ground, he flew forward for a few meters, then blocked the Rage Guardian's sword with a mighty power, and used the Dragon Walk to pass directly through the obstacle.

"It's going to change me!" The face door and eyebrows took a hard hit. There was about 200 points of injury floating on the head of this cargo, followed by another boxer, and also with full body strength, he blasted him fiercely, knocking him down to the ground. I sat down on him directly. He threw a severe punch again.

Stepping on his arms with his feet made him unable to move at all. He could only watch his face and punch him with one punch. He saw that the remaining amount of blood had already fallen, and then he suffered more than a dozen punches. Then the guy's head finally couldn't resist the attack of the fist. At last, the energy explosion exploded his head into a ball of rotten meat.

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