Master Summoner Online

Chapter 799: Yin Yang division

The Japanese player who kicked in the dark, flew over a dozen meters before falling to the ground, and after turning over seven or eight times, he stopped. The power of the night is visible.

At the same time, the effect on my body was also interrupted. The human-like monster saw his master being blown away, and flew towards the night with a long howl, but was taken down by the bone-bated bat in the middle.

The person who was hit by the fly reappeared, and the foot just caused obvious damage. At the same time, the hood on his head had been lifted up in the fierce conflict just now, revealing a short golden hair. Girl's face, but the most eye-catching part of the girl's face is the pair of furry golden triangular beast ears on her head.

Night said: "You guys are going to enter the teleportation array. I'll drag this person."

I nodded. "Everyone, enter the teleportation array."

"It's useless." The blond beast-eared girl suddenly spoke Chinese.

"What did you say?" I muttered.

Blonde beast-eared girl: "This teleportation array has two ends that are not connected to each other. From this end, the teleportation array can be reached here, but it can be passed here, but the landing point of the teleportation point over there is random. It has to become fragmented again. However, it can support multiple people to transmit at the same time, but it is a bit difficult to transmit together. "

"What are you?" The rubber-knife pointed at the other side: "Do you think I will believe what you say?"

The blonde beast-eared girl grabbed her hair and said, "Believe it or not, it's your business, I can't control it."

I said, "Why are you telling us something?"

The blonde beast-eared girl said, "Win me, and tell you why?"

"This girl!" The rubber-sticky teeth were itchy.

I said, "Now we don't have time to care if what he said is true. The opponent ’s reinforcements are almost here, and we ca n’t leave if we do n’t leave." The players inside the fortress have almost been cleaned up by us, but the outside is also fast. It penetrated, and we were in big trouble without leaving here.

The blonde beast-eared girl appeared with a pair of hands throwing the jammed paper in all directions, with a clear sound, since we and the Japanese players were separated by layers of light walls, the separated Japanese players were holding the blade. Constantly attacking the light wall, one of them shouted: "! い ま い ま し い! あ い つ は 里 切 り ま し た! み ん な 冲 前 の の の の の を の 女 を broken corpse! (Translation: Damn it! That guy has betrayed! Everyone rushed forward to put That woman shattered!) "

The rumbling horseshoe sounded, thousands of players outside the fortress killed it, and the blond beast-eared girl said, "My fighting rune can last for twenty seconds. Hurry up."

I prepared to speak in the dark, and I said immediately: "Everyone starts to teleport, what words to say over there."

The crowd immediately transformed into a teleportation. Although they didn't know if it was a random teleport, as she said, in order to get rid of the things in front of them, the blond beast-eared boy raised his right hand: "Transportation begins!" The light is shining! There are about 2,000 Chinese players left here and a blond beast-eared girl who does n’t know why to help us. Looking at the light around, the Ministry understands that the transmission has begun. When the white light stops, they will Already on the central island.

When the light from the surrounding area faded away, we waited for the bright sky to return to our eyes, breathing the indescribable breath, and seeing that the surrounding area was randomly transmitted. We are now on a beach, and I still have a thermal scan. After scanning around, if you don't find any Japanese player around, you should say that she is right.

I said, "Everyone take a break."

Everyone went to find a place to sit and rest, and walked to the golden beast-eared girl in the dark and asked, "Why do you help us?"

The girl with blond hair and ears brought her hat back to her head to cover her face, and arranged a comfortable angle afterwards: "There are two reasons for this. I have another purpose, and I have a lot to do with you."

"Relationship?" Nirvana and I looked at each other.

Night said: "Are you an international student?"

The girl said, "Do you think there are foreign students of my age?"

I laughed and said, "No?" She didn't seem to be about the same age as Zhan Han's Chu Hanxu Yu. Such a foreign student had never heard of it.

Nirvana said by her side: "What's that?"

The blonde beast-eared girl hurried back a few steps, and I looked at the smile and said, "What's going on so suddenly?" Although she blocked her face, it should be a pretty red face under the brim of her hat.

"Don't worry about you," said the young girl. "Actually, it's relationship, that's because we are the same bloodline."

"Are you a half-breed?" Dark Night said.

"Yes, my father is Chinese and my mother is Japanese." Said the girl.

Night said: "What is your purpose?"

The girl said, "I told you I won."

"Okay, then I'll let you speak with strength." Said two daggers appeared silently in their hands.

I said, "I said you guys were tired just after you hit me?"

Before my words fell, the two chicks did it!

The rolling thing in his hand waved, and the human-like monster started to act as instructed, and a thunderbolt slashed towards the dark night. No matter how fast the dark night's reaction speed is, it can't be faster than a thunderbolt. However, thunder and lightning did not harm her, and bound her, followed by waving the billowing thing again. This time, the absolute killing was incurred. "嘭 嘭 嘭" successively photographed the lightning ball formed by 7 thunder and lightning in the air. Appeared, ready to blast towards the bound night, if the night could not break the shackles, it would absolutely not escape the attack.

However, the dark night is also a smart little girl in snow and ice. How could you not know the power of it? The bracelet on the right wrist flashed a few seconds before the thunderbolt hit the face, and a "brush" appeared since ten meters away. On the empty ground, the location of the lightning ball before the dark night caused a huge explosion, flashing the dark night of the explosion range, and the restraint on the body was released because the maintenance time was over. As soon as the contact was restrained, the light flashed in the left palm of the night, a magic Bursts emerged, and one of the figures in the magical circle emerged from her bony bat on her Warcraft mount.

When the bone bat appeared, the bird-like monster hit the sky in the sky.

On the ground, the two-handed dagger in the night turned into eight bitterness, and the bitterness exudes a faint dark green. Apparently, the poison is applied on it, and immediately after the dark night, the poisonous bitterness is thrown towards the other party. With rapid retreat, three runes of runes appeared in the hands. "Ding Ding Ding" three runes of runes turned into the suffering of the night under three light walls, and at the same time, two bright runes of runes were thrown out. After reading a spell in his mouth, the next moment, two fighting runes turned into two blizzards and whistled down, launching a powerful lore against the dark night!

"Boom boom!"

Under the blizzard raging, the dark night was wrapped in a blizzard and made a muffled sound, flying out of the big damage figures constantly floating out of the blizzard. With the attack power of this bucket rune is not very high, but the night is assassin Occupation is totally unbearable.

But when the blizzard dispersed, I was surprised to see that there was no dark night in the blizzard, and there was only one frozen scarecrow.

"Fake action!"

The girl exclaimed. At this moment, the night had approached from another direction. The girl quickly cast a fighting rune to defend the enemy, but the shadow of the ingenious Z-shaped position continued to avoid the running rune. The monster-like monster in the air spread its current. And this bone bat was not intimidated. He sprayed white bone spurs from his mouth, shot his face against the guy while covering his face. He kept dodging the bone spurs and emitting lightning, but the bone bat acted very quickly to avoid lightning. Compared to the flexibility, the bone-bated bats dominate, but the AI-like bird-like guy is better. After all, it knows to evade and fights back but the other party does not understand. The two monsters above are entangled in the attack, and the two sides in the fierce battle.

To see how vigorous these two girls are, I also opened a fire-eye golden eye scan to see the dark night first.

Level 121, Shadow Assassin. Equipment: Scout helmet (seal equipment), streamer heart dagger (platinum) x2, Seven Stars' Expectation (Holy Art) bracelet, Warcraft mount: Bone Bat King. Other unknowns: exquisite equipment makes people take a breath of air-conditioning, platinum weapons, packaged helmets and sacred bracelets, already represents the absolute strength of the dark night.

Next, how about the blonde beast-eared girl?

Level 123, Yin and Yang division, equipment: **** machine (our professional equipment), the robe of the sea soul (platinum), the **** of style: thunderfire eagle pill. Other unknown,

Her equipment was not as horrible as the night, and the tumult turned out to be a god-fighting machine, and the two of them fought extremely fiercely.

Eraser Humane: "Will they go on like this?"

I said, "Hit, fight, you won't be noisy when you're tired, but you don't know what will attract you.

Back to the battlefield, at this moment, the continuous vertical jumps in the dark night, after avoiding the opponent's rune, the body suddenly accelerated, the two daggers took up a silver light and killed the opponent!

Some of the yin and yang girls who were caught off guard exclaimed and flashed in haste. She also saw that the attack in the night was very aggressive, and it was dangerous to be hit positively. Although her profession should look like a hidden career like a druid, the druid does not need to have a lot of mages, and without magic shield protection, she is very dangerous to recruit.

The night speeded up again and came directly to the other side, seeing the moment when the light of the dagger was passing by!


In front of the girl of the yin and yang division, I don't know when a blue-skinned dragon man wearing a soft armour holding a war halberd will stop her from attacking it, and the **** called the eagle pill-style **** who has confronted the bony bat king is gone.

"Come on! Wulong tone!" Said a few guys who were swiftly waved by God.

The dragon's eyes brightened, and after raising the dark night, he quickly lifted the war halberd, and condescended, and the heavy blow hit the dark night.

"Hmm ..."

He whispered in the night, and crossed the dagger with a "puppet", but he still slid back with a blow.

The style **** called Wulongyin is very fast, and before the dark night reacts, he lifts the big feet of the dragon claw and kicks the dark belly abruptly! The whole night was kicked and flew. At this moment, there should be a trace of joy in the opponent's look. The war halberd in Wulongyin's hand suddenly slammed, and suddenly stabbed in the sand when it fell to the dark night and stopped suddenly.

It turned out that the yin and yang division girl's neck was tightly grasped by the bone claws of the bone bone bat king. If this victory and defeat is only a result of both losses!

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