Master Summoner Online

Chapter 794: Flame Goddess Robe


A message from a player named Eraser: "Leave it to me!"

Talking about the double-blade burning flames whistling out, at the same time, the arms were also shining, and blood-red movements merged into the fire on the double-blades. Three consecutive blows of "Boom Boom" immediately surrounded their players Shattered by this destructive force, players scream, equipment bursts of light, blood splashes, and colors are intertwined.

I quickly gathered the summoned beasts around and responded with the message: "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome!"


Ahead, the cargo was holding a long bow, with a killing expression on his face, and commanding the surrounding players to scramble from both sides. In addition, many players around appeared to be ambush players in advance. Come out, some of the players have been detoured to my rear, and it really makes me feel a lot of pressure. In addition to the soldiers, there are a considerable number of archers and wizards who are aiming at us to attack.

"Bang bang ..."

I have received countless arrows that can shake my chest, and the blood and blood brushes straight off. Even if I am a blood sucker and a perfusion bottle, the blood value can only be maintained below 40%. Suddenly falling, without the priest's supply, it would not last long.

I said, "Fighting further is not good for us, and I'm ready to go."

The rubber man replied, "I understand."

"I see, brother."

Everyone fights and retreats. I can still stand here alive without the support of the powerful attributes after tempering and the powerful potions brought from the dragon city.

Five of us rushed left and right, summoning the beasts to follow suit, and constantly throwing skills into the crowd.

"Stop him! Stop him!"

This guy kept roaring and obviously should never let us go out alive! Our retreat, a row of shields smashed to the ground, the shield formation was formed again, the thickness reached four layers, alas, this group of players deserved me too much.


The rubber stickman shot out from the entire person, and a bang slammed into the opponent's shield array. The electric sword flew into the sky and turned into a blood-red giant sword. The rubber stick man's body was even more like a cannonball. With his hands stretched out, he already carried this huge blood knife and tore a screaming scream in the air, and chopped it into the shield of the opponent.

"Boom boom!"

Unexpectedly, the knights of the other opponent were all in a defensive posture, greatly reducing the attack damage of the rubber stickies. The two consecutive strikes that the two swords dropped in sequence did not kill them, basically leaving 15% ~ 25% of blood. The priest in the back swiftly treated the group, and it seemed to be over.

"Beast God, I know you have a barrier to break, but that is a single skill, at most only one second. Don't want to break through my quadruple shield wall."

"That may not be so!"

"Amber Dragon!" Shouted Amber Dragon roared, and the blue flames above his arms were flourishing, and I said, "Let you see the barriers that break the skill barriers above!"

Each arm turns into a cyan flame sword, the "brush" shines, the flame sword sweeps through the crowd, and the number of injuries that the earth flew suddenly --- 71472-76236-72377-71295 ......

For enemies in defensive state, whether it is a barrier break or a barrier annihilation, it is a direct spike type. Such an attack is enough to destroy their defensive formation, but it is essential that the Amber Dragon has two swords and a set of two consecutive raids After that, there was a white light in front of me, and a whole Japanese player fell to the ground.


The shield wall was hit hard with a huge gap. Players on both sides stared blankly at the corpse in the middle, stunned: "This ... what kind of attack damage is this? Is this ... can it still be a human injury? "

Before Nirvana fluttered, the blue flame swept away, and his claws lifted, sending several players in the back to the city back.

"Come on." I yelled that everyone didn't stop and quickly broke out into the only gap.

The arrow magic in the rear kept bombarding us and on our body. Behind him, the guy was going crazy, his face sullen, and he shouted: "Private に は に は を し て, さ れ て し か る べ さ れ て し か る べ き で, ​​は 达 はだ め こ ん な に 人 ま だ 留 め ら れ な い こ の 彼 ら か (Translation: leave him, goddamn, can we not keep these few people with so many of us?) "

Cold arrows shot fiercely, hitting my back one after another, hitting my blood back to below 50% again, but the most terrible thing was not this. In the jungle, several good masters lurked there, constantly using anticipation. The trick is to attack us with ice-based magic. A layer of frost has condensed on our bodies, and the speed of the plunge has plummeted. This is the most terrible place.

Behind me, a group of Japanese cavalry came again, faster than us and I thought it would be difficult to sit on the Amber Dragon.

"Hahaha, beast god, do you have to escape?"

The Japanese archer laughed loudly, but at this time the green vines, thorns, and grasses in the jungle were torn apart and ripped apart. A large group of Chinese cavalry rushed out of the jungle, and everyone's arms were floating with various guilds. At the same time, I saw the armored raptor cavalry with dragon teeth and one of the players running in front of them with a look of anger and shouted, "Brothers! Help the beast gods and others to break through."

This group of Chinese cavalry rushed out of the forest at least a thousand people at once.

I held the purple sword and shouted, "Brothers, let's kill together, let the little devils know how powerful China is!"

Talking about turning around and launching a backlash at the same time, so many people watched by Japanese players appeared, and they lost most of their fighting spirit at once. The female mage around the Japanese archer, who was almost the same as Sister Furong, waved his staff in two seconds. The famous Chinese cavalry is full of blood, and it really looks like a man. Although it is very bad, it has good strength. The attack just now can be seen.

"Fuck! That Seremban has such a high attack power that we can't stand it!" Shouted a Chinese cavalry, who was smashed by more than 90% of the blood of that guy with a huge fireball. Two people were spiked by that guy!

"Where to go?" With the acceleration of the electric light fire, he quickly rushed towards the foreign hibiscus.

A burst of colorful light burst out on the method stick, and a rain-like fireball flew in the air. The attack began to continue the charge, facing the falling rain. My move obviously wanted to surprise her, and when she was about to rush in front of her, he disappeared after reading a spell.

by! Since this mage will be invisible, there is nothing strange about the world, but if you can be invisible, I can counter-hide. The thermal scan starts and starts searching. Even if this guy is no longer strong, he can't move out of my locked area. "I found it!" One hundred meters away I found her figure appeared, quickly chased after it, and started the starfall, each meteor falling caused a sound explosion, and the surrounding vegetation was smashed. I can see through the perspective that this guy is not dead, However, the meteor still blows up something. In addition to the shield, there is the big cotton jacket. The cotton jacket can be destroyed. It is obviously not a piece of equipment.

The smoke dispersed her gray-faced face and stood up. Under the big cotton jacket was a piece of clothing with red and gold rims that looked a bit like a high-slit cheongsam and shrouded in flames. This must be a fire equipment and the grade is definitely not. Low, at least orange red may start with platinum, and the staff in his hand is equally good!

I was about to step forward and this guy suddenly turned around with more than half of his body, and the staff raised a wheel-sized fireball on his way!

"I fuck!"

A fireball with a large slanting element of fire converging and passing by!

"Huh!" She stood up and looked very reluctant, and looked around to see that one of her legs had been blurred at this moment, apparently caused by the starfall just now, followed by a gentle wave of the staff, a fiery red guard The shield is over it!

A scepter with a word in his mouth was pointing at me. A fire dragon came out with a whistling claw, and the White Dragon Shield opened immediately. The fire dragon and the shield directly collided. The fire dragon and the shield collided, and the surrounding earth seemed to shake. Then, under this blow, she showed surprise, because her skills were cracked by me!

When she was surprised, she started a heroic charge, and the figure flew by. Then Tengyun raided and started the gunpoint and stabbed at her, but she only pierced a white light. It turned out that she had used flashing skills when she was about to hit. It was already a hundred meters away and pulled away again from me.

However, the flash was her last life-saving trick. She had lost one leg. It was impossible for her to escape from my pursuit. After this flash, this person did not choose to continue running. Obviously, she already knew that she could not run away, and was ready to fight against the water.

Holding the staff in her mouth, there was a word in her mouth, and a fiery flame leaned out of the magic stone at the top of the staff in her hand, suddenly rushed at me, the dragon gun was thrown, the red dragon roared, and the dragon groaned as the mountains fell into the sea. The red dragon appeared, and the red dragon greeted the flying flames.


The explosion sounded and found a huge smoke covering both me and her. I drew a smile from the corner of my mouth. The goggles ignored the visual effects so that I could clearly see her position through the smoke. The person was still there. She knew the situation now It's extremely bad for her, but she hasn't waved her staff to launch new magic.

Behind her silently, the transparent energy claws shattered her proud shield easily, and she was pushed down to the ground from her back, and the dragon claws pressed hard against her. Back of the head.


As the white light flew up, although it was a bit laborious, it was killed after all, and she also revealed a lot of things.

Going forward, in addition to the potion, the high-slit cheongsam she wore was not much different. I picked it up and saw that it was still a very exposed dress, with a low back and a backless back, which should explain why she put a large cotton jacket on the outside of the dress, but the attributes are what I pay more attention to— —Fire Goddess Robe, Grade: Platinum. Defense +1500, Magic Defense +4750, Magic Specialization +99, increase user's magic attack by 25%, magic +7000, fire resistance + 30%, fire property enhancement + 20%, fire magic power increased by 50% , Special Attributes: Reduce direct damage to the body by 45%, additional skills (1) Wind of Flame: Consume 900 points of magic, surround the flame, can burn 1000 points of blood around enemy targets every second for 15 seconds . Cool for 1 minute. Additional Skills (2) Nine days away from the fire, consuming 4,000 magic, chanting for five seconds to summon nine days away from the fire to attack the enemy within a specified range to cause huge damage. Cool for two hours.

Requires Gender: Female, Requires Level: 110, for Fire Elemental Division only.

Powerful equipment, it is no wonder that the person can easily kill and slay, this thing and her staff obviously played a decisive role, put the loot back and give it to Long Xin to make her happy.

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