Master Summoner Online

Chapter 795: Silver armored lizard

After solving this foreign hibiscus, I returned to the previous team. The forest where I lived before was also killed and the blood flowed into the river. It was very tragic. Although Japanese players were countless dead and injured, less than 20 people were embarrassed and fled. Chinese players In terms of death, less than 400 people died.

This battle is horrible, but the people who have survived are also very rewarding. Many people have gained a lot of experience points and points, and powerful equipment can arm themselves to become more powerful.

After the tragic war ended, everyone started to pack up the booty on the ground. I saw the rubber stick man sitting under a big tree, took off his helmet and drank fresh water from the kettle. I sat next to him and said, "Thank you just now."

The rubber stickman laughed: "No thanks, although I'm not the kind of person who helps grandma cross the road every day, but I see people in trouble, so I will help."

The other players around me also gathered and talked, and I realized that the Japanese players who are currently fighting with us here are two in addition to the ghost ghost guild that they played against before. There are two named Tianliu and the other is Earthly. The powerful guild, on this island, constantly ambush the Chinese players randomly transferred by the synthetic Warcraft, and other islands also have Japanese players landing. In addition, I learned that there is a fort on this island. There is a teleportation line to the core island in the fortress. Japanese players constantly send reinforcements through that lineup, and the portals on the core island continue to teleport Japanese players. front.

After a short rest, everyone gathered again. Although we won that battle just now, the number of people has now died to less than 400 people. But the strength is very strong players, in addition, there are super strong people like rubber stick people among the crowd. But that fortress has definitely been equipped with heavy soldiers. In addition, there are presumably other fortresses on this island. First report this information to other team players to know.

Nirvana: "Brother, I think we should first capture that fortress, so that the Japanese players’ strength on this island cannot be replenished, and then go to the meeting point to join everyone. "

I said, "It's too reluctant to hit that fortress with us."

"What then?"

Rubber Stick Humane: "It seems that we have to gather all Chinese players scattered on the island before we can hope to capture the fort."

"That's right." I said, "Now we're splitting the team as a unit, looking for scattered players to gather as many people as possible, and meet at this place at 2pm to prepare to attack the fort."


"Brother, I'll go with you." Nirvana "Um. Departure!" The players began to spread with a wave of their hands. I took back the summoned beast after the sunshine and Nirvana ran in one direction, running out about one or two After a distance of 1,000 kilometers, we can still hear the weak screams from a distance.

A few of us immediately leaned over and saw an empty space less than ten meters in front of the two of them. It was messy and **** everywhere. On the ground and with broken limbs, I didn't know how many people were dead. Nausea, quickly adjusted the reality down to adapt to the situation.

In this group of corpses, there are five silvery white lizards, who are biting the corpse, taking the player's corpse as food, and eating. At this time, I saw a large silver lizard raising his head. See where we are.

"Brother, these little lizards! Just leave it to me to deal with it." Nirvana stretched out, and instantly turned into a state of transformation. The blue-and-white fur wolf appeared and was biting the corpse and eating **** blood. Among the head lizards, one lizard opened his mouth and roared, as if laughing at him and saying, 'If there is a way in heaven, you don't go, **** breaks in.' 'The speed of this silver lizard is no less than that of Nirvana. He quickly confronted Nirvana with a huge claw, and Nirvana extended a claw, but his claw was still burning with a blue flame. .

The two claws faced each other. One of the silver lizard's claws met Nirvana's wolf claws, and the two sides fought with each other. However, the silver lizard screamed at this moment. Seeing that its claws were burning with a blue flame, it The expression was painful. Obviously, the flame brought severe pain to it. The lizard stared fiercely at the same time and opened his mouth, blood spewed, and the claws had separated from its body. Now that he had torn his paw from himself. Since the monster used this strong man's broken wrist spirit. But because of this, its blood volume has also dropped a lot.

The silver lizard, which had lost its front paw, opened its mouth again towards Nirvana. This time a piercing air-conditioner was sprayed out of Nirvana, and Nirvana did not show the weak blue flame from the wolf's mouth. The moment the flame and air-conditioner staggered, the air-conditioner was squeezed back. The pale blue flame swallowed up the lizard.

The "嚎" lizard sent out pain and misery, fell to the ground and kept twisting, not long after it stopped struggling and stopped moving.

The other four silver lizards had already suffocated the corpse, watching the battle that was just now, and they seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of them, and slowly backed away.

The advanced monsters AIS will not make them stupid enough to know that they can't fight, but the player has to run over to die, knowing that they have encountered a powerful character in humans, making several howls, and even fled.

"Where to escape?" Nirvana was burning with pale blue flames, and several steps forced it up, and a flying flutter smashed the slowest silver lizard to the ground, pale blue. The flame suddenly wrapped around the whole body of this lizard, and the continuous damage caused by the flame kept floating on the top of the lizard, followed by the dew lizard wrapped in blue flames and rearranged on the head of this scale lizard.

The hard-looking brain rotted immediately like tofu, and the blood was mixed with brain plasma and splattered, and he couldn't die anymore.

Nirvana struck a lizard, and his heart was overjoyed. A few leaps followed by a leap into the air. At this moment, his body contracted once. The original wolf's four-legged state became about two meters high. He had two hands and two feet. The werewolf with blue and white fur in leather pants, this one is the wonder of Druid's profession.

Nirvana slammed from the air, grabbed the lizard's tail, and then made a circle and threw it out.

The powerful force threw the lizard so many meters away and slammed it against a huge rock. A sudden loud noise made the rock smash and the lizard was smashed. The mass of plasma immediately died.

When the other two lizards ran away, they uttered a fierce howl. Nirvana was preparing to chase down these two lizards. Suddenly hundreds of silvery white lizards rushed out of the forest in front of them. They were crawling towards this side, obviously. The two guys howl were calling their companions.

"So much!" Nirvana exclaimed when she saw that tide was commonly used for silver lizards.

I laughed, "I'm not afraid, you should level as many kills as you want." After scanning the fire eye golden eye scan, I saw that this guy named "Silver Armor" is a 141 elite beast, and introduced that it was used by the abyss demon in the abyss The cold liquid transforms the lizards that originally lived in the forest, and can spray extremely cold cold air.

After watching it, I was going to sacrifice the dragon souls in a row, and when they blasted a group of silver armored cold lizards, those silver armored cold lizards suddenly seemed to give up to continue the attack, and they seemed to quickly retreat after receiving some order.

The silver armored lizards that just ran out all retreated into the woods together, and the roaring sounds started one after another. These monsters disappeared very quickly, as if all of them had returned to the woods.

No one can believe my eyes in this scene, I froze for a while.

"Brother? Why are they all gone?" Nirvana asked.

I straightened my shoulders and shook my head. However, at this time, the abnormal sound suddenly!


This time it was accompanied by a trembling roar that lasted for more than twenty seconds!

As the roar continued, an overwhelming pressure suddenly enveloped the whole body, the blood in the body almost solidified at this moment, the heart stopped temporarily beating, even breathing was a luxury, let alone footsteps. Moving a little bit, as if the entire body was poured with lead juice, becoming very heavy-Qi and blood fell in an instant!

The feeling is! There are special effects that only appear before the emergence of the king-level BOSS. This effect should be an effect that the system can't exempt!

Others are not getting better. They clapped their heads and said, "What's just Brother?"

I said, "There is a boss."

"BOSS ?!" Nirvana exclaimed, but his cry didn't fall, while an assassin in the forest stumbled and stunned, "BOSS is too ...!"

Before he finished speaking, a huge object fell on him, a white light rose, and he looked at it and said, "What monster?"

There was a loud bang, and his voice did not fall suddenly. A huge ice cone, like a lightning strike, couldn't describe and imagine the horror and speed of this ice cone. I couldn't even react to it, and I was penetrated by this ice cone. Fly away from far away.

I was dragged by this ice cone hole and fell far away, and then "banged" and fell to the ground obediently, transformed into a state of cessation, and fell into a deep pit.

Seeing that this guy is about twenty meters long and seven or eight meters high, its appearance is not much different from the ordinary silver armored lizard, but with a row of spikes on its back, its head is close to the dragon There are two short horns on the head and the back of the head.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning-Silver Armored Lizard Dragon, Level 145 King BOSS, Introduction: The original King of the Jungle Lizard, was flooded with a large amount of cold liquid by the abyss to evolve into a Silver Armored Lizard Dragon with ultra-low temperature cold attack The original jungle lizard king was a horrible beast that dedicated to humans and evolved into a silver armored lizard dragon.

It turned out to be a 145-level king-level boss. When I saw it, I wanted to pull my legs and slip away. I didn't think that there would still be such a big brother in the forest.

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