Master Summoner Online

Chapter 793: Mystery man

Above the coordinates before returning, Nirvana was standing and waiting for me at this moment.

"Brother!" Nirvana waved to me in the air.

I also waved my hand to lower the back, and the wings behind my back retracted, "Nye is alright."

"Brother is, it's okay," Nirvana said.

I laughed: "Of course it's fine."

"Brother, what about the two older sisters?" Nirvana looked around and said.

I patted my head, and forgot the Black God, so the soul teleported. The magician turned the blue flash, and the Black God made a magic fist out of the magic array and held up to me: "The master is too much. People are in that kind of place! "

I smiled: "Sorry, sorry." Even apologized. At the same time, I looked at the situation of Tianzhao. At this moment, she was awake, and she was awake faster than I needed to. She called a ring finger to summon the magic circle to appear, and Tian Zhao lightly jumped out of the circle.

Nirvana's eyes narrowed, I stretched out my five fingers and shook him in front of him: "What's wrong?"

It took me a long time to return to God and say, "I also want to summon the beast like the big brother."

I looked at Tianzhao and laughed, "She can't find anything."

Hei Shinto: "The host shouldn't stay here for a long time. Let's go. The Japanese should be coming soon."


So the three immediately left the place and headed for the predetermined coordinates of the meeting. The fire dance on the road sent a message: "Dragon Spirit, did Dragon Spirit hear it?"

I immediately took the passage: "I'm okay to hear you."

"I'm fine, with your wife, big and small." Fire dance laughed.

I smiled bitterly: "What is my wife?"

"Xueyue and Yun Lan aren't your big and small wives? Right, who do you plan to make bigger?" Fire Dance asked with great interest.

I said helplessly, "Well, let's say something about the scriptures."

Fire Dance: "So what are you serious about?"

I said, "You contacted me, how do I know what you want to say?"

Fire Dance said: "I want to say that the monster not only attacked us."

"What consciousness?" I asked.

Fire Dance: "The monster that just received the news also attacked other teams, breaking up more than half of the expeditionary forces, most of them scattered to various parts of the archipelago. Others are up. It is said that someone was thrown abroad and it was funny. "

"Um, then there are situations besides this."

"The Japanese players are said to have sent players to the islands to destroy our scattered teams one by one, so you need to be more careful." Fire Dance Road.

"Well, I know, you have to be more careful," I said.

"Good luck to you then, bye."


Nirvana shouted at this moment: "There is something in front of the big brother!" Going forward, I saw a lush jungle, close to some but saw a Chinese assassin player rolled out of the tall grass, this person was lying in blood all over The ground panted, and after this man jumped out two players, a knight, a swordsman, and two men with flags on their heads, they knew that they were two Japanese players.

The spear in one of the knights was stabbed to the ground as the assassin stabbed and stabbed. According to his current injuries, this ordinary shot was enough to kill him. Before I raised the gun, the dragon gun in my hand broke the barrier and the other spear and me Dragon guns staggered and stabbed each other—1062-19223 This knight was clearly frightened. Even if the knight's attack power was low, he would not injure a thousand early injuries, but the other party killed his nearly 20,000 health. .

"Fast knife!"

A huge steel blade descended, sprinting across his body from top to bottom, bringing out great damage figures, blood splashing, and the knight turned straight and was cut in half and hung up.

The other person wanted to leave, but didn't want Nirvana the giant wolf to bite his head with a bite, and then crushed his head with force.


Looking back, the dark **** Tianzhao has lifted the **** assassin up against a big tree. I used air therapy to restore some endurance for him. Looking at the **** Chinese assassin in front of me, he asked: "Brother ,Are you OK?"

The assassin replied with some mental backs: "Be careful. There is the guild in front of you ... ghost!"

I asked, "What is that ghost?"

The assassin gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of humiliation and tears, and said: "The ghost is the fourth guild of Yamato Ward. It is very strong. We have found an ambush by a group of hundreds. Now it is estimated that there are few people left. I am dead and will die here But you ... beast god! Please rescue them, please rescue them! Please!

I said, "I see, we are all fellow citizens, we're going now."

"So please, this expedition must ... victory!" Tears kept flowing down and said that the head was no longer moving, and the white light rose from his feet and disappeared into the sky.

He stood up and said, "Let's go."


Rushing through the woods in front of me appeared in an open forest, and in front of me were a large group of mages and archers. This group of people formed a circle, and they could clearly hear the screams and ridicules in the circle.


The lights flashed continuously, Chinese players were killed and Floating Ice City was deserted, so this is not considered the territory of Chinese players. After hanging up, you will not be unable to join the national warfare again. Instead, you will be in a cemetery like a foreign domain map. The constant resurrection has created the current tragedy.

He yelled, "Tell me all the way!"

"The dragon soul is broken!"

The dragon gun was thrown into a giant soldier and fell, and a large group of long-range occupations were caught off guard and were killed by a second. At least a hundred people brushed down under the dragon soul, and then the dragon soul chopped all the **** dragon waves and spread in all directions. The encirclement was ripped open.

A cyclone whistled in the left hand without any reservation, and the left palm was raised. "Brush brush" ten consecutive basketball-size dazzling light star clusters fell, and then one by one fell into the crowd. The new skill stars on the sacred ring Although the starfall is not as terrible as the star storm, the short cooling range was not small at the time, and this group of players stood too densely, and they became the living targets of the meteor, and dozens of people were killed and more injured. !!

At the same time, Nirvana also entered the crowd, and a blue flame sprayed out of his mouth suddenly killed a group of players in chaos, roaring and waving their claws, "Papapa", the hurricane condensed into claw prints in the crowd, making a group of Japan the same Players are anxious.

Tianzhao and the Black God also joined. The encirclement of the four of us disappeared in no time. We came in and watched a group of Chinese players who were all bruised. These players were mostly female players. It is estimated that most men were hung back by them. I ’m right A group of players yelled, "Don't hold back, hurry back, you are here to direct obstacles!"

A group of people looked at each other and then immediately stood up under the leadership of the player and ran outside the encirclement. This walk can naturally be done with peace of mind, but at this time, the surrounding Japanese players stepped back as if they heard something.

At this time, more than a dozen people appeared in the forest. The Japanese players around them immediately leaned towards these people, and they all saw the same backbone. The ten people were led by a man and a woman, and the male was an archer. , A woman is a magician is very special, except that this guy looks like Sister Furong, and she wears a suit similar to a large cotton jacket.

The male archer stood up and smiled and stood there. Since he said in pretty standard Chinese: "Haha, it's not simple and bold, but are you a little too reckless when you come over?"

I pointed at this guy: "Do you speak Chinese?"

The stall spread his hands and laughed, "I just got a Chinese Certificate of Level 5 last year. What can't be done?"

"Okay, it's easy to understand Chinese, and the province's speech is incomprehensible." Long Gun interjected to the ground: "What do you want to say, you just come out and say hello."

The man raised a finger and shook, "Of course not. I want you to ask for advice. I don't know if you are as powerful as in the rumors."

"Rumor?" I scratched my head. "I'm so famous, foreigners know me."

The goods laughed: "Although the name of the beast **** has been seen for this reason, it is inevitable to hear something."

Nirvana cheered, "Brother V5!"

The black **** sent me a secret message: "Master, this person who is not good is not coming. He dares to come out and challenge the owner. You have the natural ability. Please be careful."

"I see, I'll be careful." After replying to the guy, "How do you want to ask for advice?"

"You can kill even a soldier with one fist. My little archer can withstand this toss! So I choose to fight!" This cargo player immediately pushed around several high-level warrior players and those warrior players before, Rushing at me again, I drank, "Everyone comes out!"


Except for the Ark, other summoning beasts and contract summoning beasts have appeared one after another, and then various skills are intertwined in the crowd! The front row of shields such as flames, energy, bullets, missiles, lightning, etc. couldn't resist such an attack, a large number of damage numbers flew up, and the soldier in front fell down in a blink of an eye.

He responded quickly and immediately commanded to change the formation. The thick-blooded knight raised his shield and launched an onslaught and shield attack. This is the most common and best way to use savvy, and greet me. Although sitting on the mount, the shield strike effect will still take effect as long as the mount hits me. The chance of stun to find the stun is not low, and the method of increasing the stun chance is the run-up distance and speed, and the charge does not attack Force, the effect of which is instant acceleration, and the shield strike is just a perfect combination.

"Carbide fire!"

"You walk!"

In front of a large group of mount players turned towards me, I opened the two skills and hurriedly dodged. The super-fast zigzag line continuously avoided the surrounding players, and one knight passed by me, making my heart tremble only. Once I was hit, I was fainted, so many people killed me enough. The knight stared at my other warrior classes and started dealing with my summoned beast.



Nirvana shouted loudly, and a pale blue flame burst out from his mouth. The flame force swept across the crowd, and then, as it burst out of the crowd, the wolf howled shook the earth. Run towards me.

"Don't come over!" I shouted as I saw it. Nirvana stopped immediately when he heard it, but at the moment when he stopped, he shot arrows one by one, and Nirvana fell into a vertigo.

"Kill that druid!"

The three mad soldiers riding on the horse rushed forward, and the bloodthirsty blow greeted the dizzy nirvana! Under the attack, Nirvana will return to the city.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When Nirvana was about to fall, but did not want to be in a hurry, a white light flashed. The speed was extremely fast, and he intercepted it in front of Nirvana.

Suddenly, the three mad soldiers took a breath of air, almost at this moment, a thunderous thunder "bang", the three men's blades and two cyan swords slammed together. For a moment, the swords The master pushed hard, and the three bodies were lifted far away by this extreme force.

There was a smirk in my ear, and I saw a warrior holding up a flame tomahawk, violently splitting at me: "Only me!"

The cuboid face bit him from bottom to top, the axe stopped at less than one centimeter away from my head, and turned around to send it out at night.

With a muffled sound, the roaring cube slumped to the ground with his horse and a horse, and then thought of a starburst, and a dozen or so meteors fell to emit a continuous explosion. It seemed impossible to survive in this. .

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